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iPhone 5S με αναγνώριση δακτυλικού αποτυπώματος και σε σαμπανιζέ χρώμα


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Περιττό το touch Id και το χρυσό iphone 5s.

Εισαι της λακωνικης σχολης εσυ.Δεν μας λες και γιατι ?Η' εισαι της λογικης και τα κινητα περιττα ειναι αφου εχουμε σταθερα και καρτοτηλεφωνα ...

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Θα κλάψουνε πολλές γκόμενες τώρα που δεν θα μπορούν πλέον ν' ανοίξουν το κινητό του boyfriend και να διαβάσουν τα μηνύματά του...

Κατι μου λεει πως οι συγκεκριμενες θα βρουνε τροπο

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Πιθανότατα τραβηγμένο πρωί κατά τις 11, σε χώρο με γυάλινους τοίχους και οροφή + κάποιος βοηθητικός κριμένος φωτισμός.


Καλό το βιντεάκι αλλά δεν μου λέει τίποτα για την απόδοση του 5S.


Νομίζω ότι και το 5 θα τα πήγαινε εξίσου καλά σε τέτοιες ιδανικές συνθήκες φωτισμού.


Τώρα που το ξαναβλέπω, υπάρχουν και κρεμασμένοι προβολείς στο χώρο παρόλο που το κτήριο μπάζει από παντού φως. Nothing to see here, keep moving.

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  • Super Moderators

Πιθανότατα τραβηγμένο πρωί κατά τις 11, σε χώρο με γυάλινους τοίχους και οροφή + κάποιος βοηθητικός κριμένος φωτισμός.


Καλό το βιντεάκι αλλά δεν μου λέει τίποτα για την απόδοση του 5S.


Νομίζω ότι και το 5 θα τα πήγαινε εξίσου καλά σε τέτοιες ιδανικές συνθήκες φωτισμού.


Τώρα που το ξαναβλέπω, υπάρχουν και κρεμασμένοι προβολείς στο χώρο παρόλο που το κτήριο μπάζει από παντού φως. Nothing to see here, keep moving.


Προφανώς και μια εταιρία θα επέλεγε ένα event με άριστες συνθήκες για να δείξει ένα πρώτο δείγμα της κάμερας. 





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Προφανώς και μια εταιρία θα επέλεγε ένα event με άριστες συνθήκες για να δείξει ένα πρώτο δείγμα της κάμερας. 

Εεεε... όχι ακριβώς, ας αφήσουμε το "καμία" στην άκρη




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  • Super Moderators

Εεεε... όχι ακριβώς, ας αφήσουμε το "καμία" στην άκρη





Άσε μην πιάσουμε τη Νοκια γιατί έκανε πολλά βρώμικα κολπάκια τελευταία... Θυμάσαι φαντάζομαι! :P



Πάμε τώρα στα καλά:




"Είναι δυνατόν να έχει εκόμη 2 πυρήνες? Εμείς έχουμε 4, 8, 16"...

"Είναι δυνατόν να έχει ακόμη 1GB ram? Εμείς έχουμε 2 και πάμε για 4"...




















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Εεεε... όχι ακριβώς, ας αφήσουμε το "καμία" στην άκρη



Άσε μην πιάσουμε τη Νοκια γιατί έκανε πολλά βρώμικα κολπάκια τελευταία... Θυμάσαι φαντάζομαι! :P



Πάμε τώρα στα καλά:





"Είναι δυνατόν να έχει εκόμη 2 πυρήνες? Εμείς έχουμε 4, 8, 16"...

"Είναι δυνατόν να έχει ακόμη 1GB ram? Εμείς έχουμε 2 και πάμε για 4"...




















Οχι μην τα βγαζεις αυτα , μερικοι εχουν επιλεκτικη μνημη θυμουνται μονο οτι τους συμφερει.Sent from my ipad4 using Insomnia
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Το περίμενα ότι θα έχει καλά bench αλλά όχι τόσο καλά, όντος εντυπωσιακό. Τη μπαταρία όμως την βλέπω στα ίδια περίπου με το 5.


