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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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4 minutes ago, bad_freddy said:

Γι αυτό λέω οτι θα μπορούσε να τα εμφανίσει σαν χωριστές εκδόσεις, όπως έγινε πρόσφατα και με τα Resident Evil που τα διαχώρησαν μετά το κράξιμο.

Resident Evil 2, 3 and 7 Able to Roll Back to Previous Versions After Backlash

Ναι θα μπορούσε θεωρητικά, δεν χάνουμε κάτι.

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  • Απαντ. 10,1k
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

10 λεπτά πριν, Thresh είπε

Ναι θα μπορούσε θεωρητικά, δεν χάνουμε κάτι.

Βασικά όσο το σκέφτομαι πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να το ξεχωρίσει κάπως, φαντάσου εσυ που πλήρωσες (έστω το 2015) ενα παιχνίδι και παίζεις κανονικά εως και σήμερα ξαφνικά μετά απο ενα "free update" να χάνεις τη πρόσβαση σε αυτό που πλήρωσες επειδή ξαφνικά βρίσκεσαι εκτός min. requirements...

Ελπίζω να το διαχειριστούν κατάλληλα.

12 λεπτά πριν, bad_freddy είπε

Βασικά όσο το σκέφτομαι πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να το ξεχωρίσει κάπως, φαντάσου εσυ που πλήρωσες (έστω το 2015) ενα παιχνίδι και παίζεις κανονικά εως και σήμερα ξαφνικά μετά απο ενα "free update" να χάνεις τη πρόσβαση σε αυτό που πλήρωσες επειδή ξαφνικά βρίσκεσαι εκτός min. requirements...

Ελπίζω να το διαχειριστούν κατάλληλα.

Όλα τα features θα είναι optional από ότι κατάλαβα, τα οποιαδήποτε fixes δεν θα είναι, το οποιο είναι λογικό. Το ίδιο game θα είναι με παραπάνω graphic settings, οποτε θα έχει το ίδιο η καλύτερο performance με τα settings που έχεις.

Τώρα δεν λέω ότι δεν παίζει να κάνουνε μούφες και να είναι χειρότερο, αλλα πολύ δύσκολα. Ναι σίγουρα το standalone λύνει οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα, αλλα αυτό σημαίνει ότι θα πρέπει να καταβάσεις ξανά το game από την αρχή. Μονο τα καινούργια textures είναι 10gb compressed.

Εγώ περιμένω να δω το full change log.

  • Like 3
Στις 27/11/2022 στις 7:08 ΜΜ, Psycho_Warhead είπε


Ποιος νοιάζεται για τα γραφικά. Τι απίστευτη μουσική έχει το βίντεο! Το είδα μόνο γι'αυτη.

Δεν το έχω τελειώσει ποτέ το παιχνίδι και το έχω παντού. Σε pc (gog+steam), ps4, xone, switch. Ίσως είναι ώρα ε?


  • Ray Tracing
  • Improved Screen Space Reflections
  • Improved foliage
  • Improved textures
  • Dynamic resolution scaling
  • FSR 2.1 support
  • DLSS 3 support
  • Graphics modes
  • Cross Progression saves between all platforms
  • New zoomed-in camera option
  • Quick Sign casting
  • Hide minimap option
  • New map filters
  • Photo mode
  • Subtitle scaling
  • Ability to pause cutscenes
  • Slow walk mode
  • Fixes for broken quests (can be applied retroactively to saved games
  • Like 1

Aμα αυτό είναι το full changelog απλά γελάω.

Κανονικά έτσι θα έπρεπε να είναι η λίστα με τα fixes (BIA mod):


Original author: paulr0013

  • Fixed Bell Pepper icon and label
  • Fixed dialogue with Keira in Kaer Morhen not looping back to selection screen.
  • Fixed dialogue with Epilogue innkeeper not looping back to selection screen.
  • Fixed dialogue with Arinbjorn blacksmith not looping back to selection screen.
  • Geralt will no longer stand inside a post while talking to Lindenvale innkeeper.
  • Fixed Novigrad book merchant dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Chameleon innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Bram (Griffin merchant) dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Ermion dialogue placement (will no longer teleport out of the cave while talking).
  • Fixed Oxenfurt blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Hattori dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Novigrad Fish Market blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Elsa (prologue innkeeper) dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Seven Cats innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Cunny of the Goose innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Hierarch Square herbalist dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Harviken blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Margarita dialogue placement while talking with her at Dandelion's inn (will no longer teleport out of the room).
  • Fixed Lindenvale merchant dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's madame dialogue placement.
  • Fixed "Cabaret" quest not starting properly if already having the prop sword in inventory.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crach during "King's Gambit".
  • Fixed an issue if talking with Jutta during "Iron Maiden" quest for the first time, while already having the Hoskuld's sword in inventory.
  • During "Iron Maiden" quest, fixed an issue with Jutta taking Hoskuld's sword from Geralt even if he refuses to fight her and then returning, resulting in soft-locking the quest.
  • Fixed an incorrect notification about "A Mysterious Passenger" quest starting, after completing "Calm Before the Storm" and already having finished "Family Matters".
  • Removed the chest that triggers "Berengar's Blade" quest, if already completed "Isle of Mists" and not actually being able to finish the quest.
  • Fixed deserter's letter to his mother not being removed from player's inventory after giving the letter to her during "Blood Ties" quest.
  • Fixed "Decoction of the Grasses" not being removed from player's inventory after completing "Ugly Baby" and "Va Fail, Elaine" quests.
  • Fixed "Forktail spinal fluid" not being removed from player's inventory after completing "Ugly Baby" and "Va Fail, Elaine" quests.
  • Fixed "Lever" not being removed from player's inventory after using it during "The Great Escape" quest. 
  • Fixed "Key to Vigi's cage" not being removed from player's inventory after using in during "The Lord of Undvik" quest.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Crime and Punishment" quest.
  • Fixed journal typo in "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed Vespula broken texture.
  • Fixed Larvik/Fayrlund blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Arinbjorn innkeeper dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Svorlag merchant dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Crematory Alchemist dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Casino player 1 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Casino player 2 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Casino player 3 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Bloody Baron dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Hermit (Velen) dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Inn at the Crossroads innkeeper dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Oreton boat builder dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Thaler dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Dijkstra dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Zoltan dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Stjepan dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Olivier dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Lambert dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Vimme Vivaldi dialogue icons
  • Fixed Scoia'tael trader dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Vernon Roche dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Marquise Serenity dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Crach dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Gremist dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Lugos dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Ermion dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Sjusta dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Robert Hilbert dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Velen blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Novigrad armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Novigrad blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Skellige armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Claywitch mercant dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Hierarch Square armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 1 dialogue emphasis
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 2 dialogue emphasis.
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 3 dialogue emphasis.
  • Fixed Avallac'h note 1. Can be found in Avallac'h lab during "Child of the Elder Blood" quest.
  • Fixed Avalla'ch note 2. Can be found in Avalla'ch lab during "Child of the Elder Blood" quest.
  • Fixed "Phantom of Eldberg" quest giving wrong notice when picked from notice board.
  • Fixed "Poisoned Source" book icon.
  • Fixed "Menge's Holy Tome" book icon.
  • Fixed Hornwall Horn icon.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Baron during "Family Matters" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crones after returning from the Whispering Hillock.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Keira during "Blood on the Battlefield" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Fringilla about Cantarella.
  • Fixed Fringilla not having color definition for her shoes.
  • Fixed Gaetan not having color definition for his boots.
  • Fixed "Missing in Action" Dune not giving reward.
  • Fixed "Price of Passage" quest having an incorrect starting condition. Now will trigger on first visit to Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed "Pang of Conscience" exploit (could loot this sword infinitely after saving/reloading).
  • Fixed "Fresh Human Blood" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed "Magic Firefly" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed "Philippa Eilhart's Hideout Key" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed tags for item "Phylactery". Will only be noticeable if using Fix Stuck Quest Items mod.
  • Fixed "The Great Escape" journal entry (Sile related).
  • Fixed Nathaniel's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Hubert's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Von Gratz's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Priscilla's journal entry.
  • Fixed "Carnal Sins" journal entry spoiling certain outcome of the quest.
  • Fixed Nathaniel not despawning from the game after "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Fixed Sweet Nettie not despawning from the game after "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Fixed problems with "Pepper" item in some languages.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Nameless" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Beast of Honorton" disappearing from journal.
  • Added new ending paragraph for "Contract: Beast of Honorton" quest.
  • Fixed Arnvald journal entry spoiling outcome of "King's Gambit" quest.
  • Fixed Fringilla dialogue placement.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Brothers in Arms" quest in German localization.
  • Fixed "Fake Papers" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Fake Papers" quest failing incorrectly at certain times.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis when talking with Avallac'h at the start of "Through Time and Space" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue with Philippa about Saskia using incorrect fact.
  • Fixed "An Elusive Thief" quest giving wrong notice when picked from notice board.
  • Fixed "Master of the Arena" journal order.
  • Fixed "Ghosts of the Past" journal order.
  • Fixed "Heart of the Woods" journal order.
  • Fixed "Count Reuven's Treasure" journal order.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during Geralt-Dijkstra-Philippa talk in "Blindingly Obvious" quest.
  • Fixed mutagen stacking during NG+ in non-GOTY versions of the game.
  • Fixed quest "Beast of White Orchard" so objective does not fail if already found the griffin's nest in free roam.
  • Fixed "Contract: Devil by the Well" journal order.
  • Fixed "Spooked Mare" failed objective when peacefully resolving the situation.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "From a Land Far, Far Away".
  • Fixed 7 bugs in the quest "From a Land Far, Far Away".
  • Enabled dialogue with Lambert at start of "Battle of Kaer Morhen".  Dialogue option to ask him to be nice to the guests does not make sense during the funeral.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Fall of the House of Reardon".
  • Fixed journal spoiler on "Fall of the House of Reardon" if Geralt picks up the notice before talking to Dolores.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for Gran's character journal.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Contract: Deadly Delights".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Of Swords and Dumplings".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Honor Among Thieves".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "An Eye for An Eye".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Cabaret".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "A Matter of Life and Death".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "A Deadly Plot".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Ugly Baby".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Tedd Deireadh, the Final Age".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Whatsoever a Man Soweth".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Knight for Hire".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for Ciri's character journal.
  • Revised dialogue during "A Knight's Tales" to highlight option that moves dialogue forward.
  • Fixed journal entry about Emhyr's flagship: moved to "Veni Vidi Vigo" instead of "The Sunstone".  It doesn't make sense in "The Sunstone".
  • Fixed "Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers" so it will display in the journal if killing the brothers in free roam before receiving the quest from Djenge Frett.
  • Fixed "Contract: Missing Miners" to not award gold reward if let the troll live.  This is consistent with contract giver who refuses to give the reward.
  • Fixed "Contract: Apiarian Phantom" to give the correct gold reward that was negotiated.
  • Fixed "Big Game Hunter" to give the correct gold reward that was negotiated.
  • Fixed treasure chest for "Coast of Wrecks" that remains lootable after looting it.
  • Fixed 18 treasure chests with Wolf Upgrade schematics that remain lootable after looting them.
  • Fixed "Faithful Friend" during Empress Epilogue to give Geralt a reward for rescuing the horse.
  • Fixed corpse that activates "Unlucky's Treasure" that remains lootable after looting it.
  • Fixed trigger for Vivienne's final journal entry if she is in Novigrad so it posts when talking to her, not when Geralt talks to Guillaume.
  • Fixed journal entries for Syanna, Anarietta, Regis, and Damien if Syanna dies.
  • Added names to journal based on who Geralt's guest is at Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open doors: Baron's office, Emhyr's chamber, Hattori's shop, King of Beggars Hideout, Passiflora, and Nilfgaardian Camp in White Orchard.
  • Fixed "Lynch Mob" to display quest in journal if Geralt does not save the deserter or walks away from the encounter.
  • Fixed missing dialogue in "Missing in Action" where Geralt asks about Yennefer.
  • Fixed "Brave Fools Die Young" to display correctly in journal when Geralt already has celandine in inventory.
  • Fixed dialogue options during final dialogue with Bloody Baron at the end of "Family Matters".
  • Fixed "Peace Disturbed" to correctly display journal objectives and entries if Geralt finds the hidden entrance before talking to the women.
  • Fixed "Carnal Sins" so the Concerned Citizen Sermons will stop being littered all over the place after Geralt uncovers the true killer.  Note: this is different than the other fix that just makes them invisible but can still be looted. This fix uses the game's logic to remove them completely when they are not supposed to be there, and adds them when they are supposed to be there. Replaces this fix: Concerned Citizen Sermons Removed
  • Fixed journal spoiler in "Family Matters" about Anna when Geralt first meets the Pellar.
  • Fixed "Redania's Most Wanted" so that the objective to talk to Triss / Yen no longer fails immediately when talking to the other one.
  • Enabled two hidden quest objectives in "Redania's Most Wanted" to give the crystal to Triss, Yennefer, or Radovid.
  • Fixed a notification during "Redania's Most Wanted" where there was no pop up on screen to indicate quest progress when Geralt makes a decision on to whom to give the crystal.
  • Fixed incorrect journal entry during "Redania's Most Wanted" if Geralt gives the crystal to the witch hunters.
  • Fixed deactivated fast travel marker at Tor Gvalch'ca (the tower of the final showdown) in free roam after the main game.
  • Fixed "Dwarven Document Dilemma": quest giver and other NPC do not despawn after completion of the quest. (now they will despawn upon completing the quest).
  • Restored hidden dialogue line while talking with quest giver toward the end of "Dwarven Document Dilemma".
  • Fixed "Funeral Pyres": fisstech dealer does not despawn after saving him from the ghouls and learning the truth (now he will despawn upon completing the quest).
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Contract: Mystery of the Byways Murders": now the player will learn the identity of the monster at the same time Geralt does, not before.
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Broken Flowers" so that the player learns Priscilla's identity at the same time Geralt does, not before.
  • Fixed quest objectives during "Carnal Sins" to show new objectives to Meet Dandelion At The Hospital, and Talk With Dandelion At The Hospital.
  • Fixed two sets of doors during "Carnal Sins" that are permanently stuck open at the morgue.
  • Reordered dialogue choices with von Gratz during "Carnal Sins" to better align with events happening during the quest.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Breaking and Entering: The Safecracker" to reflect if Casimir blows himself up.
  • Fixed journal entry during "A Knight's Tales" to reflect when Geralt successfully lifts the curse without help of the witch.
  • Fixed journal entry during "The Hunger Game" to reflect that Geralt finds Marlene's dowry.
  • Fixed labeling of NPC from "Farmer's Wife" to "Farmer's Daughter"
  • Despawned numerous soldiers that were still fighting by an island near Undvik in postgame.
  • Fixed "Funeral Pyres" so that the journal entry about the priest's involvement now displays when Geralt learns it from the Fisstech dealer.
  • Fixed concluding journal entries for "Funeral Pyres" when Geralt knows the truth and does not accept the bribe, or does not know the truth and does accept the bribe.
  • Fixed "Wild At Heart" where quest objective for Talk To The Neighbors About Hanna would disappear from the journal despite completing it.
  • Fixed several quest objectives during "Wild At Heart" that would deactivate or fail incorrectly if Geralt tells Margrit he would give up the search for Hanna and then continues looking for her anyway.
  • Fixed several missing journal entries for the conclusion of "Wild At Heart" based on Geralt's decision to save (or not) Margrit, or if he takes Margrit's advice and quits the investigation.
  • Fixed "Out On Your Arse" so that if Geralt chooses to refuse payment, he does not receive payment (receives larger Experience instead) and correct journal entry to reflect his decision.
  • Fixed permanently stuck door at blacksmith's house in Lindenvale.
  • Respawned Dandelion and Zoltan in the cabaret after the Empress ending.
  • Fixed missing dialogue scene between Geralt and some bandits during an encounter east of Boatmaker's Hut.
  • Fixed quest "Get Junior" so the objective to find secret entrance into Junior's house will deactivate instead of fail if Geralt completed "Gangs of Novigrad".
  • Despawned Tinboy at the conclusion of "Of Swords and Dumplings".
  • Fixed villagers comments to reflect if Geralt chose to take credit for helping Hjalmar kill the giant.
  • Fixed bard's song to reflect if Geralt chose to take credit for helping Hjalmar kill the giant.
  • Fixed Zoltan's position outside the cabaret so he doesn't clip through the stage.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open door to Crach's room after "King's Gambit"
  • Fixed locked doors after "King's Gambit" on Cerys' path so the player can access the place of power.
  • Unlocked doors leading to Ermion's lab after "King's Gambit" so the player can access the hallways and balcony, and can collect loot.
  • Fixed journal entry during "King's Gambit" if Geralt chooses to help no one.
  • Fixed highlighting of dialogue choices during "King's Gambit" so the player is aware that the decision is final when choosing to help no one.
  • Fixed dialogue with Josta, the quest giver during "In Wolf's Clothing": Geralt could continue to ask her about Morkvarg even after the quest is completed.
  • Fixed journal objective during "Redania's Most Wanted": if the player starts the "Brothers in Arms" quests without first completing "Redania's Most Wanted" the objective to talk to Triss would fail (turn red) even if the player had already talked to Triss.
  • Fixed a bug to prevent Geralt from talking to Triss at the start of "Blindingly Obvious", which would break Triss' path to the bathhouse if Geralt has any statues in inventory and chooses to ask her about them.
  • Fixed reward not given during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed quest giver not dying from plague during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed notification not displaying on screen during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed placement of the loan shark in Novigrad to be closer to the counter.
  • Fixed placement of Yen, Ciri, Philippa, Triss, and Fringilla on the dock during "Battle Preparations" to prevent them from floating in the air.
  • Fixed placement of NPC floating in the air over the river outside Novigrad.  Now he is standing on the bridge.
  • Fixed immersion-breaking interaction with Anarietta after completion of Blood & Wine expansion.  Now if Syanna dies, Anarietta will be angry and not talk to Geralt.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a villager during the quest "The Calm Before the Storm".
  • Fixed missing color definition on Astrid's cap during the quest "The Calm Before the Storm".
  • Fixed missing color definition on the arm of a townswoman in Novigrad.
  • Fixed two cutscenes during the boss fight with Detlaff where the cutscenes could not be skipped if desired despite pressing X/Space Bar.
  • Fixed a cutscene with a boy luring Geralt into a trap in Skellige where the cutscene could not be skipped if desired despite pressing X/Space Bar.
  • Fixed the fist fighting quests in Skellige to allow Geralt to make a wager on the fights, like in all other territories.
  • Fixed a woman floating in the air after running away from Geralt at the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Fixed low LOD / autohide distance on some characters' hair, causing it to disappear in some cutscenes from a long distance.
  • Fixed missing color definition on the cap of an old woman in the Velen town of Blackbough.
  • Fixed Abandoned Site POI near the Ruined Inn in Skellige where the site would not be restored despite killing all the creatures.
  • Fixed a beggar that is sitting on the ground in upper Toussaint near the marina, where his legs and feet are clipping through the ground.
  • Fixed two Townswomen that are sitting on benches in upper Toussaint (one on the pier, the other near it) near the marina, where their legs and feet are clipping through the bench.
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs including: a floating kid in the marina area of Beauclair, a floating guard (Baron's Henchman) outside the main gate at the Inn at the Crossroads, a floating guard in Novigrad Square, a beggar clipping through the road near Triss' house, a beggar floating above the steps of a fire shrine near the hospital in Novigrad, and a merchant near Fish Market in Novigrad on the bridge leading to Crippled Kate's.
  • Multiple fixes to quest "Witcher's Forge".  The quest does not open properly if it is found in free roam.  After killing the Earth Elemental, a notification pops up on the screen that the quest is updated, but it does not open the quest and is not displayed in the journal.  Now the quest will be open in the journal with a quest objective, mappin, and journal entries that instruct the player to search for clues in Kaer Morhen castle.
  • Fixed a cutscene during "Cabaret" that is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed a cutscene during "A Dangerous Game" that is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed numerous background NPCs with a visible neck seam and low poly, and lips and eyes don't move.  Replaced with comparable models that do not encounter these issues.
  • Fixed a missing color definition on the cap of prostitute_3 in Novigrad.
  • Multiple fixes for Passiflora after completing the quest "High Stakes": closed the door on the balcony, closed the door to the VIP room, removed all the layers that were added for the tournament, including tables, chairs, and the crime scene, despawned Novigrad guards after completing the investigation, and despawned Patrick Hazelnut and groupies at the start of the investigation.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Armed Assault": prevent the door from swinging inward when the man exits outward, and closed the door when the quest ends and Geralt leaves the area.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Crime and Punishment": put the journal entries in the correct order, display the correct choice in the journal if you free him or allow him to die, and and despawn the prisoner if Geralt saves him and then leaves 50 steps away from him.
  • Fixed missing color definition on wizard_03 appearance.
  • Revised color definition on novigrad_eternal_fire_priest_04 so that the color of his sash matches the rest of his robes.
  • Fixed missing color definition on sorceress_02 appearance.
  • Fixed a guard floating in the air over a pot near the Gran'place fast travel in Beauclair.
  • Fixed floating woman and man that are drinking wine near the bridge to the palace in Beauclair.
  • Fixed a floating woman in the viewpoint section of the upper city in east Beauclair.
  • Fixed additional numerous background NPCs in the HoS expansion with a visible neck seam and low poly, and lips and eyes don't move.  Replaced with a comparable model that does not encounter these issues.
  • Fixed a Witch Hunter with missing crossbow in White Orchard during Ciri Witcher Ending + Radovid alive.
  • Fixed an NPC that had an animation for swinging a sword and cleaning it, but he had no sword in his hands.
  • Removed leftover clues from murder scene where Geralt encounters Whistling Wendy at the conclusion of the quest "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed a group of 3 floating NPCs in the northwest section of Beauclair near the bridge to Beauclair palace.
  • Fixed an NPC that is sunk in the ground above his feet as he is soliciting a prostitute in Beauclair.
  • Removed leftover clue in the quest "Ciri's Room".
  • Fixed missing color definition on the caps of waitresses in Toussaint.
  • Fixed missing color definition on the caps of a random NPC in Toussaint.
  • Fixed multiple floating NPCs in Vedette Valley region near the Silver Salamander Inn.
  • Increased the LOD of numerous posters throughout Toussaint that was causing the posters to disappear at medium distance.
  • Increased the LOD on numerous posters throughout quest "The Play's the Thing" that was causing the posters to disappear at medium distance.
  • Increased LOD for Anna's and Tamara's wanted posters.  They suffered from a pretty low LOD, making them disappear at a medium distance.
  • Fixed clues during "Carnal Sins": Geralt will now properly comment on the footprints while chasing the killer at the Vegelbud estate, and the clues are removed after examining Patricia's body.
  • Removed leftover clues from the quest "The Things Men Do For Coin…" upon completion of the quest.
  • Fixed the problematic elevation of a guard in Kaer Trolder village: sometimes he floats above the ground; sometimes he sinks into the ground.  Now he should be properly elevated.
  • Repositioned NPC merchant on the Toussaint tourney grounds to prevent him from levitating in the air due to a nearby stepstool.
  • Fixed two guards standing outside the Vegelbud Residence that are floating in the air above the steps.
  • Removed multiple leftover clues from the quest "Skellige's Most Wanted".
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs in the town of Blackbough:  one old woman that is sitting on a bench and is clipping through it, a woman that is standing on top of a barrel, a woman that is positioned on a chair when she should be on the ground, and a woman that is supposed to be sitting on the edge of the fireplace but is sitting in the fire.
  • Removed highlighted emphasis from the dialogue option "We should go." when talking to the widows at Bran's funeral.  It is not appropriately applied here, and it causes the exit option to rise to the top of the dialogue list instead of being at the bottom where it belongs.
  • Several fixes in Lindenvale: adjusted the position and collision detection of a basket outside a house near the fast travel marker that was making an old man elevate when near it, adjusted the position and collision detection of a basket on the beach that was causing two fishermen to be elevated in the air when near it, and adjusted the position of an old man seated on the ground whose legs were floating in the air due to the slope of the ground.
  • Removed leftover clues from the quest "Contract: Patrol Gone Missing" upon completion of the quest.
  • Several fixes in Novigrad: adjusted the position of a man in the Novigrad Suburbs that was too close to a basket causing him to levitate in the air, adjusted the position of a strumpet near the Golden Sturgeon that was too close to a barrel causing her to float in the air, and adjusted the position of a dwarf in the Bard Camp that is clipping through a bench.
  • Fixed a missing color definition on an arrow quiver that is placed in several locations throughout the world.  Changes the clown red color to brown leather.
  • Fixed two warriors at Jutta's arena that should be holding weapons but are empty handed (where the quest "Iron Maiden" begins).  One with a 2-handed axe, and the other with a sword.
  • Several fixes in Skellige: adjusted sweeping woman in Kaer Trolde castle that was sunk into the ground,  adjusted sweeping woman that was floating above the ground in Kaer Trolde harbor next to the message board, adjusted a woman clipping through a bench near the message board in Fyresdal, adjusted a woman in Blandare that was floating above the ground while sweeping, repositioned the butcher levitating above the ground near the Larvik fast travel marker, moved a levitating woman inside the Larvik Inn that is too close to the fire where the pig is cooking, and adjusted a sweeping woman in Urialla Harbor that is floating above the ground.
  • Removed two leftover clues after completing the quest "Nameless".
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Velen: Several fixes in Velen: a woman in the Refugee's Camp that is clipping through a bench that she is sitting on, and a woman in the Refugee's Camp that is standing too close to a barrel causing her to float in the air.
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Novigrad: a drunk patron inside Crippled Kate's near the back door that is too close to a chair causing him to float above the ground, a man inside Crippled Kate's on the first floor that is clipping through a chair, and a Witch Hunter in the Temple District that is clipping through a large boulder.
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Toussaint: a man in a village to the east of Castel Ravello that is supposed to be leaning against a wall while smoking, two guards at the entrance to Beauclair Palace that are floating in the air due to stairs, an old man to the west of Belgaard Vineyard that is floating in the air due to being too close to some bags, a man near the bridge to Beauclair Palace that is supposed to be leaning against a post, and unisex NPCs that are tanning a hide in Harbourside so they stop floating in the air.
  • Removed two leftover clues after completing the quest "Taken As A Lass".
  • Fixed the herbalist at the Ruined Inn village who teleports to different places in the village each time Geralt talks to him.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "The Lord of Undvik": fixed Geralt drawing his steel sword instead of his silver sword at the beginning of the fight against the ice giant (three cutscene variants), fixed two cutscene variants where Geralt pulls the steel sword during the fight with the Ice Giant (when the giant destroys the cage), and hid two leftover clues after completing the quest.
  • Multiple fixes for the quests "Fall of the House of Reardon" and "Ghosts of the Past": removed the Loose Papers document from inventory when Geralt gives it to Dolores, fixed leftover clues on the body of Dolores' brother and the weak wall after the quest ends, and closed the barn doors during the segment where Geralt helps Letho to stop them from being left open forever.
  • Fixed leftover clues after completing "Novigrad, Closed City" and collecting the loot from the locked safe in the hidden room: removed clue from the body on the first floor of the building, and removed clue of the handprint from the torch on the second floor that opens the hidden door.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "In the Heart of the Woods": removed wolf hearts from inventory if Geralt chooses to side with Harald and offer a sacrifice to the leshen, and disabled sacrifice altar if Geralt sides with Sven and decides to kill the leshen.
  • Revised inventory with the Toderas merchant to prevent him selling Triss' mask which can break the quest objective to buy the mask during the quest "A Matter of Life and Death".
  • Revised the face model of the restored Clan Dimun Trader so that he looks appropriately older to match his voice.
  • At the Masquerade Ball during the quest "A Matter of Life And Death", fixed the cutscene where Triss suggests they go explore the garden maze.  This dialogue cannot be skipped, despite pressing the space bar / X button.  Now it can be skipped if desired.
  • Fixed leftover clue after completing the quest "Monster Slayer".  Now the corpse of the underwater drowner will have the clue disabled with all the rest of the clues in the area.
  • Fixed leftover clues after completing the quest "Around the World in... Eight Days".  Now the tracks from the cart wheels will be disabled after completing the quest.
  • Fixed multiple NPCs in Toussaint that are positioned too close to a hide that is causing them to float in the air: in the quarry, and in the hunters lodge near Francollarts.
  • Repositioned a woman in Velen that is floating in the air while sweeping in the a small village between Moldavie Residence and Yantra.
  • Fixed an invisible sword from a Skellige warrior that is using the animation of swinging a sword and cleaning it, but no sword was placed in the NPC's inventory definition.
  • Hide 4 sets of leftover clues from horse shoes at the house near Crow's Perch during the quest "Family Matters" when Geralt is looking for Anna and Tamara (lubberkin path).
  • Multiple edits to add emphasis to the scene when Geralt talks to the fisherman during the quest "Family Matters".
  • Fixed a floating man outside the gate at the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Removed leftover clue behind Willis' house from the quest "Twisted Firestarter" upon completion of the quest.
  • Removed leftover clue  on the body inside the house during the quest "Frying Pan, Spick and Span" upon completion of the quest.
  • Fixed the placement of a woman on a bench outside a house in Mulbrydale.  Note: the woman is only present before the village is repaired by freeing the blacksmith from the nearby cage.
  • Repositioned Margrit inside the hunter's shack at the conclusion of "Wild at Heart" to prevent her from clipping through a bench.  Note: only occurs if Geralt chooses to spare her and kill the werewolf.
  • Removed leftover blood stains from the quest "Blood Gold" upon completion of the quest.
  • Removed leftover footprints and blood stains from island to the east of Benek in Velen.  This island has a POI to kill foglets and loot a locked treasure chest, but the clues that lead you to the treasure chest remain after completing the POI.  Now the clues will disappear along with the fog when Geralt leaves the island and travels 100 steps away.
  • Removed leftover witcher sense clue on the body of the Deserter Leader from the quest "Hidden From the World" upon completion of the quest.  After looting the body and finding the key and note, the body remains interactive with witcher senses even after looting the treasure chest and completing the quest.  Now the witcher senses will deactive and the body will be just a corpse after looting it and receiving the note.
  • Repositioned a floating kid in the village of Midcopse to place him evenly on the ground.
  • Repositioned several refugees waiting on the bridge over the Pontar that are clipping through various parts of the bridge.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Contract: Woodland Beast": removed leftover clues after the quest has been completed, and restored the convoy that was attacked.
  • Removed 3 leftover clues after completing the quest "Wandering in the Dark": a sickle, a flask, and burned documents.
  • Repositioned Lessy (the granddaughter of the old woman in the quest "Last Rites"), so that she is no longer floating in the air while sweeping.
  • Removed leftover clues for the foglet's tracks after completing the quest "Contract: Swamp Thing".
  • Removed 3 leftover clues after completing the quest "A Greedy God": a bottle of spilled wine, a a crack in the wall, and scent of wine.
  • Removed 2 leftover clues after completing the quest "The Whispering Hillock": the bodies of a woman and a child.
  • Fixed the dialogue choices during the discussion with the spirit in the quest "The Whispering Hillock".
  • Added a missing exit icon during the final dialogue with Ginter at the end of the quest "A Walk on the Waterfront".
  • Repositioned a prostitute standing next to the madame inside Crippled Kate's that is clipping through a counter when she is cleaning a mug.
  • Reorganized Anna Strenger's journal entries to more logically and orderly flow the through the sequence of events in her storyline.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear": enabled broken commentary by Geralt about blood on the floor in the room with the statues where he must retrieve a key under the water, and disabled the blood clue after retrieving the key.
  • Repositioned a beggar outside the King of Beggars hideout that is clipping through a cart and floating in the air.
  • Repositioned a thug in Novigrad near the fish market that is sinking into the ground.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Deserter Gold": deactivated leftover clue on a body at the campsite where the quest is activated, locked the three treasure chests that are required to complete the quest to prevent them from being looted early and breaking the quest, added a key to the game to unlock the treasure chests, and removed the quest tag from the key at the completion of the quest so that it moves to the right side (the junk side) of the inventory window and doesn't get stuck on the left side with active quest items.
  • Improved the visibility of a locked treasure chest on Fog Island east of Benek.  It is very hard to see in vanilla; now it is highlighted in the traditional red used for focus clues, making it much easier to see and find.
  • Fixed a Redanian bowman soldier standing on the dock near the Border Post fast travel marker that is floating in the air.
  • Fixed numerous missing comments when Geralt finds the clues where the Feline Witcher Gear is in the area.
  • Fixed one-liner by numerous beggar's throughout Novigrad that would comment about knowing who burned down the Witch Hunter's headquarters even before that happens.  Now they will only utter the one-liner after it happens.
  • Fixed the cutscene where Geralt loses to Dandelion during the quest "Cabaret" is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed multiple NPC voicesets related to killing the Ice Giant during "The Lord of Undvik".  Geralt can choose whether to share in the glory with Hjalmar, or allow Hjalmar to have all the glory for himself.  In vanilla, all of these dialogues praised Geralt even if he chose to allow Hjalmar to have all the praise.  Now the dialogue will only play if Geralt chooses to share the praise.
  • Fixed multiple NPC voicesets related to killing the Ice Giant during "The Lord of Undvik".  Geralt can choose whether to share in the glory with Hjalmar, or allow Hjalmar to have all the glory for himself.  In vanilla, all of these dialogues praised Hjalmar even if Geralt he chose to share the praise.  Now the dialogue will only play if Geralt does not choose to share the praise.
  • Fixed a broken one-liner by a barmaid who asks about Folan.  A condition was used for a fact that doesn't get added to the save file.  The condition was revised to use a correct fact.
  • Fixed NPC voicesets that talk about Lugos raiding and Hjalmar being feared dead.  Both of these lines are spoken throughout the game, even after Lugos dies and Hjalmar returns from Undvik.  Added conditions to both lines so that they will only play before Lugo dies and before Hjalmar returns from Undvik.
  • Fixed items in inventory that are unable to be sold: notice for "Contract: Beast of Honorton", "Letter to Gaetan", and notice for "Skellige's Most Wanted".  All other letters and notices in the game can be sold.  Now these can be as well instead of remaining in the Junk side of the inventory panel.
  • Added Exit dialogue icon to the option to join Lambert later during the opening dialogue at the start of "The Final Trial".
  • Revised character journal for Philippa Eilhart.  The final entry about Ciri was misplaced; now it is moved to the end.
  • Fixed missing color definition for the shoes on the "Pretty Girl Maiden" during the HoS Wedding.
  • Removed the highlighting from the dialogue line where Geralt asks Shani "That was your notice?" during HoS when she asks him to go to the wedding with her.  This line loops back to the main decision hub and does not advance the dialogue, so it should not be highlighted.
  • Fixed a broken texture model that resulted in visibly missing skin texture on the torso for t3_07 entity.  This is a global fix that will fix all NPCs in the game that are using the broken model, including Vespula, Jad Karadin's wife, and numerous background NPCs throughout the game.
  • Fixed missing color definition for shoes on the Novigrad_Elf_3 entity.
  • Fixed a woman in Novigrad that is floating in the air while sweeping.

