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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Μετά τα LOW POWER, LOW PRICE θα δούμε κανέναν νέο FX 8χχχ σιγά σιγά ?


Αντε AMD....


Μόνο APUs από δω και πέρα. Ίσως δούμε six core apu το 2016 .


GlobalFoundries licenses Samsung process tech, grants AMD access to FinFETs


"Developed by Samsung and licensed to GLOBALFOUNDRIES, the 14nm FinFET process is based on a technology platform that has already gained traction as the leading choice for high-volume, power-efficient system-on-chip (SoC) designs. The platform taps the benefits of three-dimensional, fully depleted FinFET transistors to overcome the limitations of planar transistor technology, enabling up to 20 percent higher speed, 35 percent less power and 15 percent area scaling over industry 20nm planar technology."


"Through a proven level of fab synchronization never previously achieved outside of a single company, Samsung and GLOBALFOUNDRIES will use a coordinated copy-smart approach involving materials, process recipes, integration and tools. The company will also run fab-sync test chips on a regular basis to ensure that the fabs are the 14nm FinFET process exactly the same."

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AMD "Beema" low power APUs spotted


"Beema" is is the third generation ULV core, that will succeed current "Kabini" core, however it will still make use of 28nm technology. "Beema" accelerated units will have up to 4 CPU cores, GCN graphics, and integrated Security Processor. According to AMD estimates, the APUs will have much better performance per Watt, up to 104%, than "Kabini" products. The actual TDP will depend on SKU, and it will range from 10 Watt to 25 Watt. Specifications of individual parts up to this point were unknown, but this week we spotted (PDF file) 4 new model numbers in specifications of Dell Inspiron 15-3541 laptop.

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