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gamecube i kaliteri konsolla aftis tis genias.......


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


theoritike esu paizeis tetris sto gameboy gia logous sinesthimatos kai MONO, giati to tetris uparxei mexri kai se kinita!!

Apla protimas (opos kai ego pou kano to idi pragma me to tetris) na to exeis pio xeiropiasto sto gameboy to opoio vgike prin 13 xronia! Allo to enas omos kai allo to allo.



Amra01 anefera ta texnika xaraktiristika epeidi ESY eipes oti to gamecube exei EINAI ANOTERO TEXNIKA apo ta alla duo, kai sou apediksa oti apla den einai!!!


Apo thema upologistikis isxis pou eipe kapoios, file exo AMD kai ksero akrivos to paizei me ta MHz, kai se pliroforo oti gnorizo (to opoio esu den ksereis profanos giati allios tha to aneferes) oti to gamecube an den apatomai exei PowerPC pou simainei oti nai men i sixnotita tou rologiou einai xamiloteri alla i isodinamia me ta mhz tou XBOX & tou PS2 einai 1 pros 2,5.


Parola afta omos kaneis den mporei na amfisvitisei oti apo TEXNIKHS plevras oi konsola einai pio adinami!!




ILOS... kala tha exeis dosei diladi 1,000,000 gia na paizeis paixnidia ton konsolon afton ta opoia OUTOS H ALLOS kapoia apo afta tha mporeis na ta paizeis kai sto PC afou uparxei o antistixos titlos???


Giati den pistevo oti milas tora sovara sto thema tou emulation??

Exeis dei kanenan emulator gia DREAMCAST pou einai konsola tou 99?? Mi leme oti theloume, tha kanoume tora emulate to xbox!!!!! Se poio xoroxrono?


Episis me poia logiki afou exeis PC tha pareis PS2 allios tha epernes Xbox..?? Epeidi leei "microsoft"?? Giati de nomizo oti ta games pou uparxoun sto xbox apokleistika uparxoun kai sto PC mono kai mono logo tis microsoft...




Telos na katalikso oti min sigrinete ta grafika ton konsolon afton me to ti vlepete stin tileorasi sas pou exei moufa analisi.. Paikste to se kamia 19ara othoni PC kai sigrinete to me to antistixo game enos ANTISTOIXOU kostous PC (mono to tower) kai ta ksanaleme!!! ;)

  • Απαντ. 189
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση


1)παραδέχομαι οτι θα αργήσουν να βγουν αξιοπρεπείς emulator και για αυτό λέω "όποιος θέλει να περιμένει".

2)Ναι τα φράγκα είναι πολλά...

3)PS2/XBOX εννοούσα το εξής παραννοϊκό:

οτί αν δεν είχα pc θα είχα προτιμήσει το XBOX γιατί θα το έκανα πουτ@ν@, μέχρι και linux θα την έψαχνα. Επειδή όμως δεν έχω τέτοια όρεξη για πειραματισμούς θα προτιμούσα το ps2 επειδή πολύ απλά έχει προς το παρόν καλύτερη υποστήριξη σε τίτλους (αν και πολύ σαβούρα).

4)Κάποιος άλλος θα μπορούσε να μου πει βέβαια οτί λέω μ@λ@κιες αφου ίσα ίσα επειδή έχω pc με συμφέρει to ΧΒΟΧ για να παίζω τα mp3 μου και τις ριπαρισμένες Divx μου. ΟΚ ΟΚ ΟΚ

5)ΕΠΕΙΔΗ ΠΟΤΕ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΩ ΠΑΡΕΙ ΚΟΝΣΟΛΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΖΩΗ ΜΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΟΥΤΕ ΠΡΟΚΕΙΤΑΙ, ΚΑΚΩΣ ΚΑΘΟΜΑΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΧΟΛΟΥΜΑΙ ΑΦΟΥ ΔΕΝ ΜΕ ΕΝΔΙΑΦΕΡΕΙ ΤΟ ΑΝΤΙΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ. Απλώς κοινοποίησα τις ενδόμυχες σκέψεις μου. Καλύτερα να μιλάω για rpg ή delphi που με παίρνει...