Original author: MerseyRockoff


  • Fixed duplicate schematics for Wolf gear in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed Black Roach character journal icon.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crones when interacting with tapestry during "Ladies of the Wood" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "Family Matters" when reaching fisherman's hut.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "The Play's the Thing" after finding Dudu.
  • Fixed Keira not despawning after "Blood on the Battlefield" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "Broken Flowers" quest while talking with Vespula.
  • Fixed Belgaard blacksmith disappearing forever after leaving area.
  • Fixed White Orchard Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Arinbjorn Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Chameleon door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Alchemy Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Deadly Crossing bandit encounter sometimes despawning before even being in the area. (Incorporated from Deadly Crossing Fix mod)
  • Fixed Moritz Diefenthel burning on the stake scene. (Incorporated from Moritz Diefenthel Fix mod)
  • Fixed dialogue not triggering between Moritz and the witch hunter. This bug only revealed itself after restoring Moritz on stake. (Incorporated from Moritz Diefenthel Fix mod)
  • Fixed missing objective "Win a unique card from Zoltan" during "Gwent: Old Pals" quest.
  • Fixed "red" objective during "Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk". This fix makes Oxenfurt Drunk Fix mod obsolete as it's a strictly better way of doing it.
  • Fixed "red" objective during "Heart of the Woods" quest. This fix makes Heart of the Woods Quest Fix mod obsolete as it's a strictly better way of doing it.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Heart of the Woods" quest when picking up notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Heart of the Woods" quest when overhearing villagers talking about a dead body.
  • Fixed Mulbrydale armorer not giving gwent card.
  • Fixed "Dirty Funds" journal entry.
  • Fixed camera when talking with Mulbrydale armorer for the first time after rescuing him.
  • Fixed "Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route" journal entry (different fix from that of Klubargutan's).
  • Fixed "Hazardous Goods" journal entry incorrectly stating that Geralt both killed and didn't kill the corpse hauler.
  • Fixed "From a Land Far, Far Away" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Ugly Baby" journal entry.
  • Fixed "The Taxman Cometh" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Open Sesame" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Whatsoever a Man Soweth" journal entry.
  • Fixed Vivienne not moving to Skellige after finishing "Warble of a Smitten Knight" quest (have to complete main story of Blood and Wine too).
  • Restored missing dialogue with Avallac'h about Ge'els.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Triss (Triss have to be tortured at witch hunter HQ and then have tortured the spy herself).
  • Restored missing dialogue with Vesemir about Kaer Morhen.
  • Fixed Ciri journal entry.
  • Fixed Triss journal entry.
  • Fixed Yennefer journal entry.
  • Fixed Avallac'h journal entry.
  • Fixed Ghost in the Tree journal entry.
  • Fixed Folan journal entry.
  • Fixed Graden journal entry.
  • Fixed Keira journal entry.
  • Fixed Tavar Eggebracht journal entry.
  • Fixed Voorhis journal entry.
  • Fixed Zoltan journal entry.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Priscilla about Madame Irina's troupe.
  • Restored a massive missing dialogue with innkeeper at the Crossroads during "Nilfgaardian Connection" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation with Geralt and Hjalmar before the battle of Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Vesemir about Ciri. Only available when talking to him right before the battle.
  • Restored a few lines of missing dialogue during Geralt-Yennefer-Crach talk at the end of "The King is Dead, Long Live the King" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Dijkstra, Cleaver and King of Beggars in the bathhouse.
  • Massively improved Triss' pathfinding in sewers during "Now or Never" quest. She will now correctly follow Geralt in and out of library and other places, allowing to experience all interactions between her and Geralt.
  • Restored missing conversation between Geralt and Triss when seeing the rat pit during "Now or Never" quest.
  • Fixed Geralt's commentaries on clues during "Empty Coop" quest.
  • Fixed a certain dialogue with Var Attre twins being hidden behind an incorrect fact.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary when examining clues in workshop during "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation line for Keira after finding the lamp during "A Magic Lamp" quest.
  • Fixed Keira's conversation line cutting off abruptly when leaving the cave because she casts a light during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation between Geralt and Keira when finding and dispelling the exit illusion during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue with druid next to Gremist's cave previously hidden behind an incorrect fact.
  • Restored missing dialogue during "Strangers in the Night" quest. Have dwarven spirit in inventory will allow Geralt to offer the drink to others.
  • Restored missing dialogue with the sylvan during "A Greedy God" quest.
  • Fixed villagers not correctly recognizing if Geralt saved all piggies during "Fool's Gold" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Shani.
  • Restored Geralt's conversation line when visiting merchants in search of painite during unlocked quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice".
  • Restored another Geralt's conversation line when visiting merchants in search of painite during unlocked quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice".
  • Restored a missing book in library during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest alongside commentary from Geralt.
  • Restores life to Dijkstra's bathhouse after completing all main quests in Novigrad and leaving for Skellige with Avallac'h and The Lodge.
  • Fixed "A Mysterious Passenger" disappearing from journal.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when entering through the portal during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when entering laboratory during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt after unlocking library during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary when examining bee hive during "Contract: The Apiarian Phantom" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt after finding mutated albumen.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary after putting the albumen in the mutation machine and then trying to use it.
  • Fixed abandoned hut's door stuck open permanently after completing "Man's Best Friend" quest.
  • Allows access to the cave under Kaer Trolde and therefore the Place of Power after "King's Gambit" quest if chosen Hjalmaar's or Svanrige's sides. Previously only accessible in Cerys' path, locking player out of 100% completion if choosing different side.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Anna Henrietta. Must have at least finished "Blood Run" quest.
  • Fixed Geralt locked to use fists only in the fight with dwarves (who use weapons) during "Gwent: To Everything - Turn, Turn, Tournament!" making the fight almost impossible to win on higher difficulties.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when visiting the mill during "Amidst the Mill's Grist" quest.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed snow hares to drop loot when killed.
  • Numerous fixes to duplicate whetstone and cave markings on map.
  • Fixed fast travel marker in Hierarch Square so that Geralt will be placed in front of it instead of behind it.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the crematory alchemist.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the Mulbrydale armorer.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the Kaer Trolde castle blacksmith.
  • Fixed a table in Corvo Bianco that goes missing during the house renovations.  The table should be in the room behind Majordomo BB with a candle on top of it.
  • Restored a new dialogue with Anselm (merchant you can rescue in Velen swamps). Geralt can now say that he didn't pay them enough, that's why they attacked.
  • Fixed Mont Crane Castle signal fire sometimes not greying out correctly in Toussaint.
  • Restored a cut character from Roche's camp: the Temerian Quartermaster.  Geralt can interact with him, including shop his inventory, have him craft items, and play Gwent.
  • Spawns Dune (the quest giver for the quest "Missing in Action") and his dog at the house along the path Geralt and Vesemir take on the way to the White Orchard Inn at the start of the Prologue.  This enables a hidden dialogue to be restored between Geralt and Vesemir about Dune.
  • Fixed the map icon for the merchant Yolar that lives in the grotto under Gedyneith in Skellige.  His icon was changed from the standard merchant icon to the herbalist icon to reflect the alchemist inventory that he sells.
  • Fixed multiple documents that incorrectly spawn infinitely: 4 books in the Cockatrice Inn in Toussaint, 1 book in the fisherman's hut right below the Cockatrice Inn in Toussaint, and 2 books in Geralt's tent in the tourney grounds in Toussaint.
  • Numerous fixes to the Larvik blacksmith and the Fayrlund blacksmith.  These two NPCs shared the same dialogue, appearance, spawn files, etc.  Now each of them is a unique and separate entity: gave them each their own unique appearance so they don't look the same, gave them unique dialogues when talking with them, gave each of them different Gwent cards to win when playing them, and restored a unique dialogue "Thank you" line when you save the Fayrlund blacksmith and visit him in the village.
  • Restored a cut character from the town of Kaer Trolde: a unique merchant.
  • Restored a cut character: a Clan Dimun unique merchant in the village of Faroe.
  • Restored a cut character: a fish trader in Rannvaig.
  • Restored a cut character: a merchant in Toderas.
  • Fixed generic merchants and generic innkeeper sometimes having wrong map icons.
  • Fixed Pinastri not having herbalist icon on map.
  • Restored multiple broken chats: between three women in Blackbough, between two Nilfgaardian officers near Tavar Eggebracht's tent, in the Scoia'Tael camp northwest of Lucian's windmill, and between a peasant and a merchant in Mulbrydale.
  • Multiple fixes to broken chats in Kaer Trolde village: between two drunks, a sometimes working conversation between two villagers, and 3 broken conversations between clan An Craite guards.
  • Fixed broken conversation between three Clan An Craite guards near the village of Rogne that are spying on naked women in the hot springs, and restored a missing comment from the women that are bathing - now they chastise Geralt for staring at them.
  • Multiple fixes in the aftermath of the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure": restored an Eternal Fire priest in the Novigrad dock area, restored a broken dialogue by the priest that didn't play due to the priest not spawning, restored at least 4 broken comments made by people around Novigrad as a result of the fire at the Witch Hunter barracks, and restored more bystanders watching witch hunters' barracks burning down.
  • Fixed multiple conversations between dockworkers in Novigrad: 2 conversations rarely working between two dockworkers in Novigrad, and a rarely working conversation between three dockworkers in Novigrad.
  • Fixed broken chat between two peasants in Lurtch chopping wood.
  • Fixed broken chat between Redanians at Border Post.
  • Fixed broken chat between innkeeper and peasants when Geralt first arrives at the Crossroads Inn.
  • Fixed multiple broken chats: 2 broken chats between old man and children on An Skellig, and one completely broken chat and one triggering unreliably between two Skellige warriors near Urialla Harbor on An Skellig.
  • Fixed broken chat between two fishermen in Urialla Harbor.
  • Fixed broken conversation between a man and a woman in Urialla Harbor Inn.
  • Fixed broken chat between two Clan Brokvar guards on Spikeroog.
  • Fixed broken chat between 3 warriors in Svorlag.
  • Fixed 2 conversations between two fishermen in Kaer Trolde village.
  • Fixed sometimes working conversation between two villagers in the liberated lumbermill on Ard Skellig (one during the day and one at night).
  • Fixed 2 broken conversations between clan An Craite guards outside of Kaer Trolde castle.
  • Restored dialogue with Letho before the battle for Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored dialogue with Birna Bran during Bran's wake.
  • Restored broken conversation between two townsmen near the stables in Oxenfurt.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations between two townsmen in Novigrad Hierarch Square.
  • Fixed rarely working conversations between three men in Dijkstra's bathhouse.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two men at the Chameleon.
  • Returned life to Vegelbud Estate after "A Matter of Life and Death" quest is completed.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two workers at the Vegelbud Estate.
  • Restored broken conversation between a man and the shop owner on Gildorf Square in Novigrad.
  • Fixed broken conversation between a couple and a trader on Gildorf Square in Novigrad.
  • Multiple fixes to missing chats in the Novigrad suburbs: a rarely working conversation between two mean near Southern Gate in Novigrad, and two broken conversations with a woman in Elihal's shop.
  • Restored a conversation between Redanian soldiers and witch hunters near Seven Cats Inn.
  • Fixed a broken conversation between three refugees near Portside Gate in Novigrad.
  • Restored a missing conversation between a man and a prostitute in Crippled Kate's.
  • Restored two missing patrons in the bookstore in Novigrad, and fixed 2 broken conversations with Marcus T.K. Hodgson.  Also fixed the trigger zone and placement of the man so he is not sunk in the ground.
  • Restored broken conversation between two peasants near Alness.
  • Restored broken conversation between two men in Kingfisher Inn.
  • Restored 2 missing dialogues with Ciri during the talk in Isle of Mists: asks about Keira (two choices - note: Geralt will only be able to ask about Keira if he did not previously fight and kill her during the quest "For the Advancement of Learning"), and asks about Dandelion (two choices).
  • Restored dialogue from Folan during the quest "The Lord of Undvik" while he is in the cauldron.
  • Several fixes in the village of Harviken: fixed an infrequent conversation between two warriors standing on a drakkar, and fixed an infrequent conversation between two warriors and also fixed one of them holding invisible sword.
  • Restored dialogue between Irina Renarde and her troupe during the quest "The Play's the Thing".
  • Restored 3 broken conversations between villagers in Urialla Harbor: Dialogue 1 (neither Hjalmar, Cerys or Svanrige is crowned), Dialogue 2 (Svanrige is crowned), and Dialogue 3 (Hjalmar or Cerys is crowned).
  • Fixed a broken chat between two women east of Harbor Gate.  Note: Works only before completing the quest "Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away".
  • Multiple fixes in the liberated lumbermill in White Orchard: fixed 2 broken one-liners, gave the involved peasants unique looks, and fixed the scene trigger zones.
  • Multiple fixes for the liberated shrine in White Orchard: fixed broken one-liner, gave the involved peasant a unique look, and added 2 additional torch guardians near the shrine at night to round out the unused APs.
  • Fixed small broken one-liner in Claywitch.  Note: at least one merchant must be rescued.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a fisherman near his liberated hut west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a refugee woman in a camp west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a student in Lornruk.
  • Fixed broken conversation by a shepherd near Sund settlement on Ard Skellig.
  • Fixed multiple things with the witch hunters harassing beggars scene: restored 2 blocks of dialogue between witch hunters and beggars, fixed beggars running away too fast and abruptly stopping part of witch hunter dialogue and sending the phase to output too early, and fixed witch hunters despawning right in front of your eyes if beggars run away or Geralt initiates dialogue with hunters, but chooses not to engage in a fight.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "Little Red": fixed all villagers despawn in front of Geralt's face as soon the quest is over, restored 4 unique one-liners from villagers, and added a new objective to leave the village after the quest is done to properly clean up the phase.
  • Multiple fixes with the quest "Novigrad, Closed City": fixed Lussi despawning right in front of Geralt (will now stay in the room until Geralt leaves), restored small conversation between Lussi and Geralt, fixed doors locking behind Geralt as soon as he leaves Lussi's house, restored a missing comment where Lussi will say something about Geralt stealing if he loots items from her house.
  • Restored broken conversation between 3 people in Novigrad near the grindstone and armorer's table.
  • Restored broken conversation between Irina and Dudu after the play.
  • Restored dialogue with Happen during the quest "Get Junior".  Will activate if Geralt tries to leave bathhouse with only his towel on.
  • Numerous fixes to restore Sukrus, his brother-in-law, and Ernst van Hoorn in An Skellig after the completion of the quest "Of Swords and Dumplings": fixed all 3 .w2comms to change the world from Novigrad to Skellige so they will spawn, restored a conversation between them, restored 3 unique one-liners (one from each of them), fixed van Hoorn being hostile and attacking Geralt and Sukrus, and fixed the APs for all three.
  • Restored broken conversation between a group of people in Beauclair near The Adder and Jewels Winery.
  • Fixed broken condition for a conversation between two guards near Flovive.
  • Restored broken conversation between two workers south of Coopers' Gate in Beauclair.
  • Fixed bottle merchant sometimes not having map icon.
  • Fixed Swordsmith Sign in Novigrad not having text when examined.
  • Fixed Zoltan despawning from the game after Priscilla's concert, even though he says he's going back to Rosemary and Thyme.  Now he will actually go to the Rosemary and chill there until further main quest development.
  • During the quest "The Man from Cintra", fixed cutscenes with Anna Henrietta before entering Mandragora that are unskippable.
  • Fixed tailor Pierre in Beauclair not having map icon.
  • Fixed 2 Nilfgaardian crossbow soldiers in Ferry Station in Velen having wrong APs and holding invisible bows.
  • Fixed a man hammering into nothing near Boatmakers' Hut in Velen.  Also expanded the NPCs that spawn at this location from 3 to 6 to make the environment fuller.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two children in Tourney Grounds.
  • Fixed sometimes working conversation between two women in Oxenfurt close to Western Gate.
  • Fixed shady merchant triggering his greeting one-liner from behind the wall.
  • Restored broken one-liner by Geralt if he reads the poster about Percival Schuttenbach closing his shop.
  • Fixed trigger zone for a conversation between Ciri and Triss on the ship in Novigrad at the beginning of "Battle Preparations" quest.
  • Fixed 2 conversation between Yennefer, Triss and Ciri upon arrival in Skellige at the beginning of "Battle Preparations" quest being mutually exclusive.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations between a group of clan Dimun guards.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "The Nilfgaardian Connection": restored candle puzzle (to reveal Hendrik's secret chamber), restored "Hendrik's notes", restored 4 dialogue lines from Geralt inside Hendrik's hut, restored 2 clues to be examined inside Hendrik's basement, fixed candlestick showing up in Witcher Senses after the quest is completed, fixed Hendrik's chest respawning with loot after reloading the game, and added exit icon for the exit line during the puzzle scene.
  • Fixed orens and balisse fruit not spawning in containers where they should in Novigrad and Skellige area.  This is a global fix that affects numerous containers throughout the worlds of Novigrad and Skellige.
  • As a result of the orens and balisse fruit fix, there is a treasure chest that becomes enabled for looting during the quest "Contract: Missing Son" which activates a missing unique comment from Geralt.
  • Multiple fixes for the "The Heroes' Pursuits" quests in Skellige: restored 12 unique one-liners from Geralt's opponents, depending whether he wins or loses the race, and fixed participants despawned in front of Geralt's eyes in all 4 quests.
  • Fixed prophetess clipping into a barrel after finishing "The Beast of Toussaint" quest. Also fixed her and both zealots losing their APs and standing motionless.
  • Fixed unskippable cutscene during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest if Geralt spares the shaelmaar.  The scene could not be skipped even if pressing the X button / space bar.  Now it can be skipped if desired.
  • Fixed band in Kaer Trolde castle not playing music.
  • Fixed Chameleon considered exterior area.  In vanilla, Dandelion's Chameleon acts like outdoors so if it is raining, people inside the establishment will be wet.  Now it is set as an interior like other buildings in the game.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's second and third floor considered exterior area.  In vanilla, Crippled Kate's 2nd and 3rd floors act like outdoors so if it is raining, people inside the establishment will be wet.  Now it is set as an interior like other buildings in the game.  Additionally, fixed the minimap to display the correct floors instead of showing the 2nd floor map all the time.
  • Restored broken conversation between villagers in Kaer Trolde village before Bran's funeral.  The second part of the dialogue (where villagers sit down and pray), doesn't work in vanilla.
  • Restored dialogue with Joana if you force Lothar to come back to her during "The Nithing" quest.
  • Restored 5 broken commentaries from Geralt during investigation phase in "Contract: Strange Beast" quest.
  • Multiple fixes to the Oreton blacksmith dialogue: restored a unique greeting dialogue, restored a dialogue line asking about other blacksmiths in area, and fixed not being able to play Gwent with the blacksmith.
  • Restored broken conversation between Ciri and Geralt and an objective to "Follow Ciri" during "Skjall's Grave" quest.  In vanilla the scene after graveyard immediately teleports Geralt and Ciri to the sheep pit. Now, Ciri will run there and Geralt will have an objective to follow her, they will also have a small conversation while running.
  • Fixed Keira's commentaries on Geralt entering water during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.  In vanilla Keira triggers only the "exit water" dialogue, when Geralt enters water and never triggers "enter water" dialogue. This is now fixed to work correctly.
  • Restored broken dialogue when the Witch Hunter building is burning after the Triss/Menge scene during "Count Reuven's Treasure".  There are witch hunters calling out for help to extinguish the flames.  Note: The witch hunters must be alive.
  • Postponed the start of the quest "Where the Cat and Wolf Play…" by 2 days when Velen is loaded for the first time to give chance to visit Honorton before it is destroyed.  Note: there are villagers alive and going about their business before the massacre occurs.  This is intended to be an Easter Egg and gives Geralt a chance to see the village before the events of "Where the Cat and Wolf Play..." occurs.  To see this, Geralt must go to Honorton in free roam as soon as going to Velen the first time or the opportunity will be lost on that playthrough.
  • Restored 8 one-liners by the survivor during the quest "The Nilfgaardian Connection": 3 random one-liners play when Geralt arrives and sees the man attacked by wild dogs, and 5 random one-liners play after Geralt talks with the man and leaves him sitting by the well.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "The Final Trial": restored an objective to find Lambert's boat by listening to its sail flapping, restored conversation between Lambert and Geralt while they search for the boat, and restored conversation between Lambert and Geralt if Geralt swam to the Old Speartip's cave instead of taking the boat with Lambert.
  • Fixed travelling merchant during "Bald Mountain" quest not having exit icon for his dialogue.
  • Multiple fixes to NPCs not despawning from the Bald Mountain after the quest "Bald Mountain": despawned peasants who were still partying after the quest, despawned Old Thecla and her helper, despawned Ealdorman and his guards who got stuck on top of the mountain, and despawned the two remaining merchants.
  • Fixed rescued Scoia'tael trader in Oxenfurt forest not having map icon.
  • Fixed rarely working conversation between a group of people in Oreton.
  • Fixed Hugo Monnart not having map icon in certain outcomes of "Father Knows Worst" quest. Also fixed him having a shopkeeper icon when he is in fact an innkeeper in another outcome.
  • Multiple fixes to the ice giant at the end of the quest "Lord of Undvik": fixed ice giant's body respawning with loot after reloading the game, and fixed ice giant not dropping loot it was supposed to.
  • Fixed Gol'yat's body respawning with loot after reloading the game.
  • Fixed loot infinitely respawning in the lake northeast of Basane Farm after reloading the game.
  • Added missing cave icons for 35 caves around the world.  Includes two caves marked as monster dens on Faroe island, even though no monster actually guards them.
  • Increased LOD on the funeral ship during "The King is Dead, Long Live the King".  Now the ship won't appear/disappear at random during the funeral cutscene, and the ship will be visible sailing away out of the harbor after returning to gameplay after the cutscene.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "Bloody Baron": restored dialogue by the old peasant, and fixed overlapping dialogue by the old peasant and Geralt when he notices him.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations and fixed a mess with 4 other ones involving a group of people being inspected by the Temple Guard in Novigrad harbor near The Golden Sturgeon.
  • Restored broken conversation with Sergeant when returning to Crow's Perch after "Return to Crookback Bog" quest.  The dialogue will play after the cutscene where Geralt meets Sergeant after returning from the bog.  Note: Scene will only play if Geralt got into a fight with Sergeant's men in the village prior.
  • Restored broken conversation between peasants at the beginning of the quest "A Greedy God".  The second part of the dialogue didn't play in vanilla.
  • Restored broken conversation between Dijkstra and mages during the quest "Now or Never".
  • Fixed multiple unskippable cutscenes during "Now or Never" quest despite pressing X / space bar: one when Oliver opens the doors to the hideout and one at the beginning of the cutscene with Triss' speech.
  • Fixed Berthold floating in the hideout under Kingfisher Inn during the quest "Now or Never".
  • Fixed Walter sometimes respawning during the quest "Novigrad, Closed City".
  • Fixed a bug where Geralt shouts out "How do you like that silver?" while in combat.  The comment is made regardless of what Geralt is fighting (he yells it a lot when fighting wolves with a steel sword).  Now he will only yell it while holding a silver sword.
  • Fixed broken smell clue during the quest "Redania's Most Wanted" after smelling the disinfectant in Philippa's lair that leads to damaged eyes and a commentary from Geralt. Also fixed Geralt never exiting animation after examining the eyes.
  • Fixed Dettlaff's bestiary image after seeing him in his true form.  Note: must actually see his true form.
  • Fixed duplicate horses spawning at the same location and clipping into each other.  credit: DerGoldsucher for the script
  • Restored 4 broken commentaries from Geralt during the quest "In the Heart of the Woods".
  • Restored broken conversation between Margarita and Philippa on the ship during the quest "Battle Preparations".  Note: this dialogue will play 10 seconds after the "Geralt sleeping with everyone" dialogue.
  • Many fixes and restored dialogues during Valdo's sequence in the quest "Payback": restored/fixed 4 dialogues, restored/fixed 10 one-liners, restored second stable guard by the main entrance of the stables, fixed floating elf woman in the nighttime camp, fixed overlapping dialogue when picking up keys in the stable, edited 1 trigger zone and added 3 new trigger zones to start dialogues correctly and begin/end phases of the quest, edited Ciri's AP at the beginning of the quest to not automatically trigger conversation with Valdo and Geralt actually have a chance to listen to all dialogues between the group.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "The Bastion": fixed Geralt never exiting meditation animation after burying the boy, fixed sudden visible shift of daytime when burying the boy (credit: konyme), restored broken commentary from Geralt when he find the boy's remains.
  • Multiple restored content/dialogues during the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen" forest phase: restored sequence of luring arachas towards the Wild Hunt - includes 2 new objectives to complete and 3 dialogues, restored sequence of using crossbow traps against the Wild Hunt - includes 2 new objectives to complete and 2 dialogues.
  • Moved Yennefer and Triss before Kaer Morhen battle to an area before the trigger zone for the council to be able to listen to their unique pre-battle one-liners.
  • Restored item "Bill of exchange".  Can be redeemed at Vivaldi's Bank for 100 crowns.  A unique dialogue with Vivaldi about the bill becomes available when the item is in inventory.  These bills have been placed in three locations: in Aeramas dungeon, in Ambassador var Attre mansion, and together with Fringilla's Card in Ceasar's home.
  • Multiple restored dialogues and interactions with NPCs related to the oneiromancer's house in Novigrad: During the quest "Through Time and Space" while still in Novigrad: restored dialogue between Geralt and Avallac'h before entering the house, restored Avallac'h leading Geralt upstairs and then restored dialogue between Avallac'h and Corinne, restored one-liner by Corinne, and restored cutscene dialogue between Geralt and Avallac'h before entering the portal.  Also fixed the scene with witch hunters running away from the haunted house during the quest "Haunted House" and commenting that they are scared of the house.
  • Restored missing character journals for the Ofieri Merchant and Pinastri (herbalist in the quest "Equine Phantoms").
  • Fixed 5 or more copies of the same guy during Menge burning Chapelle cutscene at the beginning of the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Restored snow deers around druid areas on Ard Skellig. Also fixed snow deers not dropping loot.
  • Restored 7 broken commentaries from Geralt during the quest "The Lord of Undvik".  Fixed shackles placements..  Also fixed 2 out of 4 shackles near mad castaway's boat being underground and not lootable (although shackles don't have any other use, now they at least trigger a commentary from Geralt).
  • Moved conversation about war from 2 Redanian soldiers and 2 witch hunters near Seven Cats Inn to the correct place to 3 Redanian soldiers southeast of Yantra. Fixed the correct soldiers not spawning at all. Only show up at night.
  • Fixed 2 Nilfgaardian officer chats at Army Group 'Center' Camp to randomize correctly.
  • Moved conversation about peasant hiding mages from 2 peasants near Alness to the correct place to 2 peasants in Yantra. Fixed the correct peasants not spawning at all.
  • Fixed 2 Skellige warrior chats near Urialla Harbor to randomize correctly.
  • Moved conversation about bards singing from 2 citizens near Alchemy Inn to the correct place to 2 citizens on Oxenfurt market square. Fixed the correct citizens not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between Novigrad rich citizens to the correct place near Vivaldi's Bank. Fixed the 3 citizens not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation about prisoners from 2 Redanian Soldiers to the correct place to 2 witch hunters near Deireadh Prison. Fixed 2 witch hunters not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation inside Gildorf Square fancy shop in Novigrad to the correct nobleman. Fixed the correct nobleman not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between a man and prostitue in Crippled Kate's to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Moved 2 conversations in T.K. Hodgson's book store to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after completing "Message from and Old Friend" quest.
  • Moved 2 conversations in Elihal's shop to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after speaking with Elihal during "Broken Flowers" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 people about Geralt from people in the market to the correct location in Kingfisher Inn after Priscilla's concert. Fixed trigger, so you can actually here the conversation after coming down from Priscilla's room (in vanilla played while you were still up there).
  • Moved conversation between 2 men in Kingfisher Inn to the correct location near Honeyfill Meadworks. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available before completing "Contract: The Apiarian Phantom" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 men in Urialla Harbor to the correct location to 3 men in Arinbjorn Inn. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after comleting "Contract: Phantom of Eldberg" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 people in Beauclair to the correct location between a man and a woman during Mandragora's party in "A Man from Cintra" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between 2 workers in Beauclair to the correct location between 2 servants during Mandragora's party in "A Man from Cintra" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Fixed girl correctly spawning in Tourney Grounds (she is a part of a conversation with a nearby boy). Available after completing "The Warble of a Smitten Knight" quest.
  • Moved conversation between Holmstein guards in the village to the correct Lugos' guards during "The Sunstone" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Placed Roche's quartermaster at the correct spot. Will no longer take generic Roche soldiers action points and timetables. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Kaer Trolde trader at the correct spot. Now has his own stall near Kaer Trolde Inn. Will no longer sacrifice generic trader on the pier. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Rannvaig fish trader at the correct spot. Will no longer take action points of a generic fisherman living in the village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Dimun trader at the correct spot. Now has his own stall in Harviken. Will no longer take action points of a generic boatwright living in the village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Fixed Fayrlund blacksmith spawning in Fayrlund before actually freeing him from the cage. Also improvements to the previous fix of separating him from Larvik blacksmith. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed the trader previously restored in Toderas to the correct spot in Farcorners. Has his own stall now and will no longer sacrifice generic trader in Toderas village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Restored broken conversation between old woman and girl in Claywitch. Fixed both of them not spawning at all.
  • Restored broken conversation between a merchant and a woman near the wine market in Beauclair. Fixed both of them not spawning at all.
  • Fixed ice troll not spawning in a monster den on Faroe.
  • Fixed 3 wraiths and a nightwraith not spawning in another monster den on Faroe.
  • Fixed sitting and reading job for male NPCs (they were standing on their chairs and writing instead).
  • Fixed sitting and sleeping job for male and female NPCs (they were sitting and looking around instead).
  • Fixed sitting and sewing job for male NPCs (they were standing and scratching instead, often floating above their baskets).
  • Fixed 2 action points for Vivienne when she is in Skellige (she will now write at the desk, instead of just standing near it and at night she will go drink wine at the inn, instead of following her daily routine).
  • Fixed being able to only examine 1 body near the hut before the quest moves forward during "Contract: Swamp Thing" quest.
  • Multiple fixes for "Witcher Wannabe" quest. Restored commentary from the pretender, restored 1 quest objective and 1 journal entry at the beginning of the quest. Fixed quest not starting when picking up notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed even more glitched/duplicate horses and also pigs doing the same.
  • Fixed leftover clues after "The Bald Mountain" quest.
  • Fixed nonhumans on stakes highlighted in Witcher Senses as clues, even though you can't examine them after returning from the Bald Mountain during "Final Preparations" quest.
  • Fixed Elihal not going to Chameleon at night. Restored one-liner from Elihal while at the cabaret.
  • Fixed guarded treasure POI water hag in White Orchard not spawning correctly.
  • Fixed prostitute hanging from the ceiling in Whoreson's room highlighted in Witcher Senses, even though you can't examine her during "Get Junior" quest.
  • Restored weapons merchant in the abandoned site east of Lindenvale.
  • Restored 2 dialogues with Vesemir before the battle of Kaer Morhen in the scenario when Ermion is not there.
  • Restoded dialogue line from Vesemir during the battle of Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored 3 broken conversations between noblewomen in the ball during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.
  • Restored broken 6 dialogues and 7 one-liners with Geralt and Shani in the sewers during "Evil's Soft First Touches" quest.
  • Restored broken dialogue between Shani and Redanian Soldiers at the beginning of "Dead Man's Party" quest.
  • Fixed wyvern not spawning near the exit of Dragonslayer's Grotto.
  • Fixed merchant icons staying on map after "The Bald Mountain" quest, even when the merchants are despawned.
  • Restored 6 commentaries from Geralt during "Kaer Morhen" quest in the prologue.
  • Fixed dead Skellige warrior on an island south of Ard Skellig glowing red in Witcher Senses, even though you can't examine it.
  • Restored 6 people, each with a unique voiceset, and 2 conversations between a group of refugees near Mulbrydale.
  • Fixed Kaer Trolde blacksmith dialogue about weapon stories being greyed out after first story. Will now only grey out when Geralt listens to all 3 stories he has.
  • Fixed Mulbrydale armorer chilling in the village when Nilfgaardians attack during "An Eye for an Eye" quest.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for medics in Novigrad.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for actors using Redanian Blacksmith 01 voices.
  • Slighly increased the amount of wandering mages in Putrid Grove to give a little higher chance to hear their background dialogues and one-liners.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for actors using Skellige Innkeeper 01 voices. Those are innkeepers on Arinbjorn, Spikeroog and Larvik.
  • Restored/fixed missing/incomplete voicesets of 3 male trolls. Fixed trolls cooking Folan disappearing from the game if you save Folan, but don't fight the trolls. Fixed not being able to return later and attack the trolls if you so choose, as they were permanently friendly and didn't react on any form of Geralt's aggression.
  • Restored a female troll and her voiceset. Can you find her?
  • Fixed three women in Farcorners discussing the cat lady, clipping and having no APs in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed a merchant in Silverton talking to a woman and a man through the doors of his shop. Moved the customers inside the shop.
  • Removed to glitchy NPCs who cannot be forced to do their actions and just stand motionless in the Vilmerius Hospital.
  • Monsters from "Skellige's Most Wanted" quest will guaranteedly drop their rare mutagens.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "Looters: Heatherton" unmarked quest: fixed looters having wrong APs and not taking their positions correctly, fixed looters boss disappearing from the game in certain scenarios making you not able to receive the reward for the quest, fixed looters not ever disappearing in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "Looters: Codgers' Quarry" unmarked quest: fixed many instances of looters not despawning correctly, fixed alghouls not spawning in the area in one of the outcomes, fixed Geralt automatically unsheating steel sword against alghouls.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "A Warm Welcome" unmarked quest: fixed the game using a 5 real-time hour condition, instead of a 5 in-game hour condition for despawning characters, fixed many instances of the characters and items not despawning correctly at the end of the quest, fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear" quest not starting after the refugee tells Geralt about the tomb in Crookback Hills.
  • Fixed reward during "At the Mercy of Strangers" quest given after you kill any one deserter, instead of all five.
  • Fixed being able to buy the sword, then kill the scavengers and loot the second copy of the sword during "Deadly Crossing: Lindenvale Bridge" unmarked quest. Now, if the sword was already bought, there will be crowns on the body, instead.
  • Fixed deserter's horse not despawning in certain outcomes of "Precious Cargo" quest.
  • Fixed appearances of witch hunters during "The Flame of Hatred" unmarked quest to not have a chance of them looking identical.
  • Fixed one of the bandits not having a correct tag and not attacking properly during "Yustianna Disturbed" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed "Trail of Echoes" unmarked quest to conclude when you explore the cave and examine all the items, not immediately after stepping into the final room.
  • Fixed the trigger for Fergus' and Yoana's conversation at the beginning of "Master Armorers" quest. Will now trigger when you actually get close otherwise it disappears in the sea of other random conversations happening in the same area.
  • Fixed Dolores not moving to her brother's corpse if Geralt tells her about it when she's already moved to her manor after "The Fall of the House of Reardon" quest is finished. Also fixed her not resuming her duties around the manor later.
  • Fixed Sarah's drawings and Skellige treasure maps not viewable in inventory (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed incorrect (or non-existant) items in multiple locations (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed "Thank you card" from "Where the Cat and Wolf Play..." quest not viewable in inventory (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed Olgierd’s letter to Iris from "Scenes From a Marriage" quest not being readable (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed wrong letter in a chest at Zuetzer Castle (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed duplicate documents being dropped where they shouldn't in Blood and Wine expansion (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed drunkards not taking crowns, but orens if you get beaten up during "Drunken Rabble" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed an issue where Redanian soldiers would trigger the final encounter through the wall while Geralt is inside the nearby house during "The Price of Passage" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed more issues during "Yustianna Disturbed" unmarked quest: fixed one bandit having an exact copy of a journal that you can loot in a nearby chest, fixed another bandit not dropping any loot due to broken loot component, Fixed not being able to hear the bandit idle dialogue due to them talking in a very far distance, sometimes obstructed by walls.
  • Renamed ulfhedinns correctly (instead of werewolf). Can now tell them apart in the world.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "The Four Faces of Hemdall" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for one of the choice options during "Man's Best Friend" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "Strumpet in Distress" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "The Flame of Hatred" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "Suspicious Shakedown" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed mesh of Hornwall horn respawning when reloading the game.
  • Fixed missing emphasis on the line where Geralt takes Uma from Sergeant during "Ugly Baby" quest.
  • Added 156 LOD improvements for various items throughout the game.
  • Fixed optional dialogue with Nilfgaardian mom to advance the conversation forward during "Blood Ties" quest.
  • Fixed Vivienne having invisible legs during the epilogue encounter with her and Guillaume.

Original author: konyme


  • Fixed Holger Blackhand's Horn icon.
  • Fixed "On Death's Bed" journal entry spoiling the outcome of the quest immediately after giving potion to Tomira. Now only a certain event in Velen will reveal Lena's fate.
  • Fixed "Twisted Firestarter" missing journal entry.
  • Fixed Slyzard bestiary image sometimes turning "undiscovered". (Incorporated from Slyzard Matriarch's Bestiary Image Fix mod)
  • Fixed not being able to interact with Rosemary & Thyme sign. (Incorporated from Rosemary and Thyme Sign Fix mod)
  • Fixed Geralt's commentary when examining an item in witch's hut during "A Knight's Tales" quest.
  • Fixed "The Four Faces of Hemdall" bandits requiring orens instead of crowns as payment.
  • Fixed "exclamation marker" not removed from map if refusing to help looters in "Bitter Harvest" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to examine Vattier de Ridaux's dagger during "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to examine Assire var Anahid's necklace during "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed Olgierd's Ethereals being classified as specters instead of humans, including ability to counter their attacks.
  • Fixed arachnomorphs being classified as insectoids instead of specters.
  • Fixed being able to use Aard on Melusine during "Contract: Here Comes the Groom".
  • Fixed Gregoire de Gorgon being classified as human instead of monster.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal entry to correctly indicate the fate of Morkvarg.
  • Fixed villagers incorrectly commenting that Geralt released Morkvarg, if Morkvarg was turned to human, released for the reward and then immediately killed.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal order.
  • Fixed missing subtitles for Skellige storybook in Czech localization.
  • Fixed Pontar's bridge notice board to show up as "read" before actually reading it.
  • Fixed incorrect coloring of Grandmaster Wolf gear when displayed on the armor stands in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed "Tower Outta Nowheres" to remove quest marker from fishermen.
  • Fixed "Missing in Action" to remove redundant journal entry.
  • Fixed "Devil by the Well": incorrect journal entry when picking up the contract from notice board.
  • Fixed permanent quest objective marker stuck on quest giver Odolan at the end of "Devil by the Well".
  • Fixed comment when examining a dead dog during "Devil by the Well".
  • Fixed dialogue with Menge during Triss torture scene.  Some choices were highlighted which should not be, and some were not highlighted that should be.
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Count Reuven's Treasure": now the player learns about the spy after Geralt finds the note in Menge's desk, not before.
  • Fixed incorrectly looping dialogue with Triss after Menge torture scene.
  • Numerous fixes to "Contract: Apiarian Phantom" to enable it to be found and investigated in free roam.  Includes fixes to clues, dialogues, journal entries, and more related to finding it in free roam.
  • Fixed cutscene in "Blindingly Obvious" where Geralt draws the wrong sword.
  • Fixed cutscene in "Cabaret" where Geralt has a steel sword in his sheath despite holding a prop sword.
  • Fixed voiceset when Geralt has the saddle "Caparison of Lament" (the Devil Saddle) equipped on Roach so he correctly uses the comments related to that item.
  • Fixed multiple audio issues in the quest "Tower Outta Nowheres".
  • Fixed multiple issues with audio and Witcher Senses in the quest "Contract: Tofu Monster".
  • Fixed missing dialogue with Odolan's daughter during the quest "Devil By The Well".
  • Fixed multiple dialogue issues with Eskel during the quest "To Bait A Forktail".
  • Fixed journal spoiler during the quest "To Bait A Forktail".
  • Fixed missing color definitions from the Nobleman released from the statuette.
  • Fixed reward during quest "The Witcher's Forge" in NG+ to give Geralt the Legendary Mastercrafted Wolf Armor instead of the generic Mastercrafted version.
  • Fixed snoring and echo sound during "Feet as Cold as Ice" if you go into the cave before speaking to François.
  • Fixed multiple dialogue issues with Lambert during the quest "The Final Trial".
  • Fixed broken comments made by Geralt if using Axii on Roach.
  • Fixed the unicorn at Corvo Bianco.  Now it has collision detection so Geralt can't walk through it.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary during the quest "Monster Slayer".
  • Fixed issue where the quartermaster icon remains on the map of Undvik in post-game despite the quartermaster being despawned.
  • Fixed incorrect comment made by Geralt during the quest "Contract: The White Lady" to say the correct comment.
  • Fixed issue during quest "The Bastion" where the prompt on screen says to burn the body when instead the body should be buried.
  • Fixed missing color definitions on multiple bandits in Toussaint.
  • Fixed missing blacksmith icon for Willis the dwarf in White Orchard.
  • Fixed missing lighting component for dwarf's face in Cianfanelli's Bank.
  • Fixed lighting bug during the scene where Geralt and Eskel perform an autopsy on a katakan.
  • Fixed cutscene in "The Final Trial" where Geralt draws the wrong sword if choosing to fight the trolls.
  • Fixed a missing line for a Nilfgaardian deserter during a Person in Distress POI in Velen.
  • Fixed requirements for crafting Wolven Gear: various pieces incorrectly required amateur, journeyman, or master.  Now they have the same requirements as all other Witcher Gear.
  • Fixed incorrect use of combat music during the quest "A Tome Entombed".
  • Fixed the counter during "Defender of the Faith" so it will show 3/3 shrines fixed instead of 2/3.
  • Fixed Vesemir's awkward placement during the prologue so he doesn't walk through a table after talking to him.
  • Fixed missing blood decal on Geralt in the prologue after the massacre at the White Orchard Inn.
  • Fixed incorrectly spawning berserker bears in Kaer Morhen.
  • Fixed missing color definitions on 4 mages during "Now or Never".
  • Fixed missing color definitions on 9 guards in Kaer Trolde castle.
  • Fixed Vernossiel's bow to be placed on her back instead of her feet.
  • Fixed the candle on the table in Kaer Morhen.  Now the candle is lit by default so the lighting is better during the scene where the witchers and Yennefer drink beer.
  • Fixed Ves appearing during "Reason of State" if she was killed during "Eye for an Eye".
  • Fixed scene during "Reason of State" where Radovid comments on the magic crystal, even if Geralt did not give it to him.  Now he will only comment on the crystal if Geralt gave it to him.
  • Removed a blank screen that was incorrectly inserted during the dialogue with the guard at Radovid's ship during "Reason of State."
  • Fixed Triss' placement during "Redania's Most Wanted" if Geralt talks to her about the crystal.  Now she will not walk through her megascope.
  • Fixed Philippa's missing lip movement, head movement, and facial expressions during the megascope scene in "Redania's Most Wanted".
  • Fixed Zoltan having an armorer icon in the Empress ending in White Orchard's inn.
  • Fixed wrong placement of Geralt and Ambassador var Attre when speaking to him for the second time.
  • Fixed Corinne Tilly standing on top of a chair after the end of "Novigrad Dreaming".
  • Fixed wrong camera placement during "The Last Wish" when you say to Yen you love her causing clipping through her head and thus you could see through her.
  • Fixed wrong camera placement during "Open Sesame!" where the camera was clipping through Max Borsodi's house when you asked Olgierd why he wanted the house.
  • Fixed missing color entries for 3 Nilfgaardian soldiers on the White Orchard battlefield and around it.
  • Fixed two issues with the waitress in Dandelion's cabaret where she gets stuck by the bar and by a table near the door.  Revised placement for both Theatrical and Boudoir styles.
  • Fixed the animation so Geralt can finish sirens when they are on the ground.
  • Fixed icons for Ursine steel swords being displayed as silver swords on NG+.
  • Fixed missing wetness and physics for Geralt's default haircut under his ponytail when wearing a shirt (the one that the player starts with in Kaer Morhen at the very beginning of the game).  Note: this is a replacement for HW Hair Wetness Fix by Nexuer.
  • Fixed missing "Quest Completed" notification when completing the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams – Part 1".
  • Fixed wrong sword being drawn when fighting the forktail during the Empress ending.
  • Fixed Temerian guerilla fighter refusing to mount his horse and riding to his camp if you decide to let him go in the quest "Precious Cargo".
  • Fixed wrong brightness values resulting in a visible change of brightness in the scene with Geralt and Ciri when leaving the conversation as soon as possible in Isle of Mists.
  • Fixed a change in camera position where the camera shifts abruptly to the right while talking to the loan shark during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed Geralt's and Keira's ghosts being classified as humans despite being labeled "Wraith" in gameplay during the quest "Wandering in the Dark".  Also fixed the scene so Geralt will accordingly draw a silver sword, not a steel one.
  • Fixed all intro journal entries to appear only when they're supposed to and removed redundant ones during quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed the objective "Talk to priestess Josta about the curse." not being marked as Success immediately after talking to her when finding Morkvarg on your own in the garden during quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed missing quest completed messages during "In Wolf's Clothing".  Now the notification for "Quest Completed" will pop regardless of the order it is completed.
  • Fixed the dialogue with Yen where you can ask her how to lift Morkvarg's curse during "In Wolf's Clothing" / "Nameless". No longer can you ask her about the curse indefinitely and after lifting the curse.   Now Geralt will not be able to ask her about the curse when it's already been lifted.
  • Fixed missing "Quest Completed" messages Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams – Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6.
  • Increased the duration during which you're able to finish off sirens and how long they stay knocked down.  The timer is now the same as for other monsters that you can knock down.
  • Fixed incorrect ability to finish contract monster during "Contract: Here Comes the Groom" when the monster is knocked down.
  • Fixed a journal spoiler during the quest "Contract: Here Comes the Groom" where it told you killed the monster before even actually seeing it.
  • Fixed a candle that is floating in the air inside Elihal's house.
  • Fixed a fishing basket that is floating in the air at the Novigrad docks near one of the ships that is part of "Destination: Skellige".
  • Fixed 2 misplaced items sitting outside Dandelion's cabaret: a mug floating in the air by the second story, and a saw floating in the middle of the air about waist height.
  • Fixed floating flower decoration inside Yen’s room in Kaer Trolde.
  • Fixed a fishing net, an anchor, and a rope coil clipping through one of the ships in Novigrad Harbor.
  • Fixed Yen’s sleeping animation not being triggered in Kaer Morhen from 9 PM to 9 AM and also fixed her position so she’s not clipping through the bed.
  • Fixed Birna Bran's hand clipping through a pot during cutscene when asking about Svanrige negotiating peace with Nilfgaard.
  • Fixed villager not running away when Geralt enters Crow's Perch.  This is a proper fix which doesn't simply despawn the NPC and hide his dialogue; now the villager can be seen running away and hiding in a nearby building (remove modVillagerNotHidingRemoval from page Removal of Crow's Perch Villager).
  • Fixed order of dialogue options and icons in the dialogue with the old man in Crow's perch.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a guard during the quest "Skellige's Most Wanted" (he is standing next to the quest giver for "Contract: Dragon").
  • Fixed missing color definition on Elihal's shoes on his female appearance.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a part of clothing on a Redanian nobleman.
  • Fixed several scenes during the quest "A Towerful of Mice" in which the brightness values are wrong.  This fixes the scenes for correct, consistent lighting.
  • Fixed missing scabbard and sword in the scene where Roche saves Geralt and asks him if he's OK even though the sheathing animation is being played during the quest "Reason of State".
  • Removed a half stuck chest in a road leading to St. Gregory's Bridge, near the signpost, while the quest "Reason of State" is active.
  • Fixed one of Udalryk’s warriors being stuck in the cellar where you fight the Hym during the quest "Possession".
  • Fixed the quest "Forefather's Eve" so Geralt pulls his steel sword instead of silver sword.
  • Fixed numerous instances of floating items in the game, including several NPCs by a fire shrine in Hierarch Square, a quill in Avallac'h's lab, a pile of poop in Toussaint, a bird in Toussaint, and a man near Flovive.
  • Fixed numerous missing color definitions. including field workers at Corvo Bianco, two women in White Orchard, and an An Craite guard during "King's Gambit".
  • Fixed numerous low LOD / autohide distance on resulting in NPCs and clothing disappearing while on screen, including Tamara and Graden's hair, she-elf's hair, belt and attachments used by many NPCs, prostitute dress used by many NPCs, several villagers in Skellige, and several clothing items used by Shieldmaidens, causing them to change colors or disappear at medium distance.
  • Fixed a black smear on a road close to Francollart's sign post.  Removed the black smear and smoothed out the transition so it blends nicely into the road and terrain.
  • Fixed scribe's missing desk in his tent (where Geralt enrolls for the tourney) that disappears after finishing the quest "The Warble of a Smitten Knight".
  • Fixed some foliage clipping through the front wall of The Kingfisher Inn.
  • Fixed bows not being attached to Scoia'tael she-elfs' backs.
  • Removed an incorrectly inserted black screen during the scene where Geralt buries Iris' remains.
  • Fixed incorrect subtitles in a dialogue between two Nilfgaardian soldiers during the quest "On Thin Ice" which is in the Nilfgaardian language instead of the translated text.  This is now fixed to show the translated text in Czech.
  • Fixed a document (History of Corvo Bianco) on a table outside of the entrance to the house at Corvo Bianco which would always respawn despite picking it up.  Now it will stop spawning after it has been picked up the first time.
  • Restored tons of missing content from White Orchard during the Ciri Witcher ending. Includes: restored all inhabitants of houses in the village, restored all wandering villagers, alongside with these all action points that were missing and one missing work desk related to one AP, restored people working in the fields, and restored all villagers in the inn.
  • Fixed a very visible change of weather and time of day in the cutscene where you to do the shooting contest for Eveline during "Open Sesame: Breaking and Entering".
  • Fixed Roach not displaying properly with her attachments and gear during several cutscenes in "Broken Flowers".
  • Fixed one chat in the inn at White Orchard that wasn't working because it had a missing input name.  Becomes available after going to the Nilfgaardian captain to get the contract for the griffin.
  • Fixed a stuck bottle in Geralt's hand during the quest "Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom". 
  • Fixed the Hungarian localization language to reflect Casimir instead of Quinto.
  • Late in the game, if Svanrige becomes king, Ermion tells Geralt that both Hjalmar and Cerys died while attacking the Nilfgaardian army.  However, both of them could be found and interacted with.  This fix despawns both of them on the path where Svanrige is king.
  • Revised fix for Avallac'h's lab music via the .w2scene instead of the .w2phase file.  This fix makes Avallac'h Lab Music by AsarGiN obsolete as it correctly fixes the scene without deleting any of the music clips.
  • Fixed a scene during the quest "Where the Cat and Wolf Play…" where Geralt's blinding animation ends too soon resulting in him visibly shifting his position.  Happens only when you decide to kill Gaetan and let him use Swallow.
  • Fixed multiple graphical bugs: a green block inside one of the huts in the village of Fayrlund in Skellige, a red cube in a rock on the path parallel to the Kaer Trolde castle in Skellige, and moved a misplaced shadow along the side of Crippled Kate's building.
  • Fixed LOD issue with Gregor's helmet (the Redanian liaison who tells Geralt where to find Thaler during the quest "A Deadly Plot") that was causing it to disappear from a short distance.
  • After completing the second request from Olgierd, the scene in the Alchemy Inn spawns Olgierd's gang as well as the normal NPCs.  Often they overlap, even two sitting in a chair at the same time.  This fix despawns Olgierd's gang after the scene when he leaves.
  • Fixed a black smear in Hortense Vineyard in Toussaint.
  • Multiple fixes to quest "A Dangerous Game": despawned a guard that shouldn't be there after the quest, and closed a door that was permanently stuck open.
  • Removed hidden NPCs that scream when Geralt and monsters are around on Fyke Isle.
  • Fixed a low LOD issue with Priscilla's scroll holder causing it to disappears/reappears at short distances.
  • Fixed a misplaced black smear on the rocks on Temple Isle (easily seen from a distance, across the water on the beach).
  • Fixed a floating crate on an Island near Undvik.
  • Near the start of "Fires of Novigrad", fixed a cutscene outside Triss' house where one of Menge's guards sometimes glitches out and moves back and forth as he leaves with the other guards and thieves.
  • Fixed a floating female NPC in Toussaint, if you left the house of Camerlengo and walk straight you see three NPCs talking and drinking, and the woman is always floating.
  • Fixed quirky placement for the bottle merchant.
  • Fixed a clipping poster right next to the bottle merchant.
  • Fixed several doors in Toussaint that should not be open.  Geralt could walk through the door and see unfinished environment on the other side.  Now the doors will remain closed and locked.
  • Fixed numerous broken shadows inside buildings that should not be there when there is sufficient lighting.
  • Fixed multiple clipping posters: with silver basilisk outside a tent to the north of Coronata, with White Terror reference to Count Borhis di Salvaress, and a Radovid propaganda poster near Triss's house.
  • Fixed 3 crafting diagrams that display in the color of green (for Witcher gear) when they should be orange (for relics): Diagram: Tah'rel, Diagram: Fen'aeth, and Diagram: Gesheft.
  • Fixed a poster that is misplaced inside a building and moved it to be placed on the building's wall on the outside.
  • Fixed a broom lady in Trottheim that is half buried in the ground.
  • Fixed multiple floating items on the beach on the island of Undvik: two floating containers and one floating ladder.
  • Fixed several floating NPCs around the statue of Lebioda in Toussaint.
  • After completing the horse races from the "Great Erasmus Derby", the game does not remove the fences that are put up to show the path to follow during the race.  This fixes it so the fences are removed upon completion of all races.
  • Fixed 16 posters with low LOD, all throughout Novigrad during the quests "Fires of Novigrad", "Broken Flowers", and "Cabaret".
  • Fixed the placement of a man that should be leaning on a table at the Gate of the Heirarch.
  • Fixed stuck open door in Rioux-Cannes. It also automatically opened itself if you tried to push and close it.
  • Fixed multiple missing shadows during the fight with the Ofieri mage during the quest "Evil's Soft First Touches": fixed missing shadows for a Skelligan mercenary's dead body, and fixed missing shadows for the sword that pierced him.
  • Fixed the changing lighting that switches between the regular lighting and cave lighting above the cellar that is part of "Wine Wars: Deus in Machina".  Now the outdoor lighting doesn't change around and above the cellar, and the lighting changes appropriately inside the cellar.
  • Fixed multiple piles of poop that are floating in the middle of the air.
  • Removed a weather statue from Kaer Morhen on the way to the tower that shouldn't be there.  It belongs in Skellige but was incorrectly placed in Kaer Morhen (just like Berserker bears).
  • Fixed stuck open hut door during the quest "Contract: White Lady" after the quest giver you gives you the dagger to summon the noonwraith. The door now closes after killing the noonwraith.
  • Unlocked the door to Mislav's shack during the prologue which was preventing you from getting some loot inside.
  • Fixed a man in Skellige who is brushing the floor and was clipping through the floor.
  • Fixed a permanently stuck open door in Dun Tynne after finding Syanna.
  • Fixed a guard in Oxenfurt that is stuck in the middle of a cart.
  • Fixed Lambert's and Letho's (if applicable) horses being present in Kaer Morhen after the battle at Kaer Morhen.  Now the horses will despawn at the completion of the quest.
  • Fixed two women on the beach in Skellige that were spawned identically to spawn random appearances instead.
  • Fixed a guy with upset stomach having seizures after talking to the herbalist with whom he has a little chat.  He twitches back and forth; this repositions him to prevent the twitching.
  • Unlocked the hut door in Heatherton which was preventing you from getting some loot inside.
  • Fixed the cutscene when Geralt arrives at Kaer Morhen to properly display a forktail flying overhead instead of a wyvern, and prevents Roach from being spawned in a different place from where you dismount her.
  • Unlocked two doors for a building east of Cockatrice Inn that prevented you from accessing some loot.
  • Fixed the scene after Keira places a spell on Geralt: if he slept with Keira now he will be undressed; if he refused Keira he will be clothed in his armor.
  • Fixed red boxes inside the chapel east of Lindenvale where you kill the grave hag during "Contract: Merry Widow."
  • Fixed 3 floating creates in one of the houses in Dorve Ruins on Undvik.
  • Fixed clipping mirror in a house in Martin Feuille's Farmstead.
  • Fixed a worker hammering nails into air. Now he's hammering into a barrel.
  • Fixed numerous clothing items with poor LOD causing them to disappear at medium distances: a metal necklace worn by Sasha and some Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima, a metal bracelet worn by Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima, and another necklace worn by Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima.
  • Fixed Voorhis being present in Vizima during the Ciri Witcher ending when Radovid is alive even though a Nilfgaardian messenger reports that he's at a briefing.
  • Fixed misaligned old woman sitting on a bench in Crow's Perch.
  • Placed a brazier in Beauclair Palace to a more sensible place under the stairs.
  • Fixed the placement of the Vermentino armorer so that he doesn't clip through the weapon stand.
  • Fixed a fisherman near Cockatrice Inn not leaning against a barrel.
  • Fixed floating woman inside the Cockatrice Inn.
  • Fixed multiple floating candles: in a bottle in Scarlet Cardinal Inn in Francollarts, and in northern Beauclair near the bridge leading to Beauclair Palace.
  • Fixed a woman clipping through a table that spawns after the completion of the quest "Armed Assault".
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "A Knight's Tales": restores the door to the witch's hut which mysteriously disappears at the end of the quest; locked the door (as it should be since the witch does not want to see Geralt again); restored Jacob outside his house (only on specific outcomes to the quest); restored Morholt (Jacob's dog) outside the house (only on specific outcomes to the quest).
  • Fixed Geralt so now he is holding his steel sword instead of his silver sword during the quest "A Knight's Tales".
  • Despawned two villagers in Arinbjorn being present in front of the inn for eternity after finishing the quest "Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg".
  • Fixed a floating woman that is supposed to sit on the ground at a railing near Triss's house.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Novigrad, Closed City II": removed leftover clues (blood trails and footprints); and fixed the quest being marked as "Completed" if Geralt runs away; now it will be marked as "Failed" (just like the objective).
  • Despawned Bruno (quest giver for "Contract: Missing Brother") at the end of the quest to prevent him from having a broken action point and standing on top of the table inside the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Fixed a worker hammering into air in an Abandoned Site south of Byways.
  • Fixed a woman clipping through a fallen tree's branches in an Abandoned Site south of Byways.
  • Fixed Liesje (Dune's wife) clipping through makeshift bench inside their house before finishing "Missing in Action".
  • Fixed one witch hunter during the ambush in the quest "A Poet Under Pressure" who isn't attacking Geralt, Zoltan, his dwarves or Dijkstra's men (where applicable).
  • Fixed a bon vivant / nobleman in Belgaard not sitting on a chair.
  • Fixed skeletons being highlighted as clues after finishing the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Wolven Gear".
  • Fixed a levitating man sitting on a stool near the San Sebastian signpost.
  • Fixed numerous broken shadows inside of houses in Fox Hollow, Vermentino, Coronata, Flovive, Francollarts, near Coopers' Gate, San Sebastian and Metinna Gate.
  • Fixed a floating man in the streets northeast of The Gran'place.
  • Fixed 2 locked doors in Coronata preventing you from accessing loot.
  • Fixed the Abandoned Site in White Orchard near the shrine so that all 4 ghouls properly spawn.
  • Despawned Ciri's and Baron's horses after the end of the quest "Ciri's Story: The Race".
  • Fixed a shadow inside a red house west of Metinna Gate sign post.
  • Fixed Geralt drawing his silver sword and then immediately his steel one when deciding to kill the tree spirit if you brought it a black mare during the quest "The Whispering Hillock".
  • Fixed a floating kid playing hopscotch west of windmills in Vermentino.
  • Fixed 2 Dimun warriors not sitting and not having a chat about Holger Blackhand in Harviken's inn.
  • Fixed multiple broken chats between NPCs: There are 2 hunters and peasants outside Oxenfurt. The hunters should talk about the peasants hiding a witch.  And fixed a broken chat between 2 refugees east of Novigrad Gate outside Oxenfurt.
  • Restored a missing chat between guards in Urialla Harbor's inn about villagers attempting to complete the Trail to Yngvar's Fang.  There are 3 variations that are randomly chosen. The other 2 are about those passing the trial.
  • Fixed a broken chat between a preacher and peasants in Refugees' Camp.
  • Fixed the merchant in Boatmakers' Hut that teleports to a different area after interacting with him.
  • Hide Palmerin's banner, drawing of the Beast of Beauclair, and other miscellaneous items from Stonecutters' Settlement before the quest "Envoys, Wineboys" is unlocked after rescuing Dandelion.
  • Restored a chat between two citizens standing at the bridge leading to the Oxenfurt Academy.
  • Restored two communities not consistently showing up around 2 shrines (near Blackbough and Duén Hen) after completing the quest "Defender of the Faith".
  • Restored a broken chat south of Oxenfurt Harbor signpost between an elven fisstech dealer and a Redanian Officer, and revised the appearance for the Redanian to wear traditional Redanian gear instead of looking like a normal townsperson.
  • Restored a broken chat in Downwarren about the contract fogling.
  • Restored several broken conversations in Oxenfurt: dock workers at the Oxenfurt harbor, witch hunters at the harbor after completing "The Great Escape", old woman and a halfling herbalist at the market, and two women east of the auction house.
  • Multiple fixes to restore the Toderas village: restored villagers to the town if Geralt decides to clear it of bandits, removed bodies if the town is restored, and rotfiends show up and kill the bandits if Geralt chooses not to fight the bandits himself.
  • Restored several broken chats: between two boys southeast of Hangman's Alley where a Person in Distress is located, and between two peasants sitting at a field north of Alness.
  • Fixed 2 women clipping inside each other and also restored their chat in Lindenvale.
  • Restored several broken chats or chats that weren't triggered reliably every time: two chats at the Cunny of the Goose, a chat in Putrid Grove between King of Beggars' thugs, and a chat in Ursten.
  • Fixed multiple spawning NPCs at the Vegelbud ball near the Gwent tournament.
  • Fixed a visible change in lighting when selecting the choice "Don't want trouble" during the quest "Ghosts of the Past".
  • Fixed a broken chat between two refugees near the bridge leading over the Pontar in Velen.
  • Fixed a broken chat and activity between two orchard workers in Moldavie Residence.
  • Fixed a broken chat and activity between two witch hunters on a small bridge near Carsten.
  • Fixed a broken chat between three villagers outside Carsten.
  • Fixed a chat in a cave in Gedyneith between two druids where the lines for one of the druids didn't play.
  • Fixed a broken chat between two servants in the Kaer Trolde Castle.
  • Fixed two halflings not spawning after "A Poet Under Pressure" quest is completed, fixed their Aps (which commnds their movement), and also fixed broken conversation between them in the woods near the forgers' shack.
  • Restored a conversation between two Redanian soldiers near Deireadh prison in Oxenfurt.
  • Restored two missing guards and two chats in the town of Holmstein.  One chat works when you fistfight Madman Lugos during the quest "The King Is Dead, Long Live the King!", the other one works always when you don't fistfight him.
  • Fixed a broken one-liner from a worker in a sawmill northeast of Rannvaig.
  • Fixed a bard south of The Gran'place in the market that wasn't reliably singing every time. Has 2 random ballads.
  • Fixed a chat between two women near The Pheasantry that wasn't triggering reliably every time.
  • Fixed 2 broken chats between 3 villagers in front of Harviken Inn.
  • Fixed 2 chats between 3 villagers in Kaer Trolde village near the herbalist not triggering reliably every time.
  • Fixed a broken chat between two drunk Redanian soldiers in the big camp in White Orchard during the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" when Radovid wins the war.
  • Fixed several problems with a small Redanian camp in White Orchard when Radovid wins the war during the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins": fixed soldiers in the camp not spawning, fixed 2 missing chats, and adjusted the position of one soldier doing pushups that was clipping through a fence.
  • Fixed a ballista in the Kaer Morhen courtyard having no collision.
  • Fixed a floating bench and a worker sitting on it northwest of the San Sebastian signpost.
  • Fixed a teleporting merchant in an Abandoned Site west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed a teleporting merchant at Crane Cape.
  • Fixed several issues with a bandit camp east of Rannvaig: fixed a black screen appearing after killing the bandits, fixed fisherman appearing immediately in front of your face after clearing the camp, and fixed missing griffin carcass before clearing the camp (after 1 day it's replaced with bones).
  • Fixed several issues with the quest "Fists of Fury: Skellige", specifically during the fight with Olaf: fixed permanently stuck open doors to the arena after the quest is completed, fixed missing comments from the spectators due to them reacting to Olaf as to a monster (there are 6 randomly chosen comments when Geralt hits Olaf or is hit by Olaf respectively), made the comments cinematic one-liners because they were very silent plus you don't have time to look up during the fight to read the subtitles, and fixed a cut off line said by the announcer when Geralt wins that you couldn't hear until the end.
  • Fixed a few issues with a small encounter north of Portside Gate with 2 witch hunters and a Skelligan woman after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but not completing "Now or Never": fixed a missing witch hunter that spawned only after he's supposed to aim his crossbow, and fixed a missing line that wasn't said by the second witch hunter.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open door that are part of the quest "Contract: An Elusive Thief".
  • Fixed permanently disabled door in Yantra after finishing the quest "Little Red". Also disabled a misleading highlight on Bertram's corpse and removed the corpse after getting away from the village.
  • Fixed 3 witch hunters being heavily overleveled in a small encounter in Novigrad docks after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but before completing the quest "Now or Never". Now they have correct levels.
  • Fixed 2 more witch hunters being heavily overleveled in a small encounter with beggars in Gildorf after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but before finishing the quest "Now or Never". Now they have correct levels.
  • Fixed a location near Lofoten that spawns endless waves of Wild Hunt hounds after completing the quest "Echoes of the Past", but before completing "Missing Persons".
  • Fixed all B&W animations where a woman is churning butter, but two churn sticks are present where one of them isn't animated.
  • Fixed Anabelle's picture in Graham's hut glowing red in Witcher Senses even after examining it in the quest "A Towerful of Mice".
  • Fixed leftover spectators after finishing the quest "The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund".
  • Fixed a unique music piece that plays when entering Crow's Perch during the quest "Bloody Baron" if you killed Baron's men in the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "The Beast of Toussaint": fixed leftover clues on a shore east of the Sansretour Valley signpost after completing the quest "The Beast of Toussaint", fixed missing shadows for the boat, and fixed missing shadow for a polearm lying in the boat. 
  • Fixed a floating citizen in Putrid Grove.
  • Fixed all B&W NPCs using reading animation reading an invisible book.
  • Fixed a guard standing on top of a pot in the market south of The Gran'place.
  • Restored the village at Condoyle after clearing it of the cannibals POI.  Must clear out the POI at Condoyle and the adjacent cannibal camp, then wait 3 in-game days: removed remnants of the cannibals (bodies and other items in the environment), restored villagers in the community, restored an herbalist to the community, and removed a clue that responds to Witcher Senses from a corpse in the cannibal community after examining it.
  • Fixed a broken animation for milking cows that never worked.
  • Fixed a missing one-liner from Geralt when trying to wake up Odrin lying next to the bottle merchant.
  • Multiple restored lines and fixes for the quest "The Final Trial" when in Old Speartip's cave: restored 2 lines when destroying the rock blockades (each for every blockade), fixed one line that will play after destroying the first blockade not after destroying 3 of them thus making more sense now, Old Speartip will now correctly wake up after destroying 3 blockades, fixed missing Old Speartip's sounds when destroying the blockades, and restored 1 Lambert's line after Old Speartip wakes up if you destroyed 3 blockades.
  • Fixed broken activities for 5 NPCs on a bridge leading to Oxenfurt from the west.
  • Fixed broken blocky shadows for wild horses, for wolves during the quest "Family Matters" and fixed missing shadows cast by legs of some Skellige villagers and guards.
  • Fixed 3 hair models (2 used by prostitutes and 1 by naked Skellige warriors) changing their color from short distance.
  • Fixed 3 cutscenes after clearing abandoned sites in Toussaint where Geralt sheathes his silver sword even though he fought bandits.
  • Fixed 2 pingrapes being present on the map and minimap even after looting them in front of the barbershop in Gildorf.
  • Fixed a chest that is part of the quest "Tinker, Hunter, Soldier, Spy" that wasn't locked and could be looted, thus rendering the key obtained during this quest redundant.
  • Several fixes for the scene with Vester and Letho during the quest "Ghosts of the Past": the arbalist actually has his crossbow loaded now, Letho is shot by a crossbow bolt not an arrow, Letho uses his steel sword not Superior Griffin silver sword, and the bandit standing to the right of Vester actually equips the sword he has in his inventory not a prop.
  • Fixed barrier deactivating after destroying just one crystal during the quest "Of Dairy and Darkness".
  • Fixed Geralt incorrectly sheathing a steel sword in a cutscene after killing Iocaste during the quest "Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom".
  • Fixed broken colors on a corpse holding valuables guarded by an earth elemental southwest of the Ancient Oak signpost in Velen.
  • Few fixes and improvements to the scene with Keira in Kaer Morhen before the council at the start of "Battle of Kaer Morhen": fixed Keira having no brush when interacting with her for the second time or later, Geralt will no longer look away from Keira when selecting the shopping option, and fixed very tiny camera shift when selecting the shopping option.
  • Fixed Geralt being stuck in an inspection animation after examining the shawl during the quest "The Nithing".
  • Fixed a floating barrel north of Stonecutters' Settlement near two burned down houses.
  • Fixed multiple light interaction issues with the face model used by Caesar Bilzen (the dwarf that is Cleaver's clerk) in the quest "A Dangerous Game": his face is black like there is a permanent shadow on it, and his eyes look like black orbs.  Now they are eyes.
  • Fixed Geralt sheathing his sword that was already in his scabbard during the scene where Margaret meets him in the woods during the quest "Wild at Heart".
  • Fixed the witcher wannabe in the quest "Witcher Wannabe" having the wolf medallion when working in the fields of Lindenvale even though Geralt said he's supposed to bury the medallion.
  • Fixed the Vegelbud guard aiming his crossbow at Geralt not being loaded during the quest "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed a wrong commentary by Geralt when examining one of the corpses after the feast massacre during the quest "King's Gambit" (Cerys' path). Geralt wrongly commented on the corpse as being Otrygg even though it wasn't him and also the interaction to examine the real Otrygg's corpse got deactivated.
  • Fixed a missing shadow not casted by Yontek's left forearm during the quest "Fool's Gold".
  • Fixed missing sound after opening the stone barrier during the quest "Witchers' Forge".
  • Fixed witch hunter that you can save during the quest "Novigrad, Closed City II" lying perpendicular to a bed and with his head inside a wall.
  • Few fixes for the quest "The Price of Honor": fixed missing shadows for the brothers' corpses, and fixed Timmon forging a sword mid-air because of a short tree stump and anvil.
  • Restored 8 one-liners from Morkvarg in his werewolf form during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing": 3 will trigger randomly after being able to talk to him and will repeat every 15 seconds until you interact with him, 1 will trigger after waiting some time before interacting with him, 3 will trigger randomly after already talking to him about the curse and until you interact with him again, they repeat every 15 seconds, and 1 will trigger after cutting him down 3 times.
  • Fixed missing supervisor's corpse after the scene where Lambert kills him in the quest "Following the Thread".
  • Fixed the storm during the quest "Echoes of the Past" not going away despite what Yennefer and Geralt say.
  • Fixed the scene in a shack during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing" where Geralt's sword wasn't mounted in his hand as soon as he draws it.
  • Few fixes to the quest "Fists of Fury: Skellige": restored missing line from a bookie holding the fight with Grim if you took the glory for killing the Giant in the quest "The Lord of Undvik" but Folan died, fixed several obvious lighting changes, and fixed the line about saving Udalryk that played only if you decided to kill the Hym the witcher’s way.
  • Numerous fixes to the quest "The Lord of Undvik": fixed missing shadows, broken clues, crazy jarl character journal entry, restored dialogue, scene fixes in Kaer Trolde's inn, and crazy jarl dialogue improvements.
  • Revised fix for the cutscene where you kill Iocaste. I didn't notice that Geralt sheathes the sword into the scabbard for the steel one.
  • Restored a missing boy and dialogue during "Something Ends, Something Begins" quest. Requirements: witcheress ending and Dijkstra winning the war.
  • Fixed the scene in Vizima Palace where a Nilfgaardian officer is drilling soldiers in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending. The lines where Nilfgaard lost the war played even when Nilfgaard won. Now the correct lines will be played based on the outcome of the war.
  • Fixed 5 chats in White Orchard in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending and when Dijkstra wins the war. In vanilla the lines were incorrectly chosen as if Radovid won the war.
  • Fixed 2 broken chats between Radovid's and Dijkstra's soldiers respectively in White Orchard's inn where only some of them talked in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending when Radovid and Dijkstra win the war respectively.
  • Fixes to the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins": fixed missing shadows for some Nilfgaardian corpses (where applicable), fixed missing shadows for some objects in the dwarves' camp in White Orchard, fixed a bug with fighting the guards who are looking for the dwarves, in vanilla the witch hunter is knocked out instead of killed which prevents the next scene where the dwarves thank you for saving them (applies only to the ending where Radovid wins the war).
  • Fixed missing villager's one-liner after listening to the herald when Radovid wins the war in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending.
  • Fixed missing shadows for Golyat's weapon after he's killed.
  • Fixed missing collisions and shadows for poles holding posters near Heddel and west of Yantra.
  • Fixed missing Geralt's commentary when it's snowing in Skellige.
  • Fixed a bug for some NPCs where they were coughing when they were actually supposed to be scratching themselves.
  • Fixed more missing shadows for several objects in dwarves' camp and for some Nilfgaardian corpses in White Orchard during the epilogue (Witcheress ending).
  • Fixed several missing shadows for objects on Undvik: broken shield, boat and pouch.
  • Fixed a floating brazier in Dorve Ruins.
  • Fixed 2 Redanian soldiers holding invisible halberds during the Witcheress ending in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Dijkstra ending only).
  • Fixed Redanian officer floating up and down when interrogating villagers in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Radovid ending only).
  • Fixed wrong order for Roche's 2 journal paragraphs.
  • Fixed the Cloud Giant's bestiary entry not being added if you one-shotted him with a crossbow.
  • Fixed Toussaint prison guards holding invisible weapons.
  • Fixed Ciri facing the wrong direction in the tavern before the following cutscene starts in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Witcheress ending only).
  • Fixed missing line when Geralt closes in to the warehouse in the quest "Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina".
  • Fixed Lena floating above her bed in Tomira's hut.
  • Fixed an unobtainable chat variant between 2 women in White Orchard's village near the river after completing the quest "Contract: Devil by the Well".
  • Various Fixes with Lena's placement in Tomira's hut: fixed Lena suddenly disappearing when talking with Tomira about Claer and then reappearing, standing and lying back into the bed, fixed Lena visibly moving in her bed when giving Tomira Swallow for her, fixed Lena reappearing in her bed when talking to Tomira any time after reaching Velen.
  • Restored missing line when Geralt enters Bowden during the quest "Rose on a Red Field".
  • Fixed glowing cow carcass near the entrance to Dragonslayer's Grotto.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for one line when talking to guards guarding impaled Keira in the quest "A Final Kindness".
  • Fixed the guards guarding Keira's impaled body potentially sharing the same appearance in the quest "A Final Kindness".
  • Fixed the fisherman Voytek and his family becoming soulless beings standing and doing nothing after finishing the quest "Family Matters".
  • Fixed missing warehouse doors where you meet the assassination conspirators after completing the quest "Reason of State".
  • Fixed Geralt holding a wrong sword in the scene where Vesemir launches a ballista in the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen".
  • Fixes for "The Battle of Kaer Morhen" quest: fixed Vesemir running through the gate door leading to the inner courtyard in the scene where Ciri opens the gate during the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen", fixed Geralt using a combat running animation in the same scene where he clenched his fist as if he was holding a sword but he held none in his hand.
  • Several fixes and restored content for the quest "Carnal Sins": restored 2 choice options to decide whether you want to help Dandelion immediately or not: in Cabaret and in Vilmerius Hospital (it's possible to return to him if you don't help him outright, fixed Geralt and Dandelion going through closed door in Priscilla's hospital room, fixed Whistling Wendy's lines in the alley where Priscilla was attacked that were out of order, fixed Wendy's brothers retuning to their pre-fight actions after winning the fist fight.
  • Fixed Whistling Wendy not cowering when fighting her brothers in the quest "Carnal Sins". No longer will she slowly walk towards you while you fight them.
  • Fixed noticeable changes in lighting when doing the autopsy with von Gratz in the quest "Carnal Sins". 
  • Fixed noticeable changes in lighting when talking to Tomira about the buckthorn in the quest "The Beast of White Orchard".
  • Fixed Wham-a-Wham attacking you even when agreeing to let him go if you had applied some type of damage over time to him in the previous fight (burning, bleeding, poisoning).
  • Fixed lighting bug in the intro cutscene with Yen and Geralt in Kaer Morhen. Also made the steam coming from the bath to last the entire scene just like it was in the earlier versions of the game.
  • Fixed Yen's hand healing effect being persistent throughout the whole curse lifting sequence and also after it in the quest "Va Fail, Elaine".
  • Fixed being able to talk to Avallac'h after lifting his curse. Yen said he's on the brink of death, plus he shouldn't talk to you with his normal voice."
  • Fixed low LOD for Nilfgaardian helmets disappearing from shorter distances.
  • Fixed Roach's equipment not getting wet when it's raining.
  • Hackfix preventing a rare bug/glitch where Letho loses his steel sword after defeating Louis in the quest "Ghosts of the Past".
  • Fixed low LOD for some bodies covered with tattoos.
  • Increased LOD for the hands of Graden, Baron and one of Baron’s thugs so that they wouldn’t disappear in one of the distant camera shots in the quest "Return to Crookback Bog".
  • Increased very low LOD for the laundry sign outside Novigrad.
  • Fixed Vespula not sweeping and just standing still after dealing with Whoreson Junior's thugs pestering her.
  • Fixed NPCs in Toderas not being positioned correctly on beds at night.
  • Fixed missing shadows for Reginald's statue and its pedestal in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed the camera being placed inside a shelf obstructing view in few shots when you talk with Regis in the toy shop while he's waiting for Dettlaff.
  • Fixed permanently open door of one of the hut's outside Novigrad where you interrogate Menge's spy during the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure".
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes in the first scene with Bart and Dijkstra in the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure". Also fixed Geralt slightly shifting when selecting one of the dialogue options.
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes in the scene with Triss inside the granary during the quest "Pyres of Novigrad". Also fixed a sound of door opening that doesn't make sense because the entrance door is opened the whole time.
  • Fixed a conversation between 2 Eternal Fire guards that you can't hear due to wall occlusion after talking to Kluhg during the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Fixed the scene with a beggar in Hierarch Square giving you directions to Putrid Grove where Geralt weirdly shifts his body to the left in 2 instances during this dialogue in the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Unlocked door to one of the houses in Fox Hollow preventing you from reaching some loot. Also made the door white to indicate that it's possible to open it.
  • Increased LOD for Dijkstra's model. Vanilla values made his sleeves to change color and overall degraded the details on his clothing and leg orthosis from a short distance. 
  • Fixed a Nilfgaardian soldier holding an invisible weapon at a small camp near the garrison in White Orchard.
  • Fixed a rare bug/glitch during the quest "From Ofier's Distant Shores" where the Ofieri armor diagram and a note were missing in a chest in the Knight's hideout preventing you from progressing the quest.
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes, Geralt being sunken in the ground in one camera shot and increased the FOV for one camera shot so that you can see whole Geralt's face, not just the half of it, in the scene with the Ofieri merchant at Upper Mill.
  • Fixed missing shadow for the lost box in the quest "Precious Cargo".
  • Fixed floating candle above a table in Flovive's inn.
  • Fixed permanent panting sound of Durand coming from the house where he's hiding in the quest "Extreme Cosplay". Also fixed a noticeable and sudden change of day to midnight at the end of the scene where you find Durand and unlocked the door through which he comes out that blocked access to some loot.
  • Fixed wraith in the White Orchard cemetery not dropping any loot. Now it's dropping the actual unique loot it should have had.
  • Fixed missing shadow for dog's corpse during "Man's Best Friend" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed Otrygg an Hindar having wrong head model (now matches the journal entry and his body after the berserker attack).
  • Fixed Dettlaff being visible in the scene where Regis, Geralt (and potentially Syanna) wait for Dettlaff's arrival during "Tesham Mutna" quest.
  • Increased very low LOD for shadows casted by objects with wind simulation that completely disappeared (flags, banners, rags, hanged clothes, market stands, barber’s sign).
  • Fixed missing shadows casted by one leg model used by Morkvarg (human form), Skellige fishermen and more.
  • Increased LOD for Geralt's Hairworks beards that disappeared in more distant camera shots.
  • Fixed broken shadows for werewolves' torsos that disappeared from close distance.
  • Fixed Zdenek infinitely fighting around the Nowhere Inn if you hadn't witnessed his death before entering the arena during the quest "Get Junior".
  • Fixed a non-functioning fight in the arena between a man and 3 wolves if you enter the arena peacefully before talking to Igor during the quest "Get Junior". With that fixed one line of the arena announcer after the fight ends.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a Novigrad rich boy's scarf.
  • Fixed Ingrid still having mask on her face when meeting Geralt in the stables during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.
Original author: Brothers in Arms mod team


