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Fine reader saving problem!!!!!!


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Βρε μάγκες κάθε φορά που πάω να σώσω ένα κείμενο από το fine reader μου βγάζει ένα παράθυρο με λάθος που λέει ‘’Internal Program error: D:\Finereader6\. \Fineobject\inc\Errors.h, 150


Τo κουφό είναι ότι δεν έχει καμία σχέση το Fine reader με τον D:\ και ότι μέχρι το σώσιμο στην όλη διαδικασία … δηλαδή scan-άρισμα διάβασμα έλεγχο γίνονται όλα κανονικά Το πρόβλημα μου εμφανίστηκε ξαφνικά!!! Φυσικά δοκίμασα να απεγκατάσταση και επανεγκατάσταση


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FineReader 6.0 error "... to.FineObzhechts\.Inch\.Errors.yu, 150."

(complete version of theme)






Posted by: Kovu


Established to itself fineReader PRO 6.0 trial (

Everything was normally then it went the need for for it quacking, in order to

polnofunktsional'nym it became. Began to pereberat' kryaki from Ineta- that it will approach.

And The clerk Caught:


With the attempt to preserve vvedenyy text departs the error:

Internal Program Error: D:\.FineReader6\.\.FineObjects\.Inc\.Errors.h, 150.


Reinstallation, cleaning of list - nothing help.

Even another disk with normally quacked FR reached.

In friend it works excellently.


It decided to write in ABBYY: they said that it fell: Program of zachekla, that

"on the computer adapted programs changing life of test version into the regime of polnofunktsional'noy version".


And now will help only the reinstallation of system. None fr6 will arise.


Who- thread it knows as by prolnost'yu to remove tracks FR6 and its records somewhere that 4 with it dishonestly it entered in order to establish the normally quacked version of?????





Posted by: Leon


Accurately I do not remember, but on NNM'e yes and on Soft-forum'e (this not advertisement) was very much written by people in regard to this. Try there now and then. If nothing it helps, then write, I know, 4 where to take the clean iso- means of this softiny, and with what with the honest small key, when it with instalyatsii requires to disketku, and from there reads small key.





Posted by: Kovu


I will try to look, but 4 already much that is entire looked and did not find.

The fact is that even license now will not be placed. As they said to me. Although it i do not have. But there is then the generator of small keys, but not kryak.

Nun ssistemu to transpose. But in me to this will leave the minimum week.

Since in all it stands to fig, but there is no time. Yes even transpose I cannot. Working system is necessary.


Here to learn. As to correct this. Where that program prescribed.

Cho there poprovila in order back to return without the reinstallation of system.





Posted by: Vav





Initial communication from Kovu

Established to itself fineReader PRO 6.0 trial (






immediately carry and place FINE READER 6 corporate Edition (FULL!)

in you inete be.





Posted by: Kovu


Oy but in me iNeta so is much....

il' of mozh sponsor you will be. To me 6 completely khvatet PRO.

In me it is that now normally quacked, but Nun to remove all tracks of the fact that in me it was established by 6, which I quacked.

Therefore probably and FINE READER 6 corporate Edition will not arise.


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