elpatron Δημοσ. 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Ανοιξε το χ360ce. Φτιαξε τα πληκτρα manually. Αν παλι δεν, διαλεξε ενα απο τα ετοιμα profil απο κατω (το thrustmaster dual analog nomizw βαζω ) και παλι φτιαξε τα πληκτρα manually. Γενικα αυτος ο τροπος δουλευει σχεδον για ολα. Ψαξτο λιγο γιατι δεν ειμαι σπιτι για να δω ακριβως τι εχω κανει. Αν το μαθεις μια φορα μετα δουλευει στα παντα ειναι πολυ καλο.
WalkerSW Δημοσ. 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Η απλα παρε δυο ΧΒΟΧ 360 controllers for windows να καθαρισεις μια και καλή...
adtakhs Δημοσ. 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Μέλος Δημοσ. 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Ανοιξε το χ360ce. Φτιαξε τα πληκτρα manually. Αν παλι δεν, διαλεξε ενα απο τα ετοιμα profil απο κατω (το thrustmaster dual analog nomizw βαζω ) και παλι φτιαξε τα πληκτρα manually. Γενικα αυτος ο τροπος δουλευει σχεδον για ολα. Ψαξτο λιγο γιατι δεν ειμαι σπιτι για να δω ακριβως τι εχω κανει. Αν το μαθεις μια φορα μετα δουλευει στα παντα ειναι πολυ καλο. Αν μπορεις κανε ενα copy paste του ini αφού έχουμε τα ίδια pads .... να το περάσω ... Θα ήταν μεγάλη ευκολία για εμένα ! Αν μπορείς σε ευχαριστώ προκαταβολικά. Οι ρυθμίσεις που έχω περασμένες εγώ αυτή την στιγμή είναι οι παρακάτω. [Options] UseInitBeep=1 #use 0 to 1; default 1; beep on init Log=0 #use 0 to 1; creates a log file in folder 'x360ce logs' FakeAPI=0 #use API patching [PAD1] Index=-1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad Native=0 #experimental native mode, calls system xinput1_3.dll to support xinput compatible controller together with emulated VID=0x0 #controller VID PID=0x0 #controller PID Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable A=2 #button id; 0 to disable B=3 #button id; 0 to disable X=1 #button id; 0 to disable Y=4 #button id; 0 to disable Left Shoulder=5 #button id; 0 to disable Right Shoulder=6 #button id; 0 to disable Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable Left Thumb=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Thumb=0 #button id; 0 to disable TriggerDeadzone=5 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger Left Trigger=a-4 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2; Right Trigger=a-5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2; UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0 SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0 ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100 ControllerType=1 #GAMEPAD 1; WHEEL 2; STICK 3; FLIGHT_SICK 4; DANCE_PAD 5; GUITAR 6; DRUM_KIT 8; //WILDS AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right [PAD2] Index=-1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad Native=0 #experimental native mode, calls system xinput1_3.dll to support xinput compatible controller together with emulated VID=0x0 #controller VID PID=0x0 #controller PID Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable A=2 #button id; 0 to disable B=3 #button id; 0 to disable X=1 #button id; 0 to disable Y=4 #button id; 0 to disable Left Shoulder=7 #button id; 0 to disable Right Shoulder=8 #button id; 0 to disable Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable Left Thumb=11 #button id; 0 to disable Right Thumb=12 #button id; 0 to disable TriggerDeadzone=5 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger Left Trigger=a-4 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2; Right Trigger=a-5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2; UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0 SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0 ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100 ControllerType=1 #GAMEPAD 1; WHEEL 2; STICK 3; FLIGHT_SICK 4; DANCE_PAD 5; GUITAR 6; DRUM_KIT 8; //WILDS AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right [PAD3] Index=0 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad Native=0 #experimental native mode, calls system xinput1_3.dll to support xinput compatible controller together with emulated VID=0x0 #controller VID PID=0x0 #controller PID Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable A=3 #button id; 0 to disable B=2 #button id; 0 to disable X=4 #button id; 0 to disable Y=1 #button id; 0 to disable Left Shoulder=7 #button id; 0 to disable Right Shoulder=8 #button id; 0 to disable Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable Left Thumb=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Thumb=0 #button id; 0 to disable TriggerDeadzone=5 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger Left Trigger=5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2; Right Trigger=6 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2; UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0 SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0 ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100 ControllerType=1 #GAMEPAD 1; WHEEL 2; STICK 3; FLIGHT_SICK 4; DANCE_PAD 5; GUITAR 6; DRUM_KIT 8; //WILDS AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right [PAD4] Index=1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad Native=0 #experimental native mode, calls system xinput1_3.dll to support xinput compatible controller together with emulated VID=0x0 #controller VID PID=0x0 #controller PID Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable Right Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable A=2 #button id; 0 to disable B=3 #button id; 0 to disable X=1 #button id; 0 to disable Y=4 #button id; 0 to disable Left Shoulder=5 #button id; 0 to disable Right Shoulder=6 #button id; 0 to disable Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable Left Thumb=11 #button id; 0 to disable Right Thumb=12 #button id; 0 to disable TriggerDeadzone=5 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger Left Trigger=a-4 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2; Right Trigger=a-5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2; UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0 SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0 ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100 ControllerType=1 #GAMEPAD 1; WHEEL 2; STICK 3; FLIGHT_SICK 4; DANCE_PAD 5; GUITAR 6; DRUM_KIT 8; //WILDS AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right Με αυτές παίζουν τα πάντα εκτός από το σκάζι , ίδως και το φρένο. Ότι αλλαγές και να έκανα φαίνεται να μην έχουν αποτέλεσμα ... από αυτό και μετά.