loipon oson anafora ta texnika xaraktiristika, iparxoun ta mhz poli sosta anaferate to cube exei 483 tis ibm opote an kanete ton aplo polaplasiasmo 2.5 x 483 = 1207,5 to xbox exei ena p3 (panagia mou)

733. teleia. iparxoun kai alla pragmata opos oi mnimes to xbox exei 64 mb patatomnimes DDR RAM tis xeiroteres stis agora eno to cube exei 43 mb ram alla MoSys 1T-SRAM. teleia. i g-force 3 einai kali i kartoula isos kaliteri alla kai i ati the paei piso. kai telos einai i kataskevi kai ta ilika edo milame gia ibm factor5 kai empeiria dekaetion kai apo tin alli gia p3 patato pc intell kai ddr mnimi noname hardware. den evaze to plaisio na tou ftiaksei to xbox tou gates? teleia.afta gia to hardware.tora gia ta poligona oute oi idioi de pistevoun afta pou grafoun kai ego mporo na miliso gia fps alla sti praksi afta einai kseroi arithmoi giati de mas leei se ti perivallon i se sigekrimeno paixnidi vgazei toso poli to xbox? kai prokalo opoiondipote na mou pei paixnidi tou xbox pou vgazei perissotera apo to roque squadron i to fzero pou erxetai tora...

i acclaim de me endiaferei katholou san etairia...to mono paixnidi pou aksize itan to nba jam...otan exo sega kai namco(tales of symphonia apoklistiko rpg kai allo ena etoimazetai) apo piso kai 5 paixnidia apoklisitika apo capcom ena apo afta rez 4....a nai kai squaresoft apoklistiko FFantasy. kapoios pou exei kai tis 3 konsoles milise gia gameplay akoma den mou anefere ena paixnidi pou exei sto cube to fzero vgainei ton oktovrio. kai to perimenoun oloi pos kai pos.

loipon protimo na paizo mario sto nes i donkey kong sto snes apo to na paizo halo sto xbox...o monos logos pou aksizei to xbox einai to fable pou prokeite kapoia stigmi na vgei, to nba2k4 kai to kotor pou vgike idi. exei paiksei kaneis sas to metroid? kserete to kalitero paixnidi tis proigoumenis xronias apo ta megalitera site sto internet gamespy, ign....

oxi kai best rpg to suikoden....eleos diladi

oute to final fantasy theorite korifeo rpg

rpg xoris pc den ginete

episis gta3 iparxei idi sto pc grand turismo 3 emena den mou aresei to theoro ipervolika vareto kai ta podosfairakia mia apo ta idia......

pantos to ps2 exei kai ta xeirotera games episis...oles oi savoures se afto vgenoune kai min peis oxi


Λοιπόν, κατ'αρχήν να συμφωνήσω με τον dreamcast. Αρχή μας πρέπει να είναι ο σεβασμός της ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΉΣ ΠΡΟΤΙΜΗΣΗΣ του συνομιλητή. Απόψεις του στυλ "πρέπει να ζεις σε άλλο κόσμο" δεν βοηθούν.

Κατα δεύτερον, κάθε κονσόλα χαρακτηρίζεται από τα παιχνίδια που θεωρούνται αντιπροσωπευτικά της. Εξ'ου και το GameCube θεωρείται παιδικό (σίγουρα όχι από εμένα). Όμως όσοι σκέφτονται έτσι, σίγουρα δεν έχουν ακόμα δοκιμάσει την έννοια του gameplay, που μερικά παιχνίδια της Nintendo προσφέρουν σε όλη του την έκταση (όπως η σειρά Mario και Zelda).

Τρίτον, φίλε Toufa, άσχετα με την προσωπική σου γνώμη, το Final Fantasy θεωρείται μία από τις κορυφαίες, αν όχι η κορυφαία σειρά RPG. Και ξαναγράφω ότι το RPG το όρισαν οι Ιάπωνες με παιχνίδια σαν τα Final Fantasy, τα Chrono Trigger, τα Zelda, τα Secret of Mana και άλλα. Το ότι άλλα παιχνίδια (αυτά που έχεις στο μυαλό σου γράφωντας "rpg xoris pc den ginete") αυτοχαρακτηρίζονται RPG είναι μια άλλη πικραμένη ιστορία... (τα γράφω συνέχεια και δικαολογημένα θα με πούν κάποια στιγμή γραφικό, αλλά δεν μπορώ να τα προσπερνάω).


