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Παίρνετε apple γιατί έχει αυτά που θέλετε ή αυτά που θέλετε είναι αυτά που δίνει η μαμά Apple?




Νομίζω η διάθεση απολογίας που έχει η πλειοψηφία των κατόχων iphone δείχνει μια προσπάθεια να δικαιολογήσουν στον εαυτό τους τα αδικαιολόγητα. Για κανένα άλλο κινητό δεν έχει χρειαστεί οι κάτοχοί του να απολογούνται. Μάλλον κάτι δεν πάει καλά!




Πάρα πολλοί, μα πάρα πολλοί, έχουν iphone μεταχειρισμένα, κλεμμένα, δώρα από εταιρίες, αγορασμένα σε εξευτελιστικές τιμές λόγω συμβολαίου κλπ κλπ. Οπότε, όταν κάποιος έχει iphone δεν σημαίνει πως είναι κ κάποιος, δε σημαίνει απαραίτητα πως είναι επιλογή του καν.




Σταματήστε το. Δεν έχει νόημα. 9 στους 10 δεν αγόρασαν τη συσκευή, αλλά το πρεστίζ και τη μούρη που νομίζουν ότι προσφέρει. Αγόρασαν μούρη και τους μιλάτε για τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά. Δεν πρόκειται να πάει πουθενά η κουβέντα, απλώς θα μιλάτε για άλλα πράγματα.


@αυτούς-που-αγόρασαν-ανδροιντ-από-αντίδραση( ; )


Δε σας κάνει αντικομφορμιστές ή επαναστάτες η αγορά ενός κινητού samsung, ούτε τους έξυπνους που δεν έπεσαν στην παγίδα του μάρκετινγκ (της apple). Αυτή η καλά αντίδραση και ανεξαρτησία από (το μαρκετινγκ) της apple, ίσως είναι (το μάρκετινγκ) που πουλάει η samsung.


ΥΓ Όσοι υγιώς σκεπτόμενοι πήραν ένα κινητό με βάση τις κινητές/τεχνολογικές τους ανάγκες δεν νιώθουν την ανάγκη να δικαιολογηθούν στον εαυτό τους (και κατ επέκτασιν στους άλλους) και φυσικά ούτε να σκοτίσουν τα @@ του καθενός με το πόσο ανώτερο και φοβερό είναι αυτό που αγόρασαν.


Όλα αυτά που λες ξεκινάνε από το γεγονός πως υπάρχουν άτομα σαν κι εσένα που θέτουν όλα αυτά τα θέματα! Υπο φυσιολογικές συνθήκες, ένς χρήστης προϊόντων Apple, κάνει απλά τη δουλειά του χωρίς να πρήζει τα παπάκια των άλλων! :P

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Όλα αυτά που λες ξεκινάνε από το γεγονός πως υπάρχουν άτομα σαν κι εσένα που θέτουν όλα αυτά τα θέματα! Υπο φυσιολογικές συνθήκες, ένς χρήστης προϊόντων Apple, κάνει απλά τη δουλειά του χωρίς να πρήζει τα παπάκια των άλλων! :P

Q: How do you tell if someone has the new iPhone 5?
A: Don't worry, they'll let you know.
Το ποιος πρήζει τόσα χρόνια δεν ξέρω...
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βγαζω το καπελο σε 2 (3 ίσως με την γκουγκλ) εταιριες που εχουν καταφερει να βαλουν ολο το ιντερνετ να τσακωνεται για το ποια απο τις 2 μας τα παιρνει καλυτερα..

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Ελα μορω απλη λογικη στα PC windows κλπ δεν μπορει να δει πανω απο 4giga ram λογω 32bit ωποτε η 64bit αρχητεκτονικη επιτρεπει να εχουμε περισσοτερες δυνατοτητες.


Παιδιά η Samsung δεν αντιγράφει ΚΑΝΈΝΑΝ!!! Μην ακούσω μλκς για Apple και λοιπά... ;)

Οχι οχι....δνε γινεται λογος καν......Αν ειναι δυνατον


Sent from my iPad using Insomnia


Ρε φιλαράκια εδω μεσα, με περίσσιο θάρρος το λέω αυτό, νόμίζω χάνετε το ζουμί.

Καλά όλα τα σούπερ χαρακτηριστικά και τα 64bit συστήματα, δεν λέω, καινοτομίες, αλλα αυτές οι συσκευές θα πρέπει να έχουν ενσωματομένο πυρηνικό αντιδραστήρα για τις απαιτήσεις τους.

