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America's Army: Operations full install v1.9.0


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To tsamba kaneis den mishse :lol:




America's Army Release Notes (Version 1.9)



What's new



Medical Training



This edition of America's Army introduces medical personnel to the game. Individual's wishing to participate in this feature will first have to pass four separate training courses. These courses are as follows:


- Airway Management


In this class, players will learn how to administer medical attention to casualties that are not breathing.


- Controlling Bleeding


This course teaches how to treat wounded soldiers and control blood loss.


- Treating Shock


This class instructs individuals on how to treat casualties who are in shock.


- Field Test


The final course will be a field test in which players must put their new skills to work under the same conditions that they will experience in the game.


Combat Medic



Players who successfully complete medical training will be able to assume the role of a Combat Medic in the game. As a Combat Medic, players will be able to earn extra points and contribute to their team's success by administering medical aid to injured team members.


New Damage Model



With the introduction of the Combat Medic, a new damage model is being introduced to the game. Under the new method, every bullet carries with it a maximum potential damage. When injured, only a portion of that damage is initially inflicted upon the wounded player. The remaining damage is suffered over time through blood loss, as well as the loss of combat effectiveness. Medical personnel who treat injured players will be able to stop the bleeding and save the casualty from further loss of health, as well as partially restore combat effectiveness.


New Character Models



All characters in the game have been replaced with higher resolution models and textures, as well as many new animations. This includes US Soldiers as well as OPFOR and civilian characters.


New Interface



A brand new interface has been created for America's Army, built completely from scratch. Not only presenting a slicker, more professional look and feel to the front end, the menu system is designed to keep up with the growing content of the game. This is the initial release of the interface, and more functionality will be introduced in future updates.


New Theme Song



Along with the new interface comes a new theme song written specifically for the game.


Detail Textures



Some surfaces will now present highly detailed textures when viewed up close. This feature will begin to show up more prominently in future updates.


Player Shadows



Both low and high detailed character shadows are now available in the game.


Lip Sync and Facial Animations



Training maps will now have characters whose mouths move and faces animate while they are speaking.


PunkBuster anti-cheating software



This version of the game will utilize the PunkBuster anti-cheating solution. To take advantage of this system, players must agree to the PunkBuster license agreement during installation. All official servers will run PunkBuster.


Other Additions



- Medic comm

- RoQ video support

- New Scoreboard

- New Team Selection page

- New Class Preference page

- New Server Admin Commands (see below)

- Added remote kick by player number for server admins

- Added 'togglebroll' command for pure camera view when shooting video footage

- Added 64-channel support for Audigy cards.

- Added demo recording (1st pass...this feature is still




What's changed



- All old character meshes have been removed

- Removed all non-weapon attachments except hats and helmets

- Decal counter applies to all DecoMeshes

- New per-bone cylinder in the face of OPFOR character meshes. This should fill out the shape of the face better from the side.

- Infantry always wears green gloves

- Changed skin string replication to skin Material replication

- ServerSetting=A.B ini file option format replaces Section=A Setting=B

- Added support for telnet remote admins to kick and kickban by playerID

- Screenshots will now be located in the /screenshots directory.

- Made adjustment to scoring and playerstarts in FLS map for play balance



What's fixed



- Various problems with bone traces. Shots should register more accurately now.

- Fixed crucified-player bug.

- Pawn now uses same height above Terrain/BSP/StaticMesh

- All attachments get scale from Pawn for better scaling consistency.

- Removed FastWalk w/iron sights exploit

- Talk/TeamTalk will now close console after message is sent

- Grenade crawling animations

- Auth Server related issue should be fixed by 60 second timeout

- Friendly-weapon bug has been fixed

- Fixed grenade through door exploit

- Rounds in weapons show up correctly when you first pick them up

- Weapons dropping at end of round

- Selecting player names on Admin Command Post player list pages 2+ should work

- Auth servers should only report player names that have successfully authed

- The effects class 'aux_light_ExpLight' no longer spawns an extraneous red light

- 3rd-person muzzle-flash effects are no longer played in 1st-person view, and vice-versa

- "Broken arm" bug

- Doors closing through prone players

- Fixed gamma when running in windowed mode.

- Cleaned-up the behavior when using an objective and trying to fire/reload during or before. You can't use objectives and reload simultaneously anymore.

- Fixed bug where you could fire or switch to grenade mode before your starting loadout animation finished

- votekick exploit has been removed

- Fixed issue where character lighting was ramping up and down when switching between spectator points.

- Fixed bug that would allow players to fire their weapon while jumping

- Fixed issue with 1st person hand skins swapping incorrectly

- Fixed issue where bullet decals on deco meshes would drastically slow frame rate.


Apo 3dgamers:

Please note that the official servers have not been upgraded yet, so you will not be able to authenticate and play online until that is completed. But you can get a head-start on the long download as a patch from v1.7.0 is not available either.


