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Colin McRae Rally 3 retail patch v1.1


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Patch gia to colin 3



"Colin McRae Rally 3"

Patch 1.1








The patch is a self-extracting file. Simply run it from the directory you

downloaded it to and it will find your Colin McRae Rally 3 directory and update

the game.



This patch contains the following updates:

1) Controller setup now contains a 'Return to Centre' option.

2) Non-English co-driver speech is fixed for Windows 98 machines with SBLive


3) A sound glitch arising from wrongly reported maximum playback frequencies

has been fixed (this should improve sound quality on low-end cards)

4) Performance boosted on T&L cards by reducing the update rate for some of the


5) Fixed a logic error that allowed running with no sound card to crash.

6) The VSync problem has been fixed.

7) Force feedback update rate improved.

8) The USA season 2 stages 1&2 English co-driver errors have been fixed.



1. Steering Wheel Tips

There are two different ways in which the pedals might be configured through

windows itself. The most common of which uses a single axis for both pedals.

This is the setup default in the game. Users of these controllers can just go

straight through the controller options screen and play immediately. If the

pedals are configured as two different axes (All Microsoft and Logitech

steering wheels allow this as do most others), then the key defines for

accelerate and brake must be reconfigured. Most controllers using separate axes

will also need the flip accelerate/brake option set to yes as the values

reported through DirectX are in reverse to what you might expect.

2. Controller menu options

The following options are only available when not using the keyboard for


Analogue steering and acc/brake - governs whether the steering will be

controlled by a button (digital) or by a d-pad on a controller. The key

configuration screen which follows will then only accept setup from that type

of control.

Flip acc/brake: This is most useful on steering wheels where the pedals operate

in reverse (ie when fully depressed they report no value and when released

report full) - this can be seen either in the appropriate dialogue box in the

Gaming Controllers option in the control panel or in the in-game axis

calibration screen. This can also be used for reversing the axis if using a

d-pad up/down for accelerate and brake.

3. Calibration Tips

Deadzone - This is a zone within an axis range that it is interpret as being at

rest. A range is given here, as slight movements on the controller around the

rest state should not trigger actions. In the case of steering wheels, it is

greatly advised that the deadzone is set as low as possible.

Saturation - This is the point on an axis at which it is defined as being at

full range. Again, bringing this closer to centre for steering wheels is

advised to reduce the amount of turn a wheel needs to be at to be at full


4. Analogue controls command line

Using 'ANALOGUECONTROLLERS' on the command line will force analogue. Setting

the steering to analogue will increase the responsiveness of the steering.

Moving the controller to full lock will mean that the car wheels will

immediately go to full lock. This should provide a more accurate, but

challenging driving experience. No game controller should be either added or

removed once the game has been started.



To run the game with one of the options below, right-click on the desktop

shortcut to the game, and select 'Properties'. Select the 'Shortcut' tab. In

the 'Target' box add the following command (without inverted commas) at the end

of the line. In Windows 98, this means after the final inverted commas.

The command line options are as follows:

"NOSHADERS" -> forces the game to use the Fixed Vertex Function render

path (ie removes all pixel shader effects).

"STATICBUFFERS" -> Set this to fix the Geforce 4 MX440 crash bug for

nvidia drivers below version 43.80

"NOVIDEOS" -> turns off playing of the videos. (The front-end/attract

videos audio is enabled unless 'NOSOUND' is also used.)

"LQVIDEOS" -> Forces the use of low quality videos

"HQVIDEOS" -> forces the use of high quality videos.

"NOSOUND" -> Forces the sound to be switched off

"ANALOGUECONTROLS" -> Explained below

"RESETCONTROLS" -> Reset the controller setup

"RESETDISPLAY" -> Reset the display setup

Note. If you use 'NOVIDEOS' the 3 frontend/attract videos still play, but

only the audio. This then keeps the game background music. If the 'NOSOUND'

option is also set then these last 3 movies are fully disabled


Σε μένα πάντως αυτό το patch έλυσε πολλά προβλήματα... τη στιγμή που είχα απογοητευτεί πολύ από το παιχνίδι (τέτοια κολλήματα που μου έκανε δεν έχω ξαναδεί), ενώ τώρα μπορώ να το παίξω φυσιολογικά.


Πάλι καλά που έλυσαν το πρόβλημα με τον ήχο!!!

Καλά μας κοροιδεύουν; Μόνο το πρόβλημα με Vsync έλυσαν!

Ο ήχος συνεχίζει και παίζει σαν λες και έχει καταπιεί ήλιο!

Ακού εκεί low-end card η SixPack 5.1 :mad:

Στα μούτρα σας ρε, άχρηστοι προγραμματιστάριοι. Μάθετε να φτιάχτε σωστά συμβατά παιχνίδια και μετά αρχίζετε τις παπαριές για τις low-end κάρτες ήχου. Ουστ ρε!!!


den ksero gia ta alla fixes alla gia to force feedback rate improved eimai sigouros. xoris to patch den katalavaineis oti me to timoni exeis ena agonistiko sta xeria sou. me to patch ola exoun lithei. eidika sto maximum rate einai sketi pwrwsi!!!...

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Emena auto to paixnidi mou kanei ta trela kolhmata. Gia na paiksei ok prepei na valw ta graphics katw tou metriou kai analush 640x480. Eseis se ti mhxanakia to trexete? Exw 2600+ me nforce2 Ultra kai Radeon 8500LE. Vgazw kapou 9K sto 3dmark 2001 SE. Kala ti thelei gia na treksei ok auto to game? Tha dw an exw valei auto to patch mpas kai ginei tipota....


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