Το θέμα λοιπόν ΜΠΑΤΑΡΙΑ-ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΙΑ  δεν το σκέφτεται κανείς, κανείς δεν σχολιάζει, κανένας να μας δώσει μια πραγματική ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΑ βρε παιδία δεν υπάρχει;

Τι κάνει κανείς με τις "ναυαρχίδες" που με λίγες ώρες need4dpeed "βουλιάζουν";


Ρε φιλαράκια εδω μεσα, με περίσσιο θάρρος το λέω αυτό, νόμίζω χάνετε το ζουμί.

Καλά όλα τα σούπερ χαρακτηριστικά και τα 64bit συστήματα, δεν λέω, καινοτομίες, αλλα αυτές οι συσκευές θα πρέπει να έχουν ενσωματομένο πυρηνικό αντιδραστήρα για τις απαιτήσεις τους.

Το θέμα λοιπόν ΜΠΑΤΑΡΙΑ-ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΙΑ  δεν το σκέφτεται κανείς, κανείς δεν σχολιάζει, κανένας να μας δώσει μια πραγματική ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΑ βρε παιδία δεν υπάρχει;

Τι κάνει κανείς με τις "ναυαρχίδες" που με λίγες ώρες need4dpeed "βουλιάζουν";


Πραγματική πρόοδος δεν είναι να τρως μια κούπα ρύζι επειδή υπάρχει υπερπληθυσμός.

Πραγματική πρόοδος είναι να εξελίξεις την τεχνολογία για να μπορείς να τους ταίσεις όλους.


Έτσι και στα κινητά, οι αρχαίες μπαταρίες είναι το πρόβλημα όχι η κατανάλωση.

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η οποία πιθανότατα θα υποστηρίζει 64bit επεξεργαστές σε συσκευές που κάνουν χρήση 4GB RAM η περισσότερο.

Link.png Site: GSMArena

Απορω ποια εφαρμογη (θα) χρειαζεται περισσοτερα απο 4GB RAM σε ενα smartphone, ωστε να δικαιολογειται το παραπανω.

Εκτος και εαν απο του χρονου αρχισουμε να τρεχουμε VMs στο κινητο μας. 

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

MSFT got Windows to run on a 32-bit ARM processor. AAPL upgraded iOS to run on 64-bit ARM processors. Developers, developers, developers...


H διαφορά φιλοσοφίας προγραμματισμού μεταξύ M$ και Apple. developers, developers, developers.

-Apple's current implementation allows the existing 32-bit kernel to run both 32-bit and 64-bit applications at once, as well as being able to handle 64-bit virtual memory allocations, giving 64-bit applications and background tasks the capacity to allocate memory spaces larger than 4GB when working with large data sets.

-This hybrid design enabled Apple to deliver a kernel that could run 64-bit apps without needing to immediately deliver 64-bit kernel drivers for it, nor to require third parties to all ship 64-bit versions of their drivers.

-If Apple had attempted to simply deliver a 100% 64-bit OS in one fell swoop, it may never have come together. Apple would have run into many of the same catch-22 problems that have held 64-bit Windows from gaining mass adoption.

-Apple also developed a clean 'fat binary' method for delivering cross-platform binary code, including both 32-and 64-bit versions in a single app bundle, or binary package. On Windows, 32-bit and 64-bit code has to be installed separately. Supporting library files on 64-bit Windows have to be put into System32 (if they are 64-bit) or SysWOW64 (if they are 32-bit).

-On Mac OS X Leopard and in Snow Leopard, Apple designed the kernel to run both 32 and 64-bit software natively with no compatibility layer running, and all supporting files and libraries can be organized in the same application bundle. That means developers can distribute a single installer that works on any Mac, and that users won't need to make sure they've obtained the correct binary for their machine. This promises to go a long way in making the transition to 64-bit Mac software very smooth and virtually invisible to most users.


Kαι πάμε τώρα στο θέμα/ανέκδοτο των ημερών με την Samsung να ετοιμάζει 64bito smartphone σε 32bito λειτουργικό. #copycats #innovation


After its disastrous Exynos 5 Octa, Samsung may have lost Apple's A7 contract to TSMC



-While the media has tattooed Apple with indelible ink spelling out "expensive," the reality is that Apple's iPhone business is very mainstream

-This is the antithesis of Samsung and its "throw everything and see what sticks" business plan, as well as Google's Moto X hobby that will crank out far fewer phones over the next month than Apple took preorders for in Yellow iPhone 5c's yesterday.

