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σχετικα με Pacino και Walken


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This is a THEORY of why Chris Walken is in so many weird movies now, and why Pacino starred in Gigli.


(Two well-known actors, Christopher Walken and Al Pacino, sit in Pacino's

living room watching the football game and discussing topics.)

PACINO: This is getting boring, starring in the same old movies. We need to spice this up a bit.


(Suddenly, Tom Arnold walks in.)

ARNOLD: Whooooo-wee! I need to say something bad about someone! Hey, look, it's Chris Walken and Al Pacino! I've got an idea for you! Why don't you make a record of the most god-awful movies you star in in a row and still make millions of dollars off of!

WALKEN: That actually sounds good. I bet I can beat you, Al.

PACINO: Not a chance. Are you in, Tom?

ARNOLD: I've beaten you already!


(Later, WALKEN calls Hollywood.)

WALKEN: Hey, have you got any bad movies I can star in?

PRODUCER: That's all the movies we have. Narrow it down.

WALKEN: How about...a movie with people running around in bear costumes?

PRODUCER: We've got an opening in The Country Bears for the villain. He only appears in two scenes but we can still credit you first.

WALKEN: Yes...

(Walken makes lots of money off The Country Bears. He stars in a few underrated movies, but ultimately makes a fatal flaw by starring in Catch Me if You Can)

WALKEN: I can't believe it! I was nominated for an Oscar! I need another bad movie, quick! (Calls Hollywood) Got any bad movies? Australia, maybe?

PRODUCER: We got Kangaroo Jack. We've got an opening for a Walken-like mob boss. It's such a bad role. The movie's a comedy and he doesn't even have a funny line.

WALKEN: Yahoo! Sign me up!


(Meanwhile, PACINO is running out of luck.)

PACINO: I can't believe it! I've actually starred in good movies! I didn't know Robin Williams could handle a dramatic role in Insomnia! I didn't know Colin Farrell could act! I guess S1m0ne was a mediocre movie. Don't know about People I Know...(Gets on the phone with Hollywood) Hey, I need a role suitable for...Chris Walken.

PRODUCER: How about Gigli?

PACINO: Jeely?

PRODUCER: No. GIGLI. It's sure to bomb. You can play Walken's mob boss role.


(WALKEN is also on the phone)

WALKEN: Give me a role suitable for...Al Pacino.

PRODUCER: In Gigli you can play Pacino's detective role.



(Later, Walken and Pacino meet up in Gigli)

PACINO: I never thought I'd see you here. So, how's your reign of bad movies?

WALKEN: Good! I'm beating you still. I'm starring in Stepford Wives!


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