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i like you αλλα ειναι καπως disturbing το γεγονος οτι ξερεις ολα αυτα τα πραγματα...


Don't hate the playa, hate his memory.


Αν δω/ακούσω/διαβάσω κάτι που θα μου τραβήξει το ενδιαφέρον, δύσκολα το ξεχνάω.

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

  • viper2005


  • nicoc89


  • revolver1990


  • TriLoBiTe


Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Don't hate the playa, hate his memory.


Αν δω/ακούσω/διαβάσω κάτι που θα μου τραβήξει το ενδιαφέρον, δύσκολα το ξεχνάω.



no hatin, just saying.


Σιγά τις φοβερές και τρομερές απαιτήσεις του The Evil Within. Μόνο τα 4GB VRAM είναι λίγο πολλά, αλλά εντάξει recommended είναι, θα παίζει και με λιγότερα.


Σιγά τις φοβερές και τρομερές απαιτήσεις του The Evil Within. Μόνο τα 4GB VRAM είναι λίγο πολλά, αλλά εντάξει recommended είναι, θα παίζει και με λιγότερα.

Οταν θα βγουν οι VGA με τα 8gb τότε θα μπορούμε να κάνουμε install.



Σιγά τις φοβερές και τρομερές απαιτήσεις του The Evil Within. Μόνο τα 4GB VRAM είναι λίγο πολλά, αλλά εντάξει recommended είναι, θα παίζει και με λιγότερα.


Δεν είναι μόνο τα recommended, είναι και το "We do not have a list of minimum requirements for the game".


Εμένα μου μυρίζει port της πλάκας.


Άμα το πάρει πρέφα ο Revolver δεν νομίζω να τον ξαναδούμε στο forum. Τουλάχιστον θα φύγει χαρούμενος.



Balic claimed that he was allowed to try over 20,000 password combinations on a given account. 



in other news


ουτε ff6 δεν θελω να παιξω






Δεν εχω σμαρτφονη.





In Vitro Meat


Whatever your stance on vegetarianism or eating meat, it cannot be disputed that our current system of acquiring meat is unsustainable. Large amounts of resources are poured into feeding, slaughtering, and transporting animals — and it wastes massive amounts of water and energy. The animals we raise also produce large amounts of methane gas, which is a significant contributor to climate change.

In addition to the environmental repercussions, there’s also the ethics of farm animal treatment. Many animals are kept in tight, closed places for the entirety of their lives and never allowed to roam. Say what you will about the ethics of killing animals for food, but the conditions that many animals are raised in should be appalling to anyone.

However, it’s not realistic to imagine a future where humans are not eating meat. Humans are diverse eaters, and we could sure survive without meat, but there is a culture of meat in most parts of the world that cannot be erased. To answer this, there is in vitro meat.

In vitro meat is meat that is grown in a lab. Now before you say “Ewww” and ignore the rest of this section, try to think scientifically. Meat is composed of atoms, and if you can recreate those atoms in the exact fashion — but by a different means — it is still meat. If you were presented with two pieces of beef, one in vitro and one from a cow, and you couldn’t tell them apart by taste or texture or anything else, would it still be gross?

The answer is that lab meat doesn’t have to be a gross blob. We can create meat that is identical to current meat. That’s not gross — that’s a practical replacement. Professor of Molecular Biology at Stanford University Pat Brown, had this to say in an interview with The Guardian:

I have zero interest in making a new food just for vegans. I am making a food for people who are comfortable eating meat and who want to continue eating meat. I want to reduce the human footprint on this planet by 50 percent.

Plus, in vitro meat is never alive, so it never dies. Ethically, it makes much more sense. Environmentally, it requires less resources to grow. Economically, though, the price of in vitro meat is still much too high for mass production. And with a large farming lobby in the US and other countries, there could be a legal barrier as well.

Those high productions costs could be the biggest barrier to consumer in vitro meat products. Hopefully, advancements in the field will continue to drive the price down. Companies like New Harvest and Modern Meadow are working to make in vitro meat a reality. Or, who knows, maybe we’ll be 3D printing our meat?

This technology may be years away from mass production, but when it arrives, it could change everything.




Άμα το πάρει πρέφα ο Revolver δεν νομίζω να τον ξαναδούμε στο forum. Τουλάχιστον θα φύγει χαρούμενος.





Γου τι φακ vipaah-chan?

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