Marcos_Aurilius :

Τα console rpgs ίσως να τα όρισαν οι Ιάπωνες (FF7,grandia κτλ.).

Επειδή όμως τα rpgs γενικότερα (και κυρίως για pc) είναι η μισή ζωή μου οφείλω να διαφωνήσω αν παραλειφθεί η λέξη "console".

Apo thema upologistikis isxis pou eipe kapoios, file exo AMD kai ksero akrivos to paizei me ta MHz, kai se pliroforo oti gnorizo (to opoio esu den ksereis profanos giati allios tha to aneferes) oti to gamecube an den apatomai exei PowerPC pou simainei oti nai men i sixnotita tou rologiou einai xamiloteri alla i isodinamia me ta mhz tou XBOX & tou PS2 einai 1 pros 2,5.


to game cube exei ena epeksergasth pou einai anamesa ston g3 kai ton g4 (exei to pipelining tou g4 alla exei thn cache kai thn vector engine tou g3) sinepos ksero arketa kala ti simbainei me ta Mhz kai oxi den einai 1 pros 2.5 tha prepei na einai pio konta sto 1 pros 1.8 ANALOGA THN EFARMOGH.


Parola afta omos kaneis den mporei na amfisvitisei oti apo TEXNIKHS plevras oi konsola einai pio adinami!!


poios to leei ayto? ego vlepo perisoterous shaders kai pros theou per pixel fotismo sto game cube kati pou den vlepo sto ps2


Exeis dei kanenan emulator gia DREAMCAST pou einai konsola tou 99?? Mi leme oti theloume, tha kanoume tora emulate to xbox!!!!! Se poio xoroxrono?


den einai thema ypologisths isxys einai thema programatismou, einai poly diskolo mia pc karta grafikon na eksomoiosei thn xforce tou xbox gia ton poly aplo logo oti ayth h karta grafikon kanei KAI thn geometria KAI tmima ths fysikhs.


episis to xbox den exei kan north bridge (o kentrikos epeksergasths to kanei ayto, o opoios den einai p3 kai mhn lete anoisies parakalo, moiazei perisotero me ton centrino para me p3)


kai to xbox thimizei perisotero apo ola pc, vale to ps2 me thn paranoika periergh (broad DMA) arxitektonikh tou kai eferes to pc sta gonata


Telos na katalikso oti min sigrinete ta grafika ton konsolon afton me to ti vlepete stin tileorasi sas pou exei moufa analisi.. Paikste to se kamia 19ara othoni PC kai sigrinete to me to antistixo game enos ANTISTOIXOU kostous PC (mono to tower) kai ta ksanaleme!!!


LATHOS. ayto pou me noiazei einai na vlepo ena paixnidi kai na to apolamvano otan to paizo, DEN me noiazei h analish ta fps h to an kanei kafe.


alloste to xbox paizei 1024x768 progresive:)


paidia osi ora kai na syzitate mia einai i konsola...ps2~~~

to deixnei i istoria ,o xronos,oi poliseis...ta alla erxontai deytera....pos na to kanoyme!

ti na po?

silent hill 3???

moto gp 3?

tomb raider angel of darkness???

wrc 2???

tekken 4...

gta vice city....


to xbox einai kyriarxo sta grafika alla oxi stoys titloys,,,

kai to gamecube den ksero an pairnei chip...ase poy den exei dvd


eipe kaneis kati enantion toy final fantasy????????????MIN TRELATHO!!!!




eisai ypervolikos. oi poloiseis den lene tipota, kai ta windows poulane alla oloi kseroume ti koumades einai:P


an sou aresoun ta paixnidia pou aneferes tote ontos h konsola einai mia to ps2 GIA SENA. se emena mporei na aresei to dead or alive kai to halo kai to morrowind h to zelda to mario sunshine kai to resident evil zero tote GIA MENA einai to xbox h to GC h kaliteres konsoles


Telos na katalikso oti min sigrinete ta grafika ton konsolon afton me to ti vlepete stin tileorasi sas pou exei moufa analisi.. Paikste to se kamia 19ara othoni PC kai sigrinete to me to antistixo game enos ANTISTOIXOU kostous PC (mono to tower) kai ta ksanaleme!!!


