Super Moderators billdanos Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2002 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2002 "probaletai spotaki": egw hrisimopoihsa lathos ekfrash! <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Pantws ishyei auto pou les: oi eikones anavosvhnoun exairetika grhgora kai diadohika h mia meta thn allh kai panta analoga me thn tahythta tou trainou . Ehei tyhei na meiwthei h tahythta kai na paei to traino me 3-4km/wra kai eblepa sto parathyro ta kare na anavoun siga siga to ena meta to allo (ennoeitai oti opoio anave esvhne xana, etsi wste na yparhei kathe fora mono mia fwtismenh eikona mprosta sou)! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />
sonim Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 re paidia to thema einai pio aplo! nai men o egkefalos mporei na silavei mexri enan arithmo kare/sec opws doulevoun ta cinema klp klp. alla ayto gia tous aisthitires ektws oti th itan poli dapaniro tha itan kai anakrives giati den exoun ekselixthei toso wste na katalavainun pio grigora apo thn taxythta tou fwtos! exw adiko? evlogo loipon einai ta kare ayta pou einai kolimena ston toixo kai periexoun thn diafhmish na einai arnhtika, slights, i kserw egw ti?... na exoun apo mesa tous kati pou na fwsforizei xwris na alliwnete to xrwma! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> etsi den tha eixame kai megales kathisteriseis apo tous aisthitires, tha itan pio alithofanes dhladh! kai an exete paratirisei ayta einai san pinakes kollimenoi ston toixo kai simainei oti den exoun kalwdia h toulaxiston den fenete! epeishs den ginete na anavosvinoun sinexeia giati oi aisthitires katalavainoun thn kinish ths mazas kai oxi pws katanemete! ayto simainei epipleon diladh oti an ypirxan aisthitires tote kata thn deiarkeia tou trenou tha eprepe na einai sinexws anamena ayta!!pragma pou simainei oti an koitazes mprwsta tha evlepes fws! ela mou omws pou den ginete!kai an ginotan tha mperdevotan polu i katastash!tha ksegeliwtan poli to mati kai den tha evlepes para mono eutheies grames! pia einai i lush loipon? anaklash!! topothetoun katallilo iliko pou fosforizei apo pisw apo to arnitiko kai idou to apotelesma!!
sonim Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 re paidia to thema einai pio aplo! nai men o egkefalos mporei na silavei mexri enan arithmo kare/sec opws doulevoun ta cinema klp klp. alla ayto gia tous aisthitires ektws oti th itan poli dapaniro tha itan kai anakrives giati den exoun ekselixthei toso wste na katalavainun pio grigora apo thn taxythta tou fwtos! exw adiko? evlogo loipon einai ta kare ayta pou einai kolimena ston toixo kai periexoun thn diafhmish na einai arnhtika, slights, i kserw egw ti?... na exoun apo mesa tous kati pou na fwsforizei xwris na alliwnete to xrwma! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> etsi den tha eixame kai megales kathisteriseis apo tous aisthitires, tha itan pio alithofanes dhladh! kai an exete paratirisei ayta einai san pinakes kollimenoi ston toixo kai simainei oti den exoun kalwdia h toulaxiston den fenete! epeishs den ginete na anavosvinoun sinexeia giati oi aisthitires katalavainoun thn kinish ths mazas kai oxi pws katanemete! ayto simainei epipleon diladh oti an ypirxan aisthitires tote kata thn deiarkeia tou trenou tha eprepe na einai sinexws anamena ayta!!pragma pou simainei oti an koitazes mprwsta tha evlepes fws! ela mou omws pou den ginete!kai an ginotan tha mperdevotan polu i katastash!tha ksegeliwtan poli to mati kai den tha evlepes para mono eutheies grames! pia einai i lush loipon? anaklash!! topothetoun katallilo iliko pou fosforizei apo pisw apo to arnitiko kai idou to apotelesma!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
psou Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Egw pali pisteuw pws einai mia kinoumenh o8onoula h opoia trexei mazi me to metro kai oxi fwtizomenes eikones giati an parathrhsete oi oikones den fainodai apo to amesos pio piso para8uro.Gia auto kai an alla3ei polu h taxythta toy metro, allazei kai 8esh. Prin me fate, skeyteite to <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Toufas Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 em an itan opos to les tha fenotan mono se ena parathiro <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> psou vgale ta ellinika ;p
psou Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Ναι, Toufas αυτό λέω και εγώ! Τούφα, προδότη, γράφε Ελληνικά! α:
marios1957 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Εχει σκεφτει κανενας,τι μπορει να μας πασαρουν ετσι?Ολοι υποθετω γνωριζουμε το 25 καρε που ενω το ματι το "βλεπει",δεν προλαβαινει να το επεξεργαστει ο εγκεφαλος,ενω το ερεθισμα παραμενει στο υποσυνειδητο??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
Super Moderators billdanos Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2002 Epanerhomai: Meta apo merikes akomh boltes sto metro kai ston hlektriko (eimai anwmalos e!) parathrhsa ta exhs: Katarhin oi eikones se kamia periptwsh den einai arnhtikes, fwsforize klp klp! Fwtizontai kanonika apo to eswteriko tous. H diafora pou prosexa anamesa ston hlektriko kai sto metro einai oti sto metro oi eikones einai san kadrakia kreamasmena ston toiho, me mia apostash ligwn ekatostwn metaxy tous (kai fysika ehei h kathemia diko ths fwtismo apo pisw). Antitheta ston hlektriko to systhma fainetai san mia eniaia lwrida opou oi eikones einai shedon kollhmenes metaxy tous (san na eheis aplwsei ena terastio film ston toiho ena pragma). To ehw xanapei oti isws auto ehei na kanei me to oti h tahythta sto metro einai poly megalyterh apo oti ston hlektriko! Anyway, tha psaxw sto spiti mpas kai vrw to apokoma apo to arthro ths efhmeridas gia na sas ta pw me leptomereies. Pantws to lew gia allh mia fora oti h etairia pou to sthnei olo auto einai gia thn wra monadikh kai ehei arhisei na to kanei se olh thn eurwph (synepws den einai kati aplo pou to kollas ston toiho kai fwtizetai otan pernas apo dipla <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />
