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size does matter otan plironeis gia auto ..


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epeiidi 1mb=1024kb kai oxi 1000

se kathe 20gb xanoume 1,5gb

kalos tous minioyn




group of computer owners has filed a lawsuit against some of the world's biggest makers of personal computers, claiming that their advertising deceptively overstates the true capacity of their hard drives.


The lawsuit, which seeks class action status, was filed earlier this week in Los Angeles Superior Court against Apple Computer, Dell, Gateway, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sharp, Sony and Toshiba.


The lawsuit brought by Los Angeles residents Lanchau Dan, Adam Selkowitz, Tim Swan and John Zahabian centers on the way that computer hard drives are described by manufacturers.


Representatives of the eight defendants were not immediately available to comment.


According to the lawsuit, computer hard drive capacities are described in promotional material in decimal notation, but the computer reads and writes data to the drives in a binary system. The result is that a hard drive described as being 20 gigabytes would actually have only 18.6 gigabytes of readable capacity, the lawsuit said.


The plaintiffs said this difference in convention is deceptive and leaves buyers with less storage than they thought they were getting when they purchased their computers.


For example, when a consumer buys what he thinks is a 150 GB hard drive, the plaintiffs said, he actually gets only 140 GB of storage space. That missing 10 GB, they claim, could store an extra 2,000 digitized songs or 20,000 pictures.


The lawsuit asks for an injunction against the purportedly unfair marketing practices and an order requiring the defendants to disclose their practices to the public, restitution, disgorgement of ill-gotten profits and attorneys' fees.


Αυτός δεν είναι ο μόνος λόγος για την διαφορά χωρητικότητας. Κατά το Low level format του δίσκου εως & 20% της χωρητικότητας μπορεί να χαθεί εξαιτίας των header του κάθε sector, του διατομεικού χάσματος (interjector gap) καθώς & των εφεδρικών τομέων.


Πάντως είναι βλακεία των εταιριών που δεν αναφέρουν την πραγματική χωρητικότητα των δίσκων. Δεν νομίζω ότι θα είχε & καμία τραγική σημασία.


mia apo ta idia kai ego :P

vale mesa kai tin minisi gia diataraxi koinis isixias kathoti to post egine mesimeri :P [elpizo giati i ora pou mou deixnei to forum exei mia psilo metatopisi :> ]


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