LATHOS. ayto pou me noiazei einai na vlepo ena paixnidi kai na to apolamvano otan to paizo' date=' DEN me noiazei h analish ta fps h to an kanei kafe.


alloste to xbox paizei 1024x768 progresive:)[/quote']



Katse giati berdeftikes monos sou edo...

Ego ekana mia direct sigrisi tou (gia paradeigma) Fifa2003 pou uparxei kai se Xbox kai se PC..


Apti stigmi loipon pou to gameplay einai to IDIO, arxizoun na mas apasxoloun KAI ta fps kai i analisi.

Kai kateliksa legontas oti sta lefta pou kanei to XBOX apla den uparxei PC pou na deixnei kalitera grafika stin IDIA othoni...



@amra: Oi noname mnimes tou Xbox den vlepo pou empodizoun, apti stigmi pou den kolane opos simbainei arketa sixna sto PC...

Episis to thema ton "kseron" arithmon opos anafereis einai aplo, sou edosa xaraktiristika stis MEGISTES times tous opos einai dosmena apo ton kataskevasti tis kathe kosnolas..


Den mporo na ksero se poio paixnidi kai AN yparxei kai katholou paixnidi pou na vgazei aftes tis megistes times akoma, pantos to "tavani" ton dinatotiton pistevo einai safos pio xamilo sto GC se sigrisi me to Xbox...


polaki : oi diafora pou exoun oi kaliteres mnimes pou exei to gc me tis noname ddr tou xbox einai apla stin apodosi de kollane fisika alla den exoun tin idia apothosi...tora gia tous arithmous de mporeis na dineis arithmous apla kai na les oti vgazei tosa poligona se ti perivallon? me possa textures? klp klp de petas ena arithmo etsi afta einai gia ta paidakia sta pc iparxoun sigekrmena programmata pou metrane tetoia pragmata(ta poio gnosta einai tis onion skin). kai an einai etsi prokalo opoindipote na mou pei ena paixnidi tou xbox pou deixnei afti ti diafora sta poligona...ego mporo na po roque squadron 2 i metroid prime i fzero pou erxetai sidoma...i akoma kai mario sunshine...exei dei kaneis to nero se afto to paixnidi???einai apistefto


Μαλλον δεν εχεις ασχοληθει με το ΧΒΟΧ...

Το να ισχυριζεσαι οτι το Cube ειναι πιο ισχυρο απο το ΧΒΟΧ ειναι τουλαχιστον αστειο.Η GPU του ειναι πανισχυρη (για το δεδομενα των κονσολων) και υποστηριζει περισσοτερες τεχνικες απο αυτο του Cube.Ας μην υπερβαλουμε...

Δινοντας σαν παραδειγμα ποιοτητας γραφικων το Mario παντως ανερεις αυτοματως τα λεγομενα σου...

Το να υποστηριζεις ομως οτι το Cube εχει καλυτερα παιχνιδια το σεβομαι ,αν και διαφωνω πληρως...

Η GPU του ειναι πανισχυρη (για το δεδομενα των κονσολων) και υποστηριζει περισσοτερες τεχνικες απο αυτο του Cube.Ας μην υπερβαλουμε...

Ισχυρη ειναι , αλλα ισως υπαρχουν και καλυτερες ...

Δες παρακατω,για να καταλαβεις οτι....δεν ειναι απλα τα πραγματα.



Και ενα καλο δειγμα για οσους δεν πατανε link



Of course, the Central Processing Unit, the heart of every computer or console. Most of the calculations take place here. The XBox has a Intel processor which runs at a clock-speed of 733MHz. That's a lot higher than the 300MHz at which the PS2 CPU is running. But does that make the CPU better? Nope.


Here's why the PS2 CPU (Emotion Engine) is a lot more powerful:

-Data bus, cache memory as well as all registers are 128 bits on the PS2 CPU while the XBox CPU is 32 bits.

-It has a maximum performance of 6.2GFLOPS while the XBox CPU can only do a bit over 3 GFLOPS.