-Apple's sales volumes are so vast, and its profits are so fatty, that even on the bleeding edge of Apple's sales chart, the advanced A7 is guaranteed tremendous economies of scale. That is a remarkable business.

-And the interesting part isn't that Apple thought up ideas that nobody else was smart enough to "innovate," because that's not what occured here. The reality was that Apple arrived at delivering a production ARMv8 chip first because it uniquely had the resources to pull off such an engineering effort, it uniquely had the need and desire to pull it off, and it had the business plan in hand to confidently pull a return on this vast investment. Nobody else does. Android serves in the same economy tier that its predecessor, Java Mobile on Linux, did. Windows Phone is a low volume curiosity product for eccentrics. BlackBerry is a dinosaur trying to evolve its way out of the tar pit. Outside of Apple, everyone else is struggling to sell to the mainstream at a minor profit. 

-Check out Google Trend's mapping of interest in ARMv8 (below). It's been talked about over the last year, but typically in the context of servers, not mobile devices. Interest spiked in conjunction with Apple's release of the A7, despite the fact that Apple hasn't even explicitly named ARMv8 as the "modern instruction set" the A7 will use.

-It turns out that while the tech media spent most of 2013 complaining that Apple "wasn't innovating," Apple was secretly developing its new Mac Pro supercomputer, perfecting its Authentech-based Touch ID technology that the industry has been flummoxed to copy, completing iOS 7 (while Google took a Kit Kat break with Android Key Lime Pie) and OS X Mavericks (while Microsoft fiddled as Windows 8 burned), while also bringing an entirely new 64-bit mobile architecture into production ahead of the world's leading chip designers and foundries (which didn't see a pressing need to move to 64-bit and lacked Apple's experience in doing so), and, as nearly a side project, spending billions to build out a series of new iCloud data centers. On top of all this, it was also financing the construction of a multibillion dollar new chip foundry with TSMC capable of producing advanced new 20nm components. The move to a 20nm process is a vastly expensive and incredibly complex new technological frontier, one that caused NVIDIA's CEO Jen-Hsun Huang topublicly question whether the move even made financial sense just last year.

-One problem Apple doesn't have is a lack of resources, particularly overseas where it has over $90 billion flying in a holding pattern. Few companies have TSMC's chip fab technology, and few companies have Apple's resources to fund such technological endeavors.

-Brian Klug and Anand Shimpi from Anandtech expressed surprise in their reporting of Apple's event, and if you can impress them ("OpenGL ES 3.0 support in iOS!!This is nuts. Wow I seriously can't believe the 64-bit move!" the site blogged) you're clearly on the frontier of technology.

-While billed as an 8-core chip, Samsung's "Exynos 5 Octa" only uses four cores at once, following ARM's "big.LITTLE" design concept associated with its Cortex-A15 core design, which pairs four low-power, efficient Cortex-A7 cores with four high-power Cortex-A15 cores....nstead, Apple released its A6 chip (below) last year using custom designed "Swift" cores that incorporated some elements of the Cortex-A15 tech portfolio but were largely based upon existing Cortex-A9 designs. Qualcomm similarly avoided implementing a pure Cortex-A15 design in its own "Krait" custom ARM CPU core used in its recent Snapdragon chips.

-According to figures from Strategy Analytics, Samsung's entire non-phone computing device business earned a tenth of Apple's profits outside of the iPhone.

-Suppli came out with a new report indicating (above) that Samsung's GS4 equipped with its own Exynos 5 Octa was substantially more expensive than the North American version of the same phone shipping with a Qualcomm Snapdragon (and both were estimated to be more expensive than iPhone 5). So much for having a home field advantage as a component manufacturer.

-t was actually noteworthy that Samsung decided to use the same PowerVR GPU as Apple's A6 in its Exynos 5 for the Galaxy S4 rather than ARM's Mali, although its North American GS4's are powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 600 with Adreno graphics.

Of course, you wouldn't need to know any of this unless you were in the unfortunate position of trying to develop Android games, and needed to test your software against three different vendors' GPU architectures just to work on one vendor's recent high-end smartphone. But what all this really highlights is that the tech media's Samsung-fed understanding that Apple is devoid of innovation and just blindly using components from other, wiser companies, while Samsung is both a brilliant innovator and an accomplished designer and manufacturer of components -- is all actually quite backward.