Ναι δεν άλλαξε κάτι εντυπωσιακό στην μπαταρία.

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Τα πρώτα review:






- Brian and I saw the gold iPhone up close at Apple’s Town Hall event and it really doesn’t look bad at all. It’s a very subtle gold finish rather than a gaudy gold brick effect. I think gold is likely the phone I’d opt for simply because it’d be very different than everything else I have, but otherwise space grey is probably the best looking of the three devices to me.

- NVIDIA and Samsung, up to this point, have gone the processor license route. They take ARM designed cores (e.g. Cortex A9, Cortex A15, Cortex A7) and integrate them into custom SoCs. In NVIDIA’s case the CPU cores are paired with NVIDIA’s own GPU, while Samsung licenses GPU designs from ARM and Imagination Technologies. Apple previously leveraged its ARM processor license as well. Until last year’s A6 SoC, all Apple SoCs leveraged CPU cores designed by and licensed from ARM.With the A6 SoC however, Apple joined the ranks of Qualcomm with leveraging an ARM architecture license.

-I always thought the transition from 2 to 4 cores happened quicker in mobile than I had expected. Thankfully there are some well threaded apps that have been able to take advantage of more than two cores and power gating keeps the negative impact of the additional cores down to a minimum. As we saw in our Moto X review however, two faster cores are still better for most uses than four cores running at lower frequencies. NVIDIA forced everyone’s hand in moving to 4 cores earlier than they would’ve liked, and now you pretty much can’t get away with shipping anything less than that in an Android handset. Even Motorola felt necessary to obfuscate core count with its X8 mobile computing system. Markets like China seem to also demand more cores over better ones, which is why we see such a proliferation of quad-core Cortex A5/A7 designs. Apple has traditionally been sensible in this regard, even dating back to core count decisions in its Macs. I remembering reviewing an old iMac and pitting it against a Dell XPS One at the time. This was in the pre-power gating/turbo days. Dell went the route of more cores, while Apple chose for fewer, faster ones. It also put the CPU savings into a better GPU. You can guess which system ended out ahead.

-Integer performance is up 44% on average, while floating point performance is up by 67%. Again this is without 64-bit or any other enhancements that go along with ARMv8. Memory bandwidth improves by 35% across all Geekbench tests. I confirmed with Apple that the A7 has a 64-bit wide memory interface, and we're likely talking about LPDDR3 memory this time around so there's probably some frequency uplift there as well.The result is something Apple refers to as desktop-class CPU performance.

- Both the new advanced SIMD instructions and AES/SHA instructions are really designed to enable a new wave of iOS apps.

-Safari, Mail, everything all made the move to 64-bit right away. Given the popularity of these first party apps, it’s not just the hardware that’s 64-bit ready but much of the software is as well. The industry often speaks about Apple’s vertically integrated advantage, this is quite possibly the best example of that advantage. In many ways it reminds me of the Retina Display transition on OS X.

Running A32 and A64 applications in parallel is seamless. On the phone itself, it’s impossible to tell when you’re running in a mixed environment or when everything you’re running is 64-bit. It all just works.

-Apple continues to build its own SoCs and invest in them because honestly, no one else seems up to the job.

-The dual-core A7 is now the fastest SoC we've tested under SunSpider, even outpacing Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 and ARM's Cortex A15. Apple doesn't quite hit the 2x increase in CPU performance here, but it's very close at a 75% perf increase compared to the iPhone 5


-A7's performance here is downright amazing. Once again there's a performance advantage over Snapdragon 800 and Cortex A15, both running at much higher peak frequencies.


-Compared to the iPhone 5, the 5s shows up at over 2.3x the speed of last year's flagship.

-Granted we're comparing across platforms/browsers here, but the 5s as a platform does extremely well in Intel's favorite benchmark.


-Apple’s A7 is the first shipping mobile silicon to integrate ImgTec’s PowerVR Series 6 GPU.


-It is also the first device we've tested capable of breaking the 30 fps barrier in T-Rex HD at its native resolution.Given just how ridiculously intense this test is, I think it's safe to say that the iPhone 5s will probably have the longest shelf life from a gaming perspective of any previous iPhone.






