maxFX Δημοσ. 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 tha ithela tis gnwseis sas gia mia skepsi pou kanw. skeftomoun na agorasw mia syndromi ISDN 128k. tha ithela omws na eimai taftoxrona me 64k se 2 diaforetika kai apomakrismena pc kai otan den xrisimopoieitai to ena na kanw connect me 128 sto allo. ginetai? kai an nai, otan eimai me 128 sto ena, mporw na kanw connect me to 2o pc? tha pesei aftomata to 2o kanali tou enos gia na sindethei to allo? thx ek twn proterwn
DimitrisKTM Δημοσ. 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Με εναν λογαριασμο να μπαινεις και με 2 pc μαζι δεν γινεται, μονο σε δικτυο.
fwtonio Δημοσ. 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Με λίγο περισσότερα χρήματα βαζεις ADSL. Γιατί 128Κ;
sT@vr0z Δημοσ. 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 8) sosto gia to adsl.O OTE tha se ksevrakosei me to 128.Polla lefta giayto pou prosferei.Alla dystixos stin ellada eisai min ksexniese.Pantos ginete mono se diktyo.Aplos mporeis na exeis sto proto mono 64 an thes gia na min xreonese 2 kanalia an eisai mono sto irc px ..
vasiliss Δημοσ. 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Hello to every body. This is Vasilis from the US and I am writing regardless to explain something about the Internet Access According my personal experience in the internet connections. First I want to explain my self why I chose the English language to write. It is because I want every one to understand around the internet what Ote is trying to do in Greece. I want to be as much I can more reliable I can so you will not start ague with me. I am one of the thousands Greek internet users that started to connect on the internet since 1995. It was the year that bought my first modem and I got register as dial-up user with one of the Athenian internet Internet providers for 4 years. Soon I contact with OTE managers and I Upgraded my telephone line to ISDN. This was my biggest mistake of my life. Every time I was trying to get connect with my ISP, the telephone charges were so high that I started to get crazy. Even the EPAK wasn't good enough to decrees the hundreds of Drachmas per month. I went back to OTE to complain about the charges. They couldn't give a good clue or explanation about it. You know how it works. They are not capable to print out a shied. And I request to get me back my original line. They told me that was impossible. Ones they Upgrade the line, that was not possible to change it back again. What a nightmare. Finally I disconnect my phone for 6 months, because I couldn't pay the bill. Later they send me another bill to pay for maintains the line that I didn't have any more. it was 25.000Dr that time. I got freaked out and I said to my self. Bill this is the time to get out of this Hell for good. So I found with in one month the way to move permanently to US. Here thinks are totally different from the Greek chaotic bureaucracy. Everything is organized and perfect to me. All my bills are paid direct with credit card or money order, with out waiting for infinity hours on the line at OTE's cahiers desk. All my bills have analytic reports via the internet. This is heaven to me. My first connection here in the Internet was in the year 2000 with ADSL. The cost is so low that I could connect in the Internet for 24hours every, and pay only $20 per month. No connection fee, not extra charges, and with speed up to 1mbit. The installation was so easy on the existing line , that I didn't have to change nothing at my existing line. They send me the modem with 6-free of charges splitters for every room at the house I had to use the computer. How much would you pay for this service in Greece? I paid only $100 for the Alcatel modem that time with a year contract with BellSouth. Cool. My next step was Cable-digital TV. Cooler. You don't know what this is. This is a coaxial cable that comes at the house from the ground. This little RG-59 wire has 150 television channels, Plus internet. Yes Internet. Faster that ADSL or DSL. With in a month I switched to Cable Internet Access with COX-Cable witch is 3 times faster that ADSL. Yes it is 3.0Mbit/s. I have now a Toshiba cable modem and I paid $50. There is not any extra charges in this service at all, and I have my computer all-day-ON. It doesn't have to dial-up any more. Now in Greece, how much will you pay for this service in the Future? A million? A Billion ? You cannot pay it because it doesn't exist. Even thou will be in the Future, it will take 100 years to cable all over the country. This project started in the US late 60's, and now every little house all over the US has cable-TV and Internet. OTE has the monopoly of the communications in the country, and it doesn't allowed any one individual to create new business in any field. It tries to sell old technology as new to all of those have the money to buy. The buy the technology very cheap and they sell very expensive. When this will stop? The answer is never. What about Satellite Internet Access? Can any Greek have Satellite Internet? Or is prohibit? I am planning with in the next year to get it. Because is gets cheaper. I want to have 10Mbit down stream, and pay some extra money if this worths it. What do you think? Thanks for the reading and Get Safe Internet Surfing. Vasilis.
