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ShaderMark 2.0 (bench prog )


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ena bench poy tha xehorisei (HLSL+ANTI-DETECT-MODE etc)







ShaderMark 2.0 is a DirectX 9.0 pixel shader benchmark. All pixel and vertex shader code is written in Microsoft’s High Level Shading Language. ShaderMark provides the possibility to use different compiler targets + advanced options.









Currently there is no DirectX 9.0 HLSL pixel shader benchmark on the market. Futuremark's 3DMark03 (http://www.futuremark.com) and Massive's AquaMark 3.0 (http://www.aquamark.com) are bases on hand written assembler shaders or partly HLSL shaders. HLSL is the future of shader development! The HLSL shader compiler and its different profiles have to be tested and this gap fills ShaderMark v2.0. Driver cheating is also an issue. With ShaderMark, it is easily possible to change the underlying HLSL shader code (registered version only) which makes it impossible to “optimize” a driver for a certain shader, instead of the whole shader pipeline. The ANTI-DETECT-MODE provides and easy way for non-HLSL programmers to test if special “optimisations” are in the drivers.





Technical Features




HLSL shaders only

pixel/vertex shader targets: ps_2_0, ps_2_a / vs_2_0 with it’s advanced features

multiple render targets

sRGB textures

support for floating point textures and render targets (A16B16G16R16F, A32B32G32R32F, R16F and R32F)

picture quality mode

gamma correction through DAC or frame buffer write(FBW)

most shaders uses an IBL (image based lighting) texture

auto generated mipmaps (shader 16)

command line mode for batch runs

width range of display options can be changed

shader execution is based on the hardware’s feature set, if specific features are not supported, the specific shader(s) will not work, for example the floating point texture shaders won’t work on current (driver 45.23) NVIDIA GeForceFX cards

ANTI-DETECT-MODE fights against shader and texture specific optimisations








Benefits of the full version




the HLSL shader code can be modified, not the shader version

partial precision can be activated

ps_2_a shader version (PS2.x shader model) can be activated







(shader 1) ps1.1, ps1.4 and ps2.0 precision test (exponent + mantissa bits)

(shader 2) directional diffuse lightning

(shader 3) directional phong lightning

(shader 4) point phong lightning

(shader 5) spot phong lightning

(shader 6) directional anisotropic lighting

(shader 7) fresnel reflections

(shader 8) BRDF-phong/anisotropic lighting

(shader 9) car paint shader (multiple layers)

(shader 10) environment mapping

(shader 11) bump environment mapping

(shader 12) bump mapping with phong lighting

(shader 13) self shadowing bump mapping with phong lighting

(shader 14) procedural stone shader

(shader 15) procedural wood shader

(shader 16) procedural tile shader

(shader 17) fur shader (shells+fins)

(shader 18) refraction and reflection shader with phong lighting

(shader 19) dual layer shadow map with 3x3 bilinear percentage closer filter

glare effect shader with ghosting and blue shift (HDR)

glare types: (shader 20) cross and (shader 21) gaussian

non photorealistic rendering (NPR) – 2 different shaders

(shader 22) outline rendering + hatching

two simultaneous render targets (edge detection through normals + tex ID and regular image) or two pass version

per pixel hatching with 6 hatching textures

(shader 23) water colour like rendering

summed area tables (SAT)..............................................................





Den xerw kata poso tha douleyei swsta to anti-detection, mias kai panta o driver exei ton teleytaio logo, alla axiologh prospathia :)

On a sidenote, den xerw poso dikaio einai gia tis fx na mhn xrhsimopoioune to ps_2_a, an kai apo oti exoune deixei ta test, h diafora sthn apodwsh einai <5%.


Anyway, as perimenoume na vgei prwta (release date 29-9 leei) kai vlepoume :)


Ok...na arxisoun na peftoun ta results :)


Default settings, high quality ola sto panel, no aa/af.