  • Fixed Sile journal entry when finding her during "The Great Escape" quest. Previously incorrectly tracked her fate.
  • Fixed Sile journal entry getting added even if Sile died in Witcher 2 imported/simulated save file.
  • Fixed incorrect string in "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Part 1". (Incorporated from Wolf Gear Upgrades - Part 1 Duplicate Quest Objective Fix mod)
  • Fixed only being able to talk with Yennefer one time while exploring Freya's Garden during "Nameless" quest. Now can talk to her as many times as you want.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Worthy of Trust" not activating until completed.
  • Fixed Geralt drawing his sword and upsetting the guards at the wrong time during "Worthy of Trust" quest.
  • Fixed "Loose Papers" not having text.
  • Fixed some potions not having "activate" sound effect in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed decoctions not having "activate" sound effect in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed Eskels' campsite during "To Bait a Forktail..." to give the Enhanced Draconid Oil schematic and ingredients, and stopped it from endlessly giving the oil that can't be received.
  • Fixed numerous kids that are floating in the middle of the air near the grandmaster sword maker in Beauclair and around the upper city of Beauclair.
  • Fixed many NPCs that are erroneously placed on an island east of Boatmaker's Hut and southwest of Lindenvale.  The people on the island are spawned over water, in the air, even partially underground.  They belong as part of the Bald Mountain Sabbath and should be despawned at the end of that quest.  Now, with this fix, they are.
  • Restored conversation between witch hunters near Portside Gate in Novigrad, conversing about Triss.
  • Removed leftover clues (claw marks) after the quest "Contract: Mysterious Tracks" is completed.
  • Fixed prisoners that are stuck in the sewers after the quest "The Great Escape".  Now when Geralt unlocks the gate, they will escape.
  • Fixed illusion rock not having sound and dispel animation during the quest "Greenhouse Effect".
  • Fixed Roach's placement when landing on the beach of Skellige during "Destination: Skellige" quest, so that Steingrim's wolf doesn't run into her and get stuck.
  • Fixed multiple double cave entrances in Toussaint.
Original author: Klubargutan


  • Restored missing dialogue with Thaler (returning monocle).
  • Restored missing Camerlengo's report.
  • Restored a document during "A Hallowed Horn" quest.
  • Fixed Yennefer's comments on Geralt's beard at the beginning of "The King is Dead, Long Live the King" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue between Hjalmar and Folan during "The Lord of Undvik" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Triss during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest. Must not have completed "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Enabled hidden quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice". Will send Geralt on search of Painite across various merchant stalls in Novigrad to finish runewright's stand.
  • Fixed not being able to hang "Starry Night Over the Pontar" painting in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed not being able to craft "Nickel Ore" in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed dialogue with Bertha in Crippled Kate's not correctly recognizing whether Geralt has already talked with her.
  • Fixed dialogue with Mercia in Crippled Kate's not correctly recognizing whether Geralt has already talked with her.
  • Fixed dialogue with Count Monnier.
  • Restored a couple of new lines while talking with Morkvarg during "In Wolf's Clothing" quest.
  • Fixed some random conversations during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest (at the party).
  • Fixed "Black Pearl" being able to start by picking the notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed "Hidden in the Depths" quest immediately finishing itself after picking up the note and key. Now player actually needs to loot the chest.
  • Fixed not being able to correctly interact with all gravestones during "Till Death Do You Part" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to correctly interact with the portrait at the inn after completing "Father Knows Worst" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to use "Grain Cup" during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest (while searching the gardens).
  • Fixed lady not interacting with Geralt after returning the lost ring during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest.
  • Fixed "Empty Coop" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk" quest.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: Deadly Delights" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Mysterious Tracks" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Hey, You Wanna Look at My Stuff?" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Spooked Mare" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Warehouse of Woe" quest.
  • Fixed "Finders Keepers" journal entry.
  • Fixed "The Family Blade" journal entry.
  • Fixed "An Unpaid Debt" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: The Monster of Tufo" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Bovine Blues" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 5" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 6" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Family Matters" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Envoys, Vineboys" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Father Knows Worst" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Echoes of the Past" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Knight for Hire" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Granite" journal entry.
  • Fixed "A Knight's Tales" journal entry.
  • Fixed "There Can Be Only One" journal entry.
  • Restored an unobtainable journal entry during "Hunting a Witch" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Redania's Most Wanted" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Coast of Wrecks" journal entry.
  • Fixed "A Deadly Plot" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Of Swords and Dumplings" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Worthy of Trust journal entry".
  • Fixed "A Matter of Life and Death" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Posession" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Fists of Fury: Skellige" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions" quest.
  • Fixed "Gwent: Collect Them All!" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "A Dangerous Game" quest.
All of Klubargutan's fixes have been incorporated from following mods - Thaler's monocle fix, Camerlengo's report fix, Yennefer's remark about Geralt's beard, Folan's and Hjalmar's conversation fixA matter of life and death start dialogue fix, Small conversations fixes, NGP Fixes - Nickel Ore and Starry night over the pontar, Contracts' and minor quests' journal entries fixes, Sidequests' and treasure hunts' journal entries fixes, Enchanting mastery demands sacrifice - enable hidden quest, Journal entries fixes - Dlcs and expansion packs and part 1 questsand Few gameplay and story fixes.

Original author: BlurredNotions


  • Fixed Han looking like Han, not Arenaria. (Incorporated from Han Fix mod)

Original author: woodbyte


Original author: AsarGiN


Original author: Divergent444


  • Fixed Fool's Parsley not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Hornwort not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Longrube not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Four-leaf clover not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed missing color definitions for multiple renegades during the quest "Family Blade".
  • Fixed Little Red's ears clipping through her hood during the quest "Little Red".
  • Fixed missing color definition for sleeves of a female NPC.
  • Fixed colour defintion on cap bands for two Toussaint women.
  • Fixed colour defintions on badges of one rich man in Toussaint and one in Novigrad.
  • Revised fix #507 by removing one base file and adding all instances of the two bandits, with missing color defintions, that were not originally included.
  • Swapped out the arms and gloves of bob_raider_lvl1_02 (with the one red and one orange arm) with arms and hands that better match his outfit and updated this swap in all files where this bandit appears.

Original author: eNoodles


  • Fixed level up pop up notification not displaying properly. (Incorporated from Level Up Popup Fix mod)

Original author: wghost81


  • Fixed fiends not attacking and using hypnosis.
  • Fixed chorts not attacking.

Original author: glassfish777


  • Fixed incorrect quest journal locations (33 quests fixed). (Incorporated from following mods - Velen Treasure Hunt Location Fixes, Side Quest Location Fixes and Scavenger Hunt Location Fixes)
  • Revised fixes #2525 and #2527. The trolls with vsets will now correctly comment on Geralt when he's around or when he bumps into them.
  • Fixed music transition not working correctly when leaving and entering Kaer Trolde village on foot.
  • Fixed music transition not working correctly when leaving and entering Beauclair catacombs.

Original author: LeutnantJoker


  • Fixed Geralt correctly remarking on weather. No more "looks like rain" when it's already pouring, etc.

Original author: edvin76


  • Fixed bookshelf in Corvo Bianco.  Now it displays gradually becoming fuller based on the quantity of books acquired by the player.

Original author: Tinnaib


  • Fixed a unique loading screen intended for use with the Winter White Orchard sequence during the Empress Ciri Epilogue.  The game incorrectly uses the standard Prologue White Orchard loading screen.  This fix restores the proper loading screen.
  • Fixed the map icon of the stash inside the White Orchard Inn during the Empress Ciri Winter White Orchard section.  This hides the stash icon from the map and minimap when the stash is not accessible.
  • Fixed several LOD problems with sails on large ships across the game: Avallac'h's ship in Kaer Trolde Harbor, the Niflgaardian ship that appears after clearing the Abandoned Site Ferry Station in Velen, and the ship in Novigrad Harbor that Geralt travels on to Skellige.
  • Fixed two LOD problems: Oxenfurt chess club sign from afar looks like a bakery sign, but if you go closer it changes to chess club sign; and ship in Novigrad that is just laying on sand, the sails disappear from a medium distance.
  • Fixed the LOD on the mast and sail on Avallac'h's ship while it is still in the Novigrad harbor.

Original author: nnikkellsen


  • Fixed a bug with Wolf Sword (base thru mastercrafted) where the scabbard floats above the sword when its mounted in certain Corvo Bianco weapon stand slots. (Incorporated from Fix Wolf Floating Scabbards mod)

Original author: anonymous


  • Revised the appearances of some NPCs in the Toderas Village after Geralt clears out the bandits.  There are two other traders who cannot be intercted with but look exactly like the restored Toderas Trader in the same vicinity.  They have been changed to old men as there is no need for there to be other vendors besides the Toderas Trader.
  • Increased the render distance of several fur vests that numerous NPCs wear throughout the game.  Now they will no longer disappear at medium distances.
  • Fixed a torch that is floating in the air in Kaer Trolde village.  Placed it properly on a nearby wall.
  • Fixed a floating horse and a floating body clipping through the wheel of a carriage in Velen southeast of Devil's Pit.
  • Fixed a floating barrel near the harbor in Novigrad.
  • Fixed the LOD of the mesh for two pillories between the butcher's yard and the main square that disappear from a short distance.
  • Repositioned two witch hunters that were floating in the air and clipping through a fence.
  • Multiple fixes for Harviken village: fixed a man floating in the air over a basket, and repositioned a woman sweeping in front of a quest giver.
  • Fixed multiple issues in Novigrad: a guard sunk below the ground in Oxenfurt, and a floating kid near the poor district in Novigrad.
  • Fixed multiple floating or sunken NPCs around Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs throughout the entire game and both expansions.  Consists of fixes for clipping, floating, and sunken NPCs.  Includes the Crow's Perch stable master, the quest giver for "Contract: Deadly Delights", the Redanian guard outside The Alchemy Inn in Oxenfurt, and several others.
  • Fixed 2 more poorly placed NPCs: a woman sitting on nothing, and a man clipping through a bench.
  • Fixed two locked doors in Drudge that shouldn't be locked.
  • Fixed 464 placement issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 150 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 311 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 324 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 201 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 139 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Changed the model of openable doors across Toussaint from brown to white to indicate they're openable. Also found and unlocked some doors that shouldn't be locked.
  • Changed the model of closed doors across Toussaint from white to brown to indicate they're un-openable.
  • Fixed doors that had visible gaps and the player could see unfinished enviroment behind them.
  • Fixed missing color definition on a cap of a woman in Winter White Orchard.
  • Changed the model of a closed door from white to brown to indicate it's un-openable. Fixed misaligned door that revealed unfinished enviroment behind it. Unlocked a door that shouldn't be locked.
  • Unlocked a hut in the marshes of Crookback Bog with lootable containers inside.
  • Added a missing stump to a butcher in Rannvaig.
  • Fixed peeing job for males, they were puking instead.
  • Fixed thug missing a sword in his hand during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.
  • Fixed poop that was sunken under the road near the tavern in White Orchard.
  • Fixed a floating peasant inside the tavern in White Orchard.
  • Fixed floating/sunken children in Winter White Orchard.
  • Slightly repositioned Elihal and the chair he's sitting on so the door to his shop won't spasm as the player walks in.
  • Fixed objects (pillows, basket, coin purse) that were floating under his shop.
  • Fixed two floating crates in the Novigrad sewers.
  • Added missing water to a washtub in Midcopse.
  • Fixed two women in Farcorners having broken Action Points.
  • Fixed a Bon Vivant drinking at Metinna Gate and being sunken in ground.
  • Fixed floating mug and rag when entering conversation with the innkeepers.
  • Fixed Clever Clogs merchant sometimes teleporting the player into a building that's impossible to exit. 
  • Adjusted scene DOF to fix blurry screen when the player is interacting with the merchant.
  • Fixed quirky placement when interacting with the merchant sitting in front of Cunny of the Goose.
  • Fixed quirky placement for Geralt when talking to the merchant at Coast of Wrecks.
  • Fixed a sunken man in Lindenvale.
  • Fixed two noblewomen in Tourney Grounds not taking their APs.
  • Swapped the dialogue between the two Witch Hunters in Farcorners when they're breaking into the house of Remi Villeroy. (It didn't make sense that the hunter who kicked down the door was ordering the other hunter to do it.)
  • Fixed Geralt being placed in a wall or outside Remi's house in certain scenarios after killing the hunters.
  • Repositioned the interaction buttons for all of the shrines of Hemdall on Faroe to the base of the rock and fixed the buttons failing to show when viewed from certain angles.
  • Fixed Whoreson's Henchmen floating in his hideout during the quest "Payback".
  • Fixed a Redanian soldier outside the prison missing a crossbow in his hand after finishing "The Great Escape".
  • Removed lingering sound clue on the floor in the Elven Ruins in Oxenfurt. 
  • Disabled laughing noises in the bathhouse when it's empty and re-enabled them when the bathhouse gets re-populated again. 
  • Fixed Radovid's soldiers spawning prematurely on St. Gregorys Bridge (right as Geralt is given the "Reason of State" quest).
  • Fixed the quest giver of "Spooked Mare" and the Scoia'tael thieves losing their AP's and standing motionless after the quest concludes.
  • Fixed the quest giver being sunken in ground and clipping through his horse when brushing it. 
  • Fixed the Sergeant and the Stablemaster losing their AP's and becoming a soulless beings after you take Uma to Kaer Morhen. 
  • Fixed the Sergeant's fight bookie hanging around in Crow's Perch for eternity and not disappearing like the other fists of fury bookies.
  • Fixed Stan Fishgulper sitting and clipping through a chair.
  • Despawned the man kicking Dolores out from his house at the end of the quest to prevent him from having a broken AP. 
  • Fixed numerous floating/sunken/clipping etc. guards.
  • Fixed Zoltan sometimes sinking to the stage outside of Rosemary & Thyme when being confronted by Duke and his thugs. 
  • Fixed Zoltan floating after killing Duke's thugs at the final encounter.
  • Fixed a woman being waist deep sunken in a bench.
  • Fixed a sunken merchant in Francollarts.
  • Fixed NPCs in Vizima who were sunken in benches or not properly placed on them.
  • Fixed a woman floating in Hierarch Square when the Vegelbud race is being announced by the herald.
  • Fixed a woman and a fisherman sitting and overlapping in a village on Spikeroog.
  • Changed Geralt's commentary about severed body parts at the Abandonded Sawmill in Skellige to make more sense.
  • Fixed Hugo Monnart and his brothers being sunken at Clever Clogs.
  • Fixed double cave entrance icon in Toussaint where you do the "Father Knows Worst" quest.
  • Fixed women sleeping on benches with their legs clipping through them.
  • Fixed Hym's shadow having a name during Geralt's investigation of the manor in "Possession" quest.
  • Fixed a woman on bench clipping through it with her feet.Fixed the cellars in Corvo Bianco to be interior.
  • Fixed a Wild One missing sword from his hand when meeting Olgierd at the burning estate.
  • Fixed a campfire that is impossible to be lit because the interaction is for looting it instead of igniting.
  • Changed door models in Toussaint from white to brown and vice versa to indicate where a door is locked and where it's open.
  • Fixed 2 floating lanterns in Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed infinitely respawning books with loot during "Extreme Cosplay" quest.
  • Fixed a noblewoman inside The Pheasantry whose dress was always bugging out when standing and drinking.
  • Fixed interaction buttons for trophies in Corvo Bianco being visible from outside and the player being able to place trophies through walls.
Original author: Akatoshka


  • Fixed golems not dropping loot and marked as swarm monsters.
  • Fixed ice trolls not dropping loot.
  • Fixed garkains incorrectly dropping swarm monsters loot.
  • Fixed potion effects no cleared correctly during some quests, when effects from Geralt is removed, but toxicity remains.
  • Fixed some mutations incorrectly disabled in some quest battles.
Original author: Wolfmark


Original author: ElementaryLewis


  • Fixed blurry screen when interacting with clan Dimun trader.
  • Fixed lingering DOF effect after existing dialogue with circus merchant.
  • Fixed lingering DOF effect after the thief cutscene during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.
  • Fixed a weird blend time between the cutscene and gameplay where a player regains control over Geralt, but not the camera for 5 seconds after witnessing thieves exchanging stolen purse during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.

Original author: KoalaNalle, Gerignakbanmenot, and chuckcash (Besserwisser and Nitpicker's Patch mod team)


  • Added 1215 LOD improvements for various items throughout the game. Main categories include: Hair (both human and monster), eyes, ships and everything ship related (sails, masts, rudders, etc.), Roach equipment.
  • Fixed more cubic shadows on horses (compliment of the BIA fix #1917).
  • Fixed Gaetan having no scabbard.
  • Fixed flickering lighting in the scene in Vizima between Geralt and Yennefer during "Ugly Baby" quest. Note: This was undocumented, but found among Besserwisser's files.
  • Fixed lighting during Geralt - Igor talking in sewers scene.
  • Fixed lighting during Geralt - Roche talking about Whoreson scene.
  • Fixed Alternate Aard not creating water ripples when casting over water.
  • Euphoria mutation glow fix.
  • Fixed Ciri sometimes having two swords in cutscenes.
  • Multiple fixes during "Count Reuven's Treasure" quest with Triss killing Menge scene: Restored blood splutter effect to how it was when the game was released, it was removed in some subsequent patch, fixed blood not spluttering on one side of Triss' face and on her clothes, fixed spluttered blood dissipating almost instantly, breaking immersion. Note: This fix is completely re-done from scratch to ensure the correct blood effect and it not immediately dissipating.
  • Fixed Triss' DLC costume not loading properly in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed Ermion's staff fading in and out in some cutscenes.
  • Fixed Hierarch Hemmelfart's painting icon not lookng like the actual painting.
  • Fixed floating poster near Mulbrydale after the blacksmith is rescued.
  • Fixed flickering clouds in Kaer Morhen area.
  • Fixed Kiyan's scabbard position. Note: This was an undocumented fix found in Besserwisser's files and not fully finished. It is now properly re-done.
  • Fixed Roche's scabbard position.
  • Fixed Whoreson Junior's scabbard position.
  • Fixed spasming whales in Skellige.
  • Improved draw distance and shadows of windmills.
  • Fixed sword effects on basic swords not working correctly.
  • Fixed clipping issues with Geralt's arm and left sleeve of Ursine 1st tier armor.
  • Fixed Grandmaster Ursine armor not getting wet when raining. Note: Fix is re-done to ensure Grandmaster Ursine armor not changing its visual appearance together with the added wetness effect in rain.
  • Fixed a gap in Grandmaster Ursine gloves not meeting Geralt's wrists.
  • Fixed Iris sword not having the same scabbard as when Olgierd is using it and makes it unique. Note: This fix is redone. Nitpicker's original version was a hack, by making Iris unique, he had overwritten Sabre Scabbard 07 (a unique scabbard for EP1 sabre swords) and given them all Sabre Scabbard 06 (which is what scoia'tael swords use in base game). As a result, yes, Iris became unique, but we lost one scabbard completely in the process. It is now re-done, EP1 sabres use their unique scabbards and Iris uses its own unique scabbard that Olgierd does.
  • Fixed typo in XML file causing 2 different scabbard templates using the same model. Will now slightly increase the overall variety of NPC scabbards.
  • Fixed sheathing issues for crafted "Harpy", "Negotiator" and "Weeper" relic swords using wrong sheathe templates.
  • Fixed missing potion activation SFX for Pops' Mold. Complement to BIA fix #292.
  • Fixed Viper trousers causing clipping issues with Nilfgaardian armor and Wolven armor.
  • Fixed Vivienne's feather not equippable.
  • Fixed Grandmaster Wolven gear not requiring Mastercrafted prototypes to upgrade.
  • Fixed clipping between Geralt's tourney armor and Ravix armor, and certain pairs of Toussaint gloves.
  • Fixed Damien missing scabbard.
  • Fixed clipping scabbards for "Cloud Giant's sword" and "Cantata".
  • Restored Skellige gambeson to its original look.
  • Fixed floating spikes on Superior and Mastercrafted Griffin armors.
  • Fixed blue lines on Eternal Fire priest clothing.
  • Fixed blue lines on some Skellige warrior clothing.
  • Fixed blue lines on Kaer Morhen armor.
  • Fixed blue lines on Viper armor.
  • Fixed washed out colors on Ciri's boots.
  • Fixed position of Viper trousers when paired with non-Viper armors.
  • Fixed various clipping scabbard variants.
  • Fixed Roach's right eye not becoming ghostly with Caparison of Lament equipped.
  • Fixed guest bed on the second floor of Corvo Bianco having clipping textures.
  • Fixed the guest sleeping properly in their bed in Corvo Bianco, not sinking in it.
  • Fixed some Skellige warriors holding invisible axes.
  • Integrated numerous fixes for Keira: Fixed the visible seams on her arms and legs for her lingerie appearance, added her mole that was missing in the vanilla lingerie appearance, increased the autohide distance on her mole so it doesn't disappear in cutscenes from medium distance, added color definition and revised the color scheme of the bows on her sleeves.
  • Fixed some clothing racks floating/clipping.
  • Fixed common road sign model, sign not touching the post.
  • Fixed 2 sets of glitched catacomb doors near Beauclair cemetary. Note: This fix is completely re-done. Nitpicker didn't fix the doors, but just remove them entirely. They are now fixed properly to open and close normally and not having the skulls stuck.
  • Fixed DLC beards not displaying and growing correctly when Geralt has Gaunter's mark on his face.
  • Fixed fast travelling in a boat to Novigrad Docks sometimes placing the boat underwater.
  • Fixed Geralt's position in the boat so his swords do not clip through the side of it and increased LOD for sailable boats.
  • Fixed too small a table for an eternal fire guard and a witch hunter appearing near Novigrad gates after "Now or Never" quest has been started.
  • Fixed missing stoves and other objects in winter White Orchard.
  • Fixed Geralt swapping hair models when using Piercing Cold mutation.
  • Fixed a hole in the ground in the cave under the Temple Isle where you fight Kiyan.
  • Fixed a floating chandelier in Pierre's shop in Beauclair.
  • Fixed floating road decals in Beauclair.
  • Fixed a huge gap in the water near Novigrad sewers and fixed some floating and clipping crates/parcels in the sewers.
  • Fixed floating road decals on the road from Hierarch Square to the Golden Sturgeon.
  • Fixed floating brazier on Temple Isle near the alchemist.
  • Improved LOD on a ship in Novigrad.
  • Improved LODs on two ships in Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed floating fast travel signpost in Arinbjorn.
  • Fixed floating parcel and crate near Arinbjorn Inn. Note: Re-done, as Nitpicker had moved a nearby crate to hide the floating items, instead of fixing the actual problematic items.
  • Mesh correction for hanging ember bowl - flames no longer clip through the bottom of the bowl.
  • Fixed hole in Yennefer's outfit.
  • Fixed hole in the water near Southern Gate in Novigrad.
  • Fixed disappearing well during the scene when Geralt and Triss meet Ingrid Vegelbud in "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.
  • Fixed disappearing well during the scene when Geralt and Yennefer approach it in "The Great Escape" quest.


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23 ώρες πριν, {TDi}Dj2k..infc είπε

Aμα αυτό είναι το full changelog απλά γελάω.

Κανονικά έτσι θα έπρεπε να είναι η λίστα με τα fixes (BIA mod):

  Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου

Original author: paulr0013

  • Fixed Bell Pepper icon and label
  • Fixed dialogue with Keira in Kaer Morhen not looping back to selection screen.
  • Fixed dialogue with Epilogue innkeeper not looping back to selection screen.
  • Fixed dialogue with Arinbjorn blacksmith not looping back to selection screen.
  • Geralt will no longer stand inside a post while talking to Lindenvale innkeeper.
  • Fixed Novigrad book merchant dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Chameleon innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Bram (Griffin merchant) dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Ermion dialogue placement (will no longer teleport out of the cave while talking).
  • Fixed Oxenfurt blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Hattori dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Novigrad Fish Market blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Elsa (prologue innkeeper) dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Seven Cats innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Cunny of the Goose innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Hierarch Square herbalist dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Harviken blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Margarita dialogue placement while talking with her at Dandelion's inn (will no longer teleport out of the room).
  • Fixed Lindenvale merchant dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's madame dialogue placement.
  • Fixed "Cabaret" quest not starting properly if already having the prop sword in inventory.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crach during "King's Gambit".
  • Fixed an issue if talking with Jutta during "Iron Maiden" quest for the first time, while already having the Hoskuld's sword in inventory.
  • During "Iron Maiden" quest, fixed an issue with Jutta taking Hoskuld's sword from Geralt even if he refuses to fight her and then returning, resulting in soft-locking the quest.
  • Fixed an incorrect notification about "A Mysterious Passenger" quest starting, after completing "Calm Before the Storm" and already having finished "Family Matters".
  • Removed the chest that triggers "Berengar's Blade" quest, if already completed "Isle of Mists" and not actually being able to finish the quest.
  • Fixed deserter's letter to his mother not being removed from player's inventory after giving the letter to her during "Blood Ties" quest.
  • Fixed "Decoction of the Grasses" not being removed from player's inventory after completing "Ugly Baby" and "Va Fail, Elaine" quests.
  • Fixed "Forktail spinal fluid" not being removed from player's inventory after completing "Ugly Baby" and "Va Fail, Elaine" quests.
  • Fixed "Lever" not being removed from player's inventory after using it during "The Great Escape" quest. 
  • Fixed "Key to Vigi's cage" not being removed from player's inventory after using in during "The Lord of Undvik" quest.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Crime and Punishment" quest.
  • Fixed journal typo in "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed Vespula broken texture.
  • Fixed Larvik/Fayrlund blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Arinbjorn innkeeper dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Svorlag merchant dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Crematory Alchemist dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Casino player 1 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Casino player 2 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Casino player 3 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Bloody Baron dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Hermit (Velen) dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Inn at the Crossroads innkeeper dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Oreton boat builder dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Thaler dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Dijkstra dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Zoltan dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Stjepan dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Olivier dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Lambert dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Vimme Vivaldi dialogue icons
  • Fixed Scoia'tael trader dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Vernon Roche dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Marquise Serenity dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Crach dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Gremist dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Lugos dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Ermion dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Sjusta dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Robert Hilbert dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Velen blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Novigrad armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Novigrad blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Skellige armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Claywitch mercant dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Hierarch Square armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 1 dialogue emphasis
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 2 dialogue emphasis.
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 3 dialogue emphasis.
  • Fixed Avallac'h note 1. Can be found in Avallac'h lab during "Child of the Elder Blood" quest.
  • Fixed Avalla'ch note 2. Can be found in Avalla'ch lab during "Child of the Elder Blood" quest.
  • Fixed "Phantom of Eldberg" quest giving wrong notice when picked from notice board.
  • Fixed "Poisoned Source" book icon.
  • Fixed "Menge's Holy Tome" book icon.
  • Fixed Hornwall Horn icon.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Baron during "Family Matters" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crones after returning from the Whispering Hillock.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Keira during "Blood on the Battlefield" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Fringilla about Cantarella.
  • Fixed Fringilla not having color definition for her shoes.
  • Fixed Gaetan not having color definition for his boots.
  • Fixed "Missing in Action" Dune not giving reward.
  • Fixed "Price of Passage" quest having an incorrect starting condition. Now will trigger on first visit to Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed "Pang of Conscience" exploit (could loot this sword infinitely after saving/reloading).
  • Fixed "Fresh Human Blood" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed "Magic Firefly" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed "Philippa Eilhart's Hideout Key" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed tags for item "Phylactery". Will only be noticeable if using Fix Stuck Quest Items mod.
  • Fixed "The Great Escape" journal entry (Sile related).
  • Fixed Nathaniel's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Hubert's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Von Gratz's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Priscilla's journal entry.
  • Fixed "Carnal Sins" journal entry spoiling certain outcome of the quest.
  • Fixed Nathaniel not despawning from the game after "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Fixed Sweet Nettie not despawning from the game after "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Fixed problems with "Pepper" item in some languages.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Nameless" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Beast of Honorton" disappearing from journal.
  • Added new ending paragraph for "Contract: Beast of Honorton" quest.
  • Fixed Arnvald journal entry spoiling outcome of "King's Gambit" quest.
  • Fixed Fringilla dialogue placement.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Brothers in Arms" quest in German localization.
  • Fixed "Fake Papers" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Fake Papers" quest failing incorrectly at certain times.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis when talking with Avallac'h at the start of "Through Time and Space" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue with Philippa about Saskia using incorrect fact.
  • Fixed "An Elusive Thief" quest giving wrong notice when picked from notice board.
  • Fixed "Master of the Arena" journal order.
  • Fixed "Ghosts of the Past" journal order.
  • Fixed "Heart of the Woods" journal order.
  • Fixed "Count Reuven's Treasure" journal order.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during Geralt-Dijkstra-Philippa talk in "Blindingly Obvious" quest.
  • Fixed mutagen stacking during NG+ in non-GOTY versions of the game.
  • Fixed quest "Beast of White Orchard" so objective does not fail if already found the griffin's nest in free roam.
  • Fixed "Contract: Devil by the Well" journal order.
  • Fixed "Spooked Mare" failed objective when peacefully resolving the situation.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "From a Land Far, Far Away".
  • Fixed 7 bugs in the quest "From a Land Far, Far Away".
  • Enabled dialogue with Lambert at start of "Battle of Kaer Morhen".  Dialogue option to ask him to be nice to the guests does not make sense during the funeral.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Fall of the House of Reardon".
  • Fixed journal spoiler on "Fall of the House of Reardon" if Geralt picks up the notice before talking to Dolores.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for Gran's character journal.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Contract: Deadly Delights".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Of Swords and Dumplings".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Honor Among Thieves".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "An Eye for An Eye".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Cabaret".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "A Matter of Life and Death".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "A Deadly Plot".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Ugly Baby".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Tedd Deireadh, the Final Age".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Whatsoever a Man Soweth".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Knight for Hire".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for Ciri's character journal.
  • Revised dialogue during "A Knight's Tales" to highlight option that moves dialogue forward.
  • Fixed journal entry about Emhyr's flagship: moved to "Veni Vidi Vigo" instead of "The Sunstone".  It doesn't make sense in "The Sunstone".
  • Fixed "Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers" so it will display in the journal if killing the brothers in free roam before receiving the quest from Djenge Frett.
  • Fixed "Contract: Missing Miners" to not award gold reward if let the troll live.  This is consistent with contract giver who refuses to give the reward.
  • Fixed "Contract: Apiarian Phantom" to give the correct gold reward that was negotiated.
  • Fixed "Big Game Hunter" to give the correct gold reward that was negotiated.
  • Fixed treasure chest for "Coast of Wrecks" that remains lootable after looting it.
  • Fixed 18 treasure chests with Wolf Upgrade schematics that remain lootable after looting them.
  • Fixed "Faithful Friend" during Empress Epilogue to give Geralt a reward for rescuing the horse.
  • Fixed corpse that activates "Unlucky's Treasure" that remains lootable after looting it.
  • Fixed trigger for Vivienne's final journal entry if she is in Novigrad so it posts when talking to her, not when Geralt talks to Guillaume.
  • Fixed journal entries for Syanna, Anarietta, Regis, and Damien if Syanna dies.
  • Added names to journal based on who Geralt's guest is at Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open doors: Baron's office, Emhyr's chamber, Hattori's shop, King of Beggars Hideout, Passiflora, and Nilfgaardian Camp in White Orchard.
  • Fixed "Lynch Mob" to display quest in journal if Geralt does not save the deserter or walks away from the encounter.
  • Fixed missing dialogue in "Missing in Action" where Geralt asks about Yennefer.
  • Fixed "Brave Fools Die Young" to display correctly in journal when Geralt already has celandine in inventory.
  • Fixed dialogue options during final dialogue with Bloody Baron at the end of "Family Matters".
  • Fixed "Peace Disturbed" to correctly display journal objectives and entries if Geralt finds the hidden entrance before talking to the women.
  • Fixed "Carnal Sins" so the Concerned Citizen Sermons will stop being littered all over the place after Geralt uncovers the true killer.  Note: this is different than the other fix that just makes them invisible but can still be looted. This fix uses the game's logic to remove them completely when they are not supposed to be there, and adds them when they are supposed to be there. Replaces this fix: Concerned Citizen Sermons Removed
  • Fixed journal spoiler in "Family Matters" about Anna when Geralt first meets the Pellar.
  • Fixed "Redania's Most Wanted" so that the objective to talk to Triss / Yen no longer fails immediately when talking to the other one.
  • Enabled two hidden quest objectives in "Redania's Most Wanted" to give the crystal to Triss, Yennefer, or Radovid.
  • Fixed a notification during "Redania's Most Wanted" where there was no pop up on screen to indicate quest progress when Geralt makes a decision on to whom to give the crystal.
  • Fixed incorrect journal entry during "Redania's Most Wanted" if Geralt gives the crystal to the witch hunters.
  • Fixed deactivated fast travel marker at Tor Gvalch'ca (the tower of the final showdown) in free roam after the main game.
  • Fixed "Dwarven Document Dilemma": quest giver and other NPC do not despawn after completion of the quest. (now they will despawn upon completing the quest).
  • Restored hidden dialogue line while talking with quest giver toward the end of "Dwarven Document Dilemma".
  • Fixed "Funeral Pyres": fisstech dealer does not despawn after saving him from the ghouls and learning the truth (now he will despawn upon completing the quest).
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Contract: Mystery of the Byways Murders": now the player will learn the identity of the monster at the same time Geralt does, not before.
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Broken Flowers" so that the player learns Priscilla's identity at the same time Geralt does, not before.
  • Fixed quest objectives during "Carnal Sins" to show new objectives to Meet Dandelion At The Hospital, and Talk With Dandelion At The Hospital.
  • Fixed two sets of doors during "Carnal Sins" that are permanently stuck open at the morgue.
  • Reordered dialogue choices with von Gratz during "Carnal Sins" to better align with events happening during the quest.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Breaking and Entering: The Safecracker" to reflect if Casimir blows himself up.
  • Fixed journal entry during "A Knight's Tales" to reflect when Geralt successfully lifts the curse without help of the witch.
  • Fixed journal entry during "The Hunger Game" to reflect that Geralt finds Marlene's dowry.
  • Fixed labeling of NPC from "Farmer's Wife" to "Farmer's Daughter"
  • Despawned numerous soldiers that were still fighting by an island near Undvik in postgame.
  • Fixed "Funeral Pyres" so that the journal entry about the priest's involvement now displays when Geralt learns it from the Fisstech dealer.
  • Fixed concluding journal entries for "Funeral Pyres" when Geralt knows the truth and does not accept the bribe, or does not know the truth and does accept the bribe.
  • Fixed "Wild At Heart" where quest objective for Talk To The Neighbors About Hanna would disappear from the journal despite completing it.
  • Fixed several quest objectives during "Wild At Heart" that would deactivate or fail incorrectly if Geralt tells Margrit he would give up the search for Hanna and then continues looking for her anyway.
  • Fixed several missing journal entries for the conclusion of "Wild At Heart" based on Geralt's decision to save (or not) Margrit, or if he takes Margrit's advice and quits the investigation.
  • Fixed "Out On Your Arse" so that if Geralt chooses to refuse payment, he does not receive payment (receives larger Experience instead) and correct journal entry to reflect his decision.
  • Fixed permanently stuck door at blacksmith's house in Lindenvale.
  • Respawned Dandelion and Zoltan in the cabaret after the Empress ending.
  • Fixed missing dialogue scene between Geralt and some bandits during an encounter east of Boatmaker's Hut.
  • Fixed quest "Get Junior" so the objective to find secret entrance into Junior's house will deactivate instead of fail if Geralt completed "Gangs of Novigrad".
  • Despawned Tinboy at the conclusion of "Of Swords and Dumplings".
  • Fixed villagers comments to reflect if Geralt chose to take credit for helping Hjalmar kill the giant.
  • Fixed bard's song to reflect if Geralt chose to take credit for helping Hjalmar kill the giant.
  • Fixed Zoltan's position outside the cabaret so he doesn't clip through the stage.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open door to Crach's room after "King's Gambit"
  • Fixed locked doors after "King's Gambit" on Cerys' path so the player can access the place of power.
  • Unlocked doors leading to Ermion's lab after "King's Gambit" so the player can access the hallways and balcony, and can collect loot.
  • Fixed journal entry during "King's Gambit" if Geralt chooses to help no one.
  • Fixed highlighting of dialogue choices during "King's Gambit" so the player is aware that the decision is final when choosing to help no one.
  • Fixed dialogue with Josta, the quest giver during "In Wolf's Clothing": Geralt could continue to ask her about Morkvarg even after the quest is completed.
  • Fixed journal objective during "Redania's Most Wanted": if the player starts the "Brothers in Arms" quests without first completing "Redania's Most Wanted" the objective to talk to Triss would fail (turn red) even if the player had already talked to Triss.
  • Fixed a bug to prevent Geralt from talking to Triss at the start of "Blindingly Obvious", which would break Triss' path to the bathhouse if Geralt has any statues in inventory and chooses to ask her about them.
  • Fixed reward not given during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed quest giver not dying from plague during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed notification not displaying on screen during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed placement of the loan shark in Novigrad to be closer to the counter.
  • Fixed placement of Yen, Ciri, Philippa, Triss, and Fringilla on the dock during "Battle Preparations" to prevent them from floating in the air.
  • Fixed placement of NPC floating in the air over the river outside Novigrad.  Now he is standing on the bridge.
  • Fixed immersion-breaking interaction with Anarietta after completion of Blood & Wine expansion.  Now if Syanna dies, Anarietta will be angry and not talk to Geralt.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a villager during the quest "The Calm Before the Storm".
  • Fixed missing color definition on Astrid's cap during the quest "The Calm Before the Storm".
  • Fixed missing color definition on the arm of a townswoman in Novigrad.
  • Fixed two cutscenes during the boss fight with Detlaff where the cutscenes could not be skipped if desired despite pressing X/Space Bar.
  • Fixed a cutscene with a boy luring Geralt into a trap in Skellige where the cutscene could not be skipped if desired despite pressing X/Space Bar.
  • Fixed the fist fighting quests in Skellige to allow Geralt to make a wager on the fights, like in all other territories.
  • Fixed a woman floating in the air after running away from Geralt at the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Fixed low LOD / autohide distance on some characters' hair, causing it to disappear in some cutscenes from a long distance.
  • Fixed missing color definition on the cap of an old woman in the Velen town of Blackbough.
  • Fixed Abandoned Site POI near the Ruined Inn in Skellige where the site would not be restored despite killing all the creatures.
  • Fixed a beggar that is sitting on the ground in upper Toussaint near the marina, where his legs and feet are clipping through the ground.
  • Fixed two Townswomen that are sitting on benches in upper Toussaint (one on the pier, the other near it) near the marina, where their legs and feet are clipping through the bench.
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs including: a floating kid in the marina area of Beauclair, a floating guard (Baron's Henchman) outside the main gate at the Inn at the Crossroads, a floating guard in Novigrad Square, a beggar clipping through the road near Triss' house, a beggar floating above the steps of a fire shrine near the hospital in Novigrad, and a merchant near Fish Market in Novigrad on the bridge leading to Crippled Kate's.
  • Multiple fixes to quest "Witcher's Forge".  The quest does not open properly if it is found in free roam.  After killing the Earth Elemental, a notification pops up on the screen that the quest is updated, but it does not open the quest and is not displayed in the journal.  Now the quest will be open in the journal with a quest objective, mappin, and journal entries that instruct the player to search for clues in Kaer Morhen castle.
  • Fixed a cutscene during "Cabaret" that is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed a cutscene during "A Dangerous Game" that is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed numerous background NPCs with a visible neck seam and low poly, and lips and eyes don't move.  Replaced with comparable models that do not encounter these issues.
  • Fixed a missing color definition on the cap of prostitute_3 in Novigrad.
  • Multiple fixes for Passiflora after completing the quest "High Stakes": closed the door on the balcony, closed the door to the VIP room, removed all the layers that were added for the tournament, including tables, chairs, and the crime scene, despawned Novigrad guards after completing the investigation, and despawned Patrick Hazelnut and groupies at the start of the investigation.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Armed Assault": prevent the door from swinging inward when the man exits outward, and closed the door when the quest ends and Geralt leaves the area.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Crime and Punishment": put the journal entries in the correct order, display the correct choice in the journal if you free him or allow him to die, and and despawn the prisoner if Geralt saves him and then leaves 50 steps away from him.
  • Fixed missing color definition on wizard_03 appearance.
  • Revised color definition on novigrad_eternal_fire_priest_04 so that the color of his sash matches the rest of his robes.
  • Fixed missing color definition on sorceress_02 appearance.
  • Fixed a guard floating in the air over a pot near the Gran'place fast travel in Beauclair.
  • Fixed floating woman and man that are drinking wine near the bridge to the palace in Beauclair.
  • Fixed a floating woman in the viewpoint section of the upper city in east Beauclair.
  • Fixed additional numerous background NPCs in the HoS expansion with a visible neck seam and low poly, and lips and eyes don't move.  Replaced with a comparable model that does not encounter these issues.
  • Fixed a Witch Hunter with missing crossbow in White Orchard during Ciri Witcher Ending + Radovid alive.
  • Fixed an NPC that had an animation for swinging a sword and cleaning it, but he had no sword in his hands.
  • Removed leftover clues from murder scene where Geralt encounters Whistling Wendy at the conclusion of the quest "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed a group of 3 floating NPCs in the northwest section of Beauclair near the bridge to Beauclair palace.
  • Fixed an NPC that is sunk in the ground above his feet as he is soliciting a prostitute in Beauclair.
  • Removed leftover clue in the quest "Ciri's Room".
  • Fixed missing color definition on the caps of waitresses in Toussaint.
  • Fixed missing color definition on the caps of a random NPC in Toussaint.
  • Fixed multiple floating NPCs in Vedette Valley region near the Silver Salamander Inn.
  • Increased the LOD of numerous posters throughout Toussaint that was causing the posters to disappear at medium distance.
  • Increased the LOD on numerous posters throughout quest "The Play's the Thing" that was causing the posters to disappear at medium distance.
  • Increased LOD for Anna's and Tamara's wanted posters.  They suffered from a pretty low LOD, making them disappear at a medium distance.
  • Fixed clues during "Carnal Sins": Geralt will now properly comment on the footprints while chasing the killer at the Vegelbud estate, and the clues are removed after examining Patricia's body.
  • Removed leftover clues from the quest "The Things Men Do For Coin…" upon completion of the quest.
  • Fixed the problematic elevation of a guard in Kaer Trolder village: sometimes he floats above the ground; sometimes he sinks into the ground.  Now he should be properly elevated.
  • Repositioned NPC merchant on the Toussaint tourney grounds to prevent him from levitating in the air due to a nearby stepstool.
  • Fixed two guards standing outside the Vegelbud Residence that are floating in the air above the steps.
  • Removed multiple leftover clues from the quest "Skellige's Most Wanted".
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs in the town of Blackbough:  one old woman that is sitting on a bench and is clipping through it, a woman that is standing on top of a barrel, a woman that is positioned on a chair when she should be on the ground, and a woman that is supposed to be sitting on the edge of the fireplace but is sitting in the fire.
  • Removed highlighted emphasis from the dialogue option "We should go." when talking to the widows at Bran's funeral.  It is not appropriately applied here, and it causes the exit option to rise to the top of the dialogue list instead of being at the bottom where it belongs.
  • Several fixes in Lindenvale: adjusted the position and collision detection of a basket outside a house near the fast travel marker that was making an old man elevate when near it, adjusted the position and collision detection of a basket on the beach that was causing two fishermen to be elevated in the air when near it, and adjusted the position of an old man seated on the ground whose legs were floating in the air due to the slope of the ground.
  • Removed leftover clues from the quest "Contract: Patrol Gone Missing" upon completion of the quest.
  • Several fixes in Novigrad: adjusted the position of a man in the Novigrad Suburbs that was too close to a basket causing him to levitate in the air, adjusted the position of a strumpet near the Golden Sturgeon that was too close to a barrel causing her to float in the air, and adjusted the position of a dwarf in the Bard Camp that is clipping through a bench.
  • Fixed a missing color definition on an arrow quiver that is placed in several locations throughout the world.  Changes the clown red color to brown leather.
  • Fixed two warriors at Jutta's arena that should be holding weapons but are empty handed (where the quest "Iron Maiden" begins).  One with a 2-handed axe, and the other with a sword.
  • Several fixes in Skellige: adjusted sweeping woman in Kaer Trolde castle that was sunk into the ground,  adjusted sweeping woman that was floating above the ground in Kaer Trolde harbor next to the message board, adjusted a woman clipping through a bench near the message board in Fyresdal, adjusted a woman in Blandare that was floating above the ground while sweeping, repositioned the butcher levitating above the ground near the Larvik fast travel marker, moved a levitating woman inside the Larvik Inn that is too close to the fire where the pig is cooking, and adjusted a sweeping woman in Urialla Harbor that is floating above the ground.
  • Removed two leftover clues after completing the quest "Nameless".
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Velen: Several fixes in Velen: a woman in the Refugee's Camp that is clipping through a bench that she is sitting on, and a woman in the Refugee's Camp that is standing too close to a barrel causing her to float in the air.
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Novigrad: a drunk patron inside Crippled Kate's near the back door that is too close to a chair causing him to float above the ground, a man inside Crippled Kate's on the first floor that is clipping through a chair, and a Witch Hunter in the Temple District that is clipping through a large boulder.
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Toussaint: a man in a village to the east of Castel Ravello that is supposed to be leaning against a wall while smoking, two guards at the entrance to Beauclair Palace that are floating in the air due to stairs, an old man to the west of Belgaard Vineyard that is floating in the air due to being too close to some bags, a man near the bridge to Beauclair Palace that is supposed to be leaning against a post, and unisex NPCs that are tanning a hide in Harbourside so they stop floating in the air.
  • Removed two leftover clues after completing the quest "Taken As A Lass".
  • Fixed the herbalist at the Ruined Inn village who teleports to different places in the village each time Geralt talks to him.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "The Lord of Undvik": fixed Geralt drawing his steel sword instead of his silver sword at the beginning of the fight against the ice giant (three cutscene variants), fixed two cutscene variants where Geralt pulls the steel sword during the fight with the Ice Giant (when the giant destroys the cage), and hid two leftover clues after completing the quest.
  • Multiple fixes for the quests "Fall of the House of Reardon" and "Ghosts of the Past": removed the Loose Papers document from inventory when Geralt gives it to Dolores, fixed leftover clues on the body of Dolores' brother and the weak wall after the quest ends, and closed the barn doors during the segment where Geralt helps Letho to stop them from being left open forever.
  • Fixed leftover clues after completing "Novigrad, Closed City" and collecting the loot from the locked safe in the hidden room: removed clue from the body on the first floor of the building, and removed clue of the handprint from the torch on the second floor that opens the hidden door.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "In the Heart of the Woods": removed wolf hearts from inventory if Geralt chooses to side with Harald and offer a sacrifice to the leshen, and disabled sacrifice altar if Geralt sides with Sven and decides to kill the leshen.
  • Revised inventory with the Toderas merchant to prevent him selling Triss' mask which can break the quest objective to buy the mask during the quest "A Matter of Life and Death".
  • Revised the face model of the restored Clan Dimun Trader so that he looks appropriately older to match his voice.
  • At the Masquerade Ball during the quest "A Matter of Life And Death", fixed the cutscene where Triss suggests they go explore the garden maze.  This dialogue cannot be skipped, despite pressing the space bar / X button.  Now it can be skipped if desired.
  • Fixed leftover clue after completing the quest "Monster Slayer".  Now the corpse of the underwater drowner will have the clue disabled with all the rest of the clues in the area.
  • Fixed leftover clues after completing the quest "Around the World in... Eight Days".  Now the tracks from the cart wheels will be disabled after completing the quest.
  • Fixed multiple NPCs in Toussaint that are positioned too close to a hide that is causing them to float in the air: in the quarry, and in the hunters lodge near Francollarts.
  • Repositioned a woman in Velen that is floating in the air while sweeping in the a small village between Moldavie Residence and Yantra.
  • Fixed an invisible sword from a Skellige warrior that is using the animation of swinging a sword and cleaning it, but no sword was placed in the NPC's inventory definition.
  • Hide 4 sets of leftover clues from horse shoes at the house near Crow's Perch during the quest "Family Matters" when Geralt is looking for Anna and Tamara (lubberkin path).
  • Multiple edits to add emphasis to the scene when Geralt talks to the fisherman during the quest "Family Matters".
  • Fixed a floating man outside the gate at the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Removed leftover clue behind Willis' house from the quest "Twisted Firestarter" upon completion of the quest.
  • Removed leftover clue  on the body inside the house during the quest "Frying Pan, Spick and Span" upon completion of the quest.
  • Fixed the placement of a woman on a bench outside a house in Mulbrydale.  Note: the woman is only present before the village is repaired by freeing the blacksmith from the nearby cage.
  • Repositioned Margrit inside the hunter's shack at the conclusion of "Wild at Heart" to prevent her from clipping through a bench.  Note: only occurs if Geralt chooses to spare her and kill the werewolf.
  • Removed leftover blood stains from the quest "Blood Gold" upon completion of the quest.
  • Removed leftover footprints and blood stains from island to the east of Benek in Velen.  This island has a POI to kill foglets and loot a locked treasure chest, but the clues that lead you to the treasure chest remain after completing the POI.  Now the clues will disappear along with the fog when Geralt leaves the island and travels 100 steps away.
  • Removed leftover witcher sense clue on the body of the Deserter Leader from the quest "Hidden From the World" upon completion of the quest.  After looting the body and finding the key and note, the body remains interactive with witcher senses even after looting the treasure chest and completing the quest.  Now the witcher senses will deactive and the body will be just a corpse after looting it and receiving the note.
  • Repositioned a floating kid in the village of Midcopse to place him evenly on the ground.
  • Repositioned several refugees waiting on the bridge over the Pontar that are clipping through various parts of the bridge.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Contract: Woodland Beast": removed leftover clues after the quest has been completed, and restored the convoy that was attacked.
  • Removed 3 leftover clues after completing the quest "Wandering in the Dark": a sickle, a flask, and burned documents.
  • Repositioned Lessy (the granddaughter of the old woman in the quest "Last Rites"), so that she is no longer floating in the air while sweeping.
  • Removed leftover clues for the foglet's tracks after completing the quest "Contract: Swamp Thing".
  • Removed 3 leftover clues after completing the quest "A Greedy God": a bottle of spilled wine, a a crack in the wall, and scent of wine.
  • Removed 2 leftover clues after completing the quest "The Whispering Hillock": the bodies of a woman and a child.
  • Fixed the dialogue choices during the discussion with the spirit in the quest "The Whispering Hillock".
  • Added a missing exit icon during the final dialogue with Ginter at the end of the quest "A Walk on the Waterfront".
  • Repositioned a prostitute standing next to the madame inside Crippled Kate's that is clipping through a counter when she is cleaning a mug.
  • Reorganized Anna Strenger's journal entries to more logically and orderly flow the through the sequence of events in her storyline.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear": enabled broken commentary by Geralt about blood on the floor in the room with the statues where he must retrieve a key under the water, and disabled the blood clue after retrieving the key.
  • Repositioned a beggar outside the King of Beggars hideout that is clipping through a cart and floating in the air.
  • Repositioned a thug in Novigrad near the fish market that is sinking into the ground.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Deserter Gold": deactivated leftover clue on a body at the campsite where the quest is activated, locked the three treasure chests that are required to complete the quest to prevent them from being looted early and breaking the quest, added a key to the game to unlock the treasure chests, and removed the quest tag from the key at the completion of the quest so that it moves to the right side (the junk side) of the inventory window and doesn't get stuck on the left side with active quest items.
  • Improved the visibility of a locked treasure chest on Fog Island east of Benek.  It is very hard to see in vanilla; now it is highlighted in the traditional red used for focus clues, making it much easier to see and find.
  • Fixed a Redanian bowman soldier standing on the dock near the Border Post fast travel marker that is floating in the air.
  • Fixed numerous missing comments when Geralt finds the clues where the Feline Witcher Gear is in the area.
  • Fixed one-liner by numerous beggar's throughout Novigrad that would comment about knowing who burned down the Witch Hunter's headquarters even before that happens.  Now they will only utter the one-liner after it happens.
  • Fixed the cutscene where Geralt loses to Dandelion during the quest "Cabaret" is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed multiple NPC voicesets related to killing the Ice Giant during "The Lord of Undvik".  Geralt can choose whether to share in the glory with Hjalmar, or allow Hjalmar to have all the glory for himself.  In vanilla, all of these dialogues praised Geralt even if he chose to allow Hjalmar to have all the praise.  Now the dialogue will only play if Geralt chooses to share the praise.
  • Fixed multiple NPC voicesets related to killing the Ice Giant during "The Lord of Undvik".  Geralt can choose whether to share in the glory with Hjalmar, or allow Hjalmar to have all the glory for himself.  In vanilla, all of these dialogues praised Hjalmar even if Geralt he chose to share the praise.  Now the dialogue will only play if Geralt does not choose to share the praise.
  • Fixed a broken one-liner by a barmaid who asks about Folan.  A condition was used for a fact that doesn't get added to the save file.  The condition was revised to use a correct fact.
  • Fixed NPC voicesets that talk about Lugos raiding and Hjalmar being feared dead.  Both of these lines are spoken throughout the game, even after Lugos dies and Hjalmar returns from Undvik.  Added conditions to both lines so that they will only play before Lugo dies and before Hjalmar returns from Undvik.
  • Fixed items in inventory that are unable to be sold: notice for "Contract: Beast of Honorton", "Letter to Gaetan", and notice for "Skellige's Most Wanted".  All other letters and notices in the game can be sold.  Now these can be as well instead of remaining in the Junk side of the inventory panel.
  • Added Exit dialogue icon to the option to join Lambert later during the opening dialogue at the start of "The Final Trial".
  • Revised character journal for Philippa Eilhart.  The final entry about Ciri was misplaced; now it is moved to the end.
  • Fixed missing color definition for the shoes on the "Pretty Girl Maiden" during the HoS Wedding.
  • Removed the highlighting from the dialogue line where Geralt asks Shani "That was your notice?" during HoS when she asks him to go to the wedding with her.  This line loops back to the main decision hub and does not advance the dialogue, so it should not be highlighted.
  • Fixed a broken texture model that resulted in visibly missing skin texture on the torso for t3_07 entity.  This is a global fix that will fix all NPCs in the game that are using the broken model, including Vespula, Jad Karadin's wife, and numerous background NPCs throughout the game.
  • Fixed missing color definition for shoes on the Novigrad_Elf_3 entity.
  • Fixed a woman in Novigrad that is floating in the air while sweeping.