-It incorporates two 64-bit integer units (IU) with a 128-bit SIMD multi-media command unit, two independent floating-point vector calculation units (VU0, VU1), an MPEG 2 decoder circuit (Image Processing Unit/IPU) and high performance DMA controllers. Yes, this is all ON THE EMOTION ENGINE ITSELF.


Okay now what does this mean? It means that the PS2 can handle heavier physics and 3D engines (and can do more accurate realistic visual effects like splashing water and explosions). It also means that the PS2 can handle a lot more sophisticated Artificial Intelligence programming so that you have intelligent human-like opponents. And with a floating-point calculation performance of 6.2GFLOPS/second, the overall calculation performance of this new CPU matches that of a super computer. This is a completely new CPU architecture especially designed for sophisticated graphics and physics while the architecture of the XBox CPU is pretty old and simple and looks a lot like the architecture of the 486 CPU from back in the early '90s. The architecture of the Emotion Engine really is very sophisticated so I'm not going to explain it in detail here. But simply put the main advantage of the PS2 CPU is that it is subdivided into lots of other tiny powerful processors, all of them designed to do a special task and almost all of them can work independently from each other.


And another thing... the processor inside the box does not say "Pentium III" anywhere. It simply reads "Intel". The XBox's processor is NOT an Intel Pentium III, as Microsoft would have you believe, but in fact a Celeron II. It is a 700mhz Celeron, complete with 128kb of L2 cache (P3 coppermines actually have 256kb L2 cache), but overclocked to a 133mhz FSB, resulting in PIII/Celeron hybrid. What makes it a Celeron II is the fact that it is still using a Coppermine Core, with 8 way set associative L2 cache rather than your typical Celeron 4 way set Level 2 cache. What it ultimately comes down to is that this Coppermine core, which allows Microsoft to market the XBox as a PIII Coppermine, is about a 10% speed increase over the Celeron equivalent of this processor. Is the XBox CPU a Celeron? Not really. Is it a Pentium III CPU in the sense that everyone thinks of a PIII Coppermine? Nope. It's somewhere in between.


loipon kirie stormwatch pigaine kai edo na anoikseis ligo ta matia sou :http://www.geocities.com/gamecube_mapped/gcxboxeditorial.html

giati den exei anaferei kanenas akoma ena paixnidi pou na deixnei oti to xbox einai anotero se apodosi apo ps2 kai cube....to mario sunshine exei merikes apo tis kalitera grafika gia to nero milame pada pou exoun ftiaxtei pote....a nai kai to kalitero animation se xaraktira giati den anaferete oute ena paixnidi??? sas katalavaino einai diskolo otan den iparxoun....Now with all that GCN has the power where it counts. Here’s a good example…X-box has 64MB’s of shared DDR RAM, GameCube has 24MB’s of unified-standalone 1T-SRAM, along with 3MB’s on-chip, and a supplemental 16MB’s of SDRAM(AKA A-RAM("A" for Auxiliary)for a total of 43MB’s. But there’s a huge flaw with X-Box, DDR RAM is some of the slowest chunkiest RAM around. It’s double-data-rate, but that only boosts memory bus bandwidth (I'll get to that later). Now the designers at Nintendo knew that to get the maximum performance of the high-speed chipsets they’d need high speed RAM to boot. So with a call to MoSys Nintendo was able to get a deal to use the fastest RAM on the planet-MoSys 1T-SRAM. Calling it fast is a under statement. Its maximum latency has been clocked at only 10ns! The texture RAM has been clocked at half the speed 5ns! (Ns: Nanosecond 1-billionth of a second). This means that GCN will be able to stream textures in and out requiring less memory, and putting less strain on the CPU/GPU/MPU whose main job is to do calculations, and work with special Fx instead of crunching numbers.


Above: IBM’s Gekko CPU (I told you it was small)


Memory Bus Bandwidth(MBB). That’s how fast the RAM will be able to communicate with other parts of the system that use it. X-Box has a maximum of 6.4GB/s of it. GameCube has 3.2GB/s. But X-Box’s is shared. Shared you say? X-Box has 64MB’s of DDR RAM, and the developer can partion it for whatever they need. For a very simple example a developer can set aside 20MB’s as VRAM, 16 for sound, 20 for textures, 15 for animation, and 9 for the frame buffer(this is far simpler than what is actually done. Most developers will need over 20 portions). Now each of those portions will greedily take their share of the MBB, thus reducing transfer speeds to under 1GB/s (if your lucky). What does this mean to games? Well for the memory to be partioned the CPU’s going to need to manage each of those. So instead of working with AI, physics, and special effects the CPU crunching numbers. This can lead to slowdown, and since the developers can’t stream enough data in, and out quick enough more RAM will need to be used-taking away from textures, sound, animation, and the list goes on.