-spooker- Δημοσ. 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Ama agoraseis 128 mporeis na exeis 64 se kathe pc xehwrista.Mporeis akoma na exeis sto ena 64 kai sto allo na syndeese me pstn grammh (v90 modem).Mporeis akoma na syndeesai kai me 2 pstn grammes tautoxrona.Apo thn stigmh pou plhrwneis 128 ta pairneis me opoiondhpote tropo.Tha sou proteina kai gw adsl pantws pio fthna tha sou bgei ektos an de tha mpaineis gia polles wres.Ama den to xereis otan mpaineis sta 128 h xronoxrewsh einai diplh.
Vasilius Δημοσ. 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Symfwnw me spooker. Vale Dsl.Twra pou to pagio tou ote emeine gia panta sta 27 euro... Do it.
OXTROS Δημοσ. 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 VASILISS exeis dikio se auta pou les en meri.. ALLA na gineis Amerikanaki gia mia fthnh syndehsh sto InterNet ? Kai eseis sthn Amerikh exete auto kai exete kai to allo.. NAI TA EXETE LOIPON afou oi K@l@amerikanoi poulane bombes gia na exoun lefta na sas dinoun fthno InterNet !!!! :twisted: :twisted:
Γιάννης Platano Δημοσ. 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Vasiliss και πρασινα αλογα. Και αμερικανικα μοσχαρια!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Violator Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 prin 2 xronia ekana to eksis kolpo me enan filo.. otan se mia sindesi px otenet epiane stadar k hol mpenis tautoxrona sto net mpenoun k oi dio.. tautoxrona omos.. dld imastan se til apo to kin k ixe apli sindesi autos k egw isdn k mpename me tin isdn mou otan tou elege epalitheusi kodikou mou elege tora oste na patisw connect k na mpoume tautoxrona k epiane!!! episis se 56k me 56k epiane sigoura..
mpentenis Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 loipon....Fritz!USB me 2 usb bluetooth keys. perimenw na bgei o driver gia na paizoyn 2 pc taytoxrona . h lysh exei ws ejhs. pairneis ena access point, to opoio mpainei sto netmod, kai to opoio syndeetai asyrmata (bluetooth) me ta 2 pc, mesw twn 2 usb kleidiwn (an pareis to paketo bluefritz starter kit, soy dinoyn to access point + ena kleidi, opote pairneis kai ena 2o kleidi meta kai ok). mexri stigmhs o driver einai mono sta germanika, ena o prohgoymenos paizei men kanonika, alla oxi gia 2 pc taytoxrona (re na mhn jerw germanika) kostos, ypologise 230 euro to access point kai alla 80 to 2o kleidi...apo embeleia omws, pianei kai ston katw orofo toy spitioy (oti prepei gia to laptop ). ektos apo internet sharing, parexei kai alla, opws firewall, thlefwniko kentro, anagnwrisi klp klp klp (kai capi fysika :ppp) an omws den se endiaferei h lysh kse-kalwdioma, tote bazeis ena lan modem ths 3com (panw sto switch, an exeis, alliws ena ftino kanei 30 euro...) kai paizei san gateway.ypologise peri ta 80-100 to modem. dokimasmena kai ta 2, mia xara paizoyn
predator Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 episis mia koubenta gia ton amerikano filo mas vasiliss... file to 3eroume pws ekei einai o paradeisos kai i ellada einai SK@@A alla ti goustareis twra na kanoume?na sikwsoume edw mesa to "stars and stripes" kai na arxisoume na tragoudame omofwna "and the land of the free and the home of the brave"?gia think again pal!edw einai ellada file se opoion aresei!de lew exei ta mayra tis ta xalia...kai egw germania megalwsa alla se sigkrisi me sena de 3exasa tis rizes mou!to gegonos kai mono oti efiges apo tin ellada gia mia grigoroteri kai ftinoteri sindesi sto internet me sinepeia na grapseis tis rizes kai tin patrida sou leei pisteyw polla gia to poion lew, makari na alla3oune ta pragmata edw oxi mono stis tilepikoinwnies alla kai stin paidia kai stin igeia kai sto dimosio.alla file,eimai ellinas kai eimai perifanos mamoti mou!!!oxi sikwnomai kai feygw ama dw ta skoura!les na paw pisw germania epeidi ekei mia adsl kostizei to ena pempto apoti edw?mpa, de tin allazw tin ellada me kamia xwra magka,apla oti den mou aresei sto topo mou 8a katsw katw na palepsw mpas kai alla3ei! sorry an se e8i3a apla mou espases ligo ta neyra sou me to terastio post sou to opoio to epanalambaneis sinexws! eyxaristw!
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