-Samsung has clearly failed to make the correct engineering and design decisions....Imagine the field day tech punditry would have if Apple built even a low end phone with a Qualcomm Snapdragon. Now imagine if Apple floated out its iPhone 5s in some markets with something other than the A7 due to cost constraints. Yet when Samsung, a chip fabricator, did this, it was seriously praised for seeking out new sources of components, and nobody cried foul over the marketing blitz for a chip that was left out of the device in the country where it was launched.Outside of backwards land, the Exynos 5 Octa was such an expensive failure that Samsung couldn't handle eating its own dog food within the most competitive market of Apple's home continent.

-Apple not only developed its custom Swift A6 design last year, but also developed, in parallel, an implementation of ARMv8 (apparently Cortex-A50 series) technology that others had only experimented with in the lab. It wasn't that Apple knew something that the rest of the industry did not, but simply that Apple had a broader vision for selling high end technology that nobody else saw as immediately possible.

-Take note, tech journalists: that's a much better definition of innovation than pooping out new SKUs every month.






Επεξ/σία από DJTaurus
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Eνα ενδιαφέρον σχόλιο στο παρακάτω άρθρο για το 64-bit Android:





a) Due to its underlying Dalvik/Java VM underpinnings, Android apps won't benefit as much from 64-bit as the kernel. It's possible, though not likely, that Java byte code (seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J... ) has been revised in format since my Java days. If not, Java source effectively compiles into assembly for a virtual 8-bit processor.

The JIT (Just In Time) compiler for 64-bit Android will still end up interpreting the IR for Dalvik one byte at a time. So launch times will not improve because the compiler won't be able to do much at 64-bits. Only when the compiled code is run will Android apps see any benefit. In fact, compilation time may increase considerably because compiling 8-bit assembly into something that can take advantage of 64-bit requires significantly more work for more than just a dumb translation. That kind of heavy analysis is best done directly from the source into 64-bit native code; too much information is lost by moving from source code to 8-bit IR, then trying to move back to 64-bit.

Meanwhile, you can optimize the snot out of the kernel, so all those system calls will blaze, but the application that makes the system calls will take a step backward for a while.



Native Android applications is the way to go for games and anything that can take advantage of a 64-bit processor.

(b ) This means Android apps will fracture a bit. Ideally you would want apps that take advantage of your platform, especially for games, but not all Android devices use the same processor, or instruction set. So, you'll have binaries designed specifically for, say, Exynos-64, that don't run on 32-bit ARM, OR you'll need a "fat" binary executable format that allows you to put different native versions, plus a "straight" Dalvik variant into the same file.

I do believe Android developers will try to push the envelope, but the increase in cost must be paid by someone. The Android market will be fragmented, not just by screen size and I/O capabilities, but by 32/64 bitness and processor-specifics, unless Google or someone quickly imposes a "standard" for how a 64-bit Android implementation should operate.

© Intel has been trying to become power-competitive with ARM at 32-bit, and hasn't quite caught up yet. Competing at 64-bit for the mobile space will move the finish line down the road several months.

(d) I believe Apple is going for the jugular here. Another article said that Apple has stabbed Microsoft in the heart. Well...


iPad with a 64-bit processor is powerful enough to be "desktop class", just as Schiller(?) mentioned. Apple also has been pushing OpenCL heavily, which brings gigaFLOPS of computing power to even the iPhone and iPad GPU's. Serious developers have noticed that Apple made its task scheduler capable of scheduling tasks on the GPU and CPU simultaneously (Grand Central Dispatch). Apple also has blazed a new trail by promoting more GPU streaming processors at lower frequencies to get more work done, by more processes, with lower power consumption. This is not accidental. They recently hired on a significant number of ex-ATI GPGPU guys to figure out how they can leapfrog the industry.

I believe Apple is removing any excuse for not developing full-bodied enterprise applications for iOS. Measured in gigaFLOPS, the A7 will legitimately have "desktop class" performance. If the iPad is a quad-core CPU or, better, ends up with 4x or more the GPU resources, especially if Apple announces OpenCL support for iOS, it will be obvious what they're doing. Such an iPad would significantly outperform any "desktop" computer running enterprise applications.