Xplayer Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2002 Ξέροντας την ταχύτητα του τρένου ( ο οποίος πιστεύω εκπέμπει διαρκώς την ταχύτητα του προς τον σταθμό , αλλά και να μην το κάνει το βρίσκουν πανεύκολα με δυο μόνο αισθητήρες ) και,ξέροντας και της διαστάσεις του τρένου (αμετάβλητο), ξέρουμε ανά πάσα στιγμή που ακριβός βρίσκετε κάθε παράθυρο του τρένου . Εκεί που βρίσκετε το κάθε παράθυρο, εκεί πρέπει να ανάψει και το καρέ της ταινίας (διαφήμισης). Είναι το ακριβός αντίθετο με το προβολέα του κινηματογράφου.Σταθερός φακός και κινείτε η ταινία, ενώ εδώ έχουμε κινούμενο φακό και σταθερή ταινία (διαφήμιση) με το φως πάντα βρίσκετε πίσω από την ταινία. Στην περίπτωση μας πίσω από το «κάδρο». <small>[ 15-03-2002, 00:37: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: Xplayer ]</small>
panagos Δημοσ. 16 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 16 Μαρτίου 2002 File psou auto pou les katarxin den tha sumfere me tipota tin etairia metro a.e. kai deuteron.. e pws to lene diladi den einai etsi ta pragmata. egw kathe mera kanw tin diadromi ethiniki amuna-suntagma. loipon ston euagelismo (mia stasi prin to sntagma) o surmos kovei arketa tin taxutita tou gia na allaksei rages. ekei an koitakseis aristera (ws pros ti fora tou surmou) tha deis ta kadrakia ta opoia einai kai arketa.. o fwtismos ginetai apo mesa kai den einai sunexis alla anavosbinoun me tropo etsi wste na fenetai to "videaki" ana 3-4 metra.
Super Moderators billdanos Δημοσ. 26 Μαρτίου 2002 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 26 Μαρτίου 2002 Telika psilopesame oloi exw! Dystyhws ta matia mas kai to myalo mas "xegelountai" eykola! Kai epishs o arthrografos sto Bhma egrafe p_paries sto arthro gia ton tropo leitourgeias! Loipon! Ehoume kai leme: - "Submedias technology is based on a 19th century device called the zoetrope. The zoetrope is a cylinder with slits cut into the top edge and images placed inside. The cylinder is spun around its axis, and the viewer looks through the moving slits at the images. The images seen through the slits appear to move, as if animated. The zoetrope was a precursor to modern movie projectors. In movie projectors, the film moves past a projection lens with a stationary shutter that opens and closes. The shutter opens to project a single frame printed on the film, and then closes while the film moves and next frame aligns with the lens. Submedias proprietary technology involves many frames placed into a small horizontal distance. This results in exceptionally high frame rates. As an example, the human eye begins to perceive animation when images flash above a frame rate of 15 frames per second. A movie cinema shows films to viewers at about 24 frames per second, and television displays images at about 29 frames per second. Based on an average train speed of 35 miles per hour, Submedias technology will display images at frame rates between 200 and 300 frames per second, about 10 times the frame rate of television. A Submedia display is mechanically simple. It operates with no moving parts, no flashing lights, and no complex electronics. The display consists of a series of low-profile, seven inch deep metal ad boxes installed side by side on a rail system along the tunnel wall at window height. Each box is about the height of a rail car window. The boxes are enclosed, and contain a back-lit ad card with compressed images, standard florescent bulbs and ballasts. Each box hinges open to allow access to the box components. Several very thin, vertical slits in the front of the box correspond to the compressed images on the ad cards. Although simple in design, the technology to create the ad boxes is recent. Single-beam laser cuts are used to create the slits in the front of the box. Submedias own proprietary software is used to convert digital ad copy video files to printer-ready image formats. Continuous tone, digital printers are used to create the compressed images on the ad cards. Precision die-cutting is used to create alignment holes on the ad cards. A typical display is approximately 500 to 1,000 feet long, depending on available space, and consists of 200 to 300 ad boxes. An animation in a display this size lasts between 15 and 30 seconds long, depending on the train speed. One advantage of the technology is that it works at any speed above three miles per hour, and can be made to last any amount of time desired if space is available." ------------------------------------------------ Sthn enothta me ta videos tha vreite kai animations tou mhxanismou leitourgeias. <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
Jheremias Δημοσ. 27 Μαρτίου 2002 Δημοσ. 27 Μαρτίου 2002 Από το 19ο αιώνα μάλιστα....μπράβο! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
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