harrisy2000 Δημοσ. 28 Ιουλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 28 Ιουλίου 2003 Geia sas filoi mou. Prin liges meres apofasisa na kanw anabathmish sto web server mou kai apo XP pro IIS V5.1, ebala Windows 2003 Server IIS 6.0. O server trxei me taxuthta Broadband 1 MBits. Aposo blepw to leitourgiko einai mia xara gia Web Server kai eida beltiwsh ews kai 100% se taxuthtes exipiretishs selidwn. Diladi o server stelnei pio grugora ta responses stous requestors. Anyway na min milisoume peri multithreading ktl. Auto pou me endiaferei einai an kapios exei testarei to parapanw leitourgiko gia security na mou pei tis endupwseis tou. P.S na shmeiwsw oti ta incoming pings einai blocked san default setting kati pou me ekane na enthousiastw, alla kai den katalabainw pws akribws douleuei. Opios xerei otidoipote sxetika me security kai to parapanw leitourgeiko kai thelei na prosthesei kati as bohthisei. filika
Maniakos Δημοσ. 29 Ιουλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 29 Ιουλίου 2003 To ping vasizete sto ICMP echo reply kai poly apla to exoun apagorepsei na ginete. Sto Linux vevaia boreis na to kaneis enable / disable opote 8es : D Alla mallon kai sta 2003 8a boreis na to kaneis. Pantws kai emeis apo ta tests pou exoume kanei edw exoume meinei euxaristimenoi - gia tin wra - me to leitourgiko eidika me to Mirroring pou boreis na kaneis sto leitourgiko mesa apo to Computer Management kai tin genikoteri diaxirisi tou sistimatos i opoia exei ginei poly kaliteri. Episis mou arese poly to oti borei na ginei Media Server ( broadcasting MMS as poume) kai to oti boreis na xrisimopoihseis to Remote Desktop gia ola ta mixanimata tou diktyou tautoxrona kai oxi mono gia ena. I pragmatiki vevaia proklisi gia to ama einai kala i oxi den einai se auta , einai sto ama epitelous exoun ftiaksei kalitero to Active Directory to opoio pragmatika ta ekane ola pouta** sta Windows 2000 ama ta eixes kanei configure os File Server. Se genikes grammes pantws os twra exw paratirisei mia kalitereusi alla exei akoma mexri na zoristei arketa to mixanima gia na doume ama pragmatika aksizei to kainourio Active Directory.
harrisy2000 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2003 File gia to active directory na sou pw tin alhtheia den exw propikh embhreia para mono sth douleia mou pou xrhsimopoieite se ena terasteio dukteio to opoio omws trexei me win 2k server kai nt servers kai me San clusters kai fenetai mia xara. Apo kei o dikos mou server apotelei ousiastika file server (me active ditrectory) gia alo ena mono pc mes to spiti. Kai dustuxws etsi den borw na sou pw tipota giati den uparxei megalo traffic sto diktiaki mou. Apokei kai pera trexw SQL server sto ena PC kai opws deipame win2k3 server sto alo me iis6.0. Toxerw oti poloi tha lene poso Lame einai auta pou xrhsimopoiw, alla dusthxws den boro na trexw linux kathus o win2k3 den einai dikos mou. Apo kei kai pera Exwndas kapoia poira apo windows to olo configuation kai installation mou phre 2 meres. To traffic metaxu iis kai sql einai stigmiaio kathws kai opws eipa o xronos exhphretishs selidwn sto web elaxistopoihthike dramatika. EPiseis opws eipes kai c to clustering configuration einai plewn accessible apo GUI kanondas eukolotero to configuration. APo driver installations eixa epishs duo problimatakia. Mia karta duktiou Netgear FA311 einai gia petama (den pezei driver gia win2k3 pros to parwn) kathws epishs kai mia onboard carta hxou (IT7-MAX2 motherboard) einai off. Gia enalaxtikh lush kartwn dhktuou xrhsimopoiw Realtek RTL8139/810x kai anagnoristikan apo to leitourgiko. Ola ta alla einai ok. Auto pou akoma den exw mathei kai ilikrina me endiaferei (kai fobizei) polu einai oti opows oloi xeroume me kathe version tis mcrosoft meta apo 1 xrono les plewn oti exei secure leitourgiko kai afou exeis katevasei 200 updates. LEte na einai toso asxhma kai me auth thn version? Giati oxi ee... hahha cuz
harrisy2000 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2003 AAAAA file ksexasa na se rwtis ti firewall xrhsimopoieies an xrhsimopoieies. Ola ta norton burglar tools den douleboun. Lene oti h version den einai compatible. Kai an ta kaneis i.e. Run as Win98 palei den anoigoun. Opote norton dustuxws den pezei. Ti allo tha protinate ?
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