Original author: MerseyRockoff


  • Fixed duplicate schematics for Wolf gear in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed Black Roach character journal icon.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crones when interacting with tapestry during "Ladies of the Wood" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "Family Matters" when reaching fisherman's hut.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "The Play's the Thing" after finding Dudu.
  • Fixed Keira not despawning after "Blood on the Battlefield" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "Broken Flowers" quest while talking with Vespula.
  • Fixed Belgaard blacksmith disappearing forever after leaving area.
  • Fixed White Orchard Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Arinbjorn Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Chameleon door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Alchemy Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Deadly Crossing bandit encounter sometimes despawning before even being in the area. (Incorporated from Deadly Crossing Fix mod)
  • Fixed Moritz Diefenthel burning on the stake scene. (Incorporated from Moritz Diefenthel Fix mod)
  • Fixed dialogue not triggering between Moritz and the witch hunter. This bug only revealed itself after restoring Moritz on stake. (Incorporated from Moritz Diefenthel Fix mod)
  • Fixed missing objective "Win a unique card from Zoltan" during "Gwent: Old Pals" quest.
  • Fixed "red" objective during "Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk". This fix makes Oxenfurt Drunk Fix mod obsolete as it's a strictly better way of doing it.
  • Fixed "red" objective during "Heart of the Woods" quest. This fix makes Heart of the Woods Quest Fix mod obsolete as it's a strictly better way of doing it.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Heart of the Woods" quest when picking up notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Heart of the Woods" quest when overhearing villagers talking about a dead body.
  • Fixed Mulbrydale armorer not giving gwent card.
  • Fixed "Dirty Funds" journal entry.
  • Fixed camera when talking with Mulbrydale armorer for the first time after rescuing him.
  • Fixed "Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route" journal entry (different fix from that of Klubargutan's).
  • Fixed "Hazardous Goods" journal entry incorrectly stating that Geralt both killed and didn't kill the corpse hauler.
  • Fixed "From a Land Far, Far Away" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Ugly Baby" journal entry.
  • Fixed "The Taxman Cometh" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Open Sesame" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Whatsoever a Man Soweth" journal entry.
  • Fixed Vivienne not moving to Skellige after finishing "Warble of a Smitten Knight" quest (have to complete main story of Blood and Wine too).
  • Restored missing dialogue with Avallac'h about Ge'els.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Triss (Triss have to be tortured at witch hunter HQ and then have tortured the spy herself).
  • Restored missing dialogue with Vesemir about Kaer Morhen.
  • Fixed Ciri journal entry.
  • Fixed Triss journal entry.
  • Fixed Yennefer journal entry.
  • Fixed Avallac'h journal entry.
  • Fixed Ghost in the Tree journal entry.
  • Fixed Folan journal entry.
  • Fixed Graden journal entry.
  • Fixed Keira journal entry.
  • Fixed Tavar Eggebracht journal entry.
  • Fixed Voorhis journal entry.
  • Fixed Zoltan journal entry.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Priscilla about Madame Irina's troupe.
  • Restored a massive missing dialogue with innkeeper at the Crossroads during "Nilfgaardian Connection" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation with Geralt and Hjalmar before the battle of Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Vesemir about Ciri. Only available when talking to him right before the battle.
  • Restored a few lines of missing dialogue during Geralt-Yennefer-Crach talk at the end of "The King is Dead, Long Live the King" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Dijkstra, Cleaver and King of Beggars in the bathhouse.
  • Massively improved Triss' pathfinding in sewers during "Now or Never" quest. She will now correctly follow Geralt in and out of library and other places, allowing to experience all interactions between her and Geralt.
  • Restored missing conversation between Geralt and Triss when seeing the rat pit during "Now or Never" quest.
  • Fixed Geralt's commentaries on clues during "Empty Coop" quest.
  • Fixed a certain dialogue with Var Attre twins being hidden behind an incorrect fact.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary when examining clues in workshop during "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation line for Keira after finding the lamp during "A Magic Lamp" quest.
  • Fixed Keira's conversation line cutting off abruptly when leaving the cave because she casts a light during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation between Geralt and Keira when finding and dispelling the exit illusion during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue with druid next to Gremist's cave previously hidden behind an incorrect fact.
  • Restored missing dialogue during "Strangers in the Night" quest. Have dwarven spirit in inventory will allow Geralt to offer the drink to others.
  • Restored missing dialogue with the sylvan during "A Greedy God" quest.
  • Fixed villagers not correctly recognizing if Geralt saved all piggies during "Fool's Gold" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Shani.
  • Restored Geralt's conversation line when visiting merchants in search of painite during unlocked quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice".
  • Restored another Geralt's conversation line when visiting merchants in search of painite during unlocked quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice".
  • Restored a missing book in library during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest alongside commentary from Geralt.
  • Restores life to Dijkstra's bathhouse after completing all main quests in Novigrad and leaving for Skellige with Avallac'h and The Lodge.
  • Fixed "A Mysterious Passenger" disappearing from journal.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when entering through the portal during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when entering laboratory during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt after unlocking library during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary when examining bee hive during "Contract: The Apiarian Phantom" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt after finding mutated albumen.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary after putting the albumen in the mutation machine and then trying to use it.
  • Fixed abandoned hut's door stuck open permanently after completing "Man's Best Friend" quest.
  • Allows access to the cave under Kaer Trolde and therefore the Place of Power after "King's Gambit" quest if chosen Hjalmaar's or Svanrige's sides. Previously only accessible in Cerys' path, locking player out of 100% completion if choosing different side.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Anna Henrietta. Must have at least finished "Blood Run" quest.
  • Fixed Geralt locked to use fists only in the fight with dwarves (who use weapons) during "Gwent: To Everything - Turn, Turn, Tournament!" making the fight almost impossible to win on higher difficulties.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when visiting the mill during "Amidst the Mill's Grist" quest.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed snow hares to drop loot when killed.
  • Numerous fixes to duplicate whetstone and cave markings on map.
  • Fixed fast travel marker in Hierarch Square so that Geralt will be placed in front of it instead of behind it.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the crematory alchemist.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the Mulbrydale armorer.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the Kaer Trolde castle blacksmith.
  • Fixed a table in Corvo Bianco that goes missing during the house renovations.  The table should be in the room behind Majordomo BB with a candle on top of it.
  • Restored a new dialogue with Anselm (merchant you can rescue in Velen swamps). Geralt can now say that he didn't pay them enough, that's why they attacked.
  • Fixed Mont Crane Castle signal fire sometimes not greying out correctly in Toussaint.
  • Restored a cut character from Roche's camp: the Temerian Quartermaster.  Geralt can interact with him, including shop his inventory, have him craft items, and play Gwent.
  • Spawns Dune (the quest giver for the quest "Missing in Action") and his dog at the house along the path Geralt and Vesemir take on the way to the White Orchard Inn at the start of the Prologue.  This enables a hidden dialogue to be restored between Geralt and Vesemir about Dune.
  • Fixed the map icon for the merchant Yolar that lives in the grotto under Gedyneith in Skellige.  His icon was changed from the standard merchant icon to the herbalist icon to reflect the alchemist inventory that he sells.
  • Fixed multiple documents that incorrectly spawn infinitely: 4 books in the Cockatrice Inn in Toussaint, 1 book in the fisherman's hut right below the Cockatrice Inn in Toussaint, and 2 books in Geralt's tent in the tourney grounds in Toussaint.
  • Numerous fixes to the Larvik blacksmith and the Fayrlund blacksmith.  These two NPCs shared the same dialogue, appearance, spawn files, etc.  Now each of them is a unique and separate entity: gave them each their own unique appearance so they don't look the same, gave them unique dialogues when talking with them, gave each of them different Gwent cards to win when playing them, and restored a unique dialogue "Thank you" line when you save the Fayrlund blacksmith and visit him in the village.
  • Restored a cut character from the town of Kaer Trolde: a unique merchant.
  • Restored a cut character: a Clan Dimun unique merchant in the village of Faroe.
  • Restored a cut character: a fish trader in Rannvaig.
  • Restored a cut character: a merchant in Toderas.
  • Fixed generic merchants and generic innkeeper sometimes having wrong map icons.
  • Fixed Pinastri not having herbalist icon on map.
  • Restored multiple broken chats: between three women in Blackbough, between two Nilfgaardian officers near Tavar Eggebracht's tent, in the Scoia'Tael camp northwest of Lucian's windmill, and between a peasant and a merchant in Mulbrydale.
  • Multiple fixes to broken chats in Kaer Trolde village: between two drunks, a sometimes working conversation between two villagers, and 3 broken conversations between clan An Craite guards.
  • Fixed broken conversation between three Clan An Craite guards near the village of Rogne that are spying on naked women in the hot springs, and restored a missing comment from the women that are bathing - now they chastise Geralt for staring at them.
  • Multiple fixes in the aftermath of the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure": restored an Eternal Fire priest in the Novigrad dock area, restored a broken dialogue by the priest that didn't play due to the priest not spawning, restored at least 4 broken comments made by people around Novigrad as a result of the fire at the Witch Hunter barracks, and restored more bystanders watching witch hunters' barracks burning down.
  • Fixed multiple conversations between dockworkers in Novigrad: 2 conversations rarely working between two dockworkers in Novigrad, and a rarely working conversation between three dockworkers in Novigrad.
  • Fixed broken chat between two peasants in Lurtch chopping wood.
  • Fixed broken chat between Redanians at Border Post.
  • Fixed broken chat between innkeeper and peasants when Geralt first arrives at the Crossroads Inn.
  • Fixed multiple broken chats: 2 broken chats between old man and children on An Skellig, and one completely broken chat and one triggering unreliably between two Skellige warriors near Urialla Harbor on An Skellig.
  • Fixed broken chat between two fishermen in Urialla Harbor.
  • Fixed broken conversation between a man and a woman in Urialla Harbor Inn.
  • Fixed broken chat between two Clan Brokvar guards on Spikeroog.
  • Fixed broken chat between 3 warriors in Svorlag.
  • Fixed 2 conversations between two fishermen in Kaer Trolde village.
  • Fixed sometimes working conversation between two villagers in the liberated lumbermill on Ard Skellig (one during the day and one at night).
  • Fixed 2 broken conversations between clan An Craite guards outside of Kaer Trolde castle.
  • Restored dialogue with Letho before the battle for Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored dialogue with Birna Bran during Bran's wake.
  • Restored broken conversation between two townsmen near the stables in Oxenfurt.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations between two townsmen in Novigrad Hierarch Square.
  • Fixed rarely working conversations between three men in Dijkstra's bathhouse.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two men at the Chameleon.
  • Returned life to Vegelbud Estate after "A Matter of Life and Death" quest is completed.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two workers at the Vegelbud Estate.
  • Restored broken conversation between a man and the shop owner on Gildorf Square in Novigrad.
  • Fixed broken conversation between a couple and a trader on Gildorf Square in Novigrad.
  • Multiple fixes to missing chats in the Novigrad suburbs: a rarely working conversation between two mean near Southern Gate in Novigrad, and two broken conversations with a woman in Elihal's shop.
  • Restored a conversation between Redanian soldiers and witch hunters near Seven Cats Inn.
  • Fixed a broken conversation between three refugees near Portside Gate in Novigrad.
  • Restored a missing conversation between a man and a prostitute in Crippled Kate's.
  • Restored two missing patrons in the bookstore in Novigrad, and fixed 2 broken conversations with Marcus T.K. Hodgson.  Also fixed the trigger zone and placement of the man so he is not sunk in the ground.
  • Restored broken conversation between two peasants near Alness.
  • Restored broken conversation between two men in Kingfisher Inn.
  • Restored 2 missing dialogues with Ciri during the talk in Isle of Mists: asks about Keira (two choices - note: Geralt will only be able to ask about Keira if he did not previously fight and kill her during the quest "For the Advancement of Learning"), and asks about Dandelion (two choices).
  • Restored dialogue from Folan during the quest "The Lord of Undvik" while he is in the cauldron.
  • Several fixes in the village of Harviken: fixed an infrequent conversation between two warriors standing on a drakkar, and fixed an infrequent conversation between two warriors and also fixed one of them holding invisible sword.
  • Restored dialogue between Irina Renarde and her troupe during the quest "The Play's the Thing".
  • Restored 3 broken conversations between villagers in Urialla Harbor: Dialogue 1 (neither Hjalmar, Cerys or Svanrige is crowned), Dialogue 2 (Svanrige is crowned), and Dialogue 3 (Hjalmar or Cerys is crowned).
  • Fixed a broken chat between two women east of Harbor Gate.  Note: Works only before completing the quest "Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away".
  • Multiple fixes in the liberated lumbermill in White Orchard: fixed 2 broken one-liners, gave the involved peasants unique looks, and fixed the scene trigger zones.
  • Multiple fixes for the liberated shrine in White Orchard: fixed broken one-liner, gave the involved peasant a unique look, and added 2 additional torch guardians near the shrine at night to round out the unused APs.
  • Fixed small broken one-liner in Claywitch.  Note: at least one merchant must be rescued.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a fisherman near his liberated hut west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a refugee woman in a camp west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a student in Lornruk.
  • Fixed broken conversation by a shepherd near Sund settlement on Ard Skellig.
  • Fixed multiple things with the witch hunters harassing beggars scene: restored 2 blocks of dialogue between witch hunters and beggars, fixed beggars running away too fast and abruptly stopping part of witch hunter dialogue and sending the phase to output too early, and fixed witch hunters despawning right in front of your eyes if beggars run away or Geralt initiates dialogue with hunters, but chooses not to engage in a fight.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "Little Red": fixed all villagers despawn in front of Geralt's face as soon the quest is over, restored 4 unique one-liners from villagers, and added a new objective to leave the village after the quest is done to properly clean up the phase.
  • Multiple fixes with the quest "Novigrad, Closed City": fixed Lussi despawning right in front of Geralt (will now stay in the room until Geralt leaves), restored small conversation between Lussi and Geralt, fixed doors locking behind Geralt as soon as he leaves Lussi's house, restored a missing comment where Lussi will say something about Geralt stealing if he loots items from her house.
  • Restored broken conversation between 3 people in Novigrad near the grindstone and armorer's table.
  • Restored broken conversation between Irina and Dudu after the play.
  • Restored dialogue with Happen during the quest "Get Junior".  Will activate if Geralt tries to leave bathhouse with only his towel on.
  • Numerous fixes to restore Sukrus, his brother-in-law, and Ernst van Hoorn in An Skellig after the completion of the quest "Of Swords and Dumplings": fixed all 3 .w2comms to change the world from Novigrad to Skellige so they will spawn, restored a conversation between them, restored 3 unique one-liners (one from each of them), fixed van Hoorn being hostile and attacking Geralt and Sukrus, and fixed the APs for all three.
  • Restored broken conversation between a group of people in Beauclair near The Adder and Jewels Winery.
  • Fixed broken condition for a conversation between two guards near Flovive.
  • Restored broken conversation between two workers south of Coopers' Gate in Beauclair.
  • Fixed bottle merchant sometimes not having map icon.
  • Fixed Swordsmith Sign in Novigrad not having text when examined.
  • Fixed Zoltan despawning from the game after Priscilla's concert, even though he says he's going back to Rosemary and Thyme.  Now he will actually go to the Rosemary and chill there until further main quest development.
  • During the quest "The Man from Cintra", fixed cutscenes with Anna Henrietta before entering Mandragora that are unskippable.
  • Fixed tailor Pierre in Beauclair not having map icon.
  • Fixed 2 Nilfgaardian crossbow soldiers in Ferry Station in Velen having wrong APs and holding invisible bows.
  • Fixed a man hammering into nothing near Boatmakers' Hut in Velen.  Also expanded the NPCs that spawn at this location from 3 to 6 to make the environment fuller.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two children in Tourney Grounds.
  • Fixed sometimes working conversation between two women in Oxenfurt close to Western Gate.
  • Fixed shady merchant triggering his greeting one-liner from behind the wall.
  • Restored broken one-liner by Geralt if he reads the poster about Percival Schuttenbach closing his shop.
  • Fixed trigger zone for a conversation between Ciri and Triss on the ship in Novigrad at the beginning of "Battle Preparations" quest.
  • Fixed 2 conversation between Yennefer, Triss and Ciri upon arrival in Skellige at the beginning of "Battle Preparations" quest being mutually exclusive.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations between a group of clan Dimun guards.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "The Nilfgaardian Connection": restored candle puzzle (to reveal Hendrik's secret chamber), restored "Hendrik's notes", restored 4 dialogue lines from Geralt inside Hendrik's hut, restored 2 clues to be examined inside Hendrik's basement, fixed candlestick showing up in Witcher Senses after the quest is completed, fixed Hendrik's chest respawning with loot after reloading the game, and added exit icon for the exit line during the puzzle scene.
  • Fixed orens and balisse fruit not spawning in containers where they should in Novigrad and Skellige area.  This is a global fix that affects numerous containers throughout the worlds of Novigrad and Skellige.
  • As a result of the orens and balisse fruit fix, there is a treasure chest that becomes enabled for looting during the quest "Contract: Missing Son" which activates a missing unique comment from Geralt.
  • Multiple fixes for the "The Heroes' Pursuits" quests in Skellige: restored 12 unique one-liners from Geralt's opponents, depending whether he wins or loses the race, and fixed participants despawned in front of Geralt's eyes in all 4 quests.
  • Fixed prophetess clipping into a barrel after finishing "The Beast of Toussaint" quest. Also fixed her and both zealots losing their APs and standing motionless.
  • Fixed unskippable cutscene during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest if Geralt spares the shaelmaar.  The scene could not be skipped even if pressing the X button / space bar.  Now it can be skipped if desired.
  • Fixed band in Kaer Trolde castle not playing music.
  • Fixed Chameleon considered exterior area.  In vanilla, Dandelion's Chameleon acts like outdoors so if it is raining, people inside the establishment will be wet.  Now it is set as an interior like other buildings in the game.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's second and third floor considered exterior area.  In vanilla, Crippled Kate's 2nd and 3rd floors act like outdoors so if it is raining, people inside the establishment will be wet.  Now it is set as an interior like other buildings in the game.  Additionally, fixed the minimap to display the correct floors instead of showing the 2nd floor map all the time.
  • Restored broken conversation between villagers in Kaer Trolde village before Bran's funeral.  The second part of the dialogue (where villagers sit down and pray), doesn't work in vanilla.
  • Restored dialogue with Joana if you force Lothar to come back to her during "The Nithing" quest.
  • Restored 5 broken commentaries from Geralt during investigation phase in "Contract: Strange Beast" quest.
  • Multiple fixes to the Oreton blacksmith dialogue: restored a unique greeting dialogue, restored a dialogue line asking about other blacksmiths in area, and fixed not being able to play Gwent with the blacksmith.
  • Restored broken conversation between Ciri and Geralt and an objective to "Follow Ciri" during "Skjall's Grave" quest.  In vanilla the scene after graveyard immediately teleports Geralt and Ciri to the sheep pit. Now, Ciri will run there and Geralt will have an objective to follow her, they will also have a small conversation while running.
  • Fixed Keira's commentaries on Geralt entering water during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.  In vanilla Keira triggers only the "exit water" dialogue, when Geralt enters water and never triggers "enter water" dialogue. This is now fixed to work correctly.
  • Restored broken dialogue when the Witch Hunter building is burning after the Triss/Menge scene during "Count Reuven's Treasure".  There are witch hunters calling out for help to extinguish the flames.  Note: The witch hunters must be alive.
  • Postponed the start of the quest "Where the Cat and Wolf Play…" by 2 days when Velen is loaded for the first time to give chance to visit Honorton before it is destroyed.  Note: there are villagers alive and going about their business before the massacre occurs.  This is intended to be an Easter Egg and gives Geralt a chance to see the village before the events of "Where the Cat and Wolf Play..." occurs.  To see this, Geralt must go to Honorton in free roam as soon as going to Velen the first time or the opportunity will be lost on that playthrough.
  • Restored 8 one-liners by the survivor during the quest "The Nilfgaardian Connection": 3 random one-liners play when Geralt arrives and sees the man attacked by wild dogs, and 5 random one-liners play after Geralt talks with the man and leaves him sitting by the well.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "The Final Trial": restored an objective to find Lambert's boat by listening to its sail flapping, restored conversation between Lambert and Geralt while they search for the boat, and restored conversation between Lambert and Geralt if Geralt swam to the Old Speartip's cave instead of taking the boat with Lambert.
  • Fixed travelling merchant during "Bald Mountain" quest not having exit icon for his dialogue.
  • Multiple fixes to NPCs not despawning from the Bald Mountain after the quest "Bald Mountain": despawned peasants who were still partying after the quest, despawned Old Thecla and her helper, despawned Ealdorman and his guards who got stuck on top of the mountain, and despawned the two remaining merchants.
  • Fixed rescued Scoia'tael trader in Oxenfurt forest not having map icon.
  • Fixed rarely working conversation between a group of people in Oreton.
  • Fixed Hugo Monnart not having map icon in certain outcomes of "Father Knows Worst" quest. Also fixed him having a shopkeeper icon when he is in fact an innkeeper in another outcome.
  • Multiple fixes to the ice giant at the end of the quest "Lord of Undvik": fixed ice giant's body respawning with loot after reloading the game, and fixed ice giant not dropping loot it was supposed to.
  • Fixed Gol'yat's body respawning with loot after reloading the game.
  • Fixed loot infinitely respawning in the lake northeast of Basane Farm after reloading the game.
  • Added missing cave icons for 35 caves around the world.  Includes two caves marked as monster dens on Faroe island, even though no monster actually guards them.
  • Increased LOD on the funeral ship during "The King is Dead, Long Live the King".  Now the ship won't appear/disappear at random during the funeral cutscene, and the ship will be visible sailing away out of the harbor after returning to gameplay after the cutscene.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "Bloody Baron": restored dialogue by the old peasant, and fixed overlapping dialogue by the old peasant and Geralt when he notices him.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations and fixed a mess with 4 other ones involving a group of people being inspected by the Temple Guard in Novigrad harbor near The Golden Sturgeon.
  • Restored broken conversation with Sergeant when returning to Crow's Perch after "Return to Crookback Bog" quest.  The dialogue will play after the cutscene where Geralt meets Sergeant after returning from the bog.  Note: Scene will only play if Geralt got into a fight with Sergeant's men in the village prior.
  • Restored broken conversation between peasants at the beginning of the quest "A Greedy God".  The second part of the dialogue didn't play in vanilla.
  • Restored broken conversation between Dijkstra and mages during the quest "Now or Never".
  • Fixed multiple unskippable cutscenes during "Now or Never" quest despite pressing X / space bar: one when Oliver opens the doors to the hideout and one at the beginning of the cutscene with Triss' speech.
  • Fixed Berthold floating in the hideout under Kingfisher Inn during the quest "Now or Never".
  • Fixed Walter sometimes respawning during the quest "Novigrad, Closed City".
  • Fixed a bug where Geralt shouts out "How do you like that silver?" while in combat.  The comment is made regardless of what Geralt is fighting (he yells it a lot when fighting wolves with a steel sword).  Now he will only yell it while holding a silver sword.
  • Fixed broken smell clue during the quest "Redania's Most Wanted" after smelling the disinfectant in Philippa's lair that leads to damaged eyes and a commentary from Geralt. Also fixed Geralt never exiting animation after examining the eyes.
  • Fixed Dettlaff's bestiary image after seeing him in his true form.  Note: must actually see his true form.
  • Fixed duplicate horses spawning at the same location and clipping into each other.  credit: DerGoldsucher for the script
  • Restored 4 broken commentaries from Geralt during the quest "In the Heart of the Woods".
  • Restored broken conversation between Margarita and Philippa on the ship during the quest "Battle Preparations".  Note: this dialogue will play 10 seconds after the "Geralt sleeping with everyone" dialogue.
  • Many fixes and restored dialogues during Valdo's sequence in the quest "Payback": restored/fixed 4 dialogues, restored/fixed 10 one-liners, restored second stable guard by the main entrance of the stables, fixed floating elf woman in the nighttime camp, fixed overlapping dialogue when picking up keys in the stable, edited 1 trigger zone and added 3 new trigger zones to start dialogues correctly and begin/end phases of the quest, edited Ciri's AP at the beginning of the quest to not automatically trigger conversation with Valdo and Geralt actually have a chance to listen to all dialogues between the group.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "The Bastion": fixed Geralt never exiting meditation animation after burying the boy, fixed sudden visible shift of daytime when burying the boy (credit: konyme), restored broken commentary from Geralt when he find the boy's remains.
  • Multiple restored content/dialogues during the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen" forest phase: restored sequence of luring arachas towards the Wild Hunt - includes 2 new objectives to complete and 3 dialogues, restored sequence of using crossbow traps against the Wild Hunt - includes 2 new objectives to complete and 2 dialogues.
  • Moved Yennefer and Triss before Kaer Morhen battle to an area before the trigger zone for the council to be able to listen to their unique pre-battle one-liners.
  • Restored item "Bill of exchange".  Can be redeemed at Vivaldi's Bank for 100 crowns.  A unique dialogue with Vivaldi about the bill becomes available when the item is in inventory.  These bills have been placed in three locations: in Aeramas dungeon, in Ambassador var Attre mansion, and together with Fringilla's Card in Ceasar's home.
  • Multiple restored dialogues and interactions with NPCs related to the oneiromancer's house in Novigrad: During the quest "Through Time and Space" while still in Novigrad: restored dialogue between Geralt and Avallac'h before entering the house, restored Avallac'h leading Geralt upstairs and then restored dialogue between Avallac'h and Corinne, restored one-liner by Corinne, and restored cutscene dialogue between Geralt and Avallac'h before entering the portal.  Also fixed the scene with witch hunters running away from the haunted house during the quest "Haunted House" and commenting that they are scared of the house.
  • Restored missing character journals for the Ofieri Merchant and Pinastri (herbalist in the quest "Equine Phantoms").
  • Fixed 5 or more copies of the same guy during Menge burning Chapelle cutscene at the beginning of the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Restored snow deers around druid areas on Ard Skellig. Also fixed snow deers not dropping loot.
  • Restored 7 broken commentaries from Geralt during the quest "The Lord of Undvik".  Fixed shackles placements..  Also fixed 2 out of 4 shackles near mad castaway's boat being underground and not lootable (although shackles don't have any other use, now they at least trigger a commentary from Geralt).
  • Moved conversation about war from 2 Redanian soldiers and 2 witch hunters near Seven Cats Inn to the correct place to 3 Redanian soldiers southeast of Yantra. Fixed the correct soldiers not spawning at all. Only show up at night.
  • Fixed 2 Nilfgaardian officer chats at Army Group 'Center' Camp to randomize correctly.
  • Moved conversation about peasant hiding mages from 2 peasants near Alness to the correct place to 2 peasants in Yantra. Fixed the correct peasants not spawning at all.
  • Fixed 2 Skellige warrior chats near Urialla Harbor to randomize correctly.
  • Moved conversation about bards singing from 2 citizens near Alchemy Inn to the correct place to 2 citizens on Oxenfurt market square. Fixed the correct citizens not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between Novigrad rich citizens to the correct place near Vivaldi's Bank. Fixed the 3 citizens not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation about prisoners from 2 Redanian Soldiers to the correct place to 2 witch hunters near Deireadh Prison. Fixed 2 witch hunters not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation inside Gildorf Square fancy shop in Novigrad to the correct nobleman. Fixed the correct nobleman not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between a man and prostitue in Crippled Kate's to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Moved 2 conversations in T.K. Hodgson's book store to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after completing "Message from and Old Friend" quest.
  • Moved 2 conversations in Elihal's shop to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after speaking with Elihal during "Broken Flowers" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 people about Geralt from people in the market to the correct location in Kingfisher Inn after Priscilla's concert. Fixed trigger, so you can actually here the conversation after coming down from Priscilla's room (in vanilla played while you were still up there).
  • Moved conversation between 2 men in Kingfisher Inn to the correct location near Honeyfill Meadworks. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available before completing "Contract: The Apiarian Phantom" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 men in Urialla Harbor to the correct location to 3 men in Arinbjorn Inn. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after comleting "Contract: Phantom of Eldberg" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 people in Beauclair to the correct location between a man and a woman during Mandragora's party in "A Man from Cintra" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between 2 workers in Beauclair to the correct location between 2 servants during Mandragora's party in "A Man from Cintra" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Fixed girl correctly spawning in Tourney Grounds (she is a part of a conversation with a nearby boy). Available after completing "The Warble of a Smitten Knight" quest.
  • Moved conversation between Holmstein guards in the village to the correct Lugos' guards during "The Sunstone" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Placed Roche's quartermaster at the correct spot. Will no longer take generic Roche soldiers action points and timetables. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Kaer Trolde trader at the correct spot. Now has his own stall near Kaer Trolde Inn. Will no longer sacrifice generic trader on the pier. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Rannvaig fish trader at the correct spot. Will no longer take action points of a generic fisherman living in the village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Dimun trader at the correct spot. Now has his own stall in Harviken. Will no longer take action points of a generic boatwright living in the village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Fixed Fayrlund blacksmith spawning in Fayrlund before actually freeing him from the cage. Also improvements to the previous fix of separating him from Larvik blacksmith. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed the trader previously restored in Toderas to the correct spot in Farcorners. Has his own stall now and will no longer sacrifice generic trader in Toderas village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Restored broken conversation between old woman and girl in Claywitch. Fixed both of them not spawning at all.
  • Restored broken conversation between a merchant and a woman near the wine market in Beauclair. Fixed both of them not spawning at all.
  • Fixed ice troll not spawning in a monster den on Faroe.
  • Fixed 3 wraiths and a nightwraith not spawning in another monster den on Faroe.
  • Fixed sitting and reading job for male NPCs (they were standing on their chairs and writing instead).
  • Fixed sitting and sleeping job for male and female NPCs (they were sitting and looking around instead).
  • Fixed sitting and sewing job for male NPCs (they were standing and scratching instead, often floating above their baskets).
  • Fixed 2 action points for Vivienne when she is in Skellige (she will now write at the desk, instead of just standing near it and at night she will go drink wine at the inn, instead of following her daily routine).
  • Fixed being able to only examine 1 body near the hut before the quest moves forward during "Contract: Swamp Thing" quest.
  • Multiple fixes for "Witcher Wannabe" quest. Restored commentary from the pretender, restored 1 quest objective and 1 journal entry at the beginning of the quest. Fixed quest not starting when picking up notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed even more glitched/duplicate horses and also pigs doing the same.
  • Fixed leftover clues after "The Bald Mountain" quest.
  • Fixed nonhumans on stakes highlighted in Witcher Senses as clues, even though you can't examine them after returning from the Bald Mountain during "Final Preparations" quest.
  • Fixed Elihal not going to Chameleon at night. Restored one-liner from Elihal while at the cabaret.
  • Fixed guarded treasure POI water hag in White Orchard not spawning correctly.
  • Fixed prostitute hanging from the ceiling in Whoreson's room highlighted in Witcher Senses, even though you can't examine her during "Get Junior" quest.
  • Restored weapons merchant in the abandoned site east of Lindenvale.
  • Restored 2 dialogues with Vesemir before the battle of Kaer Morhen in the scenario when Ermion is not there.
  • Restoded dialogue line from Vesemir during the battle of Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored 3 broken conversations between noblewomen in the ball during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.
  • Restored broken 6 dialogues and 7 one-liners with Geralt and Shani in the sewers during "Evil's Soft First Touches" quest.
  • Restored broken dialogue between Shani and Redanian Soldiers at the beginning of "Dead Man's Party" quest.
  • Fixed wyvern not spawning near the exit of Dragonslayer's Grotto.
  • Fixed merchant icons staying on map after "The Bald Mountain" quest, even when the merchants are despawned.
  • Restored 6 commentaries from Geralt during "Kaer Morhen" quest in the prologue.
  • Fixed dead Skellige warrior on an island south of Ard Skellig glowing red in Witcher Senses, even though you can't examine it.
  • Restored 6 people, each with a unique voiceset, and 2 conversations between a group of refugees near Mulbrydale.
  • Fixed Kaer Trolde blacksmith dialogue about weapon stories being greyed out after first story. Will now only grey out when Geralt listens to all 3 stories he has.
  • Fixed Mulbrydale armorer chilling in the village when Nilfgaardians attack during "An Eye for an Eye" quest.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for medics in Novigrad.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for actors using Redanian Blacksmith 01 voices.
  • Slighly increased the amount of wandering mages in Putrid Grove to give a little higher chance to hear their background dialogues and one-liners.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for actors using Skellige Innkeeper 01 voices. Those are innkeepers on Arinbjorn, Spikeroog and Larvik.
  • Restored/fixed missing/incomplete voicesets of 3 male trolls. Fixed trolls cooking Folan disappearing from the game if you save Folan, but don't fight the trolls. Fixed not being able to return later and attack the trolls if you so choose, as they were permanently friendly and didn't react on any form of Geralt's aggression.
  • Restored a female troll and her voiceset. Can you find her?
  • Fixed three women in Farcorners discussing the cat lady, clipping and having no APs in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed a merchant in Silverton talking to a woman and a man through the doors of his shop. Moved the customers inside the shop.
  • Removed to glitchy NPCs who cannot be forced to do their actions and just stand motionless in the Vilmerius Hospital.
  • Monsters from "Skellige's Most Wanted" quest will guaranteedly drop their rare mutagens.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "Looters: Heatherton" unmarked quest: fixed looters having wrong APs and not taking their positions correctly, fixed looters boss disappearing from the game in certain scenarios making you not able to receive the reward for the quest, fixed looters not ever disappearing in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "Looters: Codgers' Quarry" unmarked quest: fixed many instances of looters not despawning correctly, fixed alghouls not spawning in the area in one of the outcomes, fixed Geralt automatically unsheating steel sword against alghouls.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "A Warm Welcome" unmarked quest: fixed the game using a 5 real-time hour condition, instead of a 5 in-game hour condition for despawning characters, fixed many instances of the characters and items not despawning correctly at the end of the quest, fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear" quest not starting after the refugee tells Geralt about the tomb in Crookback Hills.
  • Fixed reward during "At the Mercy of Strangers" quest given after you kill any one deserter, instead of all five.
  • Fixed being able to buy the sword, then kill the scavengers and loot the second copy of the sword during "Deadly Crossing: Lindenvale Bridge" unmarked quest. Now, if the sword was already bought, there will be crowns on the body, instead.
  • Fixed deserter's horse not despawning in certain outcomes of "Precious Cargo" quest.
  • Fixed appearances of witch hunters during "The Flame of Hatred" unmarked quest to not have a chance of them looking identical.
  • Fixed one of the bandits not having a correct tag and not attacking properly during "Yustianna Disturbed" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed "Trail of Echoes" unmarked quest to conclude when you explore the cave and examine all the items, not immediately after stepping into the final room.
  • Fixed the trigger for Fergus' and Yoana's conversation at the beginning of "Master Armorers" quest. Will now trigger when you actually get close otherwise it disappears in the sea of other random conversations happening in the same area.
  • Fixed Dolores not moving to her brother's corpse if Geralt tells her about it when she's already moved to her manor after "The Fall of the House of Reardon" quest is finished. Also fixed her not resuming her duties around the manor later.
  • Fixed Sarah's drawings and Skellige treasure maps not viewable in inventory (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed incorrect (or non-existant) items in multiple locations (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed "Thank you card" from "Where the Cat and Wolf Play..." quest not viewable in inventory (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed Olgierd’s letter to Iris from "Scenes From a Marriage" quest not being readable (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed wrong letter in a chest at Zuetzer Castle (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed duplicate documents being dropped where they shouldn't in Blood and Wine expansion (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed drunkards not taking crowns, but orens if you get beaten up during "Drunken Rabble" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed an issue where Redanian soldiers would trigger the final encounter through the wall while Geralt is inside the nearby house during "The Price of Passage" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed more issues during "Yustianna Disturbed" unmarked quest: fixed one bandit having an exact copy of a journal that you can loot in a nearby chest, fixed another bandit not dropping any loot due to broken loot component, Fixed not being able to hear the bandit idle dialogue due to them talking in a very far distance, sometimes obstructed by walls.
  • Renamed ulfhedinns correctly (instead of werewolf). Can now tell them apart in the world.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "The Four Faces of Hemdall" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for one of the choice options during "Man's Best Friend" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "Strumpet in Distress" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "The Flame of Hatred" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "Suspicious Shakedown" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed mesh of Hornwall horn respawning when reloading the game.
  • Fixed missing emphasis on the line where Geralt takes Uma from Sergeant during "Ugly Baby" quest.
  • Added 156 LOD improvements for various items throughout the game.
  • Fixed optional dialogue with Nilfgaardian mom to advance the conversation forward during "Blood Ties" quest.
  • Fixed Vivienne having invisible legs during the epilogue encounter with her and Guillaume.

