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Half-life 2 benchies ME AA


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Na tonisw oti

A)H sygekrimenh build pou testaroune DEN exei HDRI implemented.

B)To AA einai forced pou shmainei oti tha yparxoune artifacts me packed textures. H Valve exei lysei to sygekrimeno provlhma stis fx kai stis r3x0 clamparontas tis syntetagmenes twn texutres xrhsimopoiwntas pixel shaders stis fx enw oi radeon tha douleyoune me centroid sampling. Theoritika, to prwto prepei na exei ena performance hit (gia megethos tha prepei na perimenoume to benchie stis 30...) enw to deytero theoritika einai free (an kai an thymamai kala eixa akousei oti eixe ligo megalytera memory requirements kapou...xwris na eimai sigouros).


Anyway, ta benchies boreite na ta vreite klikarontas edw


Ta kala nea einai oti to game einai oti to game einai ypervolika cpu-limited (kai shader-limited stis fx otan milame gia dx9 mode) opote to AA (kai logika kai to AF) erxontai praktika tsampa :)

Ta asxhma nea einai akoma kai h 9600pro einai en merei cpu-limited se enan p4 2.8ghz. Mas vlepw na psaxnoume gia prescott/athlon64 syntwma...


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