xpert Δημοσ. 24 Ιουλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 24 Ιουλίου 2003 Gia download edo: http://user13.by.ru/open.zip Ena aparetito ergalio gia ka8e ksexasiari. Ti kanei to prog: Program Open Pass! intended for viewing the passwords hidden by the symbol '*' in floors of entering the passwords Windows 95/98/NT. Such,for instance, as an entering a password in DialUp window. This sometimes cans be useful, if You suddenly have forgotten its password or have decided to hear a someone else password. After starting a program, direct a cursor of mouse on the field of entering a password with the type password. Asterisks is replaced an real by the value a field of entering. Except this, if asterisks not disappeared, in the window of program OpenPass be a field View, in which is reflected contents of field, on which installed cursor. Error were corrected In given versions when working with Internet Explorer and WinHelp, well and some the others.
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