elpatron Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 [Options]UseInitBeep=1Log=0Console=0DebugMode=0InternetDatabaseUrl=http://www.x360ce.com/webservices/x360ce.asmxInternetFeatures=1InternetAutoload=1[inputHook]HookMode=1[Mappings]PAD1=IG_7bb13e10985d11e28001444553540000PAD2=IG_fbcd1c40985d11e28001444553540000PAD3=PAD4=[PAD1][PAD2][PAD3][PAD4][iG_7bb13e10985d11e28001444553540000]ProductName=SPEEDLINK Strike 2 GamepadInstanceGuid=7bb13e10-985d-11e2-8001-444553540000AxisToDPadDeadZone=256AxisToDPadOffset=0A=3B=2Back=9Start=10X=4Y=1D-pad POV=1D-pad Down=DOWND-pad Left=LEFTD-pad Right=RIGHTD-pad Up=UPUseForceFeedback=1ForcePercent=100SwapMotor=1FFBType=0ControllerType=1LeftMotorPeriod=60Left Shoulder=5Left Analog X AntiDeadZone=0Left Analog Y AntiDeadZone=0Left Analog X=1Left Analog Y=-2Left Thumb=11Left Analog X DeadZone=0Left Analog Y DeadZone=0Left Analog Y- Button=0Left Analog X- Button=0Left Analog X+ Button=0Left Analog Y+ Button=0Left Trigger=7TriggerDeadzone=5PassThrough=0RightMotorPeriod=120Right Shoulder=6Right Analog X AntiDeadZone=0Right Analog Y AntiDeadZone=0Right Analog X=3Right Analog Y=-6Right Thumb=12Right Analog X DeadZone=0Right Analog Y DeadZone=0Right Analog Y- Button=0Right Analog X- Button=0Right Analog X+ Button=0Right Analog Y+ Button=0Right Trigger=8RightTriggerDeadZone=0ProductGuid=00060079-0000-0000-0000-504944564944AxisToDPad=0[iG_fbcd1c40985d11e28001444553540000]ProductName=STRIKE FX GAMEPADInstanceGuid=fbcd1c40-985d-11e2-8001-444553540000AxisToDPadDeadZone=256AxisToDPadOffset=0A=3B=2Back=9Start=10X=4Y=1D-pad POV=1D-pad Down=DOWND-pad Left=LEFTD-pad Right=RIGHTD-pad Up=UPUseForceFeedback=1ForcePercent=100SwapMotor=1FFBType=0ControllerType=1LeftMotorPeriod=60Left Shoulder=5Left Analog X AntiDeadZone=0Left Analog Y AntiDeadZone=0Left Analog X=1Left Analog Y=-2Left Thumb=11Left Analog X DeadZone=0Left Analog Y DeadZone=0Left Analog Y- Button=0Left Analog X- Button=0Left Analog X+ Button=0Left Analog Y+ Button=0Left Trigger=7TriggerDeadzone=5PassThrough=0RightMotorPeriod=120Right Shoulder=6Right Analog X AntiDeadZone=0Right Analog Y AntiDeadZone=0Right Analog X=3Right Analog Y=-6Right Thumb=12Right Analog X DeadZone=0Right Analog Y DeadZone=0Right Analog Y- Button=0Right Analog X- Button=0Right Analog X+ Button=0Right Analog Y+ Button=0Right Trigger=8RightTriggerDeadZone=0ProductGuid=00030e8f-0000-0000-0000-504944564944AxisToDPad=0
adtakhs Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Μέλος Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Καλώς ! Τελικά βρήκα τι φταίει . Το X360CE βλέπει το L2 σαν πατημένο , ενώ τα wndows οχι, όταν πάρω ένα προφίλ από τα έτοιμα από LOGITECH ή TH.Mster και το πειράξω ... ακόμα και με το default !!! Μάλλον θεματάκι του συγκεκριμένου gamepad με το STRIKE FX .... Πχ. Για αυτό δεν γκάζωνε με τίποτα ... Με το φρένο πατημένο .... που να πας ... Στην αρχή δεν το δείχνει αλλά με συνδυασμό του δεξιού αναλογικού και του L2 κολλάει και δεν ξαναέρχεται ....
elpatron Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Tώρα παίζεις κομπλέ? Πάντως εμείς σχεδόν κόψαμε το προ και παίζουμε blur με τους φίλους μου, πες εντυπώσεις!
adtakhs Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Μέλος Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Tώρα παίζεις κομπλέ? Πάντως εμείς σχεδόν κόψαμε το προ και παίζουμε blur με τους φίλους μου, πες εντυπώσεις! Τωρα παιζω μια χαρα. Βεβαια δεν ειναι σεταρισμενο οπως θα ηθελα το gamepad αλλά τουλάχιστον παίζει χωρίς θέμα. Εντυπώσεις πολύ καλές, μιας και δεν έχεις θέμα να παίξεις με την HD6530D ενώ τα γραφικά του είναι αρκετά καλά . Περισσότερες εντυπώσεις όμως μόλις το μάθουμε λιγάκι γιατί από αδήγηση με pad είμαι για κλάματα ... Κανένα άλλο που να παίζει multi σε offline mode υπάρχει με την κάρτα αυτή ?
elpatron Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 Αφου εκανες load το προφιλ εφτιαξες τα πληκτρα manually? Τα επιλεγεις πανω τους και μετα κλικαρεις το πληκτρο που θες και τα οριζεις εσυ, πως γινεται να μην παιζουν ακριβως?
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