Προς το περιεχόμενο

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Είσαι σίγουρος γι' αυτό? (για όλα τα προγράμματα του ΕΑΠ)


Είχα φίλο στο πρόγραμμα "Διοίκηση μονάδων υγείας" και από όσο θυμάμαι βάση του να περάσεις το μάθημα ήταν κάποιες εργασίες για τις οποίες θυμάμαι μου έλεγε ότι μιας και είχε πάρει καλούς βαθμούς μπορουσε να μη δώσει καν την τελευταία (4 στις 5 ή κάτι τέτοιο).

Σε εκείνο το κομμάτι του ΕΑΠ που ήμουν εγω, εδινες εργασίες για να έχεις δικαίωμα σε εξετασεις.

*3 στις 4 εργασίες ειναι υποχρεωτικές, οποίο μέσο όρο και αν έχεις

  • Απαντ. 1k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


σε course ολα αυτα



 Dear students,


This email is sent to all freemover-students admitted to study at Linnæus University in spring 2014. It contains a lot of information. Please make sure you read everything thoroughly. If there are questions or things you need clarification over, feel free to contact the Student Coordinator via e-mail[email protected]


If you’re not a new student at Linnaeus University you can of course disregard this email.

In the following, this e-mail will present information about 1) Accommodation, 2) Buddy program,  3) Social media and the web, 4) Arrival information, 5) The social life




1) Finding Accommodation

First of all it is important for you to realize that FINDING ACCOMMODATION IS YOUR RESPOSIBILITY. The university will not give you any accommodation, since the university does not own any buildings or flats. That said, it is a fact that finding accommodation is not an easy task. This is first of all due to the gaining popularity of the cities themselves. At the moment, many people are coming to Växjö and Kalmar to work or study, and they all need a place to live, of course. That is why the demand of apartments is bigger than the cities and their accommodation agencies have supply for.


Växjö: You have to register with so called waiting queues in Växjö in order to collect waiting points that you need to get access to a room or an apartment. This is not the only way to get access to accommodation in Växjö, but it is the easiest one for you as a freemover-student: if you got your Notification of Selection Results, you can register in the biggest waiting queue at www.boplats.vaxjo.se and collect valuable waiting points while you are still preparing your trip to study in Sweden. When doing that make sure to tick the box “No personal number” to make it work.

There is also a possibility to find something at http://linnestudenterna.se/bostadsformedling/, the student union accommodation site. Here you find ads from private owners, from students who are going abroad and wants another student to rent from them while they are away etc. We also have several links to housing companies and other housing sites. Maybe you have already found something? If yes we congratulate you. Should you wish to share your accommodation with other students, feel free to post about it in the Facebook group mentioned below.

Kalmar: students admitted to study in Kalmar are at the moment referred to the student website mentioned abovehttp://linnestudenterna.se/bostadsformedling/

There’s also Nybro Bostads AB http://www.nybrobostadsab.se/ and Studentboende http://www.studentboendenybro.se/


The other cities: Please contact me if you’re going to Nybro, Ljungby, etc. and have questions about housing.


Please read the attached PDF-file with more information about how to search for accommodation in Växjö and Kalmar.


2) Buddy program

Linnéstudenterna and the student association VIS offer incoming international students a buddy while studying in Växjö. The buddy program is very appreciated both among the local and the international students who come to study at Linnaeus University every year. Most of the buddies are Swedish, some are international students studying at the university. Having a buddy means that someone is waiting for you here, someone who wants to get to know you.

If you wish to apply for a buddy, go to http://linnestudenterna.se/in-english/buddy-program/ and follow the instructions BUT email to [email protected] instead.