Δέν νομίζω να είναι leaked, καλού κακού όμως θα περιμένω να ανακοινωθεί επίσημα :) Παρεπιμπτόντως όποιος έχει adsl, Τ1 κλπ, κ μπορεί να το κατεβάσει pm me :/


@ClawHammer: είσαι σε κανένα ελληνικό clan; :P


nope. den boro na paizo toso efkola online giati eimai me 33.6k modemaki. ostoso paizo AA kyrios ta missions i ston server tou GRnet. elpizo to f8inoporo na valo kamia pio sovari syndesi kai na asxoli8o perissotero an kai tote paizei na exoume available kana Counter-Strike v2.0 :P


oi official servers eginan updated alla otan piga sto section downloads tou site eixe mono na to parageileis kai na pliroseis 5.95 dolaria. skeftika oti einai poly xamili timi kai patisa add to cart Win Full Client v1.9 alla mou vazei aftomata mono tou kai tin full v1.7 xoris na ksero giati me synepeia na prepei na pliroso ta dipla lefta. kserei kaneis ti paizei? episis 8a i8ela na rotiso giati ola ta files pou kykloforisan edo kai liges meres itan 604MB eno sto episimo site to mege8os tis full ekdosis einai 634MB?

telika den boroume na to katevasoume para na plirosoume?


χμμμ δέν ξέρω τί παίζει... :cry: -υποτίθεται- οτι το παιχνίδι είναι freeware...πάντως μπορείς να το κατεβάσεις και απο εδώ...τώρα για την διαφορά μεγέθους δέν μπορώ να ξέρω :/


edit: σκατά τα κάνανε...ίσως πρέπει να περιμένουμε λίγο πρίν κατεβάσουμε:

http://www.americasarmy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?topic=80692&forum=15&12 :evil:


Παρακάτω είναι αυτά που "ψάρεψα" απο διάφορα forums σχετικά με την 1.9:


Just wondered if i must get the real release of 1.9 now.

Is it something different with this new and the old download?


nope there is not...

and if there is i would be glad to send you thee old one!


whats with the payment thingy down at the official site??? we need to pay to have 1.9??? or is there a difference between the fileplanet version and the official version?


you have the full version from fileplanet..so dont worry ..

but the 5.95 usd isnt that bad for a game of this calibur now is it ?

...jsut think if most of us in the aao community paid for this game (updates)how and what would this do for us in the future?5.95usd =more updates (because they have more money to work with)

better press releases=(more up to date news from the dev's ect..

im sure i could sit here and write for a while of what 5.95usd would do for the deväs and us as players but i dont have the time ..

i think that is isnt much to pay ...


The devs don't get that 5.95, you're just paying for a "premium" download service or some crap. You're not paying for the game at all, just the service of hosting it so you can download from them.


Leaked 1.9 604mb.....offical release 1.9 634mb...???

Whats going on there then....???


well the version I downloaded was a .zip

is the *offical download* .exe?

cuz a .exe would be bigger than .zip


a self extracting zip is an exe. (which both files are.) its should only be about 50k larger, not 35mb


well there were a lot of bug like the communitation errors and there were some m4 weapon bugs so i gues they changed that only one way to find out


Don't worry about it fellas. It's just the way your Operating System computes MB's. Different OS's do it different ways. So the 604 MB is just windows xp's result in computing 634,236,928 bytes, whereas other operating systems might show it as 634 MB.


For any nerds:

people think 1 MB = 1,000,000 bytes

however, computer uses 1 MB = 1,048,576 bytes


so using people's interpretation of a MB, the game has 634,235,904 bytes/1,000,000 = approx. 634 MB's.


but using computers definition of a MB, the game has 634,235,904 bytes/1,048,576 = approx. 604 MB's


Hence the difference between what is on the website and what shows up on your computer.


υeah but this is the difference. One file has a higher compression. When you unzip it or use the *.exe self-extractor you have the same size of the game.


Εγώ καλού κακού θα επιστρατεύσω την επιμονή μου και/ή μερικές ώρες σε bnb για να κατεβάσω το full :evil:


@lefteris: Δυστυχώς είναι μόνο multiplayer, δέν υπάρχει προοπτική singleplayer απο όσο ξέρω, μπορείς όμως να παίξεις σε lan, κατεβάζοντας το full HAOM (hydra's army ops manager)

@Jastonas: με 56k παίζω, σχετικά καλά πάει, ειδικά σε ευρωπαϊκούς servers έχω στάνταρ ping στα 200-300, το οποίο στους 2 ελληνικούς που έχουμε κατεβαίνει στα 100-150. Δέν είναι και ότι καλύτερο, αλλα τουλάχιστον τις περισσότερες φορές ευχαριστιέσαι παιχνίδι :)


Μιλάμε πάντα για <1.7, δέν ξέρω στην 1.9 άν έχει αλλάξει τίποτα σχετικά με αυτά. Μέχρι την κυριακή θα έχω την 1.9, θα postάρω σχόλια :twisted:


akpe katevasa tin 1.9 meta apo 60 ores synexeia sto Internet... loipon to interface einai TELIWS diaforetiko, ta options exoun allaksei kai einai pio ekseidikevmena enw grafika kai ixos einai veltiomena. prospa8isa omos na bo stous ellinikous servers alla mou vgazei kai stous 2 mynima communication error. sto readme tou paixnidiou leei:

Known Issues


Communication Error:

If you see this message, the Game server has failed to open the port to connect to the authentication server(s). Please try again. The Developers have included fixes to minimize this error in version 1.9. Additional

server-side fixes are coming soon which should further resolve,

and possibly eliminate this issue.


Το έχω ξανακούσει αυτό, στο official forum υπάρχουν 2-3 fixes, κάτι πρέπει να αλλάξεις στο user.ini νομίζω


Κατέβασες την full 1.9 ή το update; 8)


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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