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to gentoo linux egine port se PS2


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Gentoo-PS2 1.4 RC1


ndb at theghet.to


This isn't officially supported by gentoo.org. It's in the process of

being recognized by them. All the work was done by me (ndb at theghet.to).


I didnt do anything special, i just translated some rpm spec files.

All the programs installed are from the latest portage snapshot I

was working on except for binutils, gcc, glibc, gdb, and modutils. I

built those programs by turning the PS2 Linux kit's RPM spec files

into ebuilds. I also created ebuilds for doing ps2 home brew

development which is just now3d's ps2dev environment guide. This isn't

a complete install guide for a gentoo newbie. If you want step by step

instructions that are similar go here



I haven't created X ebuilds yet. When/If i do, they'll be posted on

this page. However, you're favorite text based utilties can be

installed and run ie. (vim, links, irssi).



86db65b630aea89ff4e63b9a9da3c8ca portage-20030801.diff.bz2

afddd19a5ef404f109273365de98dd3b ps2dev.diff.bz2

abaee8e0f97ef620b5b168538b782c78 stage1-ps2-1.4-rc1.tar.bz2

ab5a507620bf1f3e82542c038be094e7 stage2-ps2-1.4-rc1.tar.bz2

53917bbb2d9a801272e79aa41248893e stage3-ps2-1.4-rc1.tar.bz2



* Knowledge of gentoo. If you haven't/can't install gentoo on x86

machines then you'll have a hard time with it on the PS2.

* A free partition. If you only have one massive partition, then its

up to you to figure out how to get that partition.

* Formatting that partition with reiserfs, ext2, ext3 which may mean

recompiling a kernel and installing programs to get it formatted.

* A linux distro already setup thats working. ie networking

* I'm using the original PS2 Linux Kit install with partitions:

hda1 swap 0.5 gb

hda2 ext2 3.0 gb

hda5 reiserfs 3.0 gb

* I downloaded and installed the latest xrhino kernel and reiser tools

* Knowledge and use of http://google.com and http://groups.google.com



* Get the stage you want to install

wget https://playstation2-linux.com/files/gentoo-ps2/stage1-ps2-1.4-rc1.tar.bz2 -P /tmp

* Mount appropriate install partition

mkdir -p /mnt/gentoo

mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda5 /mnt/gentoo

* Extract tarball

tar xvjpf /tmp/stage1-ps2-1.4-rc1.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo

* Get into gentoo environment

mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc

cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf

chroot /mnt/gentoo


source /etc/profile

* Get Portage tree and extract it

wget http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/gentoo/snapshots/portage-20030801.tar.bz2 -P /tmp

tar xvjpf /tmp/portage-20030801.tar.bz2 -C /usr

* Get portage tree diffs and patch portage tree with ps2 stuff

wget https://playstation2-linux.com/files/gentoo-ps2/portage-20030801.diff.bz2 -P /tmp

bunzip2 -c portage-20030801.diff.bz2 >/tmp/portage-20030801.diff

cd /usr/portage

patch -p1 < /tmp/portage-20030801.diff



* Bootstrap




* Install base

emerge -b system



* Setup timezone

ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/EST /etc/localtime

* Setup /dev

mknod /dev/ps2cdvd b 243 0

mknod /dev/ps2event c 240 16

mknod /dev/ps2gs c 240 32

mknod /dev/ps2ipu c 240 64

mknod /dev/ps2mc00 b 245 0

mknod /dev/ps2mc10 b 245 16

mknod /dev/ps2mem c 240 1

mknod /dev/ps2pad00 c 244 0

mknod /dev/ps2pad10 c 244 16

mknod /dev/ps2padstat c 244 255

mknod /dev/ps2spr c 240 80

mknod /dev/ps2vpu0 c 240 48

mknod /dev/ps2vpu1 c 240 49

* Download and Compile kernel

emerge -b ps2-sources

cd /usr/src/linux

make oldconfig && make dep && make vmlinux modules modules_install

* Install kernel to memory card.

mount -t ps2mcfs /dev/ps2mc00 /mnt/mc00

cp /usr/src/linux/vmlinux /mnt/mc00/vmlinux.gentoo

echo "\"gentoo\" vmlinux.gentoo \"\" 203 /dev/hda6 \"gentoo=notmpfs,nodevfs\"" >> /mnt/mc00/p2lboot.cnf

* Update modules.conf

cat <<EOF >/etc/modules.d/ps2

alias char-major-10-32 mousedev

alias block-major-245 ps2mc

alias iso9660 isofs

alias char-major-241 perf_dev

alias char-major-242 tst_dev

alias block-major-243 ps2cdvd

alias char-major-244 ps2pad

alias char-major-15 ps2pad

alias block-major-58 lvm

alias char-major-109 lvm

alias char-major-10-135 ps2rtc

alias block-major-22 off

alias block-major-33 off

alias block-major-34 off

alias block-major-8 off

alias ps2cdvd

alias eth0 smap

alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc



* Fix inittab

cp /etc/inittab /tmp/inittab

cat /tmp/inittab |sed 's:^c0:\#c0:g' >/etc/inittab

* Fix fstab. Add/edit your partitions for /root, swap, dvd, and memory

cards and comment out tmpfs.

cat <<EOF >/etc/fstab

/dev/hda1 none swap sw 0 0

/dev/hda5 / reiserfs defaults 0 0

none /proc proc defaults 0 0

/dev/ps2cdvd /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro 0 0

/dev/ps2mc00 /mnt/mc00 ps2mcfs noauto 0 0

/dev/ps2mc01 /mnt/mc01 ps2mcfs noauto 0 0


* Setup password

passwd root

* Setup hostname

echo "mymachine.mydomain.com" > /etc/hostname

* Install ps2dev environment if you want too

emerge -b /usr/portage/dev-ps2/ps2dev/ps2dev-2.0.0.ebuild

* reboot



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