3) Social media & the web

You can learn a lot about the university,  the student union Linnéstudenterna and what is offered in each city by checking out the Linnaeus University website atwww.lnu.se as well as www.linnestudenterna.se


There are also several Facebook groups and pages for you to have a look at. Linnaeus University has a Facebook page where staff from different departments answer your potential questions on a regular basis; https://www.facebook.com/linnaeusuniversity


Linnéstudenterna, the student union at Linnæus University, have a Facebook group where you can meet other students and talk about non-academic issues such as housing, ongoing and upcoming events, share ideas e.t.c. The group is called “Freemovers at Linnaeus University, Sweden” and you find it athttps://www.facebook.com/groups/FreemoverLNU/


4) Arrival information


Don’t know which airport is the best? Have questions on how to get from the airport to the university? You can find info on that and much more on our website;http://linnestudenterna.se/in-english/arrival-information/


5) The social life

In both cities there are ESN sections organizing activities for international students as well as Swedes interested in an international environment. The ESN sections in Kalmar and Växjö also have their own Facebook pages;

ESN Kalmar: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ESN-Kalmar/120823584610866

ESN Växjö: https://www.facebook.com/vaxjo.international.students


In Kalmar and Växjö there are of course many other student associations and activities, learn more upon arrival!


For students going to Ljungby: The student association FAST welcomes all students to their activities; https://www.facebook.com/groups/137516903070

For students going to Nybro/Pukeberg: You are welcome to join the ESN activities, as well as other events, in Kalmar.



If questions arise regarding the things you read, or if you don’t understand something, please write to this e-mail address; [email protected]


With best regards and a warm welcome to Linnæus University, Linnéstudenterna* (the student union at Linnæus University)

*Linnéstudenterna offers help and assistance to all students, Swedish and foreign ones. If you have a problem with a teacher, with your studies in general or with everyday-life matters, feel free to contact the student union. Remember also that – in order to get full support from Linnéstudenterna – you have to be a member and pay the membership fee at the beginning of every semester you study at Linnæus University.


Kind regards,


Karin Siöö

Student Coordinator 



True αλλα δεν σημαίνει οτι όλα τα distance learning ειναι χωρίς φυσική παρουσία.



Τα DL μπορεί να ειναι ένας προθάλαμος για κάποιους που σκέφτονται να την κάνουν και την ψάχνουν απο παντού.


Αν θέλετε το σβηνετε

In other news


Αυτό θα ειναι ενδιαφέρον πείραμα





σε course ολα αυτα



 Dear students,


This email is sent to all freemover-students admitted to study at Linnæus University in spring 2014. It contains a lot of information. Please make sure you read everything thoroughly. If there are questions or things you need clarification over, feel free to contact the Student Coordinator via e-mail[email protected]


If you’re not a new student at Linnaeus University you can of course disregard this email.

In the following, this e-mail will present information about 1) Accommodation, 2) Buddy program,  3) Social media and the web, 4) Arrival information, 5) The social life




1) Finding Accommodation

First of all it is important for you to realize that FINDING ACCOMMODATION IS YOUR RESPOSIBILITY. The university will not give you any accommodation, since the university does not own any buildings or flats. That said, it is a fact that finding accommodation is not an easy task. This is first of all due to the gaining popularity of the cities themselves. At the moment, many people are coming to Växjö and Kalmar to work or study, and they all need a place to live, of course. That is why the demand of apartments is bigger than the cities and their accommodation agencies have supply for.


Växjö: You have to register with so called waiting queues in Växjö in order to collect waiting points that you need to get access to a room or an apartment. This is not the only way to get access to accommodation in Växjö, but it is the easiest one for you as a freemover-student: if you got your Notification of Selection Results, you can register in the biggest waiting queue at www.boplats.vaxjo.se and collect valuable waiting points while you are still preparing your trip to study in Sweden. When doing that make sure to tick the box “No personal number” to make it work.

There is also a possibility to find something at http://linnestudenterna.se/bostadsformedling/, the student union accommodation site. Here you find ads from private owners, from students who are going abroad and wants another student to rent from them while they are away etc. We also have several links to housing companies and other housing sites. Maybe you have already found something? If yes we congratulate you. Should you wish to share your accommodation with other students, feel free to post about it in the Facebook group mentioned below.