For that matter, I find it interesting that Apple, as a partner with Intel in developing Thunderbolt, is the only company who can implement it for a non-Intel processor...well, without getting Intel's over-my-dead-body blessing. Has anyone else noticed that Thunderbolt can be used as a 20Gbps networking connection, with the proper drivers? Now, why do you need 6 Thunderbolt connections on a Mac Pro?

(e) If Apple were only concerned about gaming performance, increasing GPU performance would have been a huge win...far bigger than going 64-bit. Don't underestimate just how much work they had to do to go 64-bit. It was not "Oh crap...we've got to have something to brag about...let's make the processor 64-bit". Apple had to develop a power-efficient ARMv8 64-bit processor atop their Swift work, 2 years in advance of ARM releasing the ARM A57, host all the work necessary to get LLVM compiling, linking and debugging on their new processor, upgrade XCode's infrastructure, port all of iOS (which is similar to OS X, but it's definitely NOT OS X for x86), upgrade all of their frameworks and base apps to 64-bit and QA the whole lot in secrecy. I wouldn't be surprised if they've been working on this for at least 3 years already.


They are betting the farm on all of this 64-bit stuff working. If it's broken, their flagship model of their flagship product (iPhone) is screwed up. This is a HUGE gamble! If iPad ships 64-bit too, they will have gambled with their two biggest products. They aren't doing this JUST for bragging rights.

(f) If this works, they will have the most powerful gaming platform around, but they could've gotten there with a strengthened GPU for much less risk, but a win here gives them the most powerful enterprise computing platform. That's what 64-bit CPU buys them. All they need is enterprise apps. They've got security, performance, all the base apps (word processing - Pages, Spreadsheet - Numbers, presentation - KeyNote), a huge well-trained user base, tons of developers, and a high-performance workstation/server platform that, with Haswell-EP, will be the most powerful back end around, bar none...Apple uber alles... mobile to home gaming and entertainment to enterprise, alongside a single, consistent ecosystem.

Watch for Apple to push its way into the enterprise at the high end, while soft-driving into entertainment and gaming.

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)



and a high-performance workstation/server platform that, with Haswell-EP, will be the most powerful back end around, bar none...Apple uber alles... mobile to home gaming and entertainment to enterprise, alongside a single, consistent ecosystem.


Να δεχτω τα υπολοιπα, αλλα αυτο για workstation/server που το σκεφτηκε ο τυπος;;  Η apple ειναι η πιο δυνατη πλατφορμα για workstation/server;; Εχει παραισθησεις;;;

Γραφει και κατι ψεμματα και φαντασιωσεις για Haswell-EP . (δεν του εφθαναν τα υπολοιπα)


Πεταει και το φανμποιστικο σλογκαν(Apple uber alles :shock: ) για να δεσει το γλυκο!



Φυσικα, τα fanboys αμεσως ετρεξαν να πιστεψουν κ να ποσταρουν αυτα τα ψεμματα.

Επεξ/σία από haHa
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Να δεχτω τα υπολοιπα, αλλα αυτο για workstation/server που το σκεφτηκε ο τυπος;;  Η apple ειναι η πιο δυνατη πλατφορμα για workstation/server;; Εχει παραισθησεις;;;

Γραφει και κατι ψεμματα και φαντασιωσεις για Haswell-EP . (δεν του εφθαναν τα υπολοιπα)


Πεταει και το φανμποιστικο σλγκαν(Apple uber alles) για να δεσει το γλυκο!



Φυσικα, τα fanboys αμεσως ετρεξαν να πιστεψουν κ να ποσταρουν αυτα τα ψεμματα.


Στο άμεσο μέλλον θα καταλλαβεις ακριβώς ποια είναι τα σχέδια της Apple για τα 64bit, την εξέλιξη των επεξεργαστών της και το iOS. Υπομονή!


PS: Απλά καταλαβαίνω το στρες της Samsung τώρα που την εγκαταλείπει η Apple και πάει προς TSMC μεριά! :P


Στο άμεσο μέλλον θα καταλλαβεις ακριβώς ποια είναι τα σχέδια της Apple για τα 64bit, την εξέλιξη των επεξεργαστών της και το iOS. Υπομονή!


PS: Απλά καταλαβαίνω το στρες της Samsung τώρα που την εγκαταλείπει η Apple και πάει προς TSMC μεριά! :P

Bot εισαι;;

Που κολλλανε ios και tsmc με αυτα που εγραψα και εκανες quote;

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