You can debate all day about whether the color is really more of a “champagne” or “rose gold,” but for all practical purposes, it’s still gold. And boy, does it look amazing. I’ll admit, when I first heard rumors of a gold iPhone, I was quite skeptical myself of how it would look. The garish concept I pictured in my mind was a iPhone 5 with a 24 karat gold finish. The reality of it is far from that. More than ever, the iPhone is like a ‘finely crafted watch,’ finish and all. Photos don’t do it justice; you need to see this new color in person to truly appreciate how subtly classy it really is. 





The fingerprint sensor registers so quickly that the device unlocks nearly as fast as I can push the button to wake it up. - See more at: http://techpinions.com/the-iphone-5s-s-is-for-superior/23059#sthash.ZCuCEga3.dpuf





At first glance, it’s easy to dismiss the fingerprint sensor as a whiz-bang feature designed to attract eyeballs and do little else. But this isn’t that. The fingerprint sensor, unlike some other questionable recent smartphone tech like gesture control or eye-tracking, doesn’t feel like a gimmick or tech demo; it feels like a mature feature that actually enhances the overall experience of using an iPhone in a noticeable way that you encounter very frequently. With the iPhone 5s, Apple once again wins the right to claim the title of best smartphone available.





All my pictures were slightly sharper than on the iPhone 5 and low-light pictures were much less washed out by the flash. The camera app has been improved, with a new burst mode that takes many shots quickly and then picks the best ones, and a slow-motion video feature that lets you choose parts of an action sequence to slow down. It worked seamlessly. Overall, however, the new iPhone 5s is a delight. Its hardware and software make it the best smartphone on the market.





First, let’s tackle the camera’s low-light performance. The shots we took with the 5s were consistently better than what we took with the 5: they were sharper, with finer details, more natural colors and far less noise. As you might expect, our daylight shots were roughly on par, though there were a few times when the 5s won out by a slight margin, offering just a little more detail. All told, the 5s plays in the same league as all those other flagships with a bigger emphasis on imaging. Even so, our sample shots still showed more noise and less detail than the same images taken with the Nokia Lumia 1020. The 5s also does a good job of reproducing color, but it’s not the best performer in this category, either. Make no mistake, though: the iPhone has been – and continues to be – great as a simple grab-and-go camera. It may not be a best-in-class performer, but the vast majority of iPhone users will still be happy.





Is the iPhone 5S faster than other phones like the Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One? Based on every benchmark we could throw at the 5S, the answer is yes. How much? That depends on the test. Linpack suggests that the iPhone 5S is a lot faster -- and about twice as fast as the iPhone 5C. Geekbench 3, which recently updated its app to allow for 64-bit testing, suggests a nearly 3x gain over the iPhone 5C's A6 processor.






The most heavily promoted feature is the 5S’s fingerprint sensor, which, ingeniously, is built into the Home button. You push the Home button to wake the phone, leave your finger there another half second, and boom: you’ve unlocked a phone that nobody else can unlock, without the hassle of inputting the password. (And yes, a password is a hassle; half of smartphone users never bother setting one up.) The best part is that it actually works — every single time, in my tests. It’s nothing like the balky, infuriating fingerprint-reader efforts of earlier cellphones. It’s genuinely awesome; the haters can go jump off a pier.





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Ειναι μακραν το καλυτερο κινητο με μικρη οθονη!


Εξαιρετικα αποτελεσματα και επιδοσεις! Πριν παρουσιαστει, δεν περιμενα τετοιες επιδοσεις


troll mode on


"Είναι δυνατόν να έχει ακόμη 32bit επεξεργαστη? Εμείς έχουμε 64bit"
Χρειαστηκε βεβαια να παει σε 64bit για να φθασει (κ πολλες φορες να ξεπερασει) τον ανταγωνισμο.


Κατι αντιστοιχο/αντιστροφο θα εγραφε ενα fanboy. Οοops, το εγραψε ηδη! 

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