Kalmar: students admitted to study in Kalmar are at the moment referred to the student website mentioned abovehttp://linnestudenterna.se/bostadsformedling/

There’s also Nybro Bostads AB http://www.nybrobostadsab.se/ and Studentboende http://www.studentboendenybro.se/


The other cities: Please contact me if you’re going to Nybro, Ljungby, etc. and have questions about housing.


Please read the attached PDF-file with more information about how to search for accommodation in Växjö and Kalmar.


2) Buddy program

Linnéstudenterna and the student association VIS offer incoming international students a buddy while studying in Växjö. The buddy program is very appreciated both among the local and the international students who come to study at Linnaeus University every year. Most of the buddies are Swedish, some are international students studying at the university. Having a buddy means that someone is waiting for you here, someone who wants to get to know you.

If you wish to apply for a buddy, go to http://linnestudenterna.se/in-english/buddy-program/ and follow the instructions BUT email to [email protected] instead.

3) Social media & the web

You can learn a lot about the university,  the student union Linnéstudenterna and what is offered in each city by checking out the Linnaeus University website atwww.lnu.se as well as www.linnestudenterna.se


There are also several Facebook groups and pages for you to have a look at. Linnaeus University has a Facebook page where staff from different departments answer your potential questions on a regular basis; https://www.facebook.com/linnaeusuniversity


Linnéstudenterna, the student union at Linnæus University, have a Facebook group where you can meet other students and talk about non-academic issues such as housing, ongoing and upcoming events, share ideas e.t.c. The group is called “Freemovers at Linnaeus University, Sweden” and you find it athttps://www.facebook.com/groups/FreemoverLNU/


4) Arrival information


Don’t know which airport is the best? Have questions on how to get from the airport to the university? You can find info on that and much more on our website;http://linnestudenterna.se/in-english/arrival-information/


5) The social life

In both cities there are ESN sections organizing activities for international students as well as Swedes interested in an international environment. The ESN sections in Kalmar and Växjö also have their own Facebook pages;

ESN Kalmar: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ESN-Kalmar/120823584610866

ESN Växjö: https://www.facebook.com/vaxjo.international.students


In Kalmar and Växjö there are of course many other student associations and activities, learn more upon arrival!


For students going to Ljungby: The student association FAST welcomes all students to their activities; https://www.facebook.com/groups/137516903070

For students going to Nybro/Pukeberg: You are welcome to join the ESN activities, as well as other events, in Kalmar.



If questions arise regarding the things you read, or if you don’t understand something, please write to this e-mail address; [email protected]


With best regards and a warm welcome to Linnæus University, Linnéstudenterna* (the student union at Linnæus University)

*Linnéstudenterna offers help and assistance to all students, Swedish and foreign ones. If you have a problem with a teacher, with your studies in general or with everyday-life matters, feel free to contact the student union. Remember also that – in order to get full support from Linnéstudenterna – you have to be a member and pay the membership fee at the beginning of every semester you study at Linnæus University.


Kind regards,


Karin Siöö

Student Coordinator 



Νομίζω ότι είναι το ίδιο email που πηγαίνει σε όλους είτε full είτε DL είτε course είτε programme


Και εμένα μου ήρθε εκπτωτική κάρτα για τους σιδηροδρόμους της Σουηδίας ...



in other news 


Σήμερα είδα ότι με κάνανε "Unqualified" σε μάθημα που ήθελε 60ECTS σε energy (είμαι μηχ. μηχ, ΕΜΠ) και τα ψιλοπήρα.


Εμένα με κόψανε σε financial mathematics course επειδη δεν είχα credits απο mathematical statistics...



Αν εννοείς αυτό του KTH είμαι Qualified 


Ποιά ήταν η πρώτη σου σχολή ? δεν είχε ούτε ένα μάθημα στατιστικής ..? 


Δε νομίζω να θέλουν περισσότερα ... γιατί και εγώ θεωρητικά 1 μάθημα στατιστικής είχα (άσχετα αν και άλλα μαθήματα είχαν μέσα στατιστικά test).