ShaderMark v2.0 - DirectX 9 HLSL Pixel Shader Benchmark - ToMMTi-Systems (http://www.tommti-systems.com)


video mode / device info

(1024x768) X8R8G8B8 (D24X8) vram used 137363456

HAL (pure hw vp): RADEON 9700 PRO (Anti-Detect-Mode: off, gamma correction: DAC)






pixel shader version: 2_0

partial precision: off

number of render targets: 1



shader 1 ( Pixel Shader Precision Test): pixel shader 1.1 full precision: s16e7

( Pixel Shader Precision Test): pixel shader 1.4 full precision: s16e7

( Pixel Shader Precision Test): pixel shader 2.0 full precision: s16e7

( Pixel Shader Precision Test): pixel shader 2.0 partial precision: s16e7


shader 2 ( Per Pixel Diffuse Lighting): 200 fps 5.0091 mspf 999 rendered frames

shader 3 ( Per Pixel Directional Light Shader (Phong)): 137 fps 7.2910 mspf 686 rendered frames

shader 4 ( Per Pixel Point Light Shader (Phong)): 140 fps 7.1363 mspf 701 rendered frames

shader 5 ( Per Pixel Spot Light Shader (Phong)): 112 fps 8.9446 mspf 559 rendered frames

shader 6 ( Per Pixel Anisotropic Lighting): 146 fps 6.8402 mspf 731 rendered frames

shader 7 ( Per Pixel Fresnel Reflections): 127 fps 7.8874 mspf 634 rendered frames

shader 8 ( Per Pixel BRDF-Phong/Anisotropic Lighting): 109 fps 9.1373 mspf 548 rendered frames

shader 9 ( Per Pixel Car Surface Shader): 100 fps 10.0470 mspf 498 rendered frames

shader 10 ( Per Pixel Environment Mapping): 204 fps 4.8930 mspf 1022 rendered frames

shader 11 ( Per Pixel Environment Bump Mapping): 178 fps 5.6326 mspf 888 rendered frames

shader 12 ( Per Pixel Bump Mapping): 120 fps 8.3443 mspf 600 rendered frames

shader 13 ( Per Pixel Shadowed Bump Mapping): 76 fps 13.0886 mspf 383 rendered frames

shader 14 ( Per Pixel Veined Marble Shader): 77 fps 12.9859 mspf 386 rendered frames

shader 15 ( Per Pixel Wood Shader): 108 fps 9.2347 mspf 542 rendered frames

shader 16 ( Per Pixel Tile Shader): 65 fps 15.3680 mspf 326 rendered frames

shader 17 ( Fur Shader With Anisotropic Lighting): 12 fps 86.5284 mspf 58 rendered frames

shader 18 ( Per Pixel Refraction and Reflection Shader with Phong Lighting): 89 fps 11.1937 mspf 447 rendered frames

shader 19 ( Dual Depth Shadow Mapping With 3x3 Bilinear Percentage Closer Filter): 24 fps 42.5058 mspf 118 rendered frames

shader 20 ( High Dynamic Range Shader (cross blur)): 38 fps 26.4967 mspf 189 rendered frames

shader 21 ( High Dynamic Range Shader (gaussian blur)): 40 fps 24.8032 mspf 202 rendered frames

shader 22 ( Per Pixel Edge Detection And Hatching Shader): 31 fps 32.6134 mspf 154 rendered frames

shader 23 ( Per Pixel Water Colour Shader): 44 fps 22.7248 mspf 221 rendered frames




Se ligo erxontai kai me antidetect on



EDIT:Exei kataferei kaneis na to trexei me anti-detect ? Klikarw to run anti-detect kai to txt pou ftiaxnei mou petaei anti detect mode: off :S


H FX den ypostirizei akoma float buffers kai multiple render targets (anamenetai update tou dx9 pou na exposarei to fp buffer format twn fx, kathws kai thn, oxi kai toso kalh, enallaktikh lysh tous gia MRTs, ta legomena multiple element textures.)



Den peirazei, dwse mas skor apo oti trexei :)


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