Original author: konyme


  • Fixed Holger Blackhand's Horn icon.
  • Fixed "On Death's Bed" journal entry spoiling the outcome of the quest immediately after giving potion to Tomira. Now only a certain event in Velen will reveal Lena's fate.
  • Fixed "Twisted Firestarter" missing journal entry.
  • Fixed Slyzard bestiary image sometimes turning "undiscovered". (Incorporated from Slyzard Matriarch's Bestiary Image Fix mod)
  • Fixed not being able to interact with Rosemary & Thyme sign. (Incorporated from Rosemary and Thyme Sign Fix mod)
  • Fixed Geralt's commentary when examining an item in witch's hut during "A Knight's Tales" quest.
  • Fixed "The Four Faces of Hemdall" bandits requiring orens instead of crowns as payment.
  • Fixed "exclamation marker" not removed from map if refusing to help looters in "Bitter Harvest" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to examine Vattier de Ridaux's dagger during "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to examine Assire var Anahid's necklace during "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed Olgierd's Ethereals being classified as specters instead of humans, including ability to counter their attacks.
  • Fixed arachnomorphs being classified as insectoids instead of specters.
  • Fixed being able to use Aard on Melusine during "Contract: Here Comes the Groom".
  • Fixed Gregoire de Gorgon being classified as human instead of monster.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal entry to correctly indicate the fate of Morkvarg.
  • Fixed villagers incorrectly commenting that Geralt released Morkvarg, if Morkvarg was turned to human, released for the reward and then immediately killed.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal order.
  • Fixed missing subtitles for Skellige storybook in Czech localization.
  • Fixed Pontar's bridge notice board to show up as "read" before actually reading it.
  • Fixed incorrect coloring of Grandmaster Wolf gear when displayed on the armor stands in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed "Tower Outta Nowheres" to remove quest marker from fishermen.
  • Fixed "Missing in Action" to remove redundant journal entry.
  • Fixed "Devil by the Well": incorrect journal entry when picking up the contract from notice board.
  • Fixed permanent quest objective marker stuck on quest giver Odolan at the end of "Devil by the Well".
  • Fixed comment when examining a dead dog during "Devil by the Well".
  • Fixed dialogue with Menge during Triss torture scene.  Some choices were highlighted which should not be, and some were not highlighted that should be.
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Count Reuven's Treasure": now the player learns about the spy after Geralt finds the note in Menge's desk, not before.
  • Fixed incorrectly looping dialogue with Triss after Menge torture scene.
  • Numerous fixes to "Contract: Apiarian Phantom" to enable it to be found and investigated in free roam.  Includes fixes to clues, dialogues, journal entries, and more related to finding it in free roam.
  • Fixed cutscene in "Blindingly Obvious" where Geralt draws the wrong sword.
  • Fixed cutscene in "Cabaret" where Geralt has a steel sword in his sheath despite holding a prop sword.
  • Fixed voiceset when Geralt has the saddle "Caparison of Lament" (the Devil Saddle) equipped on Roach so he correctly uses the comments related to that item.
  • Fixed multiple audio issues in the quest "Tower Outta Nowheres".
  • Fixed multiple issues with audio and Witcher Senses in the quest "Contract: Tofu Monster".
  • Fixed missing dialogue with Odolan's daughter during the quest "Devil By The Well".
  • Fixed multiple dialogue issues with Eskel during the quest "To Bait A Forktail".
  • Fixed journal spoiler during the quest "To Bait A Forktail".
  • Fixed missing color definitions from the Nobleman released from the statuette.
  • Fixed reward during quest "The Witcher's Forge" in NG+ to give Geralt the Legendary Mastercrafted Wolf Armor instead of the generic Mastercrafted version.
  • Fixed snoring and echo sound during "Feet as Cold as Ice" if you go into the cave before speaking to François.
  • Fixed multiple dialogue issues with Lambert during the quest "The Final Trial".
  • Fixed broken comments made by Geralt if using Axii on Roach.
  • Fixed the unicorn at Corvo Bianco.  Now it has collision detection so Geralt can't walk through it.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary during the quest "Monster Slayer".
  • Fixed issue where the quartermaster icon remains on the map of Undvik in post-game despite the quartermaster being despawned.
  • Fixed incorrect comment made by Geralt during the quest "Contract: The White Lady" to say the correct comment.
  • Fixed issue during quest "The Bastion" where the prompt on screen says to burn the body when instead the body should be buried.
  • Fixed missing color definitions on multiple bandits in Toussaint.
  • Fixed missing blacksmith icon for Willis the dwarf in White Orchard.
  • Fixed missing lighting component for dwarf's face in Cianfanelli's Bank.
  • Fixed lighting bug during the scene where Geralt and Eskel perform an autopsy on a katakan.
  • Fixed cutscene in "The Final Trial" where Geralt draws the wrong sword if choosing to fight the trolls.
  • Fixed a missing line for a Nilfgaardian deserter during a Person in Distress POI in Velen.
  • Fixed requirements for crafting Wolven Gear: various pieces incorrectly required amateur, journeyman, or master.  Now they have the same requirements as all other Witcher Gear.
  • Fixed incorrect use of combat music during the quest "A Tome Entombed".
  • Fixed the counter during "Defender of the Faith" so it will show 3/3 shrines fixed instead of 2/3.
  • Fixed Vesemir's awkward placement during the prologue so he doesn't walk through a table after talking to him.
  • Fixed missing blood decal on Geralt in the prologue after the massacre at the White Orchard Inn.
  • Fixed incorrectly spawning berserker bears in Kaer Morhen.
  • Fixed missing color definitions on 4 mages during "Now or Never".
  • Fixed missing color definitions on 9 guards in Kaer Trolde castle.
  • Fixed Vernossiel's bow to be placed on her back instead of her feet.
  • Fixed the candle on the table in Kaer Morhen.  Now the candle is lit by default so the lighting is better during the scene where the witchers and Yennefer drink beer.
  • Fixed Ves appearing during "Reason of State" if she was killed during "Eye for an Eye".
  • Fixed scene during "Reason of State" where Radovid comments on the magic crystal, even if Geralt did not give it to him.  Now he will only comment on the crystal if Geralt gave it to him.
  • Removed a blank screen that was incorrectly inserted during the dialogue with the guard at Radovid's ship during "Reason of State."
  • Fixed Triss' placement during "Redania's Most Wanted" if Geralt talks to her about the crystal.  Now she will not walk through her megascope.
  • Fixed Philippa's missing lip movement, head movement, and facial expressions during the megascope scene in "Redania's Most Wanted".
  • Fixed Zoltan having an armorer icon in the Empress ending in White Orchard's inn.
  • Fixed wrong placement of Geralt and Ambassador var Attre when speaking to him for the second time.
  • Fixed Corinne Tilly standing on top of a chair after the end of "Novigrad Dreaming".
  • Fixed wrong camera placement during "The Last Wish" when you say to Yen you love her causing clipping through her head and thus you could see through her.
  • Fixed wrong camera placement during "Open Sesame!" where the camera was clipping through Max Borsodi's house when you asked Olgierd why he wanted the house.
  • Fixed missing color entries for 3 Nilfgaardian soldiers on the White Orchard battlefield and around it.
  • Fixed two issues with the waitress in Dandelion's cabaret where she gets stuck by the bar and by a table near the door.  Revised placement for both Theatrical and Boudoir styles.
  • Fixed the animation so Geralt can finish sirens when they are on the ground.
  • Fixed icons for Ursine steel swords being displayed as silver swords on NG+.
  • Fixed missing wetness and physics for Geralt's default haircut under his ponytail when wearing a shirt (the one that the player starts with in Kaer Morhen at the very beginning of the game).  Note: this is a replacement for HW Hair Wetness Fix by Nexuer.
  • Fixed missing "Quest Completed" notification when completing the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams – Part 1".
  • Fixed wrong sword being drawn when fighting the forktail during the Empress ending.
  • Fixed Temerian guerilla fighter refusing to mount his horse and riding to his camp if you decide to let him go in the quest "Precious Cargo".
  • Fixed wrong brightness values resulting in a visible change of brightness in the scene with Geralt and Ciri when leaving the conversation as soon as possible in Isle of Mists.
  • Fixed a change in camera position where the camera shifts abruptly to the right while talking to the loan shark during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed Geralt's and Keira's ghosts being classified as humans despite being labeled "Wraith" in gameplay during the quest "Wandering in the Dark".  Also fixed the scene so Geralt will accordingly draw a silver sword, not a steel one.
  • Fixed all intro journal entries to appear only when they're supposed to and removed redundant ones during quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed the objective "Talk to priestess Josta about the curse." not being marked as Success immediately after talking to her when finding Morkvarg on your own in the garden during quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed missing quest completed messages during "In Wolf's Clothing".  Now the notification for "Quest Completed" will pop regardless of the order it is completed.
  • Fixed the dialogue with Yen where you can ask her how to lift Morkvarg's curse during "In Wolf's Clothing" / "Nameless". No longer can you ask her about the curse indefinitely and after lifting the curse.   Now Geralt will not be able to ask her about the curse when it's already been lifted.
  • Fixed missing "Quest Completed" messages Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams – Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6.
  • Increased the duration during which you're able to finish off sirens and how long they stay knocked down.  The timer is now the same as for other monsters that you can knock down.
  • Fixed incorrect ability to finish contract monster during "Contract: Here Comes the Groom" when the monster is knocked down.
  • Fixed a journal spoiler during the quest "Contract: Here Comes the Groom" where it told you killed the monster before even actually seeing it.
  • Fixed a candle that is floating in the air inside Elihal's house.
  • Fixed a fishing basket that is floating in the air at the Novigrad docks near one of the ships that is part of "Destination: Skellige".
  • Fixed 2 misplaced items sitting outside Dandelion's cabaret: a mug floating in the air by the second story, and a saw floating in the middle of the air about waist height.
  • Fixed floating flower decoration inside Yen’s room in Kaer Trolde.
  • Fixed a fishing net, an anchor, and a rope coil clipping through one of the ships in Novigrad Harbor.
  • Fixed Yen’s sleeping animation not being triggered in Kaer Morhen from 9 PM to 9 AM and also fixed her position so she’s not clipping through the bed.
  • Fixed Birna Bran's hand clipping through a pot during cutscene when asking about Svanrige negotiating peace with Nilfgaard.
  • Fixed villager not running away when Geralt enters Crow's Perch.  This is a proper fix which doesn't simply despawn the NPC and hide his dialogue; now the villager can be seen running away and hiding in a nearby building (remove modVillagerNotHidingRemoval from page Removal of Crow's Perch Villager).
  • Fixed order of dialogue options and icons in the dialogue with the old man in Crow's perch.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a guard during the quest "Skellige's Most Wanted" (he is standing next to the quest giver for "Contract: Dragon").
  • Fixed missing color definition on Elihal's shoes on his female appearance.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a part of clothing on a Redanian nobleman.
  • Fixed several scenes during the quest "A Towerful of Mice" in which the brightness values are wrong.  This fixes the scenes for correct, consistent lighting.
  • Fixed missing scabbard and sword in the scene where Roche saves Geralt and asks him if he's OK even though the sheathing animation is being played during the quest "Reason of State".
  • Removed a half stuck chest in a road leading to St. Gregory's Bridge, near the signpost, while the quest "Reason of State" is active.
  • Fixed one of Udalryk’s warriors being stuck in the cellar where you fight the Hym during the quest "Possession".
  • Fixed the quest "Forefather's Eve" so Geralt pulls his steel sword instead of silver sword.
  • Fixed numerous instances of floating items in the game, including several NPCs by a fire shrine in Hierarch Square, a quill in Avallac'h's lab, a pile of poop in Toussaint, a bird in Toussaint, and a man near Flovive.
  • Fixed numerous missing color definitions. including field workers at Corvo Bianco, two women in White Orchard, and an An Craite guard during "King's Gambit".
  • Fixed numerous low LOD / autohide distance on resulting in NPCs and clothing disappearing while on screen, including Tamara and Graden's hair, she-elf's hair, belt and attachments used by many NPCs, prostitute dress used by many NPCs, several villagers in Skellige, and several clothing items used by Shieldmaidens, causing them to change colors or disappear at medium distance.
  • Fixed a black smear on a road close to Francollart's sign post.  Removed the black smear and smoothed out the transition so it blends nicely into the road and terrain.
  • Fixed scribe's missing desk in his tent (where Geralt enrolls for the tourney) that disappears after finishing the quest "The Warble of a Smitten Knight".
  • Fixed some foliage clipping through the front wall of The Kingfisher Inn.
  • Fixed bows not being attached to Scoia'tael she-elfs' backs.
  • Removed an incorrectly inserted black screen during the scene where Geralt buries Iris' remains.
  • Fixed incorrect subtitles in a dialogue between two Nilfgaardian soldiers during the quest "On Thin Ice" which is in the Nilfgaardian language instead of the translated text.  This is now fixed to show the translated text in Czech.
  • Fixed a document (History of Corvo Bianco) on a table outside of the entrance to the house at Corvo Bianco which would always respawn despite picking it up.  Now it will stop spawning after it has been picked up the first time.
  • Restored tons of missing content from White Orchard during the Ciri Witcher ending. Includes: restored all inhabitants of houses in the village, restored all wandering villagers, alongside with these all action points that were missing and one missing work desk related to one AP, restored people working in the fields, and restored all villagers in the inn.
  • Fixed a very visible change of weather and time of day in the cutscene where you to do the shooting contest for Eveline during "Open Sesame: Breaking and Entering".
  • Fixed Roach not displaying properly with her attachments and gear during several cutscenes in "Broken Flowers".
  • Fixed one chat in the inn at White Orchard that wasn't working because it had a missing input name.  Becomes available after going to the Nilfgaardian captain to get the contract for the griffin.
  • Fixed a stuck bottle in Geralt's hand during the quest "Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom". 
  • Fixed the Hungarian localization language to reflect Casimir instead of Quinto.
  • Late in the game, if Svanrige becomes king, Ermion tells Geralt that both Hjalmar and Cerys died while attacking the Nilfgaardian army.  However, both of them could be found and interacted with.  This fix despawns both of them on the path where Svanrige is king.
  • Revised fix for Avallac'h's lab music via the .w2scene instead of the .w2phase file.  This fix makes Avallac'h Lab Music by AsarGiN obsolete as it correctly fixes the scene without deleting any of the music clips.
  • Fixed a scene during the quest "Where the Cat and Wolf Play…" where Geralt's blinding animation ends too soon resulting in him visibly shifting his position.  Happens only when you decide to kill Gaetan and let him use Swallow.
  • Fixed multiple graphical bugs: a green block inside one of the huts in the village of Fayrlund in Skellige, a red cube in a rock on the path parallel to the Kaer Trolde castle in Skellige, and moved a misplaced shadow along the side of Crippled Kate's building.
  • Fixed LOD issue with Gregor's helmet (the Redanian liaison who tells Geralt where to find Thaler during the quest "A Deadly Plot") that was causing it to disappear from a short distance.
  • After completing the second request from Olgierd, the scene in the Alchemy Inn spawns Olgierd's gang as well as the normal NPCs.  Often they overlap, even two sitting in a chair at the same time.  This fix despawns Olgierd's gang after the scene when he leaves.
  • Fixed a black smear in Hortense Vineyard in Toussaint.
  • Multiple fixes to quest "A Dangerous Game": despawned a guard that shouldn't be there after the quest, and closed a door that was permanently stuck open.
  • Removed hidden NPCs that scream when Geralt and monsters are around on Fyke Isle.
  • Fixed a low LOD issue with Priscilla's scroll holder causing it to disappears/reappears at short distances.
  • Fixed a misplaced black smear on the rocks on Temple Isle (easily seen from a distance, across the water on the beach).
  • Fixed a floating crate on an Island near Undvik.
  • Near the start of "Fires of Novigrad", fixed a cutscene outside Triss' house where one of Menge's guards sometimes glitches out and moves back and forth as he leaves with the other guards and thieves.
  • Fixed a floating female NPC in Toussaint, if you left the house of Camerlengo and walk straight you see three NPCs talking and drinking, and the woman is always floating.
  • Fixed quirky placement for the bottle merchant.
  • Fixed a clipping poster right next to the bottle merchant.
  • Fixed several doors in Toussaint that should not be open.  Geralt could walk through the door and see unfinished environment on the other side.  Now the doors will remain closed and locked.
  • Fixed numerous broken shadows inside buildings that should not be there when there is sufficient lighting.
  • Fixed multiple clipping posters: with silver basilisk outside a tent to the north of Coronata, with White Terror reference to Count Borhis di Salvaress, and a Radovid propaganda poster near Triss's house.
  • Fixed 3 crafting diagrams that display in the color of green (for Witcher gear) when they should be orange (for relics): Diagram: Tah'rel, Diagram: Fen'aeth, and Diagram: Gesheft.
  • Fixed a poster that is misplaced inside a building and moved it to be placed on the building's wall on the outside.
  • Fixed a broom lady in Trottheim that is half buried in the ground.
  • Fixed multiple floating items on the beach on the island of Undvik: two floating containers and one floating ladder.
  • Fixed several floating NPCs around the statue of Lebioda in Toussaint.
  • After completing the horse races from the "Great Erasmus Derby", the game does not remove the fences that are put up to show the path to follow during the race.  This fixes it so the fences are removed upon completion of all races.
  • Fixed 16 posters with low LOD, all throughout Novigrad during the quests "Fires of Novigrad", "Broken Flowers", and "Cabaret".
  • Fixed the placement of a man that should be leaning on a table at the Gate of the Heirarch.
  • Fixed stuck open door in Rioux-Cannes. It also automatically opened itself if you tried to push and close it.
  • Fixed multiple missing shadows during the fight with the Ofieri mage during the quest "Evil's Soft First Touches": fixed missing shadows for a Skelligan mercenary's dead body, and fixed missing shadows for the sword that pierced him.
  • Fixed the changing lighting that switches between the regular lighting and cave lighting above the cellar that is part of "Wine Wars: Deus in Machina".  Now the outdoor lighting doesn't change around and above the cellar, and the lighting changes appropriately inside the cellar.
  • Fixed multiple piles of poop that are floating in the middle of the air.
  • Removed a weather statue from Kaer Morhen on the way to the tower that shouldn't be there.  It belongs in Skellige but was incorrectly placed in Kaer Morhen (just like Berserker bears).
  • Fixed stuck open hut door during the quest "Contract: White Lady" after the quest giver you gives you the dagger to summon the noonwraith. The door now closes after killing the noonwraith.
  • Unlocked the door to Mislav's shack during the prologue which was preventing you from getting some loot inside.
  • Fixed a man in Skellige who is brushing the floor and was clipping through the floor.
  • Fixed a permanently stuck open door in Dun Tynne after finding Syanna.
  • Fixed a guard in Oxenfurt that is stuck in the middle of a cart.
  • Fixed Lambert's and Letho's (if applicable) horses being present in Kaer Morhen after the battle at Kaer Morhen.  Now the horses will despawn at the completion of the quest.
  • Fixed two women on the beach in Skellige that were spawned identically to spawn random appearances instead.
  • Fixed a guy with upset stomach having seizures after talking to the herbalist with whom he has a little chat.  He twitches back and forth; this repositions him to prevent the twitching.
  • Unlocked the hut door in Heatherton which was preventing you from getting some loot inside.
  • Fixed the cutscene when Geralt arrives at Kaer Morhen to properly display a forktail flying overhead instead of a wyvern, and prevents Roach from being spawned in a different place from where you dismount her.
  • Unlocked two doors for a building east of Cockatrice Inn that prevented you from accessing some loot.
  • Fixed the scene after Keira places a spell on Geralt: if he slept with Keira now he will be undressed; if he refused Keira he will be clothed in his armor.
  • Fixed red boxes inside the chapel east of Lindenvale where you kill the grave hag during "Contract: Merry Widow."
  • Fixed 3 floating creates in one of the houses in Dorve Ruins on Undvik.
  • Fixed clipping mirror in a house in Martin Feuille's Farmstead.
  • Fixed a worker hammering nails into air. Now he's hammering into a barrel.
  • Fixed numerous clothing items with poor LOD causing them to disappear at medium distances: a metal necklace worn by Sasha and some Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima, a metal bracelet worn by Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima, and another necklace worn by Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima.
  • Fixed Voorhis being present in Vizima during the Ciri Witcher ending when Radovid is alive even though a Nilfgaardian messenger reports that he's at a briefing.
  • Fixed misaligned old woman sitting on a bench in Crow's Perch.
  • Placed a brazier in Beauclair Palace to a more sensible place under the stairs.
  • Fixed the placement of the Vermentino armorer so that he doesn't clip through the weapon stand.
  • Fixed a fisherman near Cockatrice Inn not leaning against a barrel.
  • Fixed floating woman inside the Cockatrice Inn.
  • Fixed multiple floating candles: in a bottle in Scarlet Cardinal Inn in Francollarts, and in northern Beauclair near the bridge leading to Beauclair Palace.
  • Fixed a woman clipping through a table that spawns after the completion of the quest "Armed Assault".
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "A Knight's Tales": restores the door to the witch's hut which mysteriously disappears at the end of the quest; locked the door (as it should be since the witch does not want to see Geralt again); restored Jacob outside his house (only on specific outcomes to the quest); restored Morholt (Jacob's dog) outside the house (only on specific outcomes to the quest).
  • Fixed Geralt so now he is holding his steel sword instead of his silver sword during the quest "A Knight's Tales".
  • Despawned two villagers in Arinbjorn being present in front of the inn for eternity after finishing the quest "Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg".
  • Fixed a floating woman that is supposed to sit on the ground at a railing near Triss's house.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Novigrad, Closed City II": removed leftover clues (blood trails and footprints); and fixed the quest being marked as "Completed" if Geralt runs away; now it will be marked as "Failed" (just like the objective).
  • Despawned Bruno (quest giver for "Contract: Missing Brother") at the end of the quest to prevent him from having a broken action point and standing on top of the table inside the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Fixed a worker hammering into air in an Abandoned Site south of Byways.
  • Fixed a woman clipping through a fallen tree's branches in an Abandoned Site south of Byways.
  • Fixed Liesje (Dune's wife) clipping through makeshift bench inside their house before finishing "Missing in Action".
  • Fixed one witch hunter during the ambush in the quest "A Poet Under Pressure" who isn't attacking Geralt, Zoltan, his dwarves or Dijkstra's men (where applicable).
  • Fixed a bon vivant / nobleman in Belgaard not sitting on a chair.
  • Fixed skeletons being highlighted as clues after finishing the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Wolven Gear".
  • Fixed a levitating man sitting on a stool near the San Sebastian signpost.
  • Fixed numerous broken shadows inside of houses in Fox Hollow, Vermentino, Coronata, Flovive, Francollarts, near Coopers' Gate, San Sebastian and Metinna Gate.
  • Fixed a floating man in the streets northeast of The Gran'place.
  • Fixed 2 locked doors in Coronata preventing you from accessing loot.
  • Fixed the Abandoned Site in White Orchard near the shrine so that all 4 ghouls properly spawn.
  • Despawned Ciri's and Baron's horses after the end of the quest "Ciri's Story: The Race".
  • Fixed a shadow inside a red house west of Metinna Gate sign post.
  • Fixed Geralt drawing his silver sword and then immediately his steel one when deciding to kill the tree spirit if you brought it a black mare during the quest "The Whispering Hillock".
  • Fixed a floating kid playing hopscotch west of windmills in Vermentino.
  • Fixed 2 Dimun warriors not sitting and not having a chat about Holger Blackhand in Harviken's inn.
  • Fixed multiple broken chats between NPCs: There are 2 hunters and peasants outside Oxenfurt. The hunters should talk about the peasants hiding a witch.  And fixed a broken chat between 2 refugees east of Novigrad Gate outside Oxenfurt.
  • Restored a missing chat between guards in Urialla Harbor's inn about villagers attempting to complete the Trail to Yngvar's Fang.  There are 3 variations that are randomly chosen. The other 2 are about those passing the trial.
  • Fixed a broken chat between a preacher and peasants in Refugees' Camp.
  • Fixed the merchant in Boatmakers' Hut that teleports to a different area after interacting with him.
  • Hide Palmerin's banner, drawing of the Beast of Beauclair, and other miscellaneous items from Stonecutters' Settlement before the quest "Envoys, Wineboys" is unlocked after rescuing Dandelion.
  • Restored a chat between two citizens standing at the bridge leading to the Oxenfurt Academy.
  • Restored two communities not consistently showing up around 2 shrines (near Blackbough and Duén Hen) after completing the quest "Defender of the Faith".
  • Restored a broken chat south of Oxenfurt Harbor signpost between an elven fisstech dealer and a Redanian Officer, and revised the appearance for the Redanian to wear traditional Redanian gear instead of looking like a normal townsperson.
  • Restored a broken chat in Downwarren about the contract fogling.
  • Restored several broken conversations in Oxenfurt: dock workers at the Oxenfurt harbor, witch hunters at the harbor after completing "The Great Escape", old woman and a halfling herbalist at the market, and two women east of the auction house.
  • Multiple fixes to restore the Toderas village: restored villagers to the town if Geralt decides to clear it of bandits, removed bodies if the town is restored, and rotfiends show up and kill the bandits if Geralt chooses not to fight the bandits himself.
  • Restored several broken chats: between two boys southeast of Hangman's Alley where a Person in Distress is located, and between two peasants sitting at a field north of Alness.
  • Fixed 2 women clipping inside each other and also restored their chat in Lindenvale.
  • Restored several broken chats or chats that weren't triggered reliably every time: two chats at the Cunny of the Goose, a chat in Putrid Grove between King of Beggars' thugs, and a chat in Ursten.
  • Fixed multiple spawning NPCs at the Vegelbud ball near the Gwent tournament.
  • Fixed a visible change in lighting when selecting the choice "Don't want trouble" during the quest "Ghosts of the Past".
  • Fixed a broken chat between two refugees near the bridge leading over the Pontar in Velen.
  • Fixed a broken chat and activity between two orchard workers in Moldavie Residence.
  • Fixed a broken chat and activity between two witch hunters on a small bridge near Carsten.
  • Fixed a broken chat between three villagers outside Carsten.
  • Fixed a chat in a cave in Gedyneith between two druids where the lines for one of the druids didn't play.
  • Fixed a broken chat between two servants in the Kaer Trolde Castle.
  • Fixed two halflings not spawning after "A Poet Under Pressure" quest is completed, fixed their Aps (which commnds their movement), and also fixed broken conversation between them in the woods near the forgers' shack.
  • Restored a conversation between two Redanian soldiers near Deireadh prison in Oxenfurt.
  • Restored two missing guards and two chats in the town of Holmstein.  One chat works when you fistfight Madman Lugos during the quest "The King Is Dead, Long Live the King!", the other one works always when you don't fistfight him.
  • Fixed a broken one-liner from a worker in a sawmill northeast of Rannvaig.
  • Fixed a bard south of The Gran'place in the market that wasn't reliably singing every time. Has 2 random ballads.
  • Fixed a chat between two women near The Pheasantry that wasn't triggering reliably every time.
  • Fixed 2 broken chats between 3 villagers in front of Harviken Inn.
  • Fixed 2 chats between 3 villagers in Kaer Trolde village near the herbalist not triggering reliably every time.
  • Fixed a broken chat between two drunk Redanian soldiers in the big camp in White Orchard during the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" when Radovid wins the war.
  • Fixed several problems with a small Redanian camp in White Orchard when Radovid wins the war during the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins": fixed soldiers in the camp not spawning, fixed 2 missing chats, and adjusted the position of one soldier doing pushups that was clipping through a fence.
  • Fixed a ballista in the Kaer Morhen courtyard having no collision.
  • Fixed a floating bench and a worker sitting on it northwest of the San Sebastian signpost.
  • Fixed a teleporting merchant in an Abandoned Site west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed a teleporting merchant at Crane Cape.
  • Fixed several issues with a bandit camp east of Rannvaig: fixed a black screen appearing after killing the bandits, fixed fisherman appearing immediately in front of your face after clearing the camp, and fixed missing griffin carcass before clearing the camp (after 1 day it's replaced with bones).
  • Fixed several issues with the quest "Fists of Fury: Skellige", specifically during the fight with Olaf: fixed permanently stuck open doors to the arena after the quest is completed, fixed missing comments from the spectators due to them reacting to Olaf as to a monster (there are 6 randomly chosen comments when Geralt hits Olaf or is hit by Olaf respectively), made the comments cinematic one-liners because they were very silent plus you don't have time to look up during the fight to read the subtitles, and fixed a cut off line said by the announcer when Geralt wins that you couldn't hear until the end.
  • Fixed a few issues with a small encounter north of Portside Gate with 2 witch hunters and a Skelligan woman after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but not completing "Now or Never": fixed a missing witch hunter that spawned only after he's supposed to aim his crossbow, and fixed a missing line that wasn't said by the second witch hunter.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open door that are part of the quest "Contract: An Elusive Thief".
  • Fixed permanently disabled door in Yantra after finishing the quest "Little Red". Also disabled a misleading highlight on Bertram's corpse and removed the corpse after getting away from the village.
  • Fixed 3 witch hunters being heavily overleveled in a small encounter in Novigrad docks after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but before completing the quest "Now or Never". Now they have correct levels.
  • Fixed 2 more witch hunters being heavily overleveled in a small encounter with beggars in Gildorf after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but before finishing the quest "Now or Never". Now they have correct levels.
  • Fixed a location near Lofoten that spawns endless waves of Wild Hunt hounds after completing the quest "Echoes of the Past", but before completing "Missing Persons".
  • Fixed all B&W animations where a woman is churning butter, but two churn sticks are present where one of them isn't animated.
  • Fixed Anabelle's picture in Graham's hut glowing red in Witcher Senses even after examining it in the quest "A Towerful of Mice".
  • Fixed leftover spectators after finishing the quest "The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund".
  • Fixed a unique music piece that plays when entering Crow's Perch during the quest "Bloody Baron" if you killed Baron's men in the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "The Beast of Toussaint": fixed leftover clues on a shore east of the Sansretour Valley signpost after completing the quest "The Beast of Toussaint", fixed missing shadows for the boat, and fixed missing shadow for a polearm lying in the boat. 
  • Fixed a floating citizen in Putrid Grove.
  • Fixed all B&W NPCs using reading animation reading an invisible book.
  • Fixed a guard standing on top of a pot in the market south of The Gran'place.
  • Restored the village at Condoyle after clearing it of the cannibals POI.  Must clear out the POI at Condoyle and the adjacent cannibal camp, then wait 3 in-game days: removed remnants of the cannibals (bodies and other items in the environment), restored villagers in the community, restored an herbalist to the community, and removed a clue that responds to Witcher Senses from a corpse in the cannibal community after examining it.
  • Fixed a broken animation for milking cows that never worked.
  • Fixed a missing one-liner from Geralt when trying to wake up Odrin lying next to the bottle merchant.
  • Multiple restored lines and fixes for the quest "The Final Trial" when in Old Speartip's cave: restored 2 lines when destroying the rock blockades (each for every blockade), fixed one line that will play after destroying the first blockade not after destroying 3 of them thus making more sense now, Old Speartip will now correctly wake up after destroying 3 blockades, fixed missing Old Speartip's sounds when destroying the blockades, and restored 1 Lambert's line after Old Speartip wakes up if you destroyed 3 blockades.
  • Fixed broken activities for 5 NPCs on a bridge leading to Oxenfurt from the west.
  • Fixed broken blocky shadows for wild horses, for wolves during the quest "Family Matters" and fixed missing shadows cast by legs of some Skellige villagers and guards.
  • Fixed 3 hair models (2 used by prostitutes and 1 by naked Skellige warriors) changing their color from short distance.
  • Fixed 3 cutscenes after clearing abandoned sites in Toussaint where Geralt sheathes his silver sword even though he fought bandits.
  • Fixed 2 pingrapes being present on the map and minimap even after looting them in front of the barbershop in Gildorf.
  • Fixed a chest that is part of the quest "Tinker, Hunter, Soldier, Spy" that wasn't locked and could be looted, thus rendering the key obtained during this quest redundant.
  • Several fixes for the scene with Vester and Letho during the quest "Ghosts of the Past": the arbalist actually has his crossbow loaded now, Letho is shot by a crossbow bolt not an arrow, Letho uses his steel sword not Superior Griffin silver sword, and the bandit standing to the right of Vester actually equips the sword he has in his inventory not a prop.
  • Fixed barrier deactivating after destroying just one crystal during the quest "Of Dairy and Darkness".
  • Fixed Geralt incorrectly sheathing a steel sword in a cutscene after killing Iocaste during the quest "Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom".
  • Fixed broken colors on a corpse holding valuables guarded by an earth elemental southwest of the Ancient Oak signpost in Velen.
  • Few fixes and improvements to the scene with Keira in Kaer Morhen before the council at the start of "Battle of Kaer Morhen": fixed Keira having no brush when interacting with her for the second time or later, Geralt will no longer look away from Keira when selecting the shopping option, and fixed very tiny camera shift when selecting the shopping option.
  • Fixed Geralt being stuck in an inspection animation after examining the shawl during the quest "The Nithing".
  • Fixed a floating barrel north of Stonecutters' Settlement near two burned down houses.
  • Fixed multiple light interaction issues with the face model used by Caesar Bilzen (the dwarf that is Cleaver's clerk) in the quest "A Dangerous Game": his face is black like there is a permanent shadow on it, and his eyes look like black orbs.  Now they are eyes.
  • Fixed Geralt sheathing his sword that was already in his scabbard during the scene where Margaret meets him in the woods during the quest "Wild at Heart".
  • Fixed the witcher wannabe in the quest "Witcher Wannabe" having the wolf medallion when working in the fields of Lindenvale even though Geralt said he's supposed to bury the medallion.
  • Fixed the Vegelbud guard aiming his crossbow at Geralt not being loaded during the quest "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed a wrong commentary by Geralt when examining one of the corpses after the feast massacre during the quest "King's Gambit" (Cerys' path). Geralt wrongly commented on the corpse as being Otrygg even though it wasn't him and also the interaction to examine the real Otrygg's corpse got deactivated.
  • Fixed a missing shadow not casted by Yontek's left forearm during the quest "Fool's Gold".
  • Fixed missing sound after opening the stone barrier during the quest "Witchers' Forge".
  • Fixed witch hunter that you can save during the quest "Novigrad, Closed City II" lying perpendicular to a bed and with his head inside a wall.
  • Few fixes for the quest "The Price of Honor": fixed missing shadows for the brothers' corpses, and fixed Timmon forging a sword mid-air because of a short tree stump and anvil.
  • Restored 8 one-liners from Morkvarg in his werewolf form during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing": 3 will trigger randomly after being able to talk to him and will repeat every 15 seconds until you interact with him, 1 will trigger after waiting some time before interacting with him, 3 will trigger randomly after already talking to him about the curse and until you interact with him again, they repeat every 15 seconds, and 1 will trigger after cutting him down 3 times.
  • Fixed missing supervisor's corpse after the scene where Lambert kills him in the quest "Following the Thread".
  • Fixed the storm during the quest "Echoes of the Past" not going away despite what Yennefer and Geralt say.
  • Fixed the scene in a shack during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing" where Geralt's sword wasn't mounted in his hand as soon as he draws it.
  • Few fixes to the quest "Fists of Fury: Skellige": restored missing line from a bookie holding the fight with Grim if you took the glory for killing the Giant in the quest "The Lord of Undvik" but Folan died, fixed several obvious lighting changes, and fixed the line about saving Udalryk that played only if you decided to kill the Hym the witcher’s way.
  • Numerous fixes to the quest "The Lord of Undvik": fixed missing shadows, broken clues, crazy jarl character journal entry, restored dialogue, scene fixes in Kaer Trolde's inn, and crazy jarl dialogue improvements.
  • Revised fix for the cutscene where you kill Iocaste. I didn't notice that Geralt sheathes the sword into the scabbard for the steel one.
  • Restored a missing boy and dialogue during "Something Ends, Something Begins" quest. Requirements: witcheress ending and Dijkstra winning the war.
  • Fixed the scene in Vizima Palace where a Nilfgaardian officer is drilling soldiers in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending. The lines where Nilfgaard lost the war played even when Nilfgaard won. Now the correct lines will be played based on the outcome of the war.
  • Fixed 5 chats in White Orchard in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending and when Dijkstra wins the war. In vanilla the lines were incorrectly chosen as if Radovid won the war.
  • Fixed 2 broken chats between Radovid's and Dijkstra's soldiers respectively in White Orchard's inn where only some of them talked in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending when Radovid and Dijkstra win the war respectively.
  • Fixes to the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins": fixed missing shadows for some Nilfgaardian corpses (where applicable), fixed missing shadows for some objects in the dwarves' camp in White Orchard, fixed a bug with fighting the guards who are looking for the dwarves, in vanilla the witch hunter is knocked out instead of killed which prevents the next scene where the dwarves thank you for saving them (applies only to the ending where Radovid wins the war).
  • Fixed missing villager's one-liner after listening to the herald when Radovid wins the war in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending.
  • Fixed missing shadows for Golyat's weapon after he's killed.
  • Fixed missing collisions and shadows for poles holding posters near Heddel and west of Yantra.
  • Fixed missing Geralt's commentary when it's snowing in Skellige.
  • Fixed a bug for some NPCs where they were coughing when they were actually supposed to be scratching themselves.
  • Fixed more missing shadows for several objects in dwarves' camp and for some Nilfgaardian corpses in White Orchard during the epilogue (Witcheress ending).
  • Fixed several missing shadows for objects on Undvik: broken shield, boat and pouch.
  • Fixed a floating brazier in Dorve Ruins.
  • Fixed 2 Redanian soldiers holding invisible halberds during the Witcheress ending in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Dijkstra ending only).
  • Fixed Redanian officer floating up and down when interrogating villagers in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Radovid ending only).
  • Fixed wrong order for Roche's 2 journal paragraphs.
  • Fixed the Cloud Giant's bestiary entry not being added if you one-shotted him with a crossbow.
  • Fixed Toussaint prison guards holding invisible weapons.
  • Fixed Ciri facing the wrong direction in the tavern before the following cutscene starts in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Witcheress ending only).
  • Fixed missing line when Geralt closes in to the warehouse in the quest "Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina".
  • Fixed Lena floating above her bed in Tomira's hut.
  • Fixed an unobtainable chat variant between 2 women in White Orchard's village near the river after completing the quest "Contract: Devil by the Well".
  • Various Fixes with Lena's placement in Tomira's hut: fixed Lena suddenly disappearing when talking with Tomira about Claer and then reappearing, standing and lying back into the bed, fixed Lena visibly moving in her bed when giving Tomira Swallow for her, fixed Lena reappearing in her bed when talking to Tomira any time after reaching Velen.
  • Restored missing line when Geralt enters Bowden during the quest "Rose on a Red Field".
  • Fixed glowing cow carcass near the entrance to Dragonslayer's Grotto.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for one line when talking to guards guarding impaled Keira in the quest "A Final Kindness".
  • Fixed the guards guarding Keira's impaled body potentially sharing the same appearance in the quest "A Final Kindness".
  • Fixed the fisherman Voytek and his family becoming soulless beings standing and doing nothing after finishing the quest "Family Matters".
  • Fixed missing warehouse doors where you meet the assassination conspirators after completing the quest "Reason of State".
  • Fixed Geralt holding a wrong sword in the scene where Vesemir launches a ballista in the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen".
  • Fixes for "The Battle of Kaer Morhen" quest: fixed Vesemir running through the gate door leading to the inner courtyard in the scene where Ciri opens the gate during the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen", fixed Geralt using a combat running animation in the same scene where he clenched his fist as if he was holding a sword but he held none in his hand.
  • Several fixes and restored content for the quest "Carnal Sins": restored 2 choice options to decide whether you want to help Dandelion immediately or not: in Cabaret and in Vilmerius Hospital (it's possible to return to him if you don't help him outright, fixed Geralt and Dandelion going through closed door in Priscilla's hospital room, fixed Whistling Wendy's lines in the alley where Priscilla was attacked that were out of order, fixed Wendy's brothers retuning to their pre-fight actions after winning the fist fight.
  • Fixed Whistling Wendy not cowering when fighting her brothers in the quest "Carnal Sins". No longer will she slowly walk towards you while you fight them.
  • Fixed noticeable changes in lighting when doing the autopsy with von Gratz in the quest "Carnal Sins". 
  • Fixed noticeable changes in lighting when talking to Tomira about the buckthorn in the quest "The Beast of White Orchard".
  • Fixed Wham-a-Wham attacking you even when agreeing to let him go if you had applied some type of damage over time to him in the previous fight (burning, bleeding, poisoning).
  • Fixed lighting bug in the intro cutscene with Yen and Geralt in Kaer Morhen. Also made the steam coming from the bath to last the entire scene just like it was in the earlier versions of the game.
  • Fixed Yen's hand healing effect being persistent throughout the whole curse lifting sequence and also after it in the quest "Va Fail, Elaine".
  • Fixed being able to talk to Avallac'h after lifting his curse. Yen said he's on the brink of death, plus he shouldn't talk to you with his normal voice."
  • Fixed low LOD for Nilfgaardian helmets disappearing from shorter distances.
  • Fixed Roach's equipment not getting wet when it's raining.
  • Hackfix preventing a rare bug/glitch where Letho loses his steel sword after defeating Louis in the quest "Ghosts of the Past".
  • Fixed low LOD for some bodies covered with tattoos.
  • Increased LOD for the hands of Graden, Baron and one of Baron’s thugs so that they wouldn’t disappear in one of the distant camera shots in the quest "Return to Crookback Bog".
  • Increased very low LOD for the laundry sign outside Novigrad.
  • Fixed Vespula not sweeping and just standing still after dealing with Whoreson Junior's thugs pestering her.
  • Fixed NPCs in Toderas not being positioned correctly on beds at night.
  • Fixed missing shadows for Reginald's statue and its pedestal in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed the camera being placed inside a shelf obstructing view in few shots when you talk with Regis in the toy shop while he's waiting for Dettlaff.
  • Fixed permanently open door of one of the hut's outside Novigrad where you interrogate Menge's spy during the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure".
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes in the first scene with Bart and Dijkstra in the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure". Also fixed Geralt slightly shifting when selecting one of the dialogue options.
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes in the scene with Triss inside the granary during the quest "Pyres of Novigrad". Also fixed a sound of door opening that doesn't make sense because the entrance door is opened the whole time.
  • Fixed a conversation between 2 Eternal Fire guards that you can't hear due to wall occlusion after talking to Kluhg during the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Fixed the scene with a beggar in Hierarch Square giving you directions to Putrid Grove where Geralt weirdly shifts his body to the left in 2 instances during this dialogue in the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Unlocked door to one of the houses in Fox Hollow preventing you from reaching some loot. Also made the door white to indicate that it's possible to open it.
  • Increased LOD for Dijkstra's model. Vanilla values made his sleeves to change color and overall degraded the details on his clothing and leg orthosis from a short distance. 
  • Fixed a Nilfgaardian soldier holding an invisible weapon at a small camp near the garrison in White Orchard.
  • Fixed a rare bug/glitch during the quest "From Ofier's Distant Shores" where the Ofieri armor diagram and a note were missing in a chest in the Knight's hideout preventing you from progressing the quest.
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes, Geralt being sunken in the ground in one camera shot and increased the FOV for one camera shot so that you can see whole Geralt's face, not just the half of it, in the scene with the Ofieri merchant at Upper Mill.
  • Fixed missing shadow for the lost box in the quest "Precious Cargo".
  • Fixed floating candle above a table in Flovive's inn.
  • Fixed permanent panting sound of Durand coming from the house where he's hiding in the quest "Extreme Cosplay". Also fixed a noticeable and sudden change of day to midnight at the end of the scene where you find Durand and unlocked the door through which he comes out that blocked access to some loot.
  • Fixed wraith in the White Orchard cemetery not dropping any loot. Now it's dropping the actual unique loot it should have had.
  • Fixed missing shadow for dog's corpse during "Man's Best Friend" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed Otrygg an Hindar having wrong head model (now matches the journal entry and his body after the berserker attack).
  • Fixed Dettlaff being visible in the scene where Regis, Geralt (and potentially Syanna) wait for Dettlaff's arrival during "Tesham Mutna" quest.
  • Increased very low LOD for shadows casted by objects with wind simulation that completely disappeared (flags, banners, rags, hanged clothes, market stands, barber’s sign).
  • Fixed missing shadows casted by one leg model used by Morkvarg (human form), Skellige fishermen and more.
  • Increased LOD for Geralt's Hairworks beards that disappeared in more distant camera shots.
  • Fixed broken shadows for werewolves' torsos that disappeared from close distance.
  • Fixed Zdenek infinitely fighting around the Nowhere Inn if you hadn't witnessed his death before entering the arena during the quest "Get Junior".
  • Fixed a non-functioning fight in the arena between a man and 3 wolves if you enter the arena peacefully before talking to Igor during the quest "Get Junior". With that fixed one line of the arena announcer after the fight ends.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a Novigrad rich boy's scarf.
  • Fixed Ingrid still having mask on her face when meeting Geralt in the stables during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.

Original author: Brothers in Arms mod team


  • Fixed Sile journal entry when finding her during "The Great Escape" quest. Previously incorrectly tracked her fate.
  • Fixed Sile journal entry getting added even if Sile died in Witcher 2 imported/simulated save file.
  • Fixed incorrect string in "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Part 1". (Incorporated from Wolf Gear Upgrades - Part 1 Duplicate Quest Objective Fix mod)
  • Fixed only being able to talk with Yennefer one time while exploring Freya's Garden during "Nameless" quest. Now can talk to her as many times as you want.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Worthy of Trust" not activating until completed.
  • Fixed Geralt drawing his sword and upsetting the guards at the wrong time during "Worthy of Trust" quest.
  • Fixed "Loose Papers" not having text.
  • Fixed some potions not having "activate" sound effect in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed decoctions not having "activate" sound effect in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed Eskels' campsite during "To Bait a Forktail..." to give the Enhanced Draconid Oil schematic and ingredients, and stopped it from endlessly giving the oil that can't be received.
  • Fixed numerous kids that are floating in the middle of the air near the grandmaster sword maker in Beauclair and around the upper city of Beauclair.
  • Fixed many NPCs that are erroneously placed on an island east of Boatmaker's Hut and southwest of Lindenvale.  The people on the island are spawned over water, in the air, even partially underground.  They belong as part of the Bald Mountain Sabbath and should be despawned at the end of that quest.  Now, with this fix, they are.
  • Restored conversation between witch hunters near Portside Gate in Novigrad, conversing about Triss.
  • Removed leftover clues (claw marks) after the quest "Contract: Mysterious Tracks" is completed.
  • Fixed prisoners that are stuck in the sewers after the quest "The Great Escape".  Now when Geralt unlocks the gate, they will escape.
  • Fixed illusion rock not having sound and dispel animation during the quest "Greenhouse Effect".
  • Fixed Roach's placement when landing on the beach of Skellige during "Destination: Skellige" quest, so that Steingrim's wolf doesn't run into her and get stuck.
  • Fixed multiple double cave entrances in Toussaint.

Original author: Klubargutan


  • Restored missing dialogue with Thaler (returning monocle).
  • Restored missing Camerlengo's report.
  • Restored a document during "A Hallowed Horn" quest.
  • Fixed Yennefer's comments on Geralt's beard at the beginning of "The King is Dead, Long Live the King" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue between Hjalmar and Folan during "The Lord of Undvik" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Triss during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest. Must not have completed "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Enabled hidden quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice". Will send Geralt on search of Painite across various merchant stalls in Novigrad to finish runewright's stand.
  • Fixed not being able to hang "Starry Night Over the Pontar" painting in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed not being able to craft "Nickel Ore" in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed dialogue with Bertha in Crippled Kate's not correctly recognizing whether Geralt has already talked with her.
  • Fixed dialogue with Mercia in Crippled Kate's not correctly recognizing whether Geralt has already talked with her.
  • Fixed dialogue with Count Monnier.
  • Restored a couple of new lines while talking with Morkvarg during "In Wolf's Clothing" quest.
  • Fixed some random conversations during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest (at the party).
  • Fixed "Black Pearl" being able to start by picking the notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed "Hidden in the Depths" quest immediately finishing itself after picking up the note and key. Now player actually needs to loot the chest.
  • Fixed not being able to correctly interact with all gravestones during "Till Death Do You Part" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to correctly interact with the portrait at the inn after completing "Father Knows Worst" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to use "Grain Cup" during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest (while searching the gardens).
  • Fixed lady not interacting with Geralt after returning the lost ring during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest.
  • Fixed "Empty Coop" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk" quest.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: Deadly Delights" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Mysterious Tracks" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Hey, You Wanna Look at My Stuff?" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Spooked Mare" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Warehouse of Woe" quest.
  • Fixed "Finders Keepers" journal entry.
  • Fixed "The Family Blade" journal entry.
  • Fixed "An Unpaid Debt" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: The Monster of Tufo" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Bovine Blues" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 5" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 6" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Family Matters" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Envoys, Vineboys" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Father Knows Worst" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Echoes of the Past" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Knight for Hire" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Granite" journal entry.
  • Fixed "A Knight's Tales" journal entry.
  • Fixed "There Can Be Only One" journal entry.
  • Restored an unobtainable journal entry during "Hunting a Witch" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Redania's Most Wanted" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Coast of Wrecks" journal entry.
  • Fixed "A Deadly Plot" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Of Swords and Dumplings" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Worthy of Trust journal entry".
  • Fixed "A Matter of Life and Death" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Posession" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Fists of Fury: Skellige" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions" quest.
  • Fixed "Gwent: Collect Them All!" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "A Dangerous Game" quest.

All of Klubargutan's fixes have been incorporated from following mods - Thaler's monocle fix, Camerlengo's report fix, Yennefer's remark about Geralt's beard, Folan's and Hjalmar's conversation fixA matter of life and death start dialogue fix, Small conversations fixes, NGP Fixes - Nickel Ore and Starry night over the pontar, Contracts' and minor quests' journal entries fixes, Sidequests' and treasure hunts' journal entries fixes, Enchanting mastery demands sacrifice - enable hidden quest, Journal entries fixes - Dlcs and expansion packs and part 1 questsand Few gameplay and story fixes.

Original author: BlurredNotions


  • Fixed Han looking like Han, not Arenaria. (Incorporated from Han Fix mod)

Original author: woodbyte


Original author: AsarGiN


Original author: Divergent444


  • Fixed Fool's Parsley not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Hornwort not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Longrube not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Four-leaf clover not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed missing color definitions for multiple renegades during the quest "Family Blade".
  • Fixed Little Red's ears clipping through her hood during the quest "Little Red".
  • Fixed missing color definition for sleeves of a female NPC.
  • Fixed colour defintion on cap bands for two Toussaint women.
  • Fixed colour defintions on badges of one rich man in Toussaint and one in Novigrad.
  • Revised fix #507 by removing one base file and adding all instances of the two bandits, with missing color defintions, that were not originally included.
  • Swapped out the arms and gloves of bob_raider_lvl1_02 (with the one red and one orange arm) with arms and hands that better match his outfit and updated this swap in all files where this bandit appears.

Original author: eNoodles


  • Fixed level up pop up notification not displaying properly. (Incorporated from Level Up Popup Fix mod)

Original author: wghost81


  • Fixed fiends not attacking and using hypnosis.
  • Fixed chorts not attacking.

Original author: glassfish777


  • Fixed incorrect quest journal locations (33 quests fixed). (Incorporated from following mods - Velen Treasure Hunt Location Fixes, Side Quest Location Fixes and Scavenger Hunt Location Fixes)
  • Revised fixes #2525 and #2527. The trolls with vsets will now correctly comment on Geralt when he's around or when he bumps into them.
  • Fixed music transition not working correctly when leaving and entering Kaer Trolde village on foot.
  • Fixed music transition not working correctly when leaving and entering Beauclair catacombs.

Original author: LeutnantJoker


  • Fixed Geralt correctly remarking on weather. No more "looks like rain" when it's already pouring, etc.

Original author: edvin76


  • Fixed bookshelf in Corvo Bianco.  Now it displays gradually becoming fuller based on the quantity of books acquired by the player.

Original author: Tinnaib


  • Fixed a unique loading screen intended for use with the Winter White Orchard sequence during the Empress Ciri Epilogue.  The game incorrectly uses the standard Prologue White Orchard loading screen.  This fix restores the proper loading screen.
  • Fixed the map icon of the stash inside the White Orchard Inn during the Empress Ciri Winter White Orchard section.  This hides the stash icon from the map and minimap when the stash is not accessible.
  • Fixed several LOD problems with sails on large ships across the game: Avallac'h's ship in Kaer Trolde Harbor, the Niflgaardian ship that appears after clearing the Abandoned Site Ferry Station in Velen, and the ship in Novigrad Harbor that Geralt travels on to Skellige.
  • Fixed two LOD problems: Oxenfurt chess club sign from afar looks like a bakery sign, but if you go closer it changes to chess club sign; and ship in Novigrad that is just laying on sand, the sails disappear from a medium distance.
  • Fixed the LOD on the mast and sail on Avallac'h's ship while it is still in the Novigrad harbor.

