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matrix revolutions (SPOILERS!!!!)


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Ακολουθούν ενδεχομένως ΤΕΡΑΣΤΙΑ spoilers για το revolutions διαβάστε με ΔΙΚΗ σας και μόνο ευθύνη!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!














λοιπόν, αυτά τα βρήκα ψάχνοντας το πιθανότερο είναι να είναι κάποιο ωραίο fan fiction αλλά ποτέ δεν ξέρεις! Υποτίθεται ότι είναι περίληψη ενός pre script που είναι 75 σελίδες, το οποίο φυσικά όλος τυχαίος δεν υπάρχει πουθενά:P


Neo is in the real world or so he thinks dreaming of three lines in the desert of the real. when he awakes...


Neo is in the matrix at a trainstation, where he meets this crazed bum looking guy who operates the train. the train is controlled through this trainman who is a rogue program trying to avoid the Merovingian. On this train is a program which is the offspring of two other rogue prgrams.


Trinity and Morpheus get aboard the Hammer and go looking for the Logos and niobe's crew. When they find the Logos Niobe explains that Neo is trapped outside of his body and is now in the matrix. They power up the logos and return to zion to discuss the new plan with the council. At which point bane wakes up and after killing the medic sneaks aboard the Logos. Both ships head to broadcast depth to see the Oracle the logos has trinity morpheus and neo's body.


The oracle explains that Neo is being held in the matrix by the merovingian and is now operating somewhat like a rogue program roaming free in the matrix but cannot escape. She tells them that to free neo they must find the Merovingian at the hell club. Seraph who guards that which matters most (the future not the oracle) leads Morph and trin to the hell club.


At the same time Neo learns more about the nature of the matrix from the trainman, the matrix is deteriