Billman Δημοσ. 25 Ιουλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 25 Ιουλίου 2003 Array ==== pinakas sta8erou mege8ous p.x. 100 8esewn Xyma mporeis na eleg3eis/alla3eis opoio stoixeio 8es. List === Sxediakia: > Head [] => [] => [] => null h > Head null<=[]<=>[]<=>[]=>null To ka8e [] antiproswpeyei ena stoixeio ths listas. Sthn 1h periptwsh to ka8e stoixeio deixnei sto epomeno tou. Sthn 2h periptwsh to ka8e stoixeio deixnei sto epomeno tou, alla k sto prohgoumeno tou. Aytes einai oi dyo pio synh8ismenes morfes mias listas. Me thn lista mporeis na kaneis seiriakh anazhthsh mono. Tyxaia epilogh den epitrepetai ( opws fainetai k apo to sxhma ) Vector ==== Skepsou oti einai enas pinakas o opoios allazei dynamika mege8os. Pali epitrepetai h random access. Elpizw na boh8hsa. PS: An deite oti exw peta3ei kammia blakeia, dior8wste me
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