Original author: nnikkellsen


  • Fixed a bug with Wolf Sword (base thru mastercrafted) where the scabbard floats above the sword when its mounted in certain Corvo Bianco weapon stand slots. (Incorporated from Fix Wolf Floating Scabbards mod)

Original author: anonymous


  • Revised the appearances of some NPCs in the Toderas Village after Geralt clears out the bandits.  There are two other traders who cannot be intercted with but look exactly like the restored Toderas Trader in the same vicinity.  They have been changed to old men as there is no need for there to be other vendors besides the Toderas Trader.
  • Increased the render distance of several fur vests that numerous NPCs wear throughout the game.  Now they will no longer disappear at medium distances.
  • Fixed a torch that is floating in the air in Kaer Trolde village.  Placed it properly on a nearby wall.
  • Fixed a floating horse and a floating body clipping through the wheel of a carriage in Velen southeast of Devil's Pit.
  • Fixed a floating barrel near the harbor in Novigrad.
  • Fixed the LOD of the mesh for two pillories between the butcher's yard and the main square that disappear from a short distance.
  • Repositioned two witch hunters that were floating in the air and clipping through a fence.
  • Multiple fixes for Harviken village: fixed a man floating in the air over a basket, and repositioned a woman sweeping in front of a quest giver.
  • Fixed multiple issues in Novigrad: a guard sunk below the ground in Oxenfurt, and a floating kid near the poor district in Novigrad.
  • Fixed multiple floating or sunken NPCs around Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs throughout the entire game and both expansions.  Consists of fixes for clipping, floating, and sunken NPCs.  Includes the Crow's Perch stable master, the quest giver for "Contract: Deadly Delights", the Redanian guard outside The Alchemy Inn in Oxenfurt, and several others.
  • Fixed 2 more poorly placed NPCs: a woman sitting on nothing, and a man clipping through a bench.
  • Fixed two locked doors in Drudge that shouldn't be locked.
  • Fixed 464 placement issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 150 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 311 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 324 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 201 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 139 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Changed the model of openable doors across Toussaint from brown to white to indicate they're openable. Also found and unlocked some doors that shouldn't be locked.
  • Changed the model of closed doors across Toussaint from white to brown to indicate they're un-openable.
  • Fixed doors that had visible gaps and the player could see unfinished enviroment behind them.
  • Fixed missing color definition on a cap of a woman in Winter White Orchard.
  • Changed the model of a closed door from white to brown to indicate it's un-openable. Fixed misaligned door that revealed unfinished enviroment behind it. Unlocked a door that shouldn't be locked.
  • Unlocked a hut in the marshes of Crookback Bog with lootable containers inside.
  • Added a missing stump to a butcher in Rannvaig.
  • Fixed peeing job for males, they were puking instead.
  • Fixed thug missing a sword in his hand during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.
  • Fixed poop that was sunken under the road near the tavern in White Orchard.
  • Fixed a floating peasant inside the tavern in White Orchard.
  • Fixed floating/sunken children in Winter White Orchard.
  • Slightly repositioned Elihal and the chair he's sitting on so the door to his shop won't spasm as the player walks in.
  • Fixed objects (pillows, basket, coin purse) that were floating under his shop.
  • Fixed two floating crates in the Novigrad sewers.
  • Added missing water to a washtub in Midcopse.
  • Fixed two women in Farcorners having broken Action Points.
  • Fixed a Bon Vivant drinking at Metinna Gate and being sunken in ground.
  • Fixed floating mug and rag when entering conversation with the innkeepers.
  • Fixed Clever Clogs merchant sometimes teleporting the player into a building that's impossible to exit. 
  • Adjusted scene DOF to fix blurry screen when the player is interacting with the merchant.
  • Fixed quirky placement when interacting with the merchant sitting in front of Cunny of the Goose.
  • Fixed quirky placement for Geralt when talking to the merchant at Coast of Wrecks.
  • Fixed a sunken man in Lindenvale.
  • Fixed two noblewomen in Tourney Grounds not taking their APs.
  • Swapped the dialogue between the two Witch Hunters in Farcorners when they're breaking into the house of Remi Villeroy. (It didn't make sense that the hunter who kicked down the door was ordering the other hunter to do it.)
  • Fixed Geralt being placed in a wall or outside Remi's house in certain scenarios after killing the hunters.
  • Repositioned the interaction buttons for all of the shrines of Hemdall on Faroe to the base of the rock and fixed the buttons failing to show when viewed from certain angles.
  • Fixed Whoreson's Henchmen floating in his hideout during the quest "Payback".
  • Fixed a Redanian soldier outside the prison missing a crossbow in his hand after finishing "The Great Escape".
  • Removed lingering sound clue on the floor in the Elven Ruins in Oxenfurt. 
  • Disabled laughing noises in the bathhouse when it's empty and re-enabled them when the bathhouse gets re-populated again. 
  • Fixed Radovid's soldiers spawning prematurely on St. Gregorys Bridge (right as Geralt is given the "Reason of State" quest).
  • Fixed the quest giver of "Spooked Mare" and the Scoia'tael thieves losing their AP's and standing motionless after the quest concludes.
  • Fixed the quest giver being sunken in ground and clipping through his horse when brushing it. 
  • Fixed the Sergeant and the Stablemaster losing their AP's and becoming a soulless beings after you take Uma to Kaer Morhen. 
  • Fixed the Sergeant's fight bookie hanging around in Crow's Perch for eternity and not disappearing like the other fists of fury bookies.
  • Fixed Stan Fishgulper sitting and clipping through a chair.
  • Despawned the man kicking Dolores out from his house at the end of the quest to prevent him from having a broken AP. 
  • Fixed numerous floating/sunken/clipping etc. guards.
  • Fixed Zoltan sometimes sinking to the stage outside of Rosemary & Thyme when being confronted by Duke and his thugs. 
  • Fixed Zoltan floating after killing Duke's thugs at the final encounter.
  • Fixed a woman being waist deep sunken in a bench.
  • Fixed a sunken merchant in Francollarts.
  • Fixed NPCs in Vizima who were sunken in benches or not properly placed on them.
  • Fixed a woman floating in Hierarch Square when the Vegelbud race is being announced by the herald.
  • Fixed a woman and a fisherman sitting and overlapping in a village on Spikeroog.
  • Changed Geralt's commentary about severed body parts at the Abandonded Sawmill in Skellige to make more sense.
  • Fixed Hugo Monnart and his brothers being sunken at Clever Clogs.
  • Fixed double cave entrance icon in Toussaint where you do the "Father Knows Worst" quest.
  • Fixed women sleeping on benches with their legs clipping through them.
  • Fixed Hym's shadow having a name during Geralt's investigation of the manor in "Possession" quest.
  • Fixed a woman on bench clipping through it with her feet.Fixed the cellars in Corvo Bianco to be interior.
  • Fixed a Wild One missing sword from his hand when meeting Olgierd at the burning estate.
  • Fixed a campfire that is impossible to be lit because the interaction is for looting it instead of igniting.
  • Changed door models in Toussaint from white to brown and vice versa to indicate where a door is locked and where it's open.
  • Fixed 2 floating lanterns in Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed infinitely respawning books with loot during "Extreme Cosplay" quest.
  • Fixed a noblewoman inside The Pheasantry whose dress was always bugging out when standing and drinking.
  • Fixed interaction buttons for trophies in Corvo Bianco being visible from outside and the player being able to place trophies through walls.

Original author: Akatoshka


  • Fixed golems not dropping loot and marked as swarm monsters.
  • Fixed ice trolls not dropping loot.
  • Fixed garkains incorrectly dropping swarm monsters loot.
  • Fixed potion effects no cleared correctly during some quests, when effects from Geralt is removed, but toxicity remains.
  • Fixed some mutations incorrectly disabled in some quest battles.

Original author: Wolfmark


Original author: ElementaryLewis


  • Fixed blurry screen when interacting with clan Dimun trader.
  • Fixed lingering DOF effect after existing dialogue with circus merchant.
  • Fixed lingering DOF effect after the thief cutscene during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.
  • Fixed a weird blend time between the cutscene and gameplay where a player regains control over Geralt, but not the camera for 5 seconds after witnessing thieves exchanging stolen purse during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.

Original author: KoalaNalle, Gerignakbanmenot, and chuckcash (Besserwisser and Nitpicker's Patch mod team)


  • Added 1215 LOD improvements for various items throughout the game. Main categories include: Hair (both human and monster), eyes, ships and everything ship related (sails, masts, rudders, etc.), Roach equipment.
  • Fixed more cubic shadows on horses (compliment of the BIA fix #1917).
  • Fixed Gaetan having no scabbard.
  • Fixed flickering lighting in the scene in Vizima between Geralt and Yennefer during "Ugly Baby" quest. Note: This was undocumented, but found among Besserwisser's files.
  • Fixed lighting during Geralt - Igor talking in sewers scene.
  • Fixed lighting during Geralt - Roche talking about Whoreson scene.
  • Fixed Alternate Aard not creating water ripples when casting over water.
  • Euphoria mutation glow fix.
  • Fixed Ciri sometimes having two swords in cutscenes.
  • Multiple fixes during "Count Reuven's Treasure" quest with Triss killing Menge scene: Restored blood splutter effect to how it was when the game was released, it was removed in some subsequent patch, fixed blood not spluttering on one side of Triss' face and on her clothes, fixed spluttered blood dissipating almost instantly, breaking immersion. Note: This fix is completely re-done from scratch to ensure the correct blood effect and it not immediately dissipating.
  • Fixed Triss' DLC costume not loading properly in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed Ermion's staff fading in and out in some cutscenes.
  • Fixed Hierarch Hemmelfart's painting icon not lookng like the actual painting.
  • Fixed floating poster near Mulbrydale after the blacksmith is rescued.
  • Fixed flickering clouds in Kaer Morhen area.
  • Fixed Kiyan's scabbard position. Note: This was an undocumented fix found in Besserwisser's files and not fully finished. It is now properly re-done.
  • Fixed Roche's scabbard position.
  • Fixed Whoreson Junior's scabbard position.
  • Fixed spasming whales in Skellige.
  • Improved draw distance and shadows of windmills.
  • Fixed sword effects on basic swords not working correctly.
  • Fixed clipping issues with Geralt's arm and left sleeve of Ursine 1st tier armor.
  • Fixed Grandmaster Ursine armor not getting wet when raining. Note: Fix is re-done to ensure Grandmaster Ursine armor not changing its visual appearance together with the added wetness effect in rain.
  • Fixed a gap in Grandmaster Ursine gloves not meeting Geralt's wrists.
  • Fixed Iris sword not having the same scabbard as when Olgierd is using it and makes it unique. Note: This fix is redone. Nitpicker's original version was a hack, by making Iris unique, he had overwritten Sabre Scabbard 07 (a unique scabbard for EP1 sabre swords) and given them all Sabre Scabbard 06 (which is what scoia'tael swords use in base game). As a result, yes, Iris became unique, but we lost one scabbard completely in the process. It is now re-done, EP1 sabres use their unique scabbards and Iris uses its own unique scabbard that Olgierd does.
  • Fixed typo in XML file causing 2 different scabbard templates using the same model. Will now slightly increase the overall variety of NPC scabbards.
  • Fixed sheathing issues for crafted "Harpy", "Negotiator" and "Weeper" relic swords using wrong sheathe templates.
  • Fixed missing potion activation SFX for Pops' Mold. Complement to BIA fix #292.
  • Fixed Viper trousers causing clipping issues with Nilfgaardian armor and Wolven armor.
  • Fixed Vivienne's feather not equippable.
  • Fixed Grandmaster Wolven gear not requiring Mastercrafted prototypes to upgrade.
  • Fixed clipping between Geralt's tourney armor and Ravix armor, and certain pairs of Toussaint gloves.
  • Fixed Damien missing scabbard.
  • Fixed clipping scabbards for "Cloud Giant's sword" and "Cantata".
  • Restored Skellige gambeson to its original look.
  • Fixed floating spikes on Superior and Mastercrafted Griffin armors.
  • Fixed blue lines on Eternal Fire priest clothing.
  • Fixed blue lines on some Skellige warrior clothing.
  • Fixed blue lines on Kaer Morhen armor.
  • Fixed blue lines on Viper armor.
  • Fixed washed out colors on Ciri's boots.
  • Fixed position of Viper trousers when paired with non-Viper armors.
  • Fixed various clipping scabbard variants.
  • Fixed Roach's right eye not becoming ghostly with Caparison of Lament equipped.
  • Fixed guest bed on the second floor of Corvo Bianco having clipping textures.
  • Fixed the guest sleeping properly in their bed in Corvo Bianco, not sinking in it.
  • Fixed some Skellige warriors holding invisible axes.
  • Integrated numerous fixes for Keira: Fixed the visible seams on her arms and legs for her lingerie appearance, added her mole that was missing in the vanilla lingerie appearance, increased the autohide distance on her mole so it doesn't disappear in cutscenes from medium distance, added color definition and revised the color scheme of the bows on her sleeves.
  • Fixed some clothing racks floating/clipping.
  • Fixed common road sign model, sign not touching the post.
  • Fixed 2 sets of glitched catacomb doors near Beauclair cemetary. Note: This fix is completely re-done. Nitpicker didn't fix the doors, but just remove them entirely. They are now fixed properly to open and close normally and not having the skulls stuck.
  • Fixed DLC beards not displaying and growing correctly when Geralt has Gaunter's mark on his face.
  • Fixed fast travelling in a boat to Novigrad Docks sometimes placing the boat underwater.
  • Fixed Geralt's position in the boat so his swords do not clip through the side of it and increased LOD for sailable boats.
  • Fixed too small a table for an eternal fire guard and a witch hunter appearing near Novigrad gates after "Now or Never" quest has been started.
  • Fixed missing stoves and other objects in winter White Orchard.
  • Fixed Geralt swapping hair models when using Piercing Cold mutation.
  • Fixed a hole in the ground in the cave under the Temple Isle where you fight Kiyan.
  • Fixed a floating chandelier in Pierre's shop in Beauclair.
  • Fixed floating road decals in Beauclair.
  • Fixed a huge gap in the water near Novigrad sewers and fixed some floating and clipping crates/parcels in the sewers.
  • Fixed floating road decals on the road from Hierarch Square to the Golden Sturgeon.
  • Fixed floating brazier on Temple Isle near the alchemist.
  • Improved LOD on a ship in Novigrad.
  • Improved LODs on two ships in Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed floating fast travel signpost in Arinbjorn.
  • Fixed floating parcel and crate near Arinbjorn Inn. Note: Re-done, as Nitpicker had moved a nearby crate to hide the floating items, instead of fixing the actual problematic items.
  • Mesh correction for hanging ember bowl - flames no longer clip through the bottom of the bowl.
  • Fixed hole in Yennefer's outfit.
  • Fixed hole in the water near Southern Gate in Novigrad.
  • Fixed disappearing well during the scene when Geralt and Triss meet Ingrid Vegelbud in "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.
  • Fixed disappearing well during the scene when Geralt and Yennefer approach it in "The Great Escape" quest.


δε γίνεται να το κάνουν αυτό, φτιάχνουν το cb77😅, αφού δε μας το χρέωσαν έξτρα πάλι καλά να λέμε

42 λεπτά πριν, xtrmsnpr είπε

δε γίνεται να το κάνουν αυτό, φτιάχνουν το cb77😅, αφού δε μας το χρέωσαν έξτρα πάλι καλά να λέμε

Το W3 ξεκίνησε με 150 devs και τελειωσε με 250. Τώρα έχουν ξεπεράσει το 1000, δεν υπάρχει δικαιολογία, συνεχίζω να πιστεύω ότι είναι cash-crab για next-gen κονσόλες και λόγο Netflix φυσικά.

Μην στεναχωριέσαι μια χαρά θα το χρεώσουν στους κονσολαδες. ;)

Και πριν πεταχτεί κάποιος, ναι άμα ένα game αξίζει ότι και να ζητάει είναι αυτό, αλλα η εταιρία από top αγαπημένη παράδειγμα προς όλες τις άλλες, έγινε full greedy corporation και δεν πρόκειται ποτε να συγχωρεθούν.


Τελείωσε η παλιά CDPR, σιγά σιγά θα γίνει άλλη μια Ubi/EA. Επίσης από τους 1000 που είναι, πόσοι από αυτούς προσλήφθηκαν για diversity λόγους? Σίγουρα πολλοί. 

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Εντάξει αυτό που κάνανε με το Cyberpunk κι εγώ το κατέκρινα βγάλανε το παιχνίδι ανέτοιμο όμως δεν μπορώ να πω το ίδιο για τα Witchers, θέλω να πιστεύω πως δεν θα ακολουθήσει τον δρόμο της  Ubi και της ΕΑ.

Επεξ/σία από zvarthangalos
  • Like 1
2 ώρες πριν, zvarthangalos είπε

Εντάξει αυτό που κάνανε με το Cyberpunk κι εγώ το κατέκρινα βγάλανε το παιχνίδι ανέτοιμο όμως δεν μπορώ να πω το ίδιο για τα Witchers, θέλω να πιστεύω πως δεν θα ακολουθήσει τον δρόμο της  Ubi και της ΕΑ.

Το θέμα ήταν το ψέμα, τι έδειξαν και τι δώσαν. Τα ίδια έγιναν και στο Witcher άμα θυμάσαι, visual και gameplay downgrade, αλλα τουλάχιστον κάνανε support το game ποσα καιρό, ήταν ανοιχτοί προς το community, ζητήσανε συγγνώμη in-game και έξω και τέλος βγάλανε δυο υπέροχα expansions, που άλλες εταιρίες θα τα ονόμαζαν full games.

Anyways μηδέν εμπιστοσύνη, τώρα άμα θα καταλήξουν EA/Ubi/Whatever δεν ξέρω, πάντως για εκεί πάει και το στηρίζω στον αριθμό των projects που ανακοίνωσαν τελευταία. Μακάρι να μην γίνει, αλλα νομίζω είναι ήδη αργά.

  • Like 1

Όλο το πακέτο RTX δηλαδή, χαμός !

On December 14th, all The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC players will receive a free update that adds various gameplay changes, new quest content, and new graphics features that take full advantage of the latest PCs and laptops.

Here’s what to expect:

  • RTX Global Illumination (RTXGI) adds more immersive and realistic outdoor ray-traced lighting
  • Ray-traced ambient occlusion improves shading around objects occluding light
  • Ray-traced shadows improve the fidelity, clarity and visibility of shadows
  • Ray-traced reflections increase the accuracy and quality of reflections on bodies of water and other suitably reflective surfaces

On top of that, Ultra+ settings increase draw distances, foliage density, background character detail, asset quality, and more. Texture resolutions are increased and environments gain new geometric detail. The list goes on!

  • Like 5

μαλλον πεσαμε σε μια ατελειωτη λουπα με τα παλαιοτερα παιχνιδια για να δικαιολογησουμε την κοροιδια της πρασινης...

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Στις 29/11/2022 στις 3:51 ΜΜ, {TDi}Dj2k..infc είπε

Aμα αυτό είναι το full changelog απλά γελάω.

Κανονικά έτσι θα έπρεπε να είναι η λίστα με τα fixes (BIA mod):

  Απόκρυψη περιεχομένων

Original author: paulr0013

  • Fixed Bell Pepper icon and label
  • Fixed dialogue with Keira in Kaer Morhen not looping back to selection screen.
  • Fixed dialogue with Epilogue innkeeper not looping back to selection screen.
  • Fixed dialogue with Arinbjorn blacksmith not looping back to selection screen.
  • Geralt will no longer stand inside a post while talking to Lindenvale innkeeper.
  • Fixed Novigrad book merchant dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Chameleon innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Bram (Griffin merchant) dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Ermion dialogue placement (will no longer teleport out of the cave while talking).
  • Fixed Oxenfurt blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Hattori dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Novigrad Fish Market blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Elsa (prologue innkeeper) dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Seven Cats innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Cunny of the Goose innkeeper dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Hierarch Square herbalist dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Harviken blacksmith dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Margarita dialogue placement while talking with her at Dandelion's inn (will no longer teleport out of the room).
  • Fixed Lindenvale merchant dialogue placement.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's madame dialogue placement.
  • Fixed "Cabaret" quest not starting properly if already having the prop sword in inventory.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crach during "King's Gambit".
  • Fixed an issue if talking with Jutta during "Iron Maiden" quest for the first time, while already having the Hoskuld's sword in inventory.
  • During "Iron Maiden" quest, fixed an issue with Jutta taking Hoskuld's sword from Geralt even if he refuses to fight her and then returning, resulting in soft-locking the quest.
  • Fixed an incorrect notification about "A Mysterious Passenger" quest starting, after completing "Calm Before the Storm" and already having finished "Family Matters".
  • Removed the chest that triggers "Berengar's Blade" quest, if already completed "Isle of Mists" and not actually being able to finish the quest.
  • Fixed deserter's letter to his mother not being removed from player's inventory after giving the letter to her during "Blood Ties" quest.
  • Fixed "Decoction of the Grasses" not being removed from player's inventory after completing "Ugly Baby" and "Va Fail, Elaine" quests.
  • Fixed "Forktail spinal fluid" not being removed from player's inventory after completing "Ugly Baby" and "Va Fail, Elaine" quests.
  • Fixed "Lever" not being removed from player's inventory after using it during "The Great Escape" quest. 
  • Fixed "Key to Vigi's cage" not being removed from player's inventory after using in during "The Lord of Undvik" quest.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Crime and Punishment" quest.
  • Fixed journal typo in "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed Vespula broken texture.
  • Fixed Larvik/Fayrlund blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Arinbjorn innkeeper dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Svorlag merchant dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Crematory Alchemist dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Casino player 1 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Casino player 2 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Casino player 3 dialogue icons and incorrect emphasis.
  • Fixed Bloody Baron dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Hermit (Velen) dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Inn at the Crossroads innkeeper dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Oreton boat builder dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Thaler dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Dijkstra dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Zoltan dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Stjepan dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Olivier dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Lambert dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Vimme Vivaldi dialogue icons
  • Fixed Scoia'tael trader dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Vernon Roche dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Marquise Serenity dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Crach dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Gremist dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Lugos dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Ermion dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Sjusta dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Robert Hilbert dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Velen blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Novigrad armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Novigrad blacksmith dialogue icons.
  • Fixed generic Skellige armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Claywitch mercant dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Hierarch Square armorer dialogue icons.
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 1 dialogue emphasis
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 2 dialogue emphasis.
  • Fixed Belles of Beauclair courtesan 3 dialogue emphasis.
  • Fixed Avallac'h note 1. Can be found in Avallac'h lab during "Child of the Elder Blood" quest.
  • Fixed Avalla'ch note 2. Can be found in Avalla'ch lab during "Child of the Elder Blood" quest.
  • Fixed "Phantom of Eldberg" quest giving wrong notice when picked from notice board.
  • Fixed "Poisoned Source" book icon.
  • Fixed "Menge's Holy Tome" book icon.
  • Fixed Hornwall Horn icon.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Baron during "Family Matters" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crones after returning from the Whispering Hillock.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Keira during "Blood on the Battlefield" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Fringilla about Cantarella.
  • Fixed Fringilla not having color definition for her shoes.
  • Fixed Gaetan not having color definition for his boots.
  • Fixed "Missing in Action" Dune not giving reward.
  • Fixed "Price of Passage" quest having an incorrect starting condition. Now will trigger on first visit to Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed "Pang of Conscience" exploit (could loot this sword infinitely after saving/reloading).
  • Fixed "Fresh Human Blood" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed "Magic Firefly" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed "Philippa Eilhart's Hideout Key" icon.  Credit goes to munchyfly for the inspiration for this icon.
  • Fixed tags for item "Phylactery". Will only be noticeable if using Fix Stuck Quest Items mod.
  • Fixed "The Great Escape" journal entry (Sile related).
  • Fixed Nathaniel's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Hubert's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Von Gratz's journal entry spoiling outcome of "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed Priscilla's journal entry.
  • Fixed "Carnal Sins" journal entry spoiling certain outcome of the quest.
  • Fixed Nathaniel not despawning from the game after "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Fixed Sweet Nettie not despawning from the game after "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Fixed problems with "Pepper" item in some languages.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Nameless" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Beast of Honorton" disappearing from journal.
  • Added new ending paragraph for "Contract: Beast of Honorton" quest.
  • Fixed Arnvald journal entry spoiling outcome of "King's Gambit" quest.
  • Fixed Fringilla dialogue placement.
  • Fixed journal typo in "Brothers in Arms" quest in German localization.
  • Fixed "Fake Papers" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Fake Papers" quest failing incorrectly at certain times.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis when talking with Avallac'h at the start of "Through Time and Space" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue with Philippa about Saskia using incorrect fact.
  • Fixed "An Elusive Thief" quest giving wrong notice when picked from notice board.
  • Fixed "Master of the Arena" journal order.
  • Fixed "Ghosts of the Past" journal order.
  • Fixed "Heart of the Woods" journal order.
  • Fixed "Count Reuven's Treasure" journal order.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during Geralt-Dijkstra-Philippa talk in "Blindingly Obvious" quest.
  • Fixed mutagen stacking during NG+ in non-GOTY versions of the game.
  • Fixed quest "Beast of White Orchard" so objective does not fail if already found the griffin's nest in free roam.
  • Fixed "Contract: Devil by the Well" journal order.
  • Fixed "Spooked Mare" failed objective when peacefully resolving the situation.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "From a Land Far, Far Away".
  • Fixed 7 bugs in the quest "From a Land Far, Far Away".
  • Enabled dialogue with Lambert at start of "Battle of Kaer Morhen".  Dialogue option to ask him to be nice to the guests does not make sense during the funeral.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Fall of the House of Reardon".
  • Fixed journal spoiler on "Fall of the House of Reardon" if Geralt picks up the notice before talking to Dolores.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for Gran's character journal.
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Contract: Deadly Delights".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Of Swords and Dumplings".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Honor Among Thieves".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "An Eye for An Eye".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Cabaret".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "A Matter of Life and Death".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "A Deadly Plot".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Ugly Baby".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Tedd Deireadh, the Final Age".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Whatsoever a Man Soweth".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for "Knight for Hire".
  • Fixed order of journal entries for Ciri's character journal.
  • Revised dialogue during "A Knight's Tales" to highlight option that moves dialogue forward.
  • Fixed journal entry about Emhyr's flagship: moved to "Veni Vidi Vigo" instead of "The Sunstone".  It doesn't make sense in "The Sunstone".
  • Fixed "Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers" so it will display in the journal if killing the brothers in free roam before receiving the quest from Djenge Frett.
  • Fixed "Contract: Missing Miners" to not award gold reward if let the troll live.  This is consistent with contract giver who refuses to give the reward.
  • Fixed "Contract: Apiarian Phantom" to give the correct gold reward that was negotiated.
  • Fixed "Big Game Hunter" to give the correct gold reward that was negotiated.
  • Fixed treasure chest for "Coast of Wrecks" that remains lootable after looting it.
  • Fixed 18 treasure chests with Wolf Upgrade schematics that remain lootable after looting them.
  • Fixed "Faithful Friend" during Empress Epilogue to give Geralt a reward for rescuing the horse.
  • Fixed corpse that activates "Unlucky's Treasure" that remains lootable after looting it.
  • Fixed trigger for Vivienne's final journal entry if she is in Novigrad so it posts when talking to her, not when Geralt talks to Guillaume.
  • Fixed journal entries for Syanna, Anarietta, Regis, and Damien if Syanna dies.
  • Added names to journal based on who Geralt's guest is at Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open doors: Baron's office, Emhyr's chamber, Hattori's shop, King of Beggars Hideout, Passiflora, and Nilfgaardian Camp in White Orchard.
  • Fixed "Lynch Mob" to display quest in journal if Geralt does not save the deserter or walks away from the encounter.
  • Fixed missing dialogue in "Missing in Action" where Geralt asks about Yennefer.
  • Fixed "Brave Fools Die Young" to display correctly in journal when Geralt already has celandine in inventory.
  • Fixed dialogue options during final dialogue with Bloody Baron at the end of "Family Matters".
  • Fixed "Peace Disturbed" to correctly display journal objectives and entries if Geralt finds the hidden entrance before talking to the women.
  • Fixed "Carnal Sins" so the Concerned Citizen Sermons will stop being littered all over the place after Geralt uncovers the true killer.  Note: this is different than the other fix that just makes them invisible but can still be looted. This fix uses the game's logic to remove them completely when they are not supposed to be there, and adds them when they are supposed to be there. Replaces this fix: Concerned Citizen Sermons Removed
  • Fixed journal spoiler in "Family Matters" about Anna when Geralt first meets the Pellar.
  • Fixed "Redania's Most Wanted" so that the objective to talk to Triss / Yen no longer fails immediately when talking to the other one.
  • Enabled two hidden quest objectives in "Redania's Most Wanted" to give the crystal to Triss, Yennefer, or Radovid.
  • Fixed a notification during "Redania's Most Wanted" where there was no pop up on screen to indicate quest progress when Geralt makes a decision on to whom to give the crystal.
  • Fixed incorrect journal entry during "Redania's Most Wanted" if Geralt gives the crystal to the witch hunters.
  • Fixed deactivated fast travel marker at Tor Gvalch'ca (the tower of the final showdown) in free roam after the main game.
  • Fixed "Dwarven Document Dilemma": quest giver and other NPC do not despawn after completion of the quest. (now they will despawn upon completing the quest).
  • Restored hidden dialogue line while talking with quest giver toward the end of "Dwarven Document Dilemma".
  • Fixed "Funeral Pyres": fisstech dealer does not despawn after saving him from the ghouls and learning the truth (now he will despawn upon completing the quest).
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Contract: Mystery of the Byways Murders": now the player will learn the identity of the monster at the same time Geralt does, not before.
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Broken Flowers" so that the player learns Priscilla's identity at the same time Geralt does, not before.
  • Fixed quest objectives during "Carnal Sins" to show new objectives to Meet Dandelion At The Hospital, and Talk With Dandelion At The Hospital.
  • Fixed two sets of doors during "Carnal Sins" that are permanently stuck open at the morgue.
  • Reordered dialogue choices with von Gratz during "Carnal Sins" to better align with events happening during the quest.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Breaking and Entering: The Safecracker" to reflect if Casimir blows himself up.
  • Fixed journal entry during "A Knight's Tales" to reflect when Geralt successfully lifts the curse without help of the witch.
  • Fixed journal entry during "The Hunger Game" to reflect that Geralt finds Marlene's dowry.
  • Fixed labeling of NPC from "Farmer's Wife" to "Farmer's Daughter"
  • Despawned numerous soldiers that were still fighting by an island near Undvik in postgame.
  • Fixed "Funeral Pyres" so that the journal entry about the priest's involvement now displays when Geralt learns it from the Fisstech dealer.
  • Fixed concluding journal entries for "Funeral Pyres" when Geralt knows the truth and does not accept the bribe, or does not know the truth and does accept the bribe.
  • Fixed "Wild At Heart" where quest objective for Talk To The Neighbors About Hanna would disappear from the journal despite completing it.
  • Fixed several quest objectives during "Wild At Heart" that would deactivate or fail incorrectly if Geralt tells Margrit he would give up the search for Hanna and then continues looking for her anyway.
  • Fixed several missing journal entries for the conclusion of "Wild At Heart" based on Geralt's decision to save (or not) Margrit, or if he takes Margrit's advice and quits the investigation.
  • Fixed "Out On Your Arse" so that if Geralt chooses to refuse payment, he does not receive payment (receives larger Experience instead) and correct journal entry to reflect his decision.
  • Fixed permanently stuck door at blacksmith's house in Lindenvale.
  • Respawned Dandelion and Zoltan in the cabaret after the Empress ending.
  • Fixed missing dialogue scene between Geralt and some bandits during an encounter east of Boatmaker's Hut.
  • Fixed quest "Get Junior" so the objective to find secret entrance into Junior's house will deactivate instead of fail if Geralt completed "Gangs of Novigrad".
  • Despawned Tinboy at the conclusion of "Of Swords and Dumplings".
  • Fixed villagers comments to reflect if Geralt chose to take credit for helping Hjalmar kill the giant.
  • Fixed bard's song to reflect if Geralt chose to take credit for helping Hjalmar kill the giant.
  • Fixed Zoltan's position outside the cabaret so he doesn't clip through the stage.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open door to Crach's room after "King's Gambit"
  • Fixed locked doors after "King's Gambit" on Cerys' path so the player can access the place of power.
  • Unlocked doors leading to Ermion's lab after "King's Gambit" so the player can access the hallways and balcony, and can collect loot.
  • Fixed journal entry during "King's Gambit" if Geralt chooses to help no one.
  • Fixed highlighting of dialogue choices during "King's Gambit" so the player is aware that the decision is final when choosing to help no one.
  • Fixed dialogue with Josta, the quest giver during "In Wolf's Clothing": Geralt could continue to ask her about Morkvarg even after the quest is completed.
  • Fixed journal objective during "Redania's Most Wanted": if the player starts the "Brothers in Arms" quests without first completing "Redania's Most Wanted" the objective to talk to Triss would fail (turn red) even if the player had already talked to Triss.
  • Fixed a bug to prevent Geralt from talking to Triss at the start of "Blindingly Obvious", which would break Triss' path to the bathhouse if Geralt has any statues in inventory and chooses to ask her about them.
  • Fixed reward not given during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed quest giver not dying from plague during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed notification not displaying on screen during quest "Hazardous Goods".
  • Fixed placement of the loan shark in Novigrad to be closer to the counter.
  • Fixed placement of Yen, Ciri, Philippa, Triss, and Fringilla on the dock during "Battle Preparations" to prevent them from floating in the air.
  • Fixed placement of NPC floating in the air over the river outside Novigrad.  Now he is standing on the bridge.
  • Fixed immersion-breaking interaction with Anarietta after completion of Blood & Wine expansion.  Now if Syanna dies, Anarietta will be angry and not talk to Geralt.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a villager during the quest "The Calm Before the Storm".
  • Fixed missing color definition on Astrid's cap during the quest "The Calm Before the Storm".
  • Fixed missing color definition on the arm of a townswoman in Novigrad.
  • Fixed two cutscenes during the boss fight with Detlaff where the cutscenes could not be skipped if desired despite pressing X/Space Bar.
  • Fixed a cutscene with a boy luring Geralt into a trap in Skellige where the cutscene could not be skipped if desired despite pressing X/Space Bar.
  • Fixed the fist fighting quests in Skellige to allow Geralt to make a wager on the fights, like in all other territories.
  • Fixed a woman floating in the air after running away from Geralt at the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Fixed low LOD / autohide distance on some characters' hair, causing it to disappear in some cutscenes from a long distance.
  • Fixed missing color definition on the cap of an old woman in the Velen town of Blackbough.
  • Fixed Abandoned Site POI near the Ruined Inn in Skellige where the site would not be restored despite killing all the creatures.
  • Fixed a beggar that is sitting on the ground in upper Toussaint near the marina, where his legs and feet are clipping through the ground.
  • Fixed two Townswomen that are sitting on benches in upper Toussaint (one on the pier, the other near it) near the marina, where their legs and feet are clipping through the bench.
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs including: a floating kid in the marina area of Beauclair, a floating guard (Baron's Henchman) outside the main gate at the Inn at the Crossroads, a floating guard in Novigrad Square, a beggar clipping through the road near Triss' house, a beggar floating above the steps of a fire shrine near the hospital in Novigrad, and a merchant near Fish Market in Novigrad on the bridge leading to Crippled Kate's.
  • Multiple fixes to quest "Witcher's Forge".  The quest does not open properly if it is found in free roam.  After killing the Earth Elemental, a notification pops up on the screen that the quest is updated, but it does not open the quest and is not displayed in the journal.  Now the quest will be open in the journal with a quest objective, mappin, and journal entries that instruct the player to search for clues in Kaer Morhen castle.
  • Fixed a cutscene during "Cabaret" that is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed a cutscene during "A Dangerous Game" that is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed numerous background NPCs with a visible neck seam and low poly, and lips and eyes don't move.  Replaced with comparable models that do not encounter these issues.
  • Fixed a missing color definition on the cap of prostitute_3 in Novigrad.
  • Multiple fixes for Passiflora after completing the quest "High Stakes": closed the door on the balcony, closed the door to the VIP room, removed all the layers that were added for the tournament, including tables, chairs, and the crime scene, despawned Novigrad guards after completing the investigation, and despawned Patrick Hazelnut and groupies at the start of the investigation.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Armed Assault": prevent the door from swinging inward when the man exits outward, and closed the door when the quest ends and Geralt leaves the area.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Crime and Punishment": put the journal entries in the correct order, display the correct choice in the journal if you free him or allow him to die, and and despawn the prisoner if Geralt saves him and then leaves 50 steps away from him.
  • Fixed missing color definition on wizard_03 appearance.
  • Revised color definition on novigrad_eternal_fire_priest_04 so that the color of his sash matches the rest of his robes.
  • Fixed missing color definition on sorceress_02 appearance.
  • Fixed a guard floating in the air over a pot near the Gran'place fast travel in Beauclair.
  • Fixed floating woman and man that are drinking wine near the bridge to the palace in Beauclair.
  • Fixed a floating woman in the viewpoint section of the upper city in east Beauclair.
  • Fixed additional numerous background NPCs in the HoS expansion with a visible neck seam and low poly, and lips and eyes don't move.  Replaced with a comparable model that does not encounter these issues.
  • Fixed a Witch Hunter with missing crossbow in White Orchard during Ciri Witcher Ending + Radovid alive.
  • Fixed an NPC that had an animation for swinging a sword and cleaning it, but he had no sword in his hands.
  • Removed leftover clues from murder scene where Geralt encounters Whistling Wendy at the conclusion of the quest "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed a group of 3 floating NPCs in the northwest section of Beauclair near the bridge to Beauclair palace.
  • Fixed an NPC that is sunk in the ground above his feet as he is soliciting a prostitute in Beauclair.
  • Removed leftover clue in the quest "Ciri's Room".
  • Fixed missing color definition on the caps of waitresses in Toussaint.
  • Fixed missing color definition on the caps of a random NPC in Toussaint.
  • Fixed multiple floating NPCs in Vedette Valley region near the Silver Salamander Inn.
  • Increased the LOD of numerous posters throughout Toussaint that was causing the posters to disappear at medium distance.
  • Increased the LOD on numerous posters throughout quest "The Play's the Thing" that was causing the posters to disappear at medium distance.
  • Increased LOD for Anna's and Tamara's wanted posters.  They suffered from a pretty low LOD, making them disappear at a medium distance.
  • Fixed clues during "Carnal Sins": Geralt will now properly comment on the footprints while chasing the killer at the Vegelbud estate, and the clues are removed after examining Patricia's body.
  • Removed leftover clues from the quest "The Things Men Do For Coin…" upon completion of the quest.
  • Fixed the problematic elevation of a guard in Kaer Trolder village: sometimes he floats above the ground; sometimes he sinks into the ground.  Now he should be properly elevated.
  • Repositioned NPC merchant on the Toussaint tourney grounds to prevent him from levitating in the air due to a nearby stepstool.
  • Fixed two guards standing outside the Vegelbud Residence that are floating in the air above the steps.
  • Removed multiple leftover clues from the quest "Skellige's Most Wanted".
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs in the town of Blackbough:  one old woman that is sitting on a bench and is clipping through it, a woman that is standing on top of a barrel, a woman that is positioned on a chair when she should be on the ground, and a woman that is supposed to be sitting on the edge of the fireplace but is sitting in the fire.
  • Removed highlighted emphasis from the dialogue option "We should go." when talking to the widows at Bran's funeral.  It is not appropriately applied here, and it causes the exit option to rise to the top of the dialogue list instead of being at the bottom where it belongs.
  • Several fixes in Lindenvale: adjusted the position and collision detection of a basket outside a house near the fast travel marker that was making an old man elevate when near it, adjusted the position and collision detection of a basket on the beach that was causing two fishermen to be elevated in the air when near it, and adjusted the position of an old man seated on the ground whose legs were floating in the air due to the slope of the ground.
  • Removed leftover clues from the quest "Contract: Patrol Gone Missing" upon completion of the quest.
  • Several fixes in Novigrad: adjusted the position of a man in the Novigrad Suburbs that was too close to a basket causing him to levitate in the air, adjusted the position of a strumpet near the Golden Sturgeon that was too close to a barrel causing her to float in the air, and adjusted the position of a dwarf in the Bard Camp that is clipping through a bench.
  • Fixed a missing color definition on an arrow quiver that is placed in several locations throughout the world.  Changes the clown red color to brown leather.
  • Fixed two warriors at Jutta's arena that should be holding weapons but are empty handed (where the quest "Iron Maiden" begins).  One with a 2-handed axe, and the other with a sword.
  • Several fixes in Skellige: adjusted sweeping woman in Kaer Trolde castle that was sunk into the ground,  adjusted sweeping woman that was floating above the ground in Kaer Trolde harbor next to the message board, adjusted a woman clipping through a bench near the message board in Fyresdal, adjusted a woman in Blandare that was floating above the ground while sweeping, repositioned the butcher levitating above the ground near the Larvik fast travel marker, moved a levitating woman inside the Larvik Inn that is too close to the fire where the pig is cooking, and adjusted a sweeping woman in Urialla Harbor that is floating above the ground.
  • Removed two leftover clues after completing the quest "Nameless".
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Velen: Several fixes in Velen: a woman in the Refugee's Camp that is clipping through a bench that she is sitting on, and a woman in the Refugee's Camp that is standing too close to a barrel causing her to float in the air.
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Novigrad: a drunk patron inside Crippled Kate's near the back door that is too close to a chair causing him to float above the ground, a man inside Crippled Kate's on the first floor that is clipping through a chair, and a Witch Hunter in the Temple District that is clipping through a large boulder.
  • Fixed multiple placement issues in Toussaint: a man in a village to the east of Castel Ravello that is supposed to be leaning against a wall while smoking, two guards at the entrance to Beauclair Palace that are floating in the air due to stairs, an old man to the west of Belgaard Vineyard that is floating in the air due to being too close to some bags, a man near the bridge to Beauclair Palace that is supposed to be leaning against a post, and unisex NPCs that are tanning a hide in Harbourside so they stop floating in the air.
  • Removed two leftover clues after completing the quest "Taken As A Lass".
  • Fixed the herbalist at the Ruined Inn village who teleports to different places in the village each time Geralt talks to him.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "The Lord of Undvik": fixed Geralt drawing his steel sword instead of his silver sword at the beginning of the fight against the ice giant (three cutscene variants), fixed two cutscene variants where Geralt pulls the steel sword during the fight with the Ice Giant (when the giant destroys the cage), and hid two leftover clues after completing the quest.
  • Multiple fixes for the quests "Fall of the House of Reardon" and "Ghosts of the Past": removed the Loose Papers document from inventory when Geralt gives it to Dolores, fixed leftover clues on the body of Dolores' brother and the weak wall after the quest ends, and closed the barn doors during the segment where Geralt helps Letho to stop them from being left open forever.
  • Fixed leftover clues after completing "Novigrad, Closed City" and collecting the loot from the locked safe in the hidden room: removed clue from the body on the first floor of the building, and removed clue of the handprint from the torch on the second floor that opens the hidden door.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "In the Heart of the Woods": removed wolf hearts from inventory if Geralt chooses to side with Harald and offer a sacrifice to the leshen, and disabled sacrifice altar if Geralt sides with Sven and decides to kill the leshen.
  • Revised inventory with the Toderas merchant to prevent him selling Triss' mask which can break the quest objective to buy the mask during the quest "A Matter of Life and Death".
  • Revised the face model of the restored Clan Dimun Trader so that he looks appropriately older to match his voice.
  • At the Masquerade Ball during the quest "A Matter of Life And Death", fixed the cutscene where Triss suggests they go explore the garden maze.  This dialogue cannot be skipped, despite pressing the space bar / X button.  Now it can be skipped if desired.
  • Fixed leftover clue after completing the quest "Monster Slayer".  Now the corpse of the underwater drowner will have the clue disabled with all the rest of the clues in the area.
  • Fixed leftover clues after completing the quest "Around the World in... Eight Days".  Now the tracks from the cart wheels will be disabled after completing the quest.
  • Fixed multiple NPCs in Toussaint that are positioned too close to a hide that is causing them to float in the air: in the quarry, and in the hunters lodge near Francollarts.
  • Repositioned a woman in Velen that is floating in the air while sweeping in the a small village between Moldavie Residence and Yantra.
  • Fixed an invisible sword from a Skellige warrior that is using the animation of swinging a sword and cleaning it, but no sword was placed in the NPC's inventory definition.
  • Hide 4 sets of leftover clues from horse shoes at the house near Crow's Perch during the quest "Family Matters" when Geralt is looking for Anna and Tamara (lubberkin path).
  • Multiple edits to add emphasis to the scene when Geralt talks to the fisherman during the quest "Family Matters".
  • Fixed a floating man outside the gate at the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Removed leftover clue behind Willis' house from the quest "Twisted Firestarter" upon completion of the quest.
  • Removed leftover clue  on the body inside the house during the quest "Frying Pan, Spick and Span" upon completion of the quest.
  • Fixed the placement of a woman on a bench outside a house in Mulbrydale.  Note: the woman is only present before the village is repaired by freeing the blacksmith from the nearby cage.
  • Repositioned Margrit inside the hunter's shack at the conclusion of "Wild at Heart" to prevent her from clipping through a bench.  Note: only occurs if Geralt chooses to spare her and kill the werewolf.
  • Removed leftover blood stains from the quest "Blood Gold" upon completion of the quest.
  • Removed leftover footprints and blood stains from island to the east of Benek in Velen.  This island has a POI to kill foglets and loot a locked treasure chest, but the clues that lead you to the treasure chest remain after completing the POI.  Now the clues will disappear along with the fog when Geralt leaves the island and travels 100 steps away.
  • Removed leftover witcher sense clue on the body of the Deserter Leader from the quest "Hidden From the World" upon completion of the quest.  After looting the body and finding the key and note, the body remains interactive with witcher senses even after looting the treasure chest and completing the quest.  Now the witcher senses will deactive and the body will be just a corpse after looting it and receiving the note.
  • Repositioned a floating kid in the village of Midcopse to place him evenly on the ground.
  • Repositioned several refugees waiting on the bridge over the Pontar that are clipping through various parts of the bridge.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Contract: Woodland Beast": removed leftover clues after the quest has been completed, and restored the convoy that was attacked.
  • Removed 3 leftover clues after completing the quest "Wandering in the Dark": a sickle, a flask, and burned documents.
  • Repositioned Lessy (the granddaughter of the old woman in the quest "Last Rites"), so that she is no longer floating in the air while sweeping.
  • Removed leftover clues for the foglet's tracks after completing the quest "Contract: Swamp Thing".
  • Removed 3 leftover clues after completing the quest "A Greedy God": a bottle of spilled wine, a a crack in the wall, and scent of wine.
  • Removed 2 leftover clues after completing the quest "The Whispering Hillock": the bodies of a woman and a child.
  • Fixed the dialogue choices during the discussion with the spirit in the quest "The Whispering Hillock".
  • Added a missing exit icon during the final dialogue with Ginter at the end of the quest "A Walk on the Waterfront".
  • Repositioned a prostitute standing next to the madame inside Crippled Kate's that is clipping through a counter when she is cleaning a mug.
  • Reorganized Anna Strenger's journal entries to more logically and orderly flow the through the sequence of events in her storyline.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear": enabled broken commentary by Geralt about blood on the floor in the room with the statues where he must retrieve a key under the water, and disabled the blood clue after retrieving the key.
  • Repositioned a beggar outside the King of Beggars hideout that is clipping through a cart and floating in the air.
  • Repositioned a thug in Novigrad near the fish market that is sinking into the ground.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Deserter Gold": deactivated leftover clue on a body at the campsite where the quest is activated, locked the three treasure chests that are required to complete the quest to prevent them from being looted early and breaking the quest, added a key to the game to unlock the treasure chests, and removed the quest tag from the key at the completion of the quest so that it moves to the right side (the junk side) of the inventory window and doesn't get stuck on the left side with active quest items.
  • Improved the visibility of a locked treasure chest on Fog Island east of Benek.  It is very hard to see in vanilla; now it is highlighted in the traditional red used for focus clues, making it much easier to see and find.
  • Fixed a Redanian bowman soldier standing on the dock near the Border Post fast travel marker that is floating in the air.
  • Fixed numerous missing comments when Geralt finds the clues where the Feline Witcher Gear is in the area.
  • Fixed one-liner by numerous beggar's throughout Novigrad that would comment about knowing who burned down the Witch Hunter's headquarters even before that happens.  Now they will only utter the one-liner after it happens.
  • Fixed the cutscene where Geralt loses to Dandelion during the quest "Cabaret" is unskippable despite pressing X / space bar.
  • Fixed multiple NPC voicesets related to killing the Ice Giant during "The Lord of Undvik".  Geralt can choose whether to share in the glory with Hjalmar, or allow Hjalmar to have all the glory for himself.  In vanilla, all of these dialogues praised Geralt even if he chose to allow Hjalmar to have all the praise.  Now the dialogue will only play if Geralt chooses to share the praise.
  • Fixed multiple NPC voicesets related to killing the Ice Giant during "The Lord of Undvik".  Geralt can choose whether to share in the glory with Hjalmar, or allow Hjalmar to have all the glory for himself.  In vanilla, all of these dialogues praised Hjalmar even if Geralt he chose to share the praise.  Now the dialogue will only play if Geralt does not choose to share the praise.
  • Fixed a broken one-liner by a barmaid who asks about Folan.  A condition was used for a fact that doesn't get added to the save file.  The condition was revised to use a correct fact.
  • Fixed NPC voicesets that talk about Lugos raiding and Hjalmar being feared dead.  Both of these lines are spoken throughout the game, even after Lugos dies and Hjalmar returns from Undvik.  Added conditions to both lines so that they will only play before Lugo dies and before Hjalmar returns from Undvik.
  • Fixed items in inventory that are unable to be sold: notice for "Contract: Beast of Honorton", "Letter to Gaetan", and notice for "Skellige's Most Wanted".  All other letters and notices in the game can be sold.  Now these can be as well instead of remaining in the Junk side of the inventory panel.
  • Added Exit dialogue icon to the option to join Lambert later during the opening dialogue at the start of "The Final Trial".
  • Revised character journal for Philippa Eilhart.  The final entry about Ciri was misplaced; now it is moved to the end.
  • Fixed missing color definition for the shoes on the "Pretty Girl Maiden" during the HoS Wedding.
  • Removed the highlighting from the dialogue line where Geralt asks Shani "That was your notice?" during HoS when she asks him to go to the wedding with her.  This line loops back to the main decision hub and does not advance the dialogue, so it should not be highlighted.
  • Fixed a broken texture model that resulted in visibly missing skin texture on the torso for t3_07 entity.  This is a global fix that will fix all NPCs in the game that are using the broken model, including Vespula, Jad Karadin's wife, and numerous background NPCs throughout the game.
  • Fixed missing color definition for shoes on the Novigrad_Elf_3 entity.
  • Fixed a woman in Novigrad that is floating in the air while sweeping.

