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ASUS P4P800 Deluxe


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Exei kanenas auto to board?


Exw diabasei kala logia se arketa site pou tou ekanan review [asxeta an to ellhniko pcmag to e8apse] :-)


Tipota problhmata/parathrhseis/elleipseis pou exete parathrhsei apo thn xrhsh protou ta skasw kai to parw?


Alh8eia ti mnhmoules tou exete panw? [marka-part number an ginetai]


Eyxaristw gia ton xrono sas


Aaaa kai mhn arxisete protaseis gia alla board...eimai kollhmenos me thn asus :-)


Egw exw thn P4P800 thn aplh. Logika einai idies ektos apo merika extra pou exei h deluxe opws to firewire.

Eimai polu euxaristhmenos. Den exei parousiasei kamia para3enia kai ola douleuoun roloi. Exw kanei kai ena mikro O/C ton 2.4C sta 3GHz xwris problhmata.

Mnhmes pou exw einai 2x 512 Kingston CL25 (Winbond-USA) kai douleuoun aneta sta 2-3-3-6 xwris na au3hsw ka8olou thn tash.

Tis phra se kalh timh 100 Euro telikh timh to 512ari apo to PCStore. Pantws an pareis auth th M/B bale to Option "Performance mode" sto Turbo. 8a kerdiseis polu sth taxhthta twn mnhmwn.


tis mnhmes tis trexeis se 250fsb h tis exeis asygxrwna?

giati kserw oti o 2.4c exei kleidwmeno pollaplasiasth sta 12x.


apo psyksh pws pas? tou exeis balei tipota h ths manas tou?


kala gia tis ry8miseis exw diabasei ta trela se diafore reviews apo site pou pousarisan ton sygkekrimeno epeksergasth.


thanks gia to tip pantws :-)

Egw exw thn P4P800 thn aplh. Logika einai idies ektos apo merika extra pou exei h deluxe opws to firewire.

Eimai polu euxaristhmenos. Den exei parousiasei kamia para3enia kai ola douleuoun roloi. Exw kanei kai ena mikro O/C ton 2.4C sta 3GHz xwris problhmata.

Mnhmes pou exw einai 2x 512 Kingston CL25 (Winbond-USA) kai douleuoun aneta sta 2-3-3-6 xwris na au3hsw ka8olou thn tash.

Tis phra se kalh timh 100 Euro telikh timh to 512ari apo to PCStore. Pantws an pareis auth th M/B bale to Option "Performance mode" sto Turbo. 8a kerdiseis polu sth taxhthta twn mnhmwn.


Mε turbo ρύθμιση κολλά...και τον ίδιο εξοπλισμό....δεν το έχω όμως δοκιμάσει με τον νέο Βios 1009 . Μια από τις 2-3 καλύτερες mobo τηε εποχής (και όχι μόνο)


BIOS exw to 1008

PSu3h To default anemisthraki tou P4 (O pentium einai made in Malaysia - apo o,ti mou eipan autoi einai oi kaluteroi....Tsekare ton prin ton agoraseis... grafei pou kataskeuasthke sto autokollhto tou barcode)

Maximum temp me F@H kai Prime tautoxrona 53C

Idle temp 33-35C

Bebaia boh8oun kai ta 2 anemhstirakia sto kouti :wink:

to FSB einai sta 255 alla me diaireth h mnhmh trexei sta 205.

Basika afhsa auta ta noumera giati mou eluse ena problhma pou eixa:



Pantws apo taxhthta oi mnhmes pane ikanopoihtika:

Sandra: Int 5375 Float 5450 (prin peira3w ru8miseis htan 4222/4201 antistoixa)

PCMark: Memory 9739


Gary exeis tis idies akribws mnhmes (winbond)? Den exoun oles oi kingston Winbond chipakia.


Enas akomh polu sobaros logos na diale3eis auth th M/B :

"CrashFree BIOS 2: Whenever BIOS gets corrupted, ASUS CrashFree BIOS 2 allows users to reboot the computer and perform an smart auto-recovery procedure through the motherboard support CD."


Emena mou eswse th M/B...Otan ebala tis mnhmes sta 2-2-2-5 to BIOS egine corrupted. Diabase omws to default BIOS apo to CD kai ola OK. 8)


Πολύ καλή μητρική. Αν θες κάτι να την σγκρίνεις, δες και τις αντίστοιχες Abit και Epox (αν καταφέρεις να την βρεις βέβαια την Epox).

BIOS exw to 1008

PSu3h To default anemisthraki tou P4 (O pentium einai made in Malaysia - apo o' date='ti mou eipan autoi einai oi kaluteroi....Tsekare ton prin ton agoraseis... grafei pou kataskeuasthke sto autokollhto tou barcode)

Maximum temp me F@H kai Prime tautoxrona 53C

Idle temp 33-35C

Bebaia boh8oun kai ta 2 anemhstirakia sto kouti :wink:

to FSB einai sta 255 alla me diaireth h mnhmh trexei sta 205.

