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Modem Overclock


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kalimera paidia.

pos mporo na kano ena modem overclock?exo akousi para polla..

ine v.90 apo tin 3com,kai thelo na to kano v.92 kai pano..

sorry alla ime psiloasxetos,gia auto rotisa edo..

tha allaksi tipota i tsampa o kopos?


Gia arxh, sthn ousia tsampa o kopos,

O oros overclock einai teleiws adokimos gia modem afou den milame gia ton yperxronismo "rologiou" kapoiou epeksergasth..


Afto to opoio ginetai me kapoia modem, einai allagh tou firmware outws wste to modem na xrhsimopoihsei to protokollo V92, arkei to modem na einai hardware ready gia afth thn anba8mish.


Ta proterhmata tou V92 einai ta ekshs 3 8eorhtika:


1) Fast connect: Pairnei ligaki ligotero xrono gia na synde8eis 20-25" anti gia ta 30-35"

Liges fores exei paiksei

2) Modem on-hold: Mporeis na milhseis sto thlefwno xwris na xreiastei na kleiseis th syndesh, apla afhnontas thn idle.

To exw dei na doulevei mia fora me eiserxomenh klhsh, mhn perimeneis na doulepsei pote..

3) Up-stream: Ligo megalyterh taxythta sto upload: 33.600 anti gia 28.800


Me liga logakia...: Klein Mein :roll:


Afto to opoio mporeis na kaneis gia th beltiosh ths apodoshs ths syndeshs, einai tweaking ths registry, kyriws sto tropo pou 8a anoigei connections o IE


Des afto: http://www.insomnia.gr/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=258190&highlight=overcloack

Rspct to: madsc


lol, to kata dynamhn :P :D


BTW na kalypsw kai 2 kenakia...


To Upstream einai to mono pou paizei sigoura.


To tweaking epishs dkimasmeno apo filo o opoios epa8e thn plaka ths zwhs tou!!!

Katebaze me meso oro 6,4kB/sec basei twn synolwn tou metrhth twn win. omologw oxi oti pio aksiopisto,

alla opws kai na'xei, kai 6 na htan, not bad gia 56raki Supra ;)


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