Sorry for blabbering on the technical side there, but if you understood that it’s a pretty good point.


I’ll to make a simpler point. X-Box is sort of the "blaster" of the console world, and GCN the "lightsaber". X-Box uses superfluous amounts of unnecessary resources to accomplish a task. GCN is tweaked, accurate, and not a clumsy tool of justice. Get what I’m saying?


Polygons you say? Ahh yet another mercifully fought debate that has enraged for ages. Now lets go compare figures from both companies…


X-Box: 125M/sec

GameCube: 6 million to 12 million polygons/second (Display capability assuming actual game with complexity model, texture, etc.)

(I ripped these from the official sites)


Now note how on the official X-Box site there’s no disclaimer attached to it. It’s obviously the maximum performance rating which means absolutely nothing. It does not compensate for player interaction; the polygons are dull, flat shaded, similarly shaped, textureless, and no special effects engaged.


GameCube’s poly performance figures are noticeably low. But in typical Nintendo fashion Yamauchi wanted to keep the hype down, and made sure the poly performance wasn’t over the top. EA of Canada got they’re hands on some development kits, and in February this year they had announced performance figures of 22M/sec@60 FPS. Now cut the FPS rating in half, and you’ve doubled the poly count. And 30FPS, with 44M polygons on the screen that’s nothing short of awe inspiring.

Marcos_Aurilius :

Τα console rpgs ίσως να τα όρισαν οι Ιάπωνες (FF7' date='grandia κτλ.).

Επειδή όμως τα rpgs γενικότερα (και κυρίως για pc) είναι η μισή ζωή μου οφείλω να διαφωνήσω αν παραλειφθεί η λέξη "console".[/quote']


Δεν υπάρχουν consoles RPG's και PC RPG's. Υπάρχουν RPG's και διευκρίνησα ποια χαρακτηρίζονται ως τέτοια.

Το θέμα είναι ότι ευδοκιμησαν μόνο στις κονσόλες. Αντίθετα, οι gamers των PC τα σνόμπαραν (πάντοτε θεωρούσαν τις κονσόλες πιο "παιδική" λύση για gaming - τώρα τελευταία αυτό ψιλοανατρέπεται). Με τον καιρό, ονόμασαν RPG, κάποια παιχνίδια που φέραν κάποια χαρακτηριστικά αυτών (στατιστικά χαρακτήρων που ανεβαίινουν με την εμπειρία στις μάχες) αλλά στερούνταν κάποιων άλλων βασικότερων (όπως το βαθύ και προσεγμένο σενάριο που συνήθως κάνει τις μάχες συμπλήρωμα και εργαλείο, όχι αυτόσκοπό). Αυτά τα λίγα και συγνώμη που παρεκλίνω του θέματος ... :oops:


Amra παντογνωστη σε συγχαιρω για την παγκοσμια αποκλειστικοτητα της αποψης σου.Για βρες μου ενα review παιχνιδιου κοινου και στις δυο πλατφορμες οπου να υπερισχυει η Cube version.Εγω μπορω να σου αραδιασω καμια πενηνταρια.

Εδωσες κι ενα link απο geocities (πολυ φερεγγυο) που φυσικα ουτε τον κοπο εκανα να ανοιξω.Επειδη φαινεται οτι δεν εχει σχεση με το θεμα ,απλα αντιγραφεις καποιες προτασεις απο διαφορες σελιδες (γι αυτο και ολα στα αγγλικα) δεν μπαινω σε αντιπαραθεση μαζι σου γιατι ειναι χασιμο χρονου.Ασε που αυτη η κουβεντα εχει γινει πολλες φορες στο forum οποτε αν δεν βαριεσαι κανε ενα search...

Αν θες στα μεταφραζω και στα αγγλικα για να σου ειναι πιο οικεια....


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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