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Axizei na allaxw ton sklhro mou apo 2MB cache se 8?


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O sklhros pou exw to leitourgiko mou einai enas western digital 30GB stis 7200 me 2MB cache.. Axizei na ton allaxw me enan western digital 40GB stis 7200 me 8MB cache? Den me endiaferei h xwrithkothta mias kai se auton ton sklhro mono leitourgiko tha exw... Kyrios me endiaferei an tha exei kalyteres epidoseis (antiliptes) se taxhthta...


mi kaneis tetoio lathos !


Tha dosis leuta tsampa ama thes 8 mb cache pare 120+gb kai kane partition ta 40gb gia to operation system ! kai krata ta ipolipa gia data !


Opws eipa den me endiaferei o apothikeutikos xwros, exw arketo... enan 80ari maxtor kai enan 30ari wd ;) Ton sklhro tha ton parw apo filo mou pou xerw oti ton exei metaxeiristh kala... Enas maxtor einai 30GB stis 7200 me 8MB cache kai 1 xrono kai 2 mhnes egyhsh 40euros....

edit: epishs einai slim size... poly leptos :D 8)


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