Original author: MerseyRockoff


  • Fixed duplicate schematics for Wolf gear in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed Black Roach character journal icon.
  • Fixed dialogue flow with Crones when interacting with tapestry during "Ladies of the Wood" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "Family Matters" when reaching fisherman's hut.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "The Play's the Thing" after finding Dudu.
  • Fixed Keira not despawning after "Blood on the Battlefield" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue emphasis during "Broken Flowers" quest while talking with Vespula.
  • Fixed Belgaard blacksmith disappearing forever after leaving area.
  • Fixed White Orchard Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Arinbjorn Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Chameleon door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Alchemy Inn door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed Deadly Crossing bandit encounter sometimes despawning before even being in the area. (Incorporated from Deadly Crossing Fix mod)
  • Fixed Moritz Diefenthel burning on the stake scene. (Incorporated from Moritz Diefenthel Fix mod)
  • Fixed dialogue not triggering between Moritz and the witch hunter. This bug only revealed itself after restoring Moritz on stake. (Incorporated from Moritz Diefenthel Fix mod)
  • Fixed missing objective "Win a unique card from Zoltan" during "Gwent: Old Pals" quest.
  • Fixed "red" objective during "Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk". This fix makes Oxenfurt Drunk Fix mod obsolete as it's a strictly better way of doing it.
  • Fixed "red" objective during "Heart of the Woods" quest. This fix makes Heart of the Woods Quest Fix mod obsolete as it's a strictly better way of doing it.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Heart of the Woods" quest when picking up notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed journal entry during "Heart of the Woods" quest when overhearing villagers talking about a dead body.
  • Fixed Mulbrydale armorer not giving gwent card.
  • Fixed "Dirty Funds" journal entry.
  • Fixed camera when talking with Mulbrydale armorer for the first time after rescuing him.
  • Fixed "Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route" journal entry (different fix from that of Klubargutan's).
  • Fixed "Hazardous Goods" journal entry incorrectly stating that Geralt both killed and didn't kill the corpse hauler.
  • Fixed "From a Land Far, Far Away" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Ugly Baby" journal entry.
  • Fixed "The Taxman Cometh" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Open Sesame" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Whatsoever a Man Soweth" journal entry.
  • Fixed Vivienne not moving to Skellige after finishing "Warble of a Smitten Knight" quest (have to complete main story of Blood and Wine too).
  • Restored missing dialogue with Avallac'h about Ge'els.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Triss (Triss have to be tortured at witch hunter HQ and then have tortured the spy herself).
  • Restored missing dialogue with Vesemir about Kaer Morhen.
  • Fixed Ciri journal entry.
  • Fixed Triss journal entry.
  • Fixed Yennefer journal entry.
  • Fixed Avallac'h journal entry.
  • Fixed Ghost in the Tree journal entry.
  • Fixed Folan journal entry.
  • Fixed Graden journal entry.
  • Fixed Keira journal entry.
  • Fixed Tavar Eggebracht journal entry.
  • Fixed Voorhis journal entry.
  • Fixed Zoltan journal entry.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Priscilla about Madame Irina's troupe.
  • Restored a massive missing dialogue with innkeeper at the Crossroads during "Nilfgaardian Connection" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation with Geralt and Hjalmar before the battle of Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Vesemir about Ciri. Only available when talking to him right before the battle.
  • Restored a few lines of missing dialogue during Geralt-Yennefer-Crach talk at the end of "The King is Dead, Long Live the King" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Dijkstra, Cleaver and King of Beggars in the bathhouse.
  • Massively improved Triss' pathfinding in sewers during "Now or Never" quest. She will now correctly follow Geralt in and out of library and other places, allowing to experience all interactions between her and Geralt.
  • Restored missing conversation between Geralt and Triss when seeing the rat pit during "Now or Never" quest.
  • Fixed Geralt's commentaries on clues during "Empty Coop" quest.
  • Fixed a certain dialogue with Var Attre twins being hidden behind an incorrect fact.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary when examining clues in workshop during "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation line for Keira after finding the lamp during "A Magic Lamp" quest.
  • Fixed Keira's conversation line cutting off abruptly when leaving the cave because she casts a light during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.
  • Restored missing conversation between Geralt and Keira when finding and dispelling the exit illusion during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.
  • Fixed dialogue with druid next to Gremist's cave previously hidden behind an incorrect fact.
  • Restored missing dialogue during "Strangers in the Night" quest. Have dwarven spirit in inventory will allow Geralt to offer the drink to others.
  • Restored missing dialogue with the sylvan during "A Greedy God" quest.
  • Fixed villagers not correctly recognizing if Geralt saved all piggies during "Fool's Gold" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Shani.
  • Restored Geralt's conversation line when visiting merchants in search of painite during unlocked quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice".
  • Restored another Geralt's conversation line when visiting merchants in search of painite during unlocked quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice".
  • Restored a missing book in library during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest alongside commentary from Geralt.
  • Restores life to Dijkstra's bathhouse after completing all main quests in Novigrad and leaving for Skellige with Avallac'h and The Lodge.
  • Fixed "A Mysterious Passenger" disappearing from journal.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when entering through the portal during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when entering laboratory during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt after unlocking library during "Tower Outta Nowheres" quest.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary when examining bee hive during "Contract: The Apiarian Phantom" quest.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt after finding mutated albumen.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary after putting the albumen in the mutation machine and then trying to use it.
  • Fixed abandoned hut's door stuck open permanently after completing "Man's Best Friend" quest.
  • Allows access to the cave under Kaer Trolde and therefore the Place of Power after "King's Gambit" quest if chosen Hjalmaar's or Svanrige's sides. Previously only accessible in Cerys' path, locking player out of 100% completion if choosing different side.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Anna Henrietta. Must have at least finished "Blood Run" quest.
  • Fixed Geralt locked to use fists only in the fight with dwarves (who use weapons) during "Gwent: To Everything - Turn, Turn, Tournament!" making the fight almost impossible to win on higher difficulties.
  • Restored missing commentary from Geralt when visiting the mill during "Amidst the Mill's Grist" quest.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's door stuck open permanently.
  • Fixed snow hares to drop loot when killed.
  • Numerous fixes to duplicate whetstone and cave markings on map.
  • Fixed fast travel marker in Hierarch Square so that Geralt will be placed in front of it instead of behind it.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the crematory alchemist.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the Mulbrydale armorer.
  • Fixed missing icon on the map and mini map for the Kaer Trolde castle blacksmith.
  • Fixed a table in Corvo Bianco that goes missing during the house renovations.  The table should be in the room behind Majordomo BB with a candle on top of it.
  • Restored a new dialogue with Anselm (merchant you can rescue in Velen swamps). Geralt can now say that he didn't pay them enough, that's why they attacked.
  • Fixed Mont Crane Castle signal fire sometimes not greying out correctly in Toussaint.
  • Restored a cut character from Roche's camp: the Temerian Quartermaster.  Geralt can interact with him, including shop his inventory, have him craft items, and play Gwent.
  • Spawns Dune (the quest giver for the quest "Missing in Action") and his dog at the house along the path Geralt and Vesemir take on the way to the White Orchard Inn at the start of the Prologue.  This enables a hidden dialogue to be restored between Geralt and Vesemir about Dune.
  • Fixed the map icon for the merchant Yolar that lives in the grotto under Gedyneith in Skellige.  His icon was changed from the standard merchant icon to the herbalist icon to reflect the alchemist inventory that he sells.
  • Fixed multiple documents that incorrectly spawn infinitely: 4 books in the Cockatrice Inn in Toussaint, 1 book in the fisherman's hut right below the Cockatrice Inn in Toussaint, and 2 books in Geralt's tent in the tourney grounds in Toussaint.
  • Numerous fixes to the Larvik blacksmith and the Fayrlund blacksmith.  These two NPCs shared the same dialogue, appearance, spawn files, etc.  Now each of them is a unique and separate entity: gave them each their own unique appearance so they don't look the same, gave them unique dialogues when talking with them, gave each of them different Gwent cards to win when playing them, and restored a unique dialogue "Thank you" line when you save the Fayrlund blacksmith and visit him in the village.
  • Restored a cut character from the town of Kaer Trolde: a unique merchant.
  • Restored a cut character: a Clan Dimun unique merchant in the village of Faroe.
  • Restored a cut character: a fish trader in Rannvaig.
  • Restored a cut character: a merchant in Toderas.
  • Fixed generic merchants and generic innkeeper sometimes having wrong map icons.
  • Fixed Pinastri not having herbalist icon on map.
  • Restored multiple broken chats: between three women in Blackbough, between two Nilfgaardian officers near Tavar Eggebracht's tent, in the Scoia'Tael camp northwest of Lucian's windmill, and between a peasant and a merchant in Mulbrydale.
  • Multiple fixes to broken chats in Kaer Trolde village: between two drunks, a sometimes working conversation between two villagers, and 3 broken conversations between clan An Craite guards.
  • Fixed broken conversation between three Clan An Craite guards near the village of Rogne that are spying on naked women in the hot springs, and restored a missing comment from the women that are bathing - now they chastise Geralt for staring at them.
  • Multiple fixes in the aftermath of the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure": restored an Eternal Fire priest in the Novigrad dock area, restored a broken dialogue by the priest that didn't play due to the priest not spawning, restored at least 4 broken comments made by people around Novigrad as a result of the fire at the Witch Hunter barracks, and restored more bystanders watching witch hunters' barracks burning down.
  • Fixed multiple conversations between dockworkers in Novigrad: 2 conversations rarely working between two dockworkers in Novigrad, and a rarely working conversation between three dockworkers in Novigrad.
  • Fixed broken chat between two peasants in Lurtch chopping wood.
  • Fixed broken chat between Redanians at Border Post.
  • Fixed broken chat between innkeeper and peasants when Geralt first arrives at the Crossroads Inn.
  • Fixed multiple broken chats: 2 broken chats between old man and children on An Skellig, and one completely broken chat and one triggering unreliably between two Skellige warriors near Urialla Harbor on An Skellig.
  • Fixed broken chat between two fishermen in Urialla Harbor.
  • Fixed broken conversation between a man and a woman in Urialla Harbor Inn.
  • Fixed broken chat between two Clan Brokvar guards on Spikeroog.
  • Fixed broken chat between 3 warriors in Svorlag.
  • Fixed 2 conversations between two fishermen in Kaer Trolde village.
  • Fixed sometimes working conversation between two villagers in the liberated lumbermill on Ard Skellig (one during the day and one at night).
  • Fixed 2 broken conversations between clan An Craite guards outside of Kaer Trolde castle.
  • Restored dialogue with Letho before the battle for Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored dialogue with Birna Bran during Bran's wake.
  • Restored broken conversation between two townsmen near the stables in Oxenfurt.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations between two townsmen in Novigrad Hierarch Square.
  • Fixed rarely working conversations between three men in Dijkstra's bathhouse.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two men at the Chameleon.
  • Returned life to Vegelbud Estate after "A Matter of Life and Death" quest is completed.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two workers at the Vegelbud Estate.
  • Restored broken conversation between a man and the shop owner on Gildorf Square in Novigrad.
  • Fixed broken conversation between a couple and a trader on Gildorf Square in Novigrad.
  • Multiple fixes to missing chats in the Novigrad suburbs: a rarely working conversation between two mean near Southern Gate in Novigrad, and two broken conversations with a woman in Elihal's shop.
  • Restored a conversation between Redanian soldiers and witch hunters near Seven Cats Inn.
  • Fixed a broken conversation between three refugees near Portside Gate in Novigrad.
  • Restored a missing conversation between a man and a prostitute in Crippled Kate's.
  • Restored two missing patrons in the bookstore in Novigrad, and fixed 2 broken conversations with Marcus T.K. Hodgson.  Also fixed the trigger zone and placement of the man so he is not sunk in the ground.
  • Restored broken conversation between two peasants near Alness.
  • Restored broken conversation between two men in Kingfisher Inn.
  • Restored 2 missing dialogues with Ciri during the talk in Isle of Mists: asks about Keira (two choices - note: Geralt will only be able to ask about Keira if he did not previously fight and kill her during the quest "For the Advancement of Learning"), and asks about Dandelion (two choices).
  • Restored dialogue from Folan during the quest "The Lord of Undvik" while he is in the cauldron.
  • Several fixes in the village of Harviken: fixed an infrequent conversation between two warriors standing on a drakkar, and fixed an infrequent conversation between two warriors and also fixed one of them holding invisible sword.
  • Restored dialogue between Irina Renarde and her troupe during the quest "The Play's the Thing".
  • Restored 3 broken conversations between villagers in Urialla Harbor: Dialogue 1 (neither Hjalmar, Cerys or Svanrige is crowned), Dialogue 2 (Svanrige is crowned), and Dialogue 3 (Hjalmar or Cerys is crowned).
  • Fixed a broken chat between two women east of Harbor Gate.  Note: Works only before completing the quest "Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away".
  • Multiple fixes in the liberated lumbermill in White Orchard: fixed 2 broken one-liners, gave the involved peasants unique looks, and fixed the scene trigger zones.
  • Multiple fixes for the liberated shrine in White Orchard: fixed broken one-liner, gave the involved peasant a unique look, and added 2 additional torch guardians near the shrine at night to round out the unused APs.
  • Fixed small broken one-liner in Claywitch.  Note: at least one merchant must be rescued.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a fisherman near his liberated hut west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a refugee woman in a camp west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed broken one-liner by a student in Lornruk.
  • Fixed broken conversation by a shepherd near Sund settlement on Ard Skellig.
  • Fixed multiple things with the witch hunters harassing beggars scene: restored 2 blocks of dialogue between witch hunters and beggars, fixed beggars running away too fast and abruptly stopping part of witch hunter dialogue and sending the phase to output too early, and fixed witch hunters despawning right in front of your eyes if beggars run away or Geralt initiates dialogue with hunters, but chooses not to engage in a fight.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "Little Red": fixed all villagers despawn in front of Geralt's face as soon the quest is over, restored 4 unique one-liners from villagers, and added a new objective to leave the village after the quest is done to properly clean up the phase.
  • Multiple fixes with the quest "Novigrad, Closed City": fixed Lussi despawning right in front of Geralt (will now stay in the room until Geralt leaves), restored small conversation between Lussi and Geralt, fixed doors locking behind Geralt as soon as he leaves Lussi's house, restored a missing comment where Lussi will say something about Geralt stealing if he loots items from her house.
  • Restored broken conversation between 3 people in Novigrad near the grindstone and armorer's table.
  • Restored broken conversation between Irina and Dudu after the play.
  • Restored dialogue with Happen during the quest "Get Junior".  Will activate if Geralt tries to leave bathhouse with only his towel on.
  • Numerous fixes to restore Sukrus, his brother-in-law, and Ernst van Hoorn in An Skellig after the completion of the quest "Of Swords and Dumplings": fixed all 3 .w2comms to change the world from Novigrad to Skellige so they will spawn, restored a conversation between them, restored 3 unique one-liners (one from each of them), fixed van Hoorn being hostile and attacking Geralt and Sukrus, and fixed the APs for all three.
  • Restored broken conversation between a group of people in Beauclair near The Adder and Jewels Winery.
  • Fixed broken condition for a conversation between two guards near Flovive.
  • Restored broken conversation between two workers south of Coopers' Gate in Beauclair.
  • Fixed bottle merchant sometimes not having map icon.
  • Fixed Swordsmith Sign in Novigrad not having text when examined.
  • Fixed Zoltan despawning from the game after Priscilla's concert, even though he says he's going back to Rosemary and Thyme.  Now he will actually go to the Rosemary and chill there until further main quest development.
  • During the quest "The Man from Cintra", fixed cutscenes with Anna Henrietta before entering Mandragora that are unskippable.
  • Fixed tailor Pierre in Beauclair not having map icon.
  • Fixed 2 Nilfgaardian crossbow soldiers in Ferry Station in Velen having wrong APs and holding invisible bows.
  • Fixed a man hammering into nothing near Boatmakers' Hut in Velen.  Also expanded the NPCs that spawn at this location from 3 to 6 to make the environment fuller.
  • Fixed broken conversation between two children in Tourney Grounds.
  • Fixed sometimes working conversation between two women in Oxenfurt close to Western Gate.
  • Fixed shady merchant triggering his greeting one-liner from behind the wall.
  • Restored broken one-liner by Geralt if he reads the poster about Percival Schuttenbach closing his shop.
  • Fixed trigger zone for a conversation between Ciri and Triss on the ship in Novigrad at the beginning of "Battle Preparations" quest.
  • Fixed 2 conversation between Yennefer, Triss and Ciri upon arrival in Skellige at the beginning of "Battle Preparations" quest being mutually exclusive.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations between a group of clan Dimun guards.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "The Nilfgaardian Connection": restored candle puzzle (to reveal Hendrik's secret chamber), restored "Hendrik's notes", restored 4 dialogue lines from Geralt inside Hendrik's hut, restored 2 clues to be examined inside Hendrik's basement, fixed candlestick showing up in Witcher Senses after the quest is completed, fixed Hendrik's chest respawning with loot after reloading the game, and added exit icon for the exit line during the puzzle scene.
  • Fixed orens and balisse fruit not spawning in containers where they should in Novigrad and Skellige area.  This is a global fix that affects numerous containers throughout the worlds of Novigrad and Skellige.
  • As a result of the orens and balisse fruit fix, there is a treasure chest that becomes enabled for looting during the quest "Contract: Missing Son" which activates a missing unique comment from Geralt.
  • Multiple fixes for the "The Heroes' Pursuits" quests in Skellige: restored 12 unique one-liners from Geralt's opponents, depending whether he wins or loses the race, and fixed participants despawned in front of Geralt's eyes in all 4 quests.
  • Fixed prophetess clipping into a barrel after finishing "The Beast of Toussaint" quest. Also fixed her and both zealots losing their APs and standing motionless.
  • Fixed unskippable cutscene during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest if Geralt spares the shaelmaar.  The scene could not be skipped even if pressing the X button / space bar.  Now it can be skipped if desired.
  • Fixed band in Kaer Trolde castle not playing music.
  • Fixed Chameleon considered exterior area.  In vanilla, Dandelion's Chameleon acts like outdoors so if it is raining, people inside the establishment will be wet.  Now it is set as an interior like other buildings in the game.
  • Fixed Crippled Kate's second and third floor considered exterior area.  In vanilla, Crippled Kate's 2nd and 3rd floors act like outdoors so if it is raining, people inside the establishment will be wet.  Now it is set as an interior like other buildings in the game.  Additionally, fixed the minimap to display the correct floors instead of showing the 2nd floor map all the time.
  • Restored broken conversation between villagers in Kaer Trolde village before Bran's funeral.  The second part of the dialogue (where villagers sit down and pray), doesn't work in vanilla.
  • Restored dialogue with Joana if you force Lothar to come back to her during "The Nithing" quest.
  • Restored 5 broken commentaries from Geralt during investigation phase in "Contract: Strange Beast" quest.
  • Multiple fixes to the Oreton blacksmith dialogue: restored a unique greeting dialogue, restored a dialogue line asking about other blacksmiths in area, and fixed not being able to play Gwent with the blacksmith.
  • Restored broken conversation between Ciri and Geralt and an objective to "Follow Ciri" during "Skjall's Grave" quest.  In vanilla the scene after graveyard immediately teleports Geralt and Ciri to the sheep pit. Now, Ciri will run there and Geralt will have an objective to follow her, they will also have a small conversation while running.
  • Fixed Keira's commentaries on Geralt entering water during "Wandering in the Dark" quest.  In vanilla Keira triggers only the "exit water" dialogue, when Geralt enters water and never triggers "enter water" dialogue. This is now fixed to work correctly.
  • Restored broken dialogue when the Witch Hunter building is burning after the Triss/Menge scene during "Count Reuven's Treasure".  There are witch hunters calling out for help to extinguish the flames.  Note: The witch hunters must be alive.
  • Postponed the start of the quest "Where the Cat and Wolf Play…" by 2 days when Velen is loaded for the first time to give chance to visit Honorton before it is destroyed.  Note: there are villagers alive and going about their business before the massacre occurs.  This is intended to be an Easter Egg and gives Geralt a chance to see the village before the events of "Where the Cat and Wolf Play..." occurs.  To see this, Geralt must go to Honorton in free roam as soon as going to Velen the first time or the opportunity will be lost on that playthrough.
  • Restored 8 one-liners by the survivor during the quest "The Nilfgaardian Connection": 3 random one-liners play when Geralt arrives and sees the man attacked by wild dogs, and 5 random one-liners play after Geralt talks with the man and leaves him sitting by the well.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "The Final Trial": restored an objective to find Lambert's boat by listening to its sail flapping, restored conversation between Lambert and Geralt while they search for the boat, and restored conversation between Lambert and Geralt if Geralt swam to the Old Speartip's cave instead of taking the boat with Lambert.
  • Fixed travelling merchant during "Bald Mountain" quest not having exit icon for his dialogue.
  • Multiple fixes to NPCs not despawning from the Bald Mountain after the quest "Bald Mountain": despawned peasants who were still partying after the quest, despawned Old Thecla and her helper, despawned Ealdorman and his guards who got stuck on top of the mountain, and despawned the two remaining merchants.
  • Fixed rescued Scoia'tael trader in Oxenfurt forest not having map icon.
  • Fixed rarely working conversation between a group of people in Oreton.
  • Fixed Hugo Monnart not having map icon in certain outcomes of "Father Knows Worst" quest. Also fixed him having a shopkeeper icon when he is in fact an innkeeper in another outcome.
  • Multiple fixes to the ice giant at the end of the quest "Lord of Undvik": fixed ice giant's body respawning with loot after reloading the game, and fixed ice giant not dropping loot it was supposed to.
  • Fixed Gol'yat's body respawning with loot after reloading the game.
  • Fixed loot infinitely respawning in the lake northeast of Basane Farm after reloading the game.
  • Added missing cave icons for 35 caves around the world.  Includes two caves marked as monster dens on Faroe island, even though no monster actually guards them.
  • Increased LOD on the funeral ship during "The King is Dead, Long Live the King".  Now the ship won't appear/disappear at random during the funeral cutscene, and the ship will be visible sailing away out of the harbor after returning to gameplay after the cutscene.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "Bloody Baron": restored dialogue by the old peasant, and fixed overlapping dialogue by the old peasant and Geralt when he notices him.
  • Restored 2 broken conversations and fixed a mess with 4 other ones involving a group of people being inspected by the Temple Guard in Novigrad harbor near The Golden Sturgeon.
  • Restored broken conversation with Sergeant when returning to Crow's Perch after "Return to Crookback Bog" quest.  The dialogue will play after the cutscene where Geralt meets Sergeant after returning from the bog.  Note: Scene will only play if Geralt got into a fight with Sergeant's men in the village prior.
  • Restored broken conversation between peasants at the beginning of the quest "A Greedy God".  The second part of the dialogue didn't play in vanilla.
  • Restored broken conversation between Dijkstra and mages during the quest "Now or Never".
  • Fixed multiple unskippable cutscenes during "Now or Never" quest despite pressing X / space bar: one when Oliver opens the doors to the hideout and one at the beginning of the cutscene with Triss' speech.
  • Fixed Berthold floating in the hideout under Kingfisher Inn during the quest "Now or Never".
  • Fixed Walter sometimes respawning during the quest "Novigrad, Closed City".
  • Fixed a bug where Geralt shouts out "How do you like that silver?" while in combat.  The comment is made regardless of what Geralt is fighting (he yells it a lot when fighting wolves with a steel sword).  Now he will only yell it while holding a silver sword.
  • Fixed broken smell clue during the quest "Redania's Most Wanted" after smelling the disinfectant in Philippa's lair that leads to damaged eyes and a commentary from Geralt. Also fixed Geralt never exiting animation after examining the eyes.
  • Fixed Dettlaff's bestiary image after seeing him in his true form.  Note: must actually see his true form.
  • Fixed duplicate horses spawning at the same location and clipping into each other.  credit: DerGoldsucher for the script
  • Restored 4 broken commentaries from Geralt during the quest "In the Heart of the Woods".
  • Restored broken conversation between Margarita and Philippa on the ship during the quest "Battle Preparations".  Note: this dialogue will play 10 seconds after the "Geralt sleeping with everyone" dialogue.
  • Many fixes and restored dialogues during Valdo's sequence in the quest "Payback": restored/fixed 4 dialogues, restored/fixed 10 one-liners, restored second stable guard by the main entrance of the stables, fixed floating elf woman in the nighttime camp, fixed overlapping dialogue when picking up keys in the stable, edited 1 trigger zone and added 3 new trigger zones to start dialogues correctly and begin/end phases of the quest, edited Ciri's AP at the beginning of the quest to not automatically trigger conversation with Valdo and Geralt actually have a chance to listen to all dialogues between the group.
  • Multiple fixes during the quest "The Bastion": fixed Geralt never exiting meditation animation after burying the boy, fixed sudden visible shift of daytime when burying the boy (credit: konyme), restored broken commentary from Geralt when he find the boy's remains.
  • Multiple restored content/dialogues during the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen" forest phase: restored sequence of luring arachas towards the Wild Hunt - includes 2 new objectives to complete and 3 dialogues, restored sequence of using crossbow traps against the Wild Hunt - includes 2 new objectives to complete and 2 dialogues.
  • Moved Yennefer and Triss before Kaer Morhen battle to an area before the trigger zone for the council to be able to listen to their unique pre-battle one-liners.
  • Restored item "Bill of exchange".  Can be redeemed at Vivaldi's Bank for 100 crowns.  A unique dialogue with Vivaldi about the bill becomes available when the item is in inventory.  These bills have been placed in three locations: in Aeramas dungeon, in Ambassador var Attre mansion, and together with Fringilla's Card in Ceasar's home.
  • Multiple restored dialogues and interactions with NPCs related to the oneiromancer's house in Novigrad: During the quest "Through Time and Space" while still in Novigrad: restored dialogue between Geralt and Avallac'h before entering the house, restored Avallac'h leading Geralt upstairs and then restored dialogue between Avallac'h and Corinne, restored one-liner by Corinne, and restored cutscene dialogue between Geralt and Avallac'h before entering the portal.  Also fixed the scene with witch hunters running away from the haunted house during the quest "Haunted House" and commenting that they are scared of the house.
  • Restored missing character journals for the Ofieri Merchant and Pinastri (herbalist in the quest "Equine Phantoms").
  • Fixed 5 or more copies of the same guy during Menge burning Chapelle cutscene at the beginning of the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Restored snow deers around druid areas on Ard Skellig. Also fixed snow deers not dropping loot.
  • Restored 7 broken commentaries from Geralt during the quest "The Lord of Undvik".  Fixed shackles placements..  Also fixed 2 out of 4 shackles near mad castaway's boat being underground and not lootable (although shackles don't have any other use, now they at least trigger a commentary from Geralt).
  • Moved conversation about war from 2 Redanian soldiers and 2 witch hunters near Seven Cats Inn to the correct place to 3 Redanian soldiers southeast of Yantra. Fixed the correct soldiers not spawning at all. Only show up at night.
  • Fixed 2 Nilfgaardian officer chats at Army Group 'Center' Camp to randomize correctly.
  • Moved conversation about peasant hiding mages from 2 peasants near Alness to the correct place to 2 peasants in Yantra. Fixed the correct peasants not spawning at all.
  • Fixed 2 Skellige warrior chats near Urialla Harbor to randomize correctly.
  • Moved conversation about bards singing from 2 citizens near Alchemy Inn to the correct place to 2 citizens on Oxenfurt market square. Fixed the correct citizens not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between Novigrad rich citizens to the correct place near Vivaldi's Bank. Fixed the 3 citizens not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation about prisoners from 2 Redanian Soldiers to the correct place to 2 witch hunters near Deireadh Prison. Fixed 2 witch hunters not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation inside Gildorf Square fancy shop in Novigrad to the correct nobleman. Fixed the correct nobleman not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between a man and prostitue in Crippled Kate's to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Moved 2 conversations in T.K. Hodgson's book store to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after completing "Message from and Old Friend" quest.
  • Moved 2 conversations in Elihal's shop to the correct NPCs. Fixed the correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after speaking with Elihal during "Broken Flowers" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 people about Geralt from people in the market to the correct location in Kingfisher Inn after Priscilla's concert. Fixed trigger, so you can actually here the conversation after coming down from Priscilla's room (in vanilla played while you were still up there).
  • Moved conversation between 2 men in Kingfisher Inn to the correct location near Honeyfill Meadworks. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available before completing "Contract: The Apiarian Phantom" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 men in Urialla Harbor to the correct location to 3 men in Arinbjorn Inn. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all. Available after comleting "Contract: Phantom of Eldberg" quest.
  • Moved conversation between 3 people in Beauclair to the correct location between a man and a woman during Mandragora's party in "A Man from Cintra" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Moved conversation between 2 workers in Beauclair to the correct location between 2 servants during Mandragora's party in "A Man from Cintra" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Fixed girl correctly spawning in Tourney Grounds (she is a part of a conversation with a nearby boy). Available after completing "The Warble of a Smitten Knight" quest.
  • Moved conversation between Holmstein guards in the village to the correct Lugos' guards during "The Sunstone" quest. Fixed correct NPCs not spawning at all.
  • Placed Roche's quartermaster at the correct spot. Will no longer take generic Roche soldiers action points and timetables. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Kaer Trolde trader at the correct spot. Now has his own stall near Kaer Trolde Inn. Will no longer sacrifice generic trader on the pier. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Rannvaig fish trader at the correct spot. Will no longer take action points of a generic fisherman living in the village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed Dimun trader at the correct spot. Now has his own stall in Harviken. Will no longer take action points of a generic boatwright living in the village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Fixed Fayrlund blacksmith spawning in Fayrlund before actually freeing him from the cage. Also improvements to the previous fix of separating him from Larvik blacksmith. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Placed the trader previously restored in Toderas to the correct spot in Farcorners. Has his own stall now and will no longer sacrifice generic trader in Toderas village. Available between 5AM-9PM.
  • Restored broken conversation between old woman and girl in Claywitch. Fixed both of them not spawning at all.
  • Restored broken conversation between a merchant and a woman near the wine market in Beauclair. Fixed both of them not spawning at all.
  • Fixed ice troll not spawning in a monster den on Faroe.
  • Fixed 3 wraiths and a nightwraith not spawning in another monster den on Faroe.
  • Fixed sitting and reading job for male NPCs (they were standing on their chairs and writing instead).
  • Fixed sitting and sleeping job for male and female NPCs (they were sitting and looking around instead).
  • Fixed sitting and sewing job for male NPCs (they were standing and scratching instead, often floating above their baskets).
  • Fixed 2 action points for Vivienne when she is in Skellige (she will now write at the desk, instead of just standing near it and at night she will go drink wine at the inn, instead of following her daily routine).
  • Fixed being able to only examine 1 body near the hut before the quest moves forward during "Contract: Swamp Thing" quest.
  • Multiple fixes for "Witcher Wannabe" quest. Restored commentary from the pretender, restored 1 quest objective and 1 journal entry at the beginning of the quest. Fixed quest not starting when picking up notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed even more glitched/duplicate horses and also pigs doing the same.
  • Fixed leftover clues after "The Bald Mountain" quest.
  • Fixed nonhumans on stakes highlighted in Witcher Senses as clues, even though you can't examine them after returning from the Bald Mountain during "Final Preparations" quest.
  • Fixed Elihal not going to Chameleon at night. Restored one-liner from Elihal while at the cabaret.
  • Fixed guarded treasure POI water hag in White Orchard not spawning correctly.
  • Fixed prostitute hanging from the ceiling in Whoreson's room highlighted in Witcher Senses, even though you can't examine her during "Get Junior" quest.
  • Restored weapons merchant in the abandoned site east of Lindenvale.
  • Restored 2 dialogues with Vesemir before the battle of Kaer Morhen in the scenario when Ermion is not there.
  • Restoded dialogue line from Vesemir during the battle of Kaer Morhen.
  • Restored 3 broken conversations between noblewomen in the ball during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.
  • Restored broken 6 dialogues and 7 one-liners with Geralt and Shani in the sewers during "Evil's Soft First Touches" quest.
  • Restored broken dialogue between Shani and Redanian Soldiers at the beginning of "Dead Man's Party" quest.
  • Fixed wyvern not spawning near the exit of Dragonslayer's Grotto.
  • Fixed merchant icons staying on map after "The Bald Mountain" quest, even when the merchants are despawned.
  • Restored 6 commentaries from Geralt during "Kaer Morhen" quest in the prologue.
  • Fixed dead Skellige warrior on an island south of Ard Skellig glowing red in Witcher Senses, even though you can't examine it.
  • Restored 6 people, each with a unique voiceset, and 2 conversations between a group of refugees near Mulbrydale.
  • Fixed Kaer Trolde blacksmith dialogue about weapon stories being greyed out after first story. Will now only grey out when Geralt listens to all 3 stories he has.
  • Fixed Mulbrydale armorer chilling in the village when Nilfgaardians attack during "An Eye for an Eye" quest.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for medics in Novigrad.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for actors using Redanian Blacksmith 01 voices.
  • Slighly increased the amount of wandering mages in Putrid Grove to give a little higher chance to hear their background dialogues and one-liners.
  • Restored a missing voiceset for actors using Skellige Innkeeper 01 voices. Those are innkeepers on Arinbjorn, Spikeroog and Larvik.
  • Restored/fixed missing/incomplete voicesets of 3 male trolls. Fixed trolls cooking Folan disappearing from the game if you save Folan, but don't fight the trolls. Fixed not being able to return later and attack the trolls if you so choose, as they were permanently friendly and didn't react on any form of Geralt's aggression.
  • Restored a female troll and her voiceset. Can you find her?
  • Fixed three women in Farcorners discussing the cat lady, clipping and having no APs in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed a merchant in Silverton talking to a woman and a man through the doors of his shop. Moved the customers inside the shop.
  • Removed to glitchy NPCs who cannot be forced to do their actions and just stand motionless in the Vilmerius Hospital.
  • Monsters from "Skellige's Most Wanted" quest will guaranteedly drop their rare mutagens.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "Looters: Heatherton" unmarked quest: fixed looters having wrong APs and not taking their positions correctly, fixed looters boss disappearing from the game in certain scenarios making you not able to receive the reward for the quest, fixed looters not ever disappearing in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "Looters: Codgers' Quarry" unmarked quest: fixed many instances of looters not despawning correctly, fixed alghouls not spawning in the area in one of the outcomes, fixed Geralt automatically unsheating steel sword against alghouls.
  • Fixed multiple issues during "A Warm Welcome" unmarked quest: fixed the game using a 5 real-time hour condition, instead of a 5 in-game hour condition for despawning characters, fixed many instances of the characters and items not despawning correctly at the end of the quest, fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear" quest not starting after the refugee tells Geralt about the tomb in Crookback Hills.
  • Fixed reward during "At the Mercy of Strangers" quest given after you kill any one deserter, instead of all five.
  • Fixed being able to buy the sword, then kill the scavengers and loot the second copy of the sword during "Deadly Crossing: Lindenvale Bridge" unmarked quest. Now, if the sword was already bought, there will be crowns on the body, instead.
  • Fixed deserter's horse not despawning in certain outcomes of "Precious Cargo" quest.
  • Fixed appearances of witch hunters during "The Flame of Hatred" unmarked quest to not have a chance of them looking identical.
  • Fixed one of the bandits not having a correct tag and not attacking properly during "Yustianna Disturbed" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed "Trail of Echoes" unmarked quest to conclude when you explore the cave and examine all the items, not immediately after stepping into the final room.
  • Fixed the trigger for Fergus' and Yoana's conversation at the beginning of "Master Armorers" quest. Will now trigger when you actually get close otherwise it disappears in the sea of other random conversations happening in the same area.
  • Fixed Dolores not moving to her brother's corpse if Geralt tells her about it when she's already moved to her manor after "The Fall of the House of Reardon" quest is finished. Also fixed her not resuming her duties around the manor later.
  • Fixed Sarah's drawings and Skellige treasure maps not viewable in inventory (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed incorrect (or non-existant) items in multiple locations (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed "Thank you card" from "Where the Cat and Wolf Play..." quest not viewable in inventory (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed Olgierd’s letter to Iris from "Scenes From a Marriage" quest not being readable (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed wrong letter in a chest at Zuetzer Castle (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed duplicate documents being dropped where they shouldn't in Blood and Wine expansion (moved from WLC).
  • Fixed drunkards not taking crowns, but orens if you get beaten up during "Drunken Rabble" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed an issue where Redanian soldiers would trigger the final encounter through the wall while Geralt is inside the nearby house during "The Price of Passage" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed more issues during "Yustianna Disturbed" unmarked quest: fixed one bandit having an exact copy of a journal that you can loot in a nearby chest, fixed another bandit not dropping any loot due to broken loot component, Fixed not being able to hear the bandit idle dialogue due to them talking in a very far distance, sometimes obstructed by walls.
  • Renamed ulfhedinns correctly (instead of werewolf). Can now tell them apart in the world.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "The Four Faces of Hemdall" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for one of the choice options during "Man's Best Friend" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "Strumpet in Distress" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "The Flame of Hatred" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed no exit icon and wrong emphasis for the option to leave during "Suspicious Shakedown" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed mesh of Hornwall horn respawning when reloading the game.
  • Fixed missing emphasis on the line where Geralt takes Uma from Sergeant during "Ugly Baby" quest.
  • Added 156 LOD improvements for various items throughout the game.
  • Fixed optional dialogue with Nilfgaardian mom to advance the conversation forward during "Blood Ties" quest.
  • Fixed Vivienne having invisible legs during the epilogue encounter with her and Guillaume.

