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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

δυστυχως ,πολυ αδιαφορος ο τελευταιος κυκλος ,καταφερα με τα χιλια ζορια να τελειωσω και τα 8 επεισοδια..δεν ειπα να ενθουσιαστω,αλλα δεν μου εβγαζε καν γελιο,πολυ ανευρο και μακρια απο το γνωστο υφος των προηγουμενων κυκλων 

με το ζορι   6/10

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δυστυχως ,πολυ αδιαφορος ο τελευταιος κυκλος ,καταφερα με τα χιλια ζορια να τελειωσω και τα 8 επεισοδια..δεν ειπα να ενθουσιαστω,αλλα δεν μου εβγαζε καν γελιο,πολυ ανευρο και μακρια απο το γνωστο υφος των προηγουμενων κυκλων 

με το ζορι   6/10


Την προηγούμενη σεζόν την είδες ή έκανες skip;

  • 2 μήνες μετά...
  • 9 μήνες μετά...

Το είδα και αλλού αλλά δεν τόλμησα να ανοίξω κάν το link και να το ακούσω.


Γιατί ήξερα ότι μετά δεν θα είχα το κουράγιο να ξαναδώ louis ck χωρίς να σκέφτομαι τη φάτσα του Λαζοπουλου :mad:


v for vangelis κάνε μας τη χάρη και σβήσε το μήνυμά σου :-D

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Ας κανει κανα stand up τουλαχιστον και ας περάσει και απο Ευρώπη.


Email 4 days ago


Hello donut eaters and those who don’t eat donuts (I think that covers everyone). 

I am very excited to announce the summer and early fall dates of this tour. Please go here to buy tickets

I’m going to be in many cities around the United States of America and cities in other countries such as London, Paris and Prague. Just to be clear, I will be performing standup comedy shows during this tour. It’s all new material (well, I’ve been working on it for about a year, so if you saw me at a club or something since last May or so, you might be seeing some of the same material, though it has changed drastically over the months) but if you’ve seen me on tour, in a major venue, you won’t have seen these particular words.

That’s right. I am not using any words that I have ever said on stage. It was a very difficult challenge. I had to resort to words like “cotton” and “trunk” and even “Salutation”.

Anyway. It’s new jokes and I think I’m better at comedy right now than I’ve been for a while and I’m going to dedicate the year to just doing great live shows. I’m very ready and excited to come to your town and tell this humor with my mouth in the following cities: 

Baltimore, MD 
(shows added)

Asbury Park, NJ

Mashantucket, CT

Chicago, IL 
(shows added)

Wilkes-Barre, PA

Reading, PA

Kansas City, MO

Oakland, CA

Inglewood, CA

Houston, TX

Nashville, TN

Greensboro, NC

Forest Hills, NY 

Milwaukee, WI

Minneapolis, MN 

Omaha, NE

, MO

Detroit, MI

Springfield, MA

London, ENG 

Dublin, IRE

Paris, France

Amsterdam, NLD 

Prague, Czech Republic

Jerusalem, Israel

Helsinki, FIN 

Copenhagen, DEN 

New York, NY 

If you don’t see your city or one close to you on this list, please note that this tour will continue through (at least) December. More cities will be announced for later fall and winter, probably in July. 

If you don’t want to come see me live… well… okay. Don’t. Totally. It’s fine. 

See you out there. 

Thank you. 

Louis CK

ps. A word about TICKETS….

Tickets for this tour, as always, are available through my website louisck.net

Tickets for every seat at every show (with a few exceptions) are one price. Most tickets are $50 or less. There are no ticket fees for any shows. My agent worked hard to accomplish this by negotiating in every city and finding venues that were willing to help us make the shows affordable. In some cases, the venues and I are splitting the ticket charges between us so you don’t have to pay it. In the end it’s worth it to me because I don’t want coming to see me to be a painful choice for anyone and either way I’m making plenty of money on the tour. I sincerely hope that everyone takes advantage of this by simply buying the affordable tickets and coming to the shows. For those of you who plan to take the opportunity of the simple and cheap ticketing on this tour to make a profit at the expense of my fans, please note that we are working hard to prevent scalping and that if you resell your tickets at an unfair price, you are risking having your tickets invalidated. Also if you purchase tickets to my shows from Stubhub or other scalping sites, that ticket may not be valid.

If you buy tickets to one of my shows and you can’t go, or you somehow get stuck with them, please contact us at [email protected] and we will try to help you get your money back. If you buy tickets from a reseller and they get cancelled, please contact us here because we probably now have that ticket and are going to throw it back on sale at the original price and you could get it that way. In any case, you can always reach out and we will try to help you.

That’s in America. In Europe and Israel I don’t honestly know what we are charging because the ticketing systems there are very different. It’s taken us a few years to build the relationships we have with the venues and ticket companies here in the states so we could pull this off. Over there we are trusting their system to take care of you.

PPS: Just before I sent this out I learned that tickets are already on sale in Israel and Ireland.  I heard that the site in Israel crashed and nobody can get tickets. Please be patient as we work on this.

Also, FYI, please note that we added new shows in Baltimore and Chicago.


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Email 4 days ago



Βλέπω στην Τσεχία εξαντλήθηκαν ήδη τα εισιτήρια! Είναι δυνατόν να είναι αλήθεια αυτό; Μέσα σε ελάχιστες μέρες δεν υπάρχει τίποτα; Έχει κοιτάξει κανείς για αλλού και έχει βρει;


Bonus Video:




Τωρα να κλεισω για Κοπεγχαγη ή να περιμενω μπας και ερθει και απο Στοκχόλμη;

Εδιτ: Σκατα. Ολη η Ευρωπη sold out ειναι.


εναι και εγω είπα οταν πήρα το email ή κλείνω τώρα σε 5 λεπτά η γάμα το, θα εξαφανιστούν όλα... τελικά ούτε ήξερα που θα είμαι και τι θα κάνω οπότε δεν έκλεισα.


Όχι ρε... είναι πραγματικά sold out δηλαδή, ε; Δεν είναι ότι καθυστερούν να τα βγάλουν ή κάτι σχετικό; Νταμιτ...

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