OPC Δημοσ. 1 Ιουνίου 2004 Δημοσ. 1 Ιουνίου 2004 MadSurfer akuros o kafes ,mou to 3anaekane shmera... To ekana disable mexri na brw apo kapoion/a ti mporei na einai... Mpas kai einai kana programma giati otan to ekana format to 1o pou ebala htan to mafia kai den to ekane kai mou to ekane shmera pou eixa psiloteleiwsei me ta install... Ti na pw..abussos to ht ths intel
MadSurfer Δημοσ. 2 Ιουνίου 2004 Δημοσ. 2 Ιουνίου 2004 Ti tasi exei valei sthn cpu? Exeis dokimasei na thn anevaseis ligo?
OPC Δημοσ. 2 Ιουνίου 2004 Δημοσ. 2 Ιουνίου 2004 Apo to CoreCenter ths MSI mou deixnei 1.50v pou einai mia xara. Oxi,den exw dokimasei na thn anebasw mias kai mou sumboulepsan na mhn to kanw afou to 1.5 einai mia xara
MadSurfer Δημοσ. 2 Ιουνίου 2004 Δημοσ. 2 Ιουνίου 2004 Sto pc enos kolitou mou me Asus P4P800 omos eno tou eixame valei 1.525v tasi eite kai me thn default tasi apo to bios (pali thn idia peripou emfanize sta win) eno douleve kanonika me apla pragmata oses ores kai an to afines(px music, internet ktl) otan omos evazes kapoio game h benchmark kollage meta apo liga lepta, otan dokimasame me 1.575v douleve kanonika opos synexizei na doulevei os kai shmera xoris provlhmata, an thes dokimase na thn anevaseis ligo apo to bios
OPC Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2004 Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2004 Kalispera. Koita3a mesa sta site ths Intel kai brika thn cpu mou ( me Spec Number ) kai eida oti max dinei 1.525V opote den 8a epeixhrhsw na to peira3w. Auto pou ekana omws einai ,afou parathrhsa oti den ginetai ta games na htan mia xara amesws meta to format kai meta apo kapoies egkatastasteis programmatwn na kollaei,ton trabh3a ena format me thn monh diafora oti twra eimai egkatastsh programmatos - game mexri na brw poio mou ekane thn m@l@ki@. Meta tous drivers ekana ena ghost gia na mhn 3anaxreiastei to format kai twra eimai etoimos gia na brw epitelous ti ginetai. Molis kai an brw kati 8a postarw afou kai mesa apo to site thn intel ( meta apo poluwro psa3imo) eida oti : "Hyper-Threading (HT) Technology is available on notebook and desktop systems. Look for systems with the Hyper-Threading Technology logo which your system vendor has verified utilize HT Technology. Performance will vary depending on the specific hardware and software you use. See your PC manufacturer for details on specific system configurations and performance."
knightmare Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2004 Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2004 Me ti anemisthres?Tha arxisw na anhsuxw gia tous 64oC mou an kai sunhthws pianei 50 kati!!!
OPC Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2004 Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2004 Kalimera. Ti na pw,mallon me to ghost,gemisa fantasmata edw pera. Mou 3anakollhse xtes to bradu kai shmera mou peta3e kai mple o8onh... Meta to reset omws 3anaexwsa to bf kai epai3e kanonika.
OPC Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2004 Δημοσ. 4 Ιουνίου 2004 Me ti anemisthres?Tha arxisw na anhsuxw gia tous 64oC mou an kai sunhthws pianei 50 kati!!! Gia thn cpu exw ton manisio ths intel kai mou dinei 50-51 relanti kai 52 max full load.System Temp (1 fan ,alouminio case) relanti exw gurw stous 42-44 kai full load ftanei tous 48-49.
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