Original author: konyme


  • Fixed Holger Blackhand's Horn icon.
  • Fixed "On Death's Bed" journal entry spoiling the outcome of the quest immediately after giving potion to Tomira. Now only a certain event in Velen will reveal Lena's fate.
  • Fixed "Twisted Firestarter" missing journal entry.
  • Fixed Slyzard bestiary image sometimes turning "undiscovered". (Incorporated from Slyzard Matriarch's Bestiary Image Fix mod)
  • Fixed not being able to interact with Rosemary & Thyme sign. (Incorporated from Rosemary and Thyme Sign Fix mod)
  • Fixed Geralt's commentary when examining an item in witch's hut during "A Knight's Tales" quest.
  • Fixed "The Four Faces of Hemdall" bandits requiring orens instead of crowns as payment.
  • Fixed "exclamation marker" not removed from map if refusing to help looters in "Bitter Harvest" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to examine Vattier de Ridaux's dagger during "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to examine Assire var Anahid's necklace during "A Dangerous Game" quest.
  • Fixed Olgierd's Ethereals being classified as specters instead of humans, including ability to counter their attacks.
  • Fixed arachnomorphs being classified as insectoids instead of specters.
  • Fixed being able to use Aard on Melusine during "Contract: Here Comes the Groom".
  • Fixed Gregoire de Gorgon being classified as human instead of monster.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal entry to correctly indicate the fate of Morkvarg.
  • Fixed villagers incorrectly commenting that Geralt released Morkvarg, if Morkvarg was turned to human, released for the reward and then immediately killed.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal order.
  • Fixed missing subtitles for Skellige storybook in Czech localization.
  • Fixed Pontar's bridge notice board to show up as "read" before actually reading it.
  • Fixed incorrect coloring of Grandmaster Wolf gear when displayed on the armor stands in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed "Tower Outta Nowheres" to remove quest marker from fishermen.
  • Fixed "Missing in Action" to remove redundant journal entry.
  • Fixed "Devil by the Well": incorrect journal entry when picking up the contract from notice board.
  • Fixed permanent quest objective marker stuck on quest giver Odolan at the end of "Devil by the Well".
  • Fixed comment when examining a dead dog during "Devil by the Well".
  • Fixed dialogue with Menge during Triss torture scene.  Some choices were highlighted which should not be, and some were not highlighted that should be.
  • Fixed journal spoiler during "Count Reuven's Treasure": now the player learns about the spy after Geralt finds the note in Menge's desk, not before.
  • Fixed incorrectly looping dialogue with Triss after Menge torture scene.
  • Numerous fixes to "Contract: Apiarian Phantom" to enable it to be found and investigated in free roam.  Includes fixes to clues, dialogues, journal entries, and more related to finding it in free roam.
  • Fixed cutscene in "Blindingly Obvious" where Geralt draws the wrong sword.
  • Fixed cutscene in "Cabaret" where Geralt has a steel sword in his sheath despite holding a prop sword.
  • Fixed voiceset when Geralt has the saddle "Caparison of Lament" (the Devil Saddle) equipped on Roach so he correctly uses the comments related to that item.
  • Fixed multiple audio issues in the quest "Tower Outta Nowheres".
  • Fixed multiple issues with audio and Witcher Senses in the quest "Contract: Tofu Monster".
  • Fixed missing dialogue with Odolan's daughter during the quest "Devil By The Well".
  • Fixed multiple dialogue issues with Eskel during the quest "To Bait A Forktail".
  • Fixed journal spoiler during the quest "To Bait A Forktail".
  • Fixed missing color definitions from the Nobleman released from the statuette.
  • Fixed reward during quest "The Witcher's Forge" in NG+ to give Geralt the Legendary Mastercrafted Wolf Armor instead of the generic Mastercrafted version.
  • Fixed snoring and echo sound during "Feet as Cold as Ice" if you go into the cave before speaking to François.
  • Fixed multiple dialogue issues with Lambert during the quest "The Final Trial".
  • Fixed broken comments made by Geralt if using Axii on Roach.
  • Fixed the unicorn at Corvo Bianco.  Now it has collision detection so Geralt can't walk through it.
  • Fixed overlapping commentary during the quest "Monster Slayer".
  • Fixed issue where the quartermaster icon remains on the map of Undvik in post-game despite the quartermaster being despawned.
  • Fixed incorrect comment made by Geralt during the quest "Contract: The White Lady" to say the correct comment.
  • Fixed issue during quest "The Bastion" where the prompt on screen says to burn the body when instead the body should be buried.
  • Fixed missing color definitions on multiple bandits in Toussaint.
  • Fixed missing blacksmith icon for Willis the dwarf in White Orchard.
  • Fixed missing lighting component for dwarf's face in Cianfanelli's Bank.
  • Fixed lighting bug during the scene where Geralt and Eskel perform an autopsy on a katakan.
  • Fixed cutscene in "The Final Trial" where Geralt draws the wrong sword if choosing to fight the trolls.
  • Fixed a missing line for a Nilfgaardian deserter during a Person in Distress POI in Velen.
  • Fixed requirements for crafting Wolven Gear: various pieces incorrectly required amateur, journeyman, or master.  Now they have the same requirements as all other Witcher Gear.
  • Fixed incorrect use of combat music during the quest "A Tome Entombed".
  • Fixed the counter during "Defender of the Faith" so it will show 3/3 shrines fixed instead of 2/3.
  • Fixed Vesemir's awkward placement during the prologue so he doesn't walk through a table after talking to him.
  • Fixed missing blood decal on Geralt in the prologue after the massacre at the White Orchard Inn.
  • Fixed incorrectly spawning berserker bears in Kaer Morhen.
  • Fixed missing color definitions on 4 mages during "Now or Never".
  • Fixed missing color definitions on 9 guards in Kaer Trolde castle.
  • Fixed Vernossiel's bow to be placed on her back instead of her feet.
  • Fixed the candle on the table in Kaer Morhen.  Now the candle is lit by default so the lighting is better during the scene where the witchers and Yennefer drink beer.
  • Fixed Ves appearing during "Reason of State" if she was killed during "Eye for an Eye".
  • Fixed scene during "Reason of State" where Radovid comments on the magic crystal, even if Geralt did not give it to him.  Now he will only comment on the crystal if Geralt gave it to him.
  • Removed a blank screen that was incorrectly inserted during the dialogue with the guard at Radovid's ship during "Reason of State."
  • Fixed Triss' placement during "Redania's Most Wanted" if Geralt talks to her about the crystal.  Now she will not walk through her megascope.
  • Fixed Philippa's missing lip movement, head movement, and facial expressions during the megascope scene in "Redania's Most Wanted".
  • Fixed Zoltan having an armorer icon in the Empress ending in White Orchard's inn.
  • Fixed wrong placement of Geralt and Ambassador var Attre when speaking to him for the second time.
  • Fixed Corinne Tilly standing on top of a chair after the end of "Novigrad Dreaming".
  • Fixed wrong camera placement during "The Last Wish" when you say to Yen you love her causing clipping through her head and thus you could see through her.
  • Fixed wrong camera placement during "Open Sesame!" where the camera was clipping through Max Borsodi's house when you asked Olgierd why he wanted the house.
  • Fixed missing color entries for 3 Nilfgaardian soldiers on the White Orchard battlefield and around it.
  • Fixed two issues with the waitress in Dandelion's cabaret where she gets stuck by the bar and by a table near the door.  Revised placement for both Theatrical and Boudoir styles.
  • Fixed the animation so Geralt can finish sirens when they are on the ground.
  • Fixed icons for Ursine steel swords being displayed as silver swords on NG+.
  • Fixed missing wetness and physics for Geralt's default haircut under his ponytail when wearing a shirt (the one that the player starts with in Kaer Morhen at the very beginning of the game).  Note: this is a replacement for HW Hair Wetness Fix by Nexuer.
  • Fixed missing "Quest Completed" notification when completing the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams – Part 1".
  • Fixed wrong sword being drawn when fighting the forktail during the Empress ending.
  • Fixed Temerian guerilla fighter refusing to mount his horse and riding to his camp if you decide to let him go in the quest "Precious Cargo".
  • Fixed wrong brightness values resulting in a visible change of brightness in the scene with Geralt and Ciri when leaving the conversation as soon as possible in Isle of Mists.
  • Fixed a change in camera position where the camera shifts abruptly to the right while talking to the loan shark during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed Geralt's and Keira's ghosts being classified as humans despite being labeled "Wraith" in gameplay during the quest "Wandering in the Dark".  Also fixed the scene so Geralt will accordingly draw a silver sword, not a steel one.
  • Fixed all intro journal entries to appear only when they're supposed to and removed redundant ones during quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed the objective "Talk to priestess Josta about the curse." not being marked as Success immediately after talking to her when finding Morkvarg on your own in the garden during quest "In Wolf's Clothing".
  • Fixed missing quest completed messages during "In Wolf's Clothing".  Now the notification for "Quest Completed" will pop regardless of the order it is completed.
  • Fixed the dialogue with Yen where you can ask her how to lift Morkvarg's curse during "In Wolf's Clothing" / "Nameless". No longer can you ask her about the curse indefinitely and after lifting the curse.   Now Geralt will not be able to ask her about the curse when it's already been lifted.
  • Fixed missing "Quest Completed" messages Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams – Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6.
  • Increased the duration during which you're able to finish off sirens and how long they stay knocked down.  The timer is now the same as for other monsters that you can knock down.
  • Fixed incorrect ability to finish contract monster during "Contract: Here Comes the Groom" when the monster is knocked down.
  • Fixed a journal spoiler during the quest "Contract: Here Comes the Groom" where it told you killed the monster before even actually seeing it.
  • Fixed a candle that is floating in the air inside Elihal's house.
  • Fixed a fishing basket that is floating in the air at the Novigrad docks near one of the ships that is part of "Destination: Skellige".
  • Fixed 2 misplaced items sitting outside Dandelion's cabaret: a mug floating in the air by the second story, and a saw floating in the middle of the air about waist height.
  • Fixed floating flower decoration inside Yen’s room in Kaer Trolde.
  • Fixed a fishing net, an anchor, and a rope coil clipping through one of the ships in Novigrad Harbor.
  • Fixed Yen’s sleeping animation not being triggered in Kaer Morhen from 9 PM to 9 AM and also fixed her position so she’s not clipping through the bed.
  • Fixed Birna Bran's hand clipping through a pot during cutscene when asking about Svanrige negotiating peace with Nilfgaard.
  • Fixed villager not running away when Geralt enters Crow's Perch.  This is a proper fix which doesn't simply despawn the NPC and hide his dialogue; now the villager can be seen running away and hiding in a nearby building (remove modVillagerNotHidingRemoval from page Removal of Crow's Perch Villager).
  • Fixed order of dialogue options and icons in the dialogue with the old man in Crow's perch.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a guard during the quest "Skellige's Most Wanted" (he is standing next to the quest giver for "Contract: Dragon").
  • Fixed missing color definition on Elihal's shoes on his female appearance.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a part of clothing on a Redanian nobleman.
  • Fixed several scenes during the quest "A Towerful of Mice" in which the brightness values are wrong.  This fixes the scenes for correct, consistent lighting.
  • Fixed missing scabbard and sword in the scene where Roche saves Geralt and asks him if he's OK even though the sheathing animation is being played during the quest "Reason of State".
  • Removed a half stuck chest in a road leading to St. Gregory's Bridge, near the signpost, while the quest "Reason of State" is active.
  • Fixed one of Udalryk’s warriors being stuck in the cellar where you fight the Hym during the quest "Possession".
  • Fixed the quest "Forefather's Eve" so Geralt pulls his steel sword instead of silver sword.
  • Fixed numerous instances of floating items in the game, including several NPCs by a fire shrine in Hierarch Square, a quill in Avallac'h's lab, a pile of poop in Toussaint, a bird in Toussaint, and a man near Flovive.
  • Fixed numerous missing color definitions. including field workers at Corvo Bianco, two women in White Orchard, and an An Craite guard during "King's Gambit".
  • Fixed numerous low LOD / autohide distance on resulting in NPCs and clothing disappearing while on screen, including Tamara and Graden's hair, she-elf's hair, belt and attachments used by many NPCs, prostitute dress used by many NPCs, several villagers in Skellige, and several clothing items used by Shieldmaidens, causing them to change colors or disappear at medium distance.
  • Fixed a black smear on a road close to Francollart's sign post.  Removed the black smear and smoothed out the transition so it blends nicely into the road and terrain.
  • Fixed scribe's missing desk in his tent (where Geralt enrolls for the tourney) that disappears after finishing the quest "The Warble of a Smitten Knight".
  • Fixed some foliage clipping through the front wall of The Kingfisher Inn.
  • Fixed bows not being attached to Scoia'tael she-elfs' backs.
  • Removed an incorrectly inserted black screen during the scene where Geralt buries Iris' remains.
  • Fixed incorrect subtitles in a dialogue between two Nilfgaardian soldiers during the quest "On Thin Ice" which is in the Nilfgaardian language instead of the translated text.  This is now fixed to show the translated text in Czech.
  • Fixed a document (History of Corvo Bianco) on a table outside of the entrance to the house at Corvo Bianco which would always respawn despite picking it up.  Now it will stop spawning after it has been picked up the first time.
  • Restored tons of missing content from White Orchard during the Ciri Witcher ending. Includes: restored all inhabitants of houses in the village, restored all wandering villagers, alongside with these all action points that were missing and one missing work desk related to one AP, restored people working in the fields, and restored all villagers in the inn.
  • Fixed a very visible change of weather and time of day in the cutscene where you to do the shooting contest for Eveline during "Open Sesame: Breaking and Entering".
  • Fixed Roach not displaying properly with her attachments and gear during several cutscenes in "Broken Flowers".
  • Fixed one chat in the inn at White Orchard that wasn't working because it had a missing input name.  Becomes available after going to the Nilfgaardian captain to get the contract for the griffin.
  • Fixed a stuck bottle in Geralt's hand during the quest "Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom". 
  • Fixed the Hungarian localization language to reflect Casimir instead of Quinto.
  • Late in the game, if Svanrige becomes king, Ermion tells Geralt that both Hjalmar and Cerys died while attacking the Nilfgaardian army.  However, both of them could be found and interacted with.  This fix despawns both of them on the path where Svanrige is king.
  • Revised fix for Avallac'h's lab music via the .w2scene instead of the .w2phase file.  This fix makes Avallac'h Lab Music by AsarGiN obsolete as it correctly fixes the scene without deleting any of the music clips.
  • Fixed a scene during the quest "Where the Cat and Wolf Play…" where Geralt's blinding animation ends too soon resulting in him visibly shifting his position.  Happens only when you decide to kill Gaetan and let him use Swallow.
  • Fixed multiple graphical bugs: a green block inside one of the huts in the village of Fayrlund in Skellige, a red cube in a rock on the path parallel to the Kaer Trolde castle in Skellige, and moved a misplaced shadow along the side of Crippled Kate's building.
  • Fixed LOD issue with Gregor's helmet (the Redanian liaison who tells Geralt where to find Thaler during the quest "A Deadly Plot") that was causing it to disappear from a short distance.
  • After completing the second request from Olgierd, the scene in the Alchemy Inn spawns Olgierd's gang as well as the normal NPCs.  Often they overlap, even two sitting in a chair at the same time.  This fix despawns Olgierd's gang after the scene when he leaves.
  • Fixed a black smear in Hortense Vineyard in Toussaint.
  • Multiple fixes to quest "A Dangerous Game": despawned a guard that shouldn't be there after the quest, and closed a door that was permanently stuck open.
  • Removed hidden NPCs that scream when Geralt and monsters are around on Fyke Isle.
  • Fixed a low LOD issue with Priscilla's scroll holder causing it to disappears/reappears at short distances.
  • Fixed a misplaced black smear on the rocks on Temple Isle (easily seen from a distance, across the water on the beach).
  • Fixed a floating crate on an Island near Undvik.
  • Near the start of "Fires of Novigrad", fixed a cutscene outside Triss' house where one of Menge's guards sometimes glitches out and moves back and forth as he leaves with the other guards and thieves.
  • Fixed a floating female NPC in Toussaint, if you left the house of Camerlengo and walk straight you see three NPCs talking and drinking, and the woman is always floating.
  • Fixed quirky placement for the bottle merchant.
  • Fixed a clipping poster right next to the bottle merchant.
  • Fixed several doors in Toussaint that should not be open.  Geralt could walk through the door and see unfinished environment on the other side.  Now the doors will remain closed and locked.
  • Fixed numerous broken shadows inside buildings that should not be there when there is sufficient lighting.
  • Fixed multiple clipping posters: with silver basilisk outside a tent to the north of Coronata, with White Terror reference to Count Borhis di Salvaress, and a Radovid propaganda poster near Triss's house.
  • Fixed 3 crafting diagrams that display in the color of green (for Witcher gear) when they should be orange (for relics): Diagram: Tah'rel, Diagram: Fen'aeth, and Diagram: Gesheft.
  • Fixed a poster that is misplaced inside a building and moved it to be placed on the building's wall on the outside.
  • Fixed a broom lady in Trottheim that is half buried in the ground.
  • Fixed multiple floating items on the beach on the island of Undvik: two floating containers and one floating ladder.
  • Fixed several floating NPCs around the statue of Lebioda in Toussaint.
  • After completing the horse races from the "Great Erasmus Derby", the game does not remove the fences that are put up to show the path to follow during the race.  This fixes it so the fences are removed upon completion of all races.
  • Fixed 16 posters with low LOD, all throughout Novigrad during the quests "Fires of Novigrad", "Broken Flowers", and "Cabaret".
  • Fixed the placement of a man that should be leaning on a table at the Gate of the Heirarch.
  • Fixed stuck open door in Rioux-Cannes. It also automatically opened itself if you tried to push and close it.
  • Fixed multiple missing shadows during the fight with the Ofieri mage during the quest "Evil's Soft First Touches": fixed missing shadows for a Skelligan mercenary's dead body, and fixed missing shadows for the sword that pierced him.
  • Fixed the changing lighting that switches between the regular lighting and cave lighting above the cellar that is part of "Wine Wars: Deus in Machina".  Now the outdoor lighting doesn't change around and above the cellar, and the lighting changes appropriately inside the cellar.
  • Fixed multiple piles of poop that are floating in the middle of the air.
  • Removed a weather statue from Kaer Morhen on the way to the tower that shouldn't be there.  It belongs in Skellige but was incorrectly placed in Kaer Morhen (just like Berserker bears).
  • Fixed stuck open hut door during the quest "Contract: White Lady" after the quest giver you gives you the dagger to summon the noonwraith. The door now closes after killing the noonwraith.
  • Unlocked the door to Mislav's shack during the prologue which was preventing you from getting some loot inside.
  • Fixed a man in Skellige who is brushing the floor and was clipping through the floor.
  • Fixed a permanently stuck open door in Dun Tynne after finding Syanna.
  • Fixed a guard in Oxenfurt that is stuck in the middle of a cart.
  • Fixed Lambert's and Letho's (if applicable) horses being present in Kaer Morhen after the battle at Kaer Morhen.  Now the horses will despawn at the completion of the quest.
  • Fixed two women on the beach in Skellige that were spawned identically to spawn random appearances instead.
  • Fixed a guy with upset stomach having seizures after talking to the herbalist with whom he has a little chat.  He twitches back and forth; this repositions him to prevent the twitching.
  • Unlocked the hut door in Heatherton which was preventing you from getting some loot inside.
  • Fixed the cutscene when Geralt arrives at Kaer Morhen to properly display a forktail flying overhead instead of a wyvern, and prevents Roach from being spawned in a different place from where you dismount her.
  • Unlocked two doors for a building east of Cockatrice Inn that prevented you from accessing some loot.
  • Fixed the scene after Keira places a spell on Geralt: if he slept with Keira now he will be undressed; if he refused Keira he will be clothed in his armor.
  • Fixed red boxes inside the chapel east of Lindenvale where you kill the grave hag during "Contract: Merry Widow."
  • Fixed 3 floating creates in one of the houses in Dorve Ruins on Undvik.
  • Fixed clipping mirror in a house in Martin Feuille's Farmstead.
  • Fixed a worker hammering nails into air. Now he's hammering into a barrel.
  • Fixed numerous clothing items with poor LOD causing them to disappear at medium distances: a metal necklace worn by Sasha and some Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima, a metal bracelet worn by Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima, and another necklace worn by Nilfgaardian noblewomen in Vizima.
  • Fixed Voorhis being present in Vizima during the Ciri Witcher ending when Radovid is alive even though a Nilfgaardian messenger reports that he's at a briefing.
  • Fixed misaligned old woman sitting on a bench in Crow's Perch.
  • Placed a brazier in Beauclair Palace to a more sensible place under the stairs.
  • Fixed the placement of the Vermentino armorer so that he doesn't clip through the weapon stand.
  • Fixed a fisherman near Cockatrice Inn not leaning against a barrel.
  • Fixed floating woman inside the Cockatrice Inn.
  • Fixed multiple floating candles: in a bottle in Scarlet Cardinal Inn in Francollarts, and in northern Beauclair near the bridge leading to Beauclair Palace.
  • Fixed a woman clipping through a table that spawns after the completion of the quest "Armed Assault".
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "A Knight's Tales": restores the door to the witch's hut which mysteriously disappears at the end of the quest; locked the door (as it should be since the witch does not want to see Geralt again); restored Jacob outside his house (only on specific outcomes to the quest); restored Morholt (Jacob's dog) outside the house (only on specific outcomes to the quest).
  • Fixed Geralt so now he is holding his steel sword instead of his silver sword during the quest "A Knight's Tales".
  • Despawned two villagers in Arinbjorn being present in front of the inn for eternity after finishing the quest "Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg".
  • Fixed a floating woman that is supposed to sit on the ground at a railing near Triss's house.
  • Multiple fixes to the quest "Novigrad, Closed City II": removed leftover clues (blood trails and footprints); and fixed the quest being marked as "Completed" if Geralt runs away; now it will be marked as "Failed" (just like the objective).
  • Despawned Bruno (quest giver for "Contract: Missing Brother") at the end of the quest to prevent him from having a broken action point and standing on top of the table inside the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Fixed a worker hammering into air in an Abandoned Site south of Byways.
  • Fixed a woman clipping through a fallen tree's branches in an Abandoned Site south of Byways.
  • Fixed Liesje (Dune's wife) clipping through makeshift bench inside their house before finishing "Missing in Action".
  • Fixed one witch hunter during the ambush in the quest "A Poet Under Pressure" who isn't attacking Geralt, Zoltan, his dwarves or Dijkstra's men (where applicable).
  • Fixed a bon vivant / nobleman in Belgaard not sitting on a chair.
  • Fixed skeletons being highlighted as clues after finishing the quest "Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Wolven Gear".
  • Fixed a levitating man sitting on a stool near the San Sebastian signpost.
  • Fixed numerous broken shadows inside of houses in Fox Hollow, Vermentino, Coronata, Flovive, Francollarts, near Coopers' Gate, San Sebastian and Metinna Gate.
  • Fixed a floating man in the streets northeast of The Gran'place.
  • Fixed 2 locked doors in Coronata preventing you from accessing loot.
  • Fixed the Abandoned Site in White Orchard near the shrine so that all 4 ghouls properly spawn.
  • Despawned Ciri's and Baron's horses after the end of the quest "Ciri's Story: The Race".
  • Fixed a shadow inside a red house west of Metinna Gate sign post.
  • Fixed Geralt drawing his silver sword and then immediately his steel one when deciding to kill the tree spirit if you brought it a black mare during the quest "The Whispering Hillock".
  • Fixed a floating kid playing hopscotch west of windmills in Vermentino.
  • Fixed 2 Dimun warriors not sitting and not having a chat about Holger Blackhand in Harviken's inn.
  • Fixed multiple broken chats between NPCs: There are 2 hunters and peasants outside Oxenfurt. The hunters should talk about the peasants hiding a witch.  And fixed a broken chat between 2 refugees east of Novigrad Gate outside Oxenfurt.
  • Restored a missing chat between guards in Urialla Harbor's inn about villagers attempting to complete the Trail to Yngvar's Fang.  There are 3 variations that are randomly chosen. The other 2 are about those passing the trial.
  • Fixed a broken chat between a preacher and peasants in Refugees' Camp.
  • Fixed the merchant in Boatmakers' Hut that teleports to a different area after interacting with him.
  • Hide Palmerin's banner, drawing of the Beast of Beauclair, and other miscellaneous items from Stonecutters' Settlement before the quest "Envoys, Wineboys" is unlocked after rescuing Dandelion.
  • Restored a chat between two citizens standing at the bridge leading to the Oxenfurt Academy.
  • Restored two communities not consistently showing up around 2 shrines (near Blackbough and Duén Hen) after completing the quest "Defender of the Faith".
  • Restored a broken chat south of Oxenfurt Harbor signpost between an elven fisstech dealer and a Redanian Officer, and revised the appearance for the Redanian to wear traditional Redanian gear instead of looking like a normal townsperson.
  • Restored a broken chat in Downwarren about the contract fogling.
  • Restored several broken conversations in Oxenfurt: dock workers at the Oxenfurt harbor, witch hunters at the harbor after completing "The Great Escape", old woman and a halfling herbalist at the market, and two women east of the auction house.
  • Multiple fixes to restore the Toderas village: restored villagers to the town if Geralt decides to clear it of bandits, removed bodies if the town is restored, and rotfiends show up and kill the bandits if Geralt chooses not to fight the bandits himself.
  • Restored several broken chats: between two boys southeast of Hangman's Alley where a Person in Distress is located, and between two peasants sitting at a field north of Alness.
  • Fixed 2 women clipping inside each other and also restored their chat in Lindenvale.
  • Restored several broken chats or chats that weren't triggered reliably every time: two chats at the Cunny of the Goose, a chat in Putrid Grove between King of Beggars' thugs, and a chat in Ursten.
  • Fixed multiple spawning NPCs at the Vegelbud ball near the Gwent tournament.
  • Fixed a visible change in lighting when selecting the choice "Don't want trouble" during the quest "Ghosts of the Past".
  • Fixed a broken chat between two refugees near the bridge leading over the Pontar in Velen.
  • Fixed a broken chat and activity between two orchard workers in Moldavie Residence.
  • Fixed a broken chat and activity between two witch hunters on a small bridge near Carsten.
  • Fixed a broken chat between three villagers outside Carsten.
  • Fixed a chat in a cave in Gedyneith between two druids where the lines for one of the druids didn't play.
  • Fixed a broken chat between two servants in the Kaer Trolde Castle.
  • Fixed two halflings not spawning after "A Poet Under Pressure" quest is completed, fixed their Aps (which commnds their movement), and also fixed broken conversation between them in the woods near the forgers' shack.
  • Restored a conversation between two Redanian soldiers near Deireadh prison in Oxenfurt.
  • Restored two missing guards and two chats in the town of Holmstein.  One chat works when you fistfight Madman Lugos during the quest "The King Is Dead, Long Live the King!", the other one works always when you don't fistfight him.
  • Fixed a broken one-liner from a worker in a sawmill northeast of Rannvaig.
  • Fixed a bard south of The Gran'place in the market that wasn't reliably singing every time. Has 2 random ballads.
  • Fixed a chat between two women near The Pheasantry that wasn't triggering reliably every time.
  • Fixed 2 broken chats between 3 villagers in front of Harviken Inn.
  • Fixed 2 chats between 3 villagers in Kaer Trolde village near the herbalist not triggering reliably every time.
  • Fixed a broken chat between two drunk Redanian soldiers in the big camp in White Orchard during the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" when Radovid wins the war.
  • Fixed several problems with a small Redanian camp in White Orchard when Radovid wins the war during the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins": fixed soldiers in the camp not spawning, fixed 2 missing chats, and adjusted the position of one soldier doing pushups that was clipping through a fence.
  • Fixed a ballista in the Kaer Morhen courtyard having no collision.
  • Fixed a floating bench and a worker sitting on it northwest of the San Sebastian signpost.
  • Fixed a teleporting merchant in an Abandoned Site west of Hangman's Alley.
  • Fixed a teleporting merchant at Crane Cape.
  • Fixed several issues with a bandit camp east of Rannvaig: fixed a black screen appearing after killing the bandits, fixed fisherman appearing immediately in front of your face after clearing the camp, and fixed missing griffin carcass before clearing the camp (after 1 day it's replaced with bones).
  • Fixed several issues with the quest "Fists of Fury: Skellige", specifically during the fight with Olaf: fixed permanently stuck open doors to the arena after the quest is completed, fixed missing comments from the spectators due to them reacting to Olaf as to a monster (there are 6 randomly chosen comments when Geralt hits Olaf or is hit by Olaf respectively), made the comments cinematic one-liners because they were very silent plus you don't have time to look up during the fight to read the subtitles, and fixed a cut off line said by the announcer when Geralt wins that you couldn't hear until the end.
  • Fixed a few issues with a small encounter north of Portside Gate with 2 witch hunters and a Skelligan woman after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but not completing "Now or Never": fixed a missing witch hunter that spawned only after he's supposed to aim his crossbow, and fixed a missing line that wasn't said by the second witch hunter.
  • Fixed permanently stuck open door that are part of the quest "Contract: An Elusive Thief".
  • Fixed permanently disabled door in Yantra after finishing the quest "Little Red". Also disabled a misleading highlight on Bertram's corpse and removed the corpse after getting away from the village.
  • Fixed 3 witch hunters being heavily overleveled in a small encounter in Novigrad docks after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but before completing the quest "Now or Never". Now they have correct levels.
  • Fixed 2 more witch hunters being heavily overleveled in a small encounter with beggars in Gildorf after completing the quest "A Matter of Life and Death", but before finishing the quest "Now or Never". Now they have correct levels.
  • Fixed a location near Lofoten that spawns endless waves of Wild Hunt hounds after completing the quest "Echoes of the Past", but before completing "Missing Persons".
  • Fixed all B&W animations where a woman is churning butter, but two churn sticks are present where one of them isn't animated.
  • Fixed Anabelle's picture in Graham's hut glowing red in Witcher Senses even after examining it in the quest "A Towerful of Mice".
  • Fixed leftover spectators after finishing the quest "The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund".
  • Fixed a unique music piece that plays when entering Crow's Perch during the quest "Bloody Baron" if you killed Baron's men in the Inn at the Crossroads.
  • Multiple fixes for the quest "The Beast of Toussaint": fixed leftover clues on a shore east of the Sansretour Valley signpost after completing the quest "The Beast of Toussaint", fixed missing shadows for the boat, and fixed missing shadow for a polearm lying in the boat. 
  • Fixed a floating citizen in Putrid Grove.
  • Fixed all B&W NPCs using reading animation reading an invisible book.
  • Fixed a guard standing on top of a pot in the market south of The Gran'place.
  • Restored the village at Condoyle after clearing it of the cannibals POI.  Must clear out the POI at Condoyle and the adjacent cannibal camp, then wait 3 in-game days: removed remnants of the cannibals (bodies and other items in the environment), restored villagers in the community, restored an herbalist to the community, and removed a clue that responds to Witcher Senses from a corpse in the cannibal community after examining it.
  • Fixed a broken animation for milking cows that never worked.
  • Fixed a missing one-liner from Geralt when trying to wake up Odrin lying next to the bottle merchant.
  • Multiple restored lines and fixes for the quest "The Final Trial" when in Old Speartip's cave: restored 2 lines when destroying the rock blockades (each for every blockade), fixed one line that will play after destroying the first blockade not after destroying 3 of them thus making more sense now, Old Speartip will now correctly wake up after destroying 3 blockades, fixed missing Old Speartip's sounds when destroying the blockades, and restored 1 Lambert's line after Old Speartip wakes up if you destroyed 3 blockades.
  • Fixed broken activities for 5 NPCs on a bridge leading to Oxenfurt from the west.
  • Fixed broken blocky shadows for wild horses, for wolves during the quest "Family Matters" and fixed missing shadows cast by legs of some Skellige villagers and guards.
  • Fixed 3 hair models (2 used by prostitutes and 1 by naked Skellige warriors) changing their color from short distance.
  • Fixed 3 cutscenes after clearing abandoned sites in Toussaint where Geralt sheathes his silver sword even though he fought bandits.
  • Fixed 2 pingrapes being present on the map and minimap even after looting them in front of the barbershop in Gildorf.
  • Fixed a chest that is part of the quest "Tinker, Hunter, Soldier, Spy" that wasn't locked and could be looted, thus rendering the key obtained during this quest redundant.
  • Several fixes for the scene with Vester and Letho during the quest "Ghosts of the Past": the arbalist actually has his crossbow loaded now, Letho is shot by a crossbow bolt not an arrow, Letho uses his steel sword not Superior Griffin silver sword, and the bandit standing to the right of Vester actually equips the sword he has in his inventory not a prop.
  • Fixed barrier deactivating after destroying just one crystal during the quest "Of Dairy and Darkness".
  • Fixed Geralt incorrectly sheathing a steel sword in a cutscene after killing Iocaste during the quest "Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom".
  • Fixed broken colors on a corpse holding valuables guarded by an earth elemental southwest of the Ancient Oak signpost in Velen.
  • Few fixes and improvements to the scene with Keira in Kaer Morhen before the council at the start of "Battle of Kaer Morhen": fixed Keira having no brush when interacting with her for the second time or later, Geralt will no longer look away from Keira when selecting the shopping option, and fixed very tiny camera shift when selecting the shopping option.
  • Fixed Geralt being stuck in an inspection animation after examining the shawl during the quest "The Nithing".
  • Fixed a floating barrel north of Stonecutters' Settlement near two burned down houses.
  • Fixed multiple light interaction issues with the face model used by Caesar Bilzen (the dwarf that is Cleaver's clerk) in the quest "A Dangerous Game": his face is black like there is a permanent shadow on it, and his eyes look like black orbs.  Now they are eyes.
  • Fixed Geralt sheathing his sword that was already in his scabbard during the scene where Margaret meets him in the woods during the quest "Wild at Heart".
  • Fixed the witcher wannabe in the quest "Witcher Wannabe" having the wolf medallion when working in the fields of Lindenvale even though Geralt said he's supposed to bury the medallion.
  • Fixed the Vegelbud guard aiming his crossbow at Geralt not being loaded during the quest "Carnal Sins".
  • Fixed a wrong commentary by Geralt when examining one of the corpses after the feast massacre during the quest "King's Gambit" (Cerys' path). Geralt wrongly commented on the corpse as being Otrygg even though it wasn't him and also the interaction to examine the real Otrygg's corpse got deactivated.
  • Fixed a missing shadow not casted by Yontek's left forearm during the quest "Fool's Gold".
  • Fixed missing sound after opening the stone barrier during the quest "Witchers' Forge".
  • Fixed witch hunter that you can save during the quest "Novigrad, Closed City II" lying perpendicular to a bed and with his head inside a wall.
  • Few fixes for the quest "The Price of Honor": fixed missing shadows for the brothers' corpses, and fixed Timmon forging a sword mid-air because of a short tree stump and anvil.
  • Restored 8 one-liners from Morkvarg in his werewolf form during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing": 3 will trigger randomly after being able to talk to him and will repeat every 15 seconds until you interact with him, 1 will trigger after waiting some time before interacting with him, 3 will trigger randomly after already talking to him about the curse and until you interact with him again, they repeat every 15 seconds, and 1 will trigger after cutting him down 3 times.
  • Fixed missing supervisor's corpse after the scene where Lambert kills him in the quest "Following the Thread".
  • Fixed the storm during the quest "Echoes of the Past" not going away despite what Yennefer and Geralt say.
  • Fixed the scene in a shack during the quest "In Wolf's Clothing" where Geralt's sword wasn't mounted in his hand as soon as he draws it.
  • Few fixes to the quest "Fists of Fury: Skellige": restored missing line from a bookie holding the fight with Grim if you took the glory for killing the Giant in the quest "The Lord of Undvik" but Folan died, fixed several obvious lighting changes, and fixed the line about saving Udalryk that played only if you decided to kill the Hym the witcher’s way.
  • Numerous fixes to the quest "The Lord of Undvik": fixed missing shadows, broken clues, crazy jarl character journal entry, restored dialogue, scene fixes in Kaer Trolde's inn, and crazy jarl dialogue improvements.
  • Revised fix for the cutscene where you kill Iocaste. I didn't notice that Geralt sheathes the sword into the scabbard for the steel one.
  • Restored a missing boy and dialogue during "Something Ends, Something Begins" quest. Requirements: witcheress ending and Dijkstra winning the war.
  • Fixed the scene in Vizima Palace where a Nilfgaardian officer is drilling soldiers in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending. The lines where Nilfgaard lost the war played even when Nilfgaard won. Now the correct lines will be played based on the outcome of the war.
  • Fixed 5 chats in White Orchard in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending and when Dijkstra wins the war. In vanilla the lines were incorrectly chosen as if Radovid won the war.
  • Fixed 2 broken chats between Radovid's and Dijkstra's soldiers respectively in White Orchard's inn where only some of them talked in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending when Radovid and Dijkstra win the war respectively.
  • Fixes to the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins": fixed missing shadows for some Nilfgaardian corpses (where applicable), fixed missing shadows for some objects in the dwarves' camp in White Orchard, fixed a bug with fighting the guards who are looking for the dwarves, in vanilla the witch hunter is knocked out instead of killed which prevents the next scene where the dwarves thank you for saving them (applies only to the ending where Radovid wins the war).
  • Fixed missing villager's one-liner after listening to the herald when Radovid wins the war in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" during the witcheress ending.
  • Fixed missing shadows for Golyat's weapon after he's killed.
  • Fixed missing collisions and shadows for poles holding posters near Heddel and west of Yantra.
  • Fixed missing Geralt's commentary when it's snowing in Skellige.
  • Fixed a bug for some NPCs where they were coughing when they were actually supposed to be scratching themselves.
  • Fixed more missing shadows for several objects in dwarves' camp and for some Nilfgaardian corpses in White Orchard during the epilogue (Witcheress ending).
  • Fixed several missing shadows for objects on Undvik: broken shield, boat and pouch.
  • Fixed a floating brazier in Dorve Ruins.
  • Fixed 2 Redanian soldiers holding invisible halberds during the Witcheress ending in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Dijkstra ending only).
  • Fixed Redanian officer floating up and down when interrogating villagers in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Radovid ending only).
  • Fixed wrong order for Roche's 2 journal paragraphs.
  • Fixed the Cloud Giant's bestiary entry not being added if you one-shotted him with a crossbow.
  • Fixed Toussaint prison guards holding invisible weapons.
  • Fixed Ciri facing the wrong direction in the tavern before the following cutscene starts in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins" (Witcheress ending only).
  • Fixed missing line when Geralt closes in to the warehouse in the quest "Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina".
  • Fixed Lena floating above her bed in Tomira's hut.
  • Fixed an unobtainable chat variant between 2 women in White Orchard's village near the river after completing the quest "Contract: Devil by the Well".
  • Various Fixes with Lena's placement in Tomira's hut: fixed Lena suddenly disappearing when talking with Tomira about Claer and then reappearing, standing and lying back into the bed, fixed Lena visibly moving in her bed when giving Tomira Swallow for her, fixed Lena reappearing in her bed when talking to Tomira any time after reaching Velen.
  • Restored missing line when Geralt enters Bowden during the quest "Rose on a Red Field".
  • Fixed glowing cow carcass near the entrance to Dragonslayer's Grotto.
  • Fixed wrong emphasis for one line when talking to guards guarding impaled Keira in the quest "A Final Kindness".
  • Fixed the guards guarding Keira's impaled body potentially sharing the same appearance in the quest "A Final Kindness".
  • Fixed the fisherman Voytek and his family becoming soulless beings standing and doing nothing after finishing the quest "Family Matters".
  • Fixed missing warehouse doors where you meet the assassination conspirators after completing the quest "Reason of State".
  • Fixed Geralt holding a wrong sword in the scene where Vesemir launches a ballista in the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen".
  • Fixes for "The Battle of Kaer Morhen" quest: fixed Vesemir running through the gate door leading to the inner courtyard in the scene where Ciri opens the gate during the quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen", fixed Geralt using a combat running animation in the same scene where he clenched his fist as if he was holding a sword but he held none in his hand.
  • Several fixes and restored content for the quest "Carnal Sins": restored 2 choice options to decide whether you want to help Dandelion immediately or not: in Cabaret and in Vilmerius Hospital (it's possible to return to him if you don't help him outright, fixed Geralt and Dandelion going through closed door in Priscilla's hospital room, fixed Whistling Wendy's lines in the alley where Priscilla was attacked that were out of order, fixed Wendy's brothers retuning to their pre-fight actions after winning the fist fight.
  • Fixed Whistling Wendy not cowering when fighting her brothers in the quest "Carnal Sins". No longer will she slowly walk towards you while you fight them.
  • Fixed noticeable changes in lighting when doing the autopsy with von Gratz in the quest "Carnal Sins". 
  • Fixed noticeable changes in lighting when talking to Tomira about the buckthorn in the quest "The Beast of White Orchard".
  • Fixed Wham-a-Wham attacking you even when agreeing to let him go if you had applied some type of damage over time to him in the previous fight (burning, bleeding, poisoning).
  • Fixed lighting bug in the intro cutscene with Yen and Geralt in Kaer Morhen. Also made the steam coming from the bath to last the entire scene just like it was in the earlier versions of the game.
  • Fixed Yen's hand healing effect being persistent throughout the whole curse lifting sequence and also after it in the quest "Va Fail, Elaine".
  • Fixed being able to talk to Avallac'h after lifting his curse. Yen said he's on the brink of death, plus he shouldn't talk to you with his normal voice."
  • Fixed low LOD for Nilfgaardian helmets disappearing from shorter distances.
  • Fixed Roach's equipment not getting wet when it's raining.
  • Hackfix preventing a rare bug/glitch where Letho loses his steel sword after defeating Louis in the quest "Ghosts of the Past".
  • Fixed low LOD for some bodies covered with tattoos.
  • Increased LOD for the hands of Graden, Baron and one of Baron’s thugs so that they wouldn’t disappear in one of the distant camera shots in the quest "Return to Crookback Bog".
  • Increased very low LOD for the laundry sign outside Novigrad.
  • Fixed Vespula not sweeping and just standing still after dealing with Whoreson Junior's thugs pestering her.
  • Fixed NPCs in Toderas not being positioned correctly on beds at night.
  • Fixed missing shadows for Reginald's statue and its pedestal in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed the camera being placed inside a shelf obstructing view in few shots when you talk with Regis in the toy shop while he's waiting for Dettlaff.
  • Fixed permanently open door of one of the hut's outside Novigrad where you interrogate Menge's spy during the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure".
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes in the first scene with Bart and Dijkstra in the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure". Also fixed Geralt slightly shifting when selecting one of the dialogue options.
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes in the scene with Triss inside the granary during the quest "Pyres of Novigrad". Also fixed a sound of door opening that doesn't make sense because the entrance door is opened the whole time.
  • Fixed a conversation between 2 Eternal Fire guards that you can't hear due to wall occlusion after talking to Kluhg during the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Fixed the scene with a beggar in Hierarch Square giving you directions to Putrid Grove where Geralt weirdly shifts his body to the left in 2 instances during this dialogue in the quest "Pyres of Novigrad".
  • Unlocked door to one of the houses in Fox Hollow preventing you from reaching some loot. Also made the door white to indicate that it's possible to open it.
  • Increased LOD for Dijkstra's model. Vanilla values made his sleeves to change color and overall degraded the details on his clothing and leg orthosis from a short distance. 
  • Fixed a Nilfgaardian soldier holding an invisible weapon at a small camp near the garrison in White Orchard.
  • Fixed a rare bug/glitch during the quest "From Ofier's Distant Shores" where the Ofieri armor diagram and a note were missing in a chest in the Knight's hideout preventing you from progressing the quest.
  • Fixed noticeable lighting changes, Geralt being sunken in the ground in one camera shot and increased the FOV for one camera shot so that you can see whole Geralt's face, not just the half of it, in the scene with the Ofieri merchant at Upper Mill.
  • Fixed missing shadow for the lost box in the quest "Precious Cargo".
  • Fixed floating candle above a table in Flovive's inn.
  • Fixed permanent panting sound of Durand coming from the house where he's hiding in the quest "Extreme Cosplay". Also fixed a noticeable and sudden change of day to midnight at the end of the scene where you find Durand and unlocked the door through which he comes out that blocked access to some loot.
  • Fixed wraith in the White Orchard cemetery not dropping any loot. Now it's dropping the actual unique loot it should have had.
  • Fixed missing shadow for dog's corpse during "Man's Best Friend" unmarked quest.
  • Fixed Otrygg an Hindar having wrong head model (now matches the journal entry and his body after the berserker attack).
  • Fixed Dettlaff being visible in the scene where Regis, Geralt (and potentially Syanna) wait for Dettlaff's arrival during "Tesham Mutna" quest.
  • Increased very low LOD for shadows casted by objects with wind simulation that completely disappeared (flags, banners, rags, hanged clothes, market stands, barber’s sign).
  • Fixed missing shadows casted by one leg model used by Morkvarg (human form), Skellige fishermen and more.
  • Increased LOD for Geralt's Hairworks beards that disappeared in more distant camera shots.
  • Fixed broken shadows for werewolves' torsos that disappeared from close distance.
  • Fixed Zdenek infinitely fighting around the Nowhere Inn if you hadn't witnessed his death before entering the arena during the quest "Get Junior".
  • Fixed a non-functioning fight in the arena between a man and 3 wolves if you enter the arena peacefully before talking to Igor during the quest "Get Junior". With that fixed one line of the arena announcer after the fight ends.
  • Fixed missing color definition for a Novigrad rich boy's scarf.
  • Fixed Ingrid still having mask on her face when meeting Geralt in the stables during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.

Original author: Brothers in Arms mod team


  • Fixed Sile journal entry when finding her during "The Great Escape" quest. Previously incorrectly tracked her fate.
  • Fixed Sile journal entry getting added even if Sile died in Witcher 2 imported/simulated save file.
  • Fixed incorrect string in "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Part 1". (Incorporated from Wolf Gear Upgrades - Part 1 Duplicate Quest Objective Fix mod)
  • Fixed only being able to talk with Yennefer one time while exploring Freya's Garden during "Nameless" quest. Now can talk to her as many times as you want.
  • Fixed "In Wolf's Clothing" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Worthy of Trust" not activating until completed.
  • Fixed Geralt drawing his sword and upsetting the guards at the wrong time during "Worthy of Trust" quest.
  • Fixed "Loose Papers" not having text.
  • Fixed some potions not having "activate" sound effect in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed decoctions not having "activate" sound effect in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed Eskels' campsite during "To Bait a Forktail..." to give the Enhanced Draconid Oil schematic and ingredients, and stopped it from endlessly giving the oil that can't be received.
  • Fixed numerous kids that are floating in the middle of the air near the grandmaster sword maker in Beauclair and around the upper city of Beauclair.
  • Fixed many NPCs that are erroneously placed on an island east of Boatmaker's Hut and southwest of Lindenvale.  The people on the island are spawned over water, in the air, even partially underground.  They belong as part of the Bald Mountain Sabbath and should be despawned at the end of that quest.  Now, with this fix, they are.
  • Restored conversation between witch hunters near Portside Gate in Novigrad, conversing about Triss.
  • Removed leftover clues (claw marks) after the quest "Contract: Mysterious Tracks" is completed.
  • Fixed prisoners that are stuck in the sewers after the quest "The Great Escape".  Now when Geralt unlocks the gate, they will escape.
  • Fixed illusion rock not having sound and dispel animation during the quest "Greenhouse Effect".
  • Fixed Roach's placement when landing on the beach of Skellige during "Destination: Skellige" quest, so that Steingrim's wolf doesn't run into her and get stuck.
  • Fixed multiple double cave entrances in Toussaint.

Original author: Klubargutan


  • Restored missing dialogue with Thaler (returning monocle).
  • Restored missing Camerlengo's report.
  • Restored a document during "A Hallowed Horn" quest.
  • Fixed Yennefer's comments on Geralt's beard at the beginning of "The King is Dead, Long Live the King" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue between Hjalmar and Folan during "The Lord of Undvik" quest.
  • Restored missing dialogue with Triss during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest. Must not have completed "Carnal Sins" quest.
  • Enabled hidden quest "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice". Will send Geralt on search of Painite across various merchant stalls in Novigrad to finish runewright's stand.
  • Fixed not being able to hang "Starry Night Over the Pontar" painting in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed not being able to craft "Nickel Ore" in New Game Plus.
  • Fixed dialogue with Bertha in Crippled Kate's not correctly recognizing whether Geralt has already talked with her.
  • Fixed dialogue with Mercia in Crippled Kate's not correctly recognizing whether Geralt has already talked with her.
  • Fixed dialogue with Count Monnier.
  • Restored a couple of new lines while talking with Morkvarg during "In Wolf's Clothing" quest.
  • Fixed some random conversations during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest (at the party).
  • Fixed "Black Pearl" being able to start by picking the notice from the notice board.
  • Fixed "Hidden in the Depths" quest immediately finishing itself after picking up the note and key. Now player actually needs to loot the chest.
  • Fixed not being able to correctly interact with all gravestones during "Till Death Do You Part" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to correctly interact with the portrait at the inn after completing "Father Knows Worst" quest.
  • Fixed not being able to use "Grain Cup" during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest (while searching the gardens).
  • Fixed lady not interacting with Geralt after returning the lost ring during "The Beast of Toussaint" quest.
  • Fixed "Empty Coop" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk" quest.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: Deadly Delights" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Mysterious Tracks" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Hey, You Wanna Look at My Stuff?" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Spooked Mare" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Warehouse of Woe" quest.
  • Fixed "Finders Keepers" journal entry.
  • Fixed "The Family Blade" journal entry.
  • Fixed "An Unpaid Debt" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Contract: The Monster of Tufo" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: Bovine Blues" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 5" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 6" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Family Matters" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Envoys, Vineboys" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Father Knows Worst" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Echoes of the Past" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Knight for Hire" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Granite" journal entry.
  • Fixed "A Knight's Tales" journal entry.
  • Fixed "There Can Be Only One" journal entry.
  • Restored an unobtainable journal entry during "Hunting a Witch" quest.
  • Fixed "Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Redania's Most Wanted" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Coast of Wrecks" journal entry.
  • Fixed "A Deadly Plot" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Of Swords and Dumplings" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Worthy of Trust journal entry".
  • Fixed "A Matter of Life and Death" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Posession" journal entry.
  • Fixed "Fists of Fury: Skellige" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions" quest.
  • Fixed "Gwent: Collect Them All!" journal entry.
  • Fixed 2 journal entries during "A Dangerous Game" quest.

All of Klubargutan's fixes have been incorporated from following mods - Thaler's monocle fix, Camerlengo's report fix, Yennefer's remark about Geralt's beard, Folan's and Hjalmar's conversation fixA matter of life and death start dialogue fix, Small conversations fixes, NGP Fixes - Nickel Ore and Starry night over the pontar, Contracts' and minor quests' journal entries fixes, Sidequests' and treasure hunts' journal entries fixes, Enchanting mastery demands sacrifice - enable hidden quest, Journal entries fixes - Dlcs and expansion packs and part 1 questsand Few gameplay and story fixes.

Original author: BlurredNotions


  • Fixed Han looking like Han, not Arenaria. (Incorporated from Han Fix mod)

Original author: woodbyte


Original author: AsarGiN


Original author: Divergent444


  • Fixed Fool's Parsley not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Hornwort not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Longrube not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed Four-leaf clover not respawning. (Incorporated from All Herbs Respawn Bug Fix mod)
  • Fixed missing color definitions for multiple renegades during the quest "Family Blade".
  • Fixed Little Red's ears clipping through her hood during the quest "Little Red".
  • Fixed missing color definition for sleeves of a female NPC.
  • Fixed colour defintion on cap bands for two Toussaint women.
  • Fixed colour defintions on badges of one rich man in Toussaint and one in Novigrad.
  • Revised fix #507 by removing one base file and adding all instances of the two bandits, with missing color defintions, that were not originally included.
  • Swapped out the arms and gloves of bob_raider_lvl1_02 (with the one red and one orange arm) with arms and hands that better match his outfit and updated this swap in all files where this bandit appears.

Original author: eNoodles


  • Fixed level up pop up notification not displaying properly. (Incorporated from Level Up Popup Fix mod)

Original author: wghost81


  • Fixed fiends not attacking and using hypnosis.
  • Fixed chorts not attacking.

Original author: glassfish777


  • Fixed incorrect quest journal locations (33 quests fixed). (Incorporated from following mods - Velen Treasure Hunt Location Fixes, Side Quest Location Fixes and Scavenger Hunt Location Fixes)
  • Revised fixes #2525 and #2527. The trolls with vsets will now correctly comment on Geralt when he's around or when he bumps into them.
  • Fixed music transition not working correctly when leaving and entering Kaer Trolde village on foot.
  • Fixed music transition not working correctly when leaving and entering Beauclair catacombs.

Original author: LeutnantJoker


  • Fixed Geralt correctly remarking on weather. No more "looks like rain" when it's already pouring, etc.

Original author: edvin76


  • Fixed bookshelf in Corvo Bianco.  Now it displays gradually becoming fuller based on the quantity of books acquired by the player.

Original author: Tinnaib


  • Fixed a unique loading screen intended for use with the Winter White Orchard sequence during the Empress Ciri Epilogue.  The game incorrectly uses the standard Prologue White Orchard loading screen.  This fix restores the proper loading screen.
  • Fixed the map icon of the stash inside the White Orchard Inn during the Empress Ciri Winter White Orchard section.  This hides the stash icon from the map and minimap when the stash is not accessible.
  • Fixed several LOD problems with sails on large ships across the game: Avallac'h's ship in Kaer Trolde Harbor, the Niflgaardian ship that appears after clearing the Abandoned Site Ferry Station in Velen, and the ship in Novigrad Harbor that Geralt travels on to Skellige.
  • Fixed two LOD problems: Oxenfurt chess club sign from afar looks like a bakery sign, but if you go closer it changes to chess club sign; and ship in Novigrad that is just laying on sand, the sails disappear from a medium distance.
  • Fixed the LOD on the mast and sail on Avallac'h's ship while it is still in the Novigrad harbor.

Original author: nnikkellsen


  • Fixed a bug with Wolf Sword (base thru mastercrafted) where the scabbard floats above the sword when its mounted in certain Corvo Bianco weapon stand slots. (Incorporated from Fix Wolf Floating Scabbards mod)

Original author: anonymous


  • Revised the appearances of some NPCs in the Toderas Village after Geralt clears out the bandits.  There are two other traders who cannot be intercted with but look exactly like the restored Toderas Trader in the same vicinity.  They have been changed to old men as there is no need for there to be other vendors besides the Toderas Trader.
  • Increased the render distance of several fur vests that numerous NPCs wear throughout the game.  Now they will no longer disappear at medium distances.
  • Fixed a torch that is floating in the air in Kaer Trolde village.  Placed it properly on a nearby wall.
  • Fixed a floating horse and a floating body clipping through the wheel of a carriage in Velen southeast of Devil's Pit.
  • Fixed a floating barrel near the harbor in Novigrad.
  • Fixed the LOD of the mesh for two pillories between the butcher's yard and the main square that disappear from a short distance.
  • Repositioned two witch hunters that were floating in the air and clipping through a fence.
  • Multiple fixes for Harviken village: fixed a man floating in the air over a basket, and repositioned a woman sweeping in front of a quest giver.
  • Fixed multiple issues in Novigrad: a guard sunk below the ground in Oxenfurt, and a floating kid near the poor district in Novigrad.
  • Fixed multiple floating or sunken NPCs around Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed numerous poorly placed NPCs throughout the entire game and both expansions.  Consists of fixes for clipping, floating, and sunken NPCs.  Includes the Crow's Perch stable master, the quest giver for "Contract: Deadly Delights", the Redanian guard outside The Alchemy Inn in Oxenfurt, and several others.
  • Fixed 2 more poorly placed NPCs: a woman sitting on nothing, and a man clipping through a bench.
  • Fixed two locked doors in Drudge that shouldn't be locked.
  • Fixed 464 placement issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 150 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 311 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 324 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 201 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Fixed 139 placement and missing equipment issues involving NPCs and miscellaneous items across the entire game.
  • Changed the model of openable doors across Toussaint from brown to white to indicate they're openable. Also found and unlocked some doors that shouldn't be locked.
  • Changed the model of closed doors across Toussaint from white to brown to indicate they're un-openable.
  • Fixed doors that had visible gaps and the player could see unfinished enviroment behind them.
  • Fixed missing color definition on a cap of a woman in Winter White Orchard.
  • Changed the model of a closed door from white to brown to indicate it's un-openable. Fixed misaligned door that revealed unfinished enviroment behind it. Unlocked a door that shouldn't be locked.
  • Unlocked a hut in the marshes of Crookback Bog with lootable containers inside.
  • Added a missing stump to a butcher in Rannvaig.
  • Fixed peeing job for males, they were puking instead.
  • Fixed thug missing a sword in his hand during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.
  • Fixed poop that was sunken under the road near the tavern in White Orchard.
  • Fixed a floating peasant inside the tavern in White Orchard.
  • Fixed floating/sunken children in Winter White Orchard.
  • Slightly repositioned Elihal and the chair he's sitting on so the door to his shop won't spasm as the player walks in.
  • Fixed objects (pillows, basket, coin purse) that were floating under his shop.
  • Fixed two floating crates in the Novigrad sewers.
  • Added missing water to a washtub in Midcopse.
  • Fixed two women in Farcorners having broken Action Points.
  • Fixed a Bon Vivant drinking at Metinna Gate and being sunken in ground.
  • Fixed floating mug and rag when entering conversation with the innkeepers.
  • Fixed Clever Clogs merchant sometimes teleporting the player into a building that's impossible to exit. 
  • Adjusted scene DOF to fix blurry screen when the player is interacting with the merchant.
  • Fixed quirky placement when interacting with the merchant sitting in front of Cunny of the Goose.
  • Fixed quirky placement for Geralt when talking to the merchant at Coast of Wrecks.
  • Fixed a sunken man in Lindenvale.
  • Fixed two noblewomen in Tourney Grounds not taking their APs.
  • Swapped the dialogue between the two Witch Hunters in Farcorners when they're breaking into the house of Remi Villeroy. (It didn't make sense that the hunter who kicked down the door was ordering the other hunter to do it.)
  • Fixed Geralt being placed in a wall or outside Remi's house in certain scenarios after killing the hunters.
  • Repositioned the interaction buttons for all of the shrines of Hemdall on Faroe to the base of the rock and fixed the buttons failing to show when viewed from certain angles.
  • Fixed Whoreson's Henchmen floating in his hideout during the quest "Payback".
  • Fixed a Redanian soldier outside the prison missing a crossbow in his hand after finishing "The Great Escape".
  • Removed lingering sound clue on the floor in the Elven Ruins in Oxenfurt. 
  • Disabled laughing noises in the bathhouse when it's empty and re-enabled them when the bathhouse gets re-populated again. 
  • Fixed Radovid's soldiers spawning prematurely on St. Gregorys Bridge (right as Geralt is given the "Reason of State" quest).
  • Fixed the quest giver of "Spooked Mare" and the Scoia'tael thieves losing their AP's and standing motionless after the quest concludes.
  • Fixed the quest giver being sunken in ground and clipping through his horse when brushing it. 
  • Fixed the Sergeant and the Stablemaster losing their AP's and becoming a soulless beings after you take Uma to Kaer Morhen. 
  • Fixed the Sergeant's fight bookie hanging around in Crow's Perch for eternity and not disappearing like the other fists of fury bookies.
  • Fixed Stan Fishgulper sitting and clipping through a chair.
  • Despawned the man kicking Dolores out from his house at the end of the quest to prevent him from having a broken AP. 
  • Fixed numerous floating/sunken/clipping etc. guards.
  • Fixed Zoltan sometimes sinking to the stage outside of Rosemary & Thyme when being confronted by Duke and his thugs. 
  • Fixed Zoltan floating after killing Duke's thugs at the final encounter.
  • Fixed a woman being waist deep sunken in a bench.
  • Fixed a sunken merchant in Francollarts.
  • Fixed NPCs in Vizima who were sunken in benches or not properly placed on them.
  • Fixed a woman floating in Hierarch Square when the Vegelbud race is being announced by the herald.
  • Fixed a woman and a fisherman sitting and overlapping in a village on Spikeroog.
  • Changed Geralt's commentary about severed body parts at the Abandonded Sawmill in Skellige to make more sense.
  • Fixed Hugo Monnart and his brothers being sunken at Clever Clogs.
  • Fixed double cave entrance icon in Toussaint where you do the "Father Knows Worst" quest.
  • Fixed women sleeping on benches with their legs clipping through them.
  • Fixed Hym's shadow having a name during Geralt's investigation of the manor in "Possession" quest.
  • Fixed a woman on bench clipping through it with her feet.Fixed the cellars in Corvo Bianco to be interior.
  • Fixed a Wild One missing sword from his hand when meeting Olgierd at the burning estate.
  • Fixed a campfire that is impossible to be lit because the interaction is for looting it instead of igniting.
  • Changed door models in Toussaint from white to brown and vice versa to indicate where a door is locked and where it's open.
  • Fixed 2 floating lanterns in Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed infinitely respawning books with loot during "Extreme Cosplay" quest.
  • Fixed a noblewoman inside The Pheasantry whose dress was always bugging out when standing and drinking.
  • Fixed interaction buttons for trophies in Corvo Bianco being visible from outside and the player being able to place trophies through walls.

Original author: Akatoshka


  • Fixed golems not dropping loot and marked as swarm monsters.
  • Fixed ice trolls not dropping loot.
  • Fixed garkains incorrectly dropping swarm monsters loot.
  • Fixed potion effects no cleared correctly during some quests, when effects from Geralt is removed, but toxicity remains.
  • Fixed some mutations incorrectly disabled in some quest battles.

Original author: Wolfmark


Original author: ElementaryLewis


  • Fixed blurry screen when interacting with clan Dimun trader.
  • Fixed lingering DOF effect after existing dialogue with circus merchant.
  • Fixed lingering DOF effect after the thief cutscene during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.
  • Fixed a weird blend time between the cutscene and gameplay where a player regains control over Geralt, but not the camera for 5 seconds after witnessing thieves exchanging stolen purse during "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.

Original author: KoalaNalle, Gerignakbanmenot, and chuckcash (Besserwisser and Nitpicker's Patch mod team)


  • Added 1215 LOD improvements for various items throughout the game. Main categories include: Hair (both human and monster), eyes, ships and everything ship related (sails, masts, rudders, etc.), Roach equipment.
  • Fixed more cubic shadows on horses (compliment of the BIA fix #1917).
  • Fixed Gaetan having no scabbard.
  • Fixed flickering lighting in the scene in Vizima between Geralt and Yennefer during "Ugly Baby" quest. Note: This was undocumented, but found among Besserwisser's files.
  • Fixed lighting during Geralt - Igor talking in sewers scene.
  • Fixed lighting during Geralt - Roche talking about Whoreson scene.
  • Fixed Alternate Aard not creating water ripples when casting over water.
  • Euphoria mutation glow fix.
  • Fixed Ciri sometimes having two swords in cutscenes.
  • Multiple fixes during "Count Reuven's Treasure" quest with Triss killing Menge scene: Restored blood splutter effect to how it was when the game was released, it was removed in some subsequent patch, fixed blood not spluttering on one side of Triss' face and on her clothes, fixed spluttered blood dissipating almost instantly, breaking immersion. Note: This fix is completely re-done from scratch to ensure the correct blood effect and it not immediately dissipating.
  • Fixed Triss' DLC costume not loading properly in Corvo Bianco.
  • Fixed Ermion's staff fading in and out in some cutscenes.
  • Fixed Hierarch Hemmelfart's painting icon not lookng like the actual painting.
  • Fixed floating poster near Mulbrydale after the blacksmith is rescued.
  • Fixed flickering clouds in Kaer Morhen area.
  • Fixed Kiyan's scabbard position. Note: This was an undocumented fix found in Besserwisser's files and not fully finished. It is now properly re-done.
  • Fixed Roche's scabbard position.
  • Fixed Whoreson Junior's scabbard position.
  • Fixed spasming whales in Skellige.
  • Improved draw distance and shadows of windmills.
  • Fixed sword effects on basic swords not working correctly.
  • Fixed clipping issues with Geralt's arm and left sleeve of Ursine 1st tier armor.
  • Fixed Grandmaster Ursine armor not getting wet when raining. Note: Fix is re-done to ensure Grandmaster Ursine armor not changing its visual appearance together with the added wetness effect in rain.
  • Fixed a gap in Grandmaster Ursine gloves not meeting Geralt's wrists.
  • Fixed Iris sword not having the same scabbard as when Olgierd is using it and makes it unique. Note: This fix is redone. Nitpicker's original version was a hack, by making Iris unique, he had overwritten Sabre Scabbard 07 (a unique scabbard for EP1 sabre swords) and given them all Sabre Scabbard 06 (which is what scoia'tael swords use in base game). As a result, yes, Iris became unique, but we lost one scabbard completely in the process. It is now re-done, EP1 sabres use their unique scabbards and Iris uses its own unique scabbard that Olgierd does.
  • Fixed typo in XML file causing 2 different scabbard templates using the same model. Will now slightly increase the overall variety of NPC scabbards.
  • Fixed sheathing issues for crafted "Harpy", "Negotiator" and "Weeper" relic swords using wrong sheathe templates.
  • Fixed missing potion activation SFX for Pops' Mold. Complement to BIA fix #292.
  • Fixed Viper trousers causing clipping issues with Nilfgaardian armor and Wolven armor.
  • Fixed Vivienne's feather not equippable.
  • Fixed Grandmaster Wolven gear not requiring Mastercrafted prototypes to upgrade.
  • Fixed clipping between Geralt's tourney armor and Ravix armor, and certain pairs of Toussaint gloves.
  • Fixed Damien missing scabbard.
  • Fixed clipping scabbards for "Cloud Giant's sword" and "Cantata".
  • Restored Skellige gambeson to its original look.
  • Fixed floating spikes on Superior and Mastercrafted Griffin armors.
  • Fixed blue lines on Eternal Fire priest clothing.
  • Fixed blue lines on some Skellige warrior clothing.
  • Fixed blue lines on Kaer Morhen armor.
  • Fixed blue lines on Viper armor.
  • Fixed washed out colors on Ciri's boots.
  • Fixed position of Viper trousers when paired with non-Viper armors.
  • Fixed various clipping scabbard variants.
  • Fixed Roach's right eye not becoming ghostly with Caparison of Lament equipped.
  • Fixed guest bed on the second floor of Corvo Bianco having clipping textures.
  • Fixed the guest sleeping properly in their bed in Corvo Bianco, not sinking in it.
  • Fixed some Skellige warriors holding invisible axes.
  • Integrated numerous fixes for Keira: Fixed the visible seams on her arms and legs for her lingerie appearance, added her mole that was missing in the vanilla lingerie appearance, increased the autohide distance on her mole so it doesn't disappear in cutscenes from medium distance, added color definition and revised the color scheme of the bows on her sleeves.
  • Fixed some clothing racks floating/clipping.
  • Fixed common road sign model, sign not touching the post.
  • Fixed 2 sets of glitched catacomb doors near Beauclair cemetary. Note: This fix is completely re-done. Nitpicker didn't fix the doors, but just remove them entirely. They are now fixed properly to open and close normally and not having the skulls stuck.
  • Fixed DLC beards not displaying and growing correctly when Geralt has Gaunter's mark on his face.
  • Fixed fast travelling in a boat to Novigrad Docks sometimes placing the boat underwater.
  • Fixed Geralt's position in the boat so his swords do not clip through the side of it and increased LOD for sailable boats.
  • Fixed too small a table for an eternal fire guard and a witch hunter appearing near Novigrad gates after "Now or Never" quest has been started.
  • Fixed missing stoves and other objects in winter White Orchard.
  • Fixed Geralt swapping hair models when using Piercing Cold mutation.
  • Fixed a hole in the ground in the cave under the Temple Isle where you fight Kiyan.
  • Fixed a floating chandelier in Pierre's shop in Beauclair.
  • Fixed floating road decals in Beauclair.
  • Fixed a huge gap in the water near Novigrad sewers and fixed some floating and clipping crates/parcels in the sewers.
  • Fixed floating road decals on the road from Hierarch Square to the Golden Sturgeon.
  • Fixed floating brazier on Temple Isle near the alchemist.
  • Improved LOD on a ship in Novigrad.
  • Improved LODs on two ships in Oxenfurt.
  • Fixed floating fast travel signpost in Arinbjorn.
  • Fixed floating parcel and crate near Arinbjorn Inn. Note: Re-done, as Nitpicker had moved a nearby crate to hide the floating items, instead of fixing the actual problematic items.
  • Mesh correction for hanging ember bowl - flames no longer clip through the bottom of the bowl.
  • Fixed hole in Yennefer's outfit.
  • Fixed hole in the water near Southern Gate in Novigrad.
  • Fixed disappearing well during the scene when Geralt and Triss meet Ingrid Vegelbud in "A Matter of Life and Death" quest.
  • Fixed disappearing well during the scene when Geralt and Yennefer approach it in "The Great Escape" quest.


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