lefterhs Δημοσ. 15 Ιουλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 15 Ιουλίου 2003 Kalhspera, Prosfata agorasa mia excalibur 9600 pro kai parousiazei to e3hs problhma apo th stigmh pou thn agorasa: Otan 3ekina to PC se text mode dhladh (opote den ftaine oi drivers) emfanizontai tetragwna sthn o8onh kai tuxaioi xarakthres. Otan fortwnetai h load screen twn windows parousiazontai ka8etes, diakekommenes grammes (kati san to MATRIX). Otan mpainei to susthma sta windows ola auta dior8wnontai kai den parousiazei kanena allo problhma. To problhma auto den emfanizetai panta ...sunh8ws ola pane kala...peripou se 1 apo 5 boot emfanizetai.... Den exw kanei O/C ton epe3ergasth kai th mnhmh ths kartas. Any Ideas? Mhpws uparxei kanena utility na testarei th mnhmh ths VGA?
MY80- Δημοσ. 15 Ιουλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 15 Ιουλίου 2003 Antikatastash amesws Vale 3dmark03 to mother nature na loopare gia kamia 2-3 wres kai koita gia artifacts/lockups. Th mnhmh th fullarei aneta ama to valeis se high-res. (vasika an thymamai kala se 1024x768 trwei 112mb, se 1600x1200 th gemizei anetotata)
lefterhs Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2003 Mphka sta forum tou Rage3D kai ths Saphire kai eida oti exoun arketoi to idio akribws problhma me emena apo diaforous kataskeuastes kai GPUs kai memories. Kaneis den dinei lush sto problhma.... H ATI sto support ths proteinei na alla3eis trofodotiko :? kai na baleis 300W toulaxiston. Pantws se emena stamathse na parousiazetai to problhma auto otan ebala to FSB sta 255 par'olo pou exw kleidwsei to AGP/PCI sta 66/33. Agnwstai ai boulai twn PiCiwn. :roll:
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