οντως, 1 μάθημα αρκεί


•60 credits that consist of 7,5 academic credits in Mathematics and

•6 credits in Mathematical Statistics or 7,5 credits in Statistics and




τώρα πως το University of Galve (TEI με τα δικά μας δεδομένα) θεωρεί ότι οι μηχανολόκοι μηχανικοί δεν έχουν 60 ECTS (1 έτος) σε ενέργεια μου φαίνεται "κάπως". Το λέω κυρίως για τη συζήτηση που είχαμε παλαιότερα κατά πόσο άλλα χαρτιά πέραν των ακαδημαΙκών μαθημάτων συνηπολογίζονται και πόσο τυπική είναι η διαδικασία.


Έχω ενα business BSc απο eap και σχεδόν ενα international business ΜSc.


Απο οτι έχω καταλάβει: εμείς τα business χαρτια τα έχουμε στις social sciences ενώ όλος ο υπόλοιπος πλανήτης τα εχει σαν, surprise surprise, business studies






Γιατι υπάρχουν, σήμερα, courses με application period not open;


Πρέπει να έχει να κάνει και με το ίδρυμα.


Επίσης κάποια μαθήματα μπορεί να είναι καν στη λίστα ακόμα.


πχ τα μαθήματα που έκανα εγώ δεν είναι μέσα γιατί δεν έχουν ημνια υποβολής εώς 15/1 αλλά 15/3 ή 15/4.



τώρα πως το University of Galve (TEI με τα δικά μας δεδομένα) θεωρεί ότι οι μηχανολόκοι μηχανικοί δεν έχουν 60 ECTS (1 έτος) σε ενέργεια μου φαίνεται "κάπως". Το λέω κυρίως για τη συζήτηση που είχαμε παλαιότερα κατά πόσο άλλα χαρτιά πέραν των ακαδημαΙκών μαθημάτων συνηπολογίζονται και πόσο τυπική είναι η διαδικασία.


Μετά από ένα email τη δευτέρα όπου δήλωνα έκπληκτος για το "UNQUALIFIED" τη τρίτη πήρα μια 1η απάντηση ότι θα επανεξεταστεί η αίτησή μου και σήμερα έλαβα την απάντηση ότι γίνομαι QUALIFIED


Συμπέρασμα , αν είσαι "Unqualified" δε βλάπτει ένα ευγενικό email για επανεξέταση.





Για τη συζήτηση που είχαμε παλαιότερα για τις κλίμακες αξιολόγησης φαίνεται να μην είναι εντελώς "γραμμικές" δηλαδή αν υπάρχουν όλοι οι "βαθμοί" από το 1 ως το 165 πχ .... από unqualified ξαφνικά έγινα 165/165


Μετά από ένα email τη δευτέρα όπου δήλωνα έκπληκτος για το "UNQUALIFIED" τη τρίτη πήρα μια 1η απάντηση ότι θα επανεξεταστεί η αίτησή μου και σήμερα έλαβα την απάντηση ότι γίνομαι QUALIFIED


Συμπέρασμα , αν είσαι "Unqualified" δε βλάπτει ένα ευγενικό email για επανεξέταση.





Για τη συζήτηση που είχαμε παλαιότερα για τις κλίμακες αξιολόγησης φαίνεται να μην είναι εντελώς "γραμμικές" δηλαδή αν υπάρχουν όλοι οι "βαθμοί" από το 1 ως το 165 πχ .... από unqualified ξαφνικά έγινα 165/165


Δημιουργήστε ένα λογαριασμό ή συνδεθείτε για να σχολιάσετε

Πρέπει να είστε μέλος για να αφήσετε σχόλιο

Δημιουργία λογαριασμού

Εγγραφείτε με νέο λογαριασμό στην κοινότητα μας. Είναι πανεύκολο!

Δημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού


Έχετε ήδη λογαριασμό; Συνδεθείτε εδώ.

Συνδεθείτε τώρα

  • Δημιουργία νέου...