Basika afhsa auta ta noumera giati mou eluse ena problhma pou eixa:



Pantws apo taxhthta oi mnhmes pane ikanopoihtika:

Sandra: Int 5375 Float 5450 (prin peira3w ru8miseis htan 4222/4201 antistoixa)

PCMark: Memory 9739


Gary exeis tis idies akribws mnhmes (winbond)? Den exoun oles oi kingston Winbond chipakia.[/quote']


Aκριβώς τα ίδια ,αλλά έχω max temp 45C


Aκριβώς τα ίδια ' date='αλλά έχω max temp 45C[/quote']


Idia kai sta FSB? An to exeis krathsei sta 200MHz einai logikh max temp 45C.

Exeis dokimasei kana programma (PRIME, F@H, Burn-In) na deis tis antoxes tou PC kai max temps?


Aκριβώς τα ίδια ' date='αλλά έχω max temp 45C[/quote']


Idia kai sta FSB? An to exeis krathsei sta 200MHz einai logikh max temp 45C.

Exeis dokimasei kana programma (PRIME, F@H, Burn-In) na deis tis antoxes tou PC kai max temps?


45C από το Βιος ....όλα τα υπόλοιπα τα ίδια ....δεν δέχεται turbo mode....

έχω 2 ανεμιστήρες in-out (του αέρα) αυτορυθμιζόμενους με αισθητήρες του

κουτιου (και από το Bios Qspeed fan)... και ένδειξη σe εξωτ. panel


Gia na eimaste sigouroi oti exoume ta idia settings, apo to BIOS mou:



DRAM CAS# Latency 2

DRAM RAS# Precharge 3

DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay 3

DRAM Precharge Delay 6

DRAM Burst Length 8

Memory acceleration mode Enabled




CPU external frequency 255

DRAM frequency 320

AGP/PCI frequency 66.66/33.33

Performance mode Turbo


na kanw kai to prwto mou post apo to anaba8mismeno pc :-)


shmera to esthsa kai milame gia trelo board.


o p4 einai apo costa rica kai eftase mexri 3.02 ghz.

ton exw sta default settings twra kai 8a ton anebasw otan parw allo kouti me kalytero aerismo. pantws sto relanti exei kales 8ermokrasies 31cpu/39board.


to asxhmo einai oti den phra kai poly kales mnhmes [transcend] kai den pousarontai poly 2.5-3-3 :-(


to crashfree ontws swzei zwes :-) tou ebala kati trelles ry8miseis stis mnhmes kai den epeze tipota...me ena kleisimo-anoigma kai egine perdiki...h xara tou p4 lamer overclocker [gia na mhn prosblh8ei kanenas lew gia mena] :-)


ante na bgei sthn syntaksh o kakomoirhs o piii.


kai exeis to pcmag na sou leei oti to board einai moufa :-)))))


apo deytera pou 8a asxolh8w perissotero 8a doume sta posa ghz 8a ton afhsw :-)


Ante FatMan Kalota3ido! :D

Pantws den me akouses! Eprepe na pareis Malaisiano oxi sumpatriwth tou Centeno :D

An oi mnhmes sou pisteueis oti antexoun parapanw tash, ri3e kai sunexeia tests me Memtest gia na deis an einai stable.

Kai mhn 3exnas auta pou 8a kanoun th diafora sthn apodosh einai ta:

Memory acceleration mode Enabled

Performance mode Turbo


Telika den krath8hka kai epaiza olo to brady me tis ry8miseis.


To eftasa sta 2820mhz kai den katalabainei tipota.


panw apo ta 2880 arxizoun ta kolpa :-)

kati hkseres, prepei na ftainei oi costarikanoi :-)

[den boh8aei kai h mnhmh]


twra to exw me ta ekshs:


dram:320 [4:5]

agp/pci: 66/33


to spasimo einai oti h mnhmh phge sta 188mhz se 2.5-4-4-8

dhladh kerdisa se apodosh cpu alla exw xasei apo mnhmh.


apo 8ermokrasies anebase ligaki :-)

49cpu/39case se full load [30/37 idle]


8a arxisw na paizw me ta reymata kai blepoume


Oi mnhmes sou einai CL3 h CL 2.5?

An einai CL3 bale tes se 3 CAS latency kai anebase FSB na tis pas toulaxiston 200 me diaireth 4/5. Einai kalutera etsi...

Xaneis polu se overall performance tou susthmatos perissotero apo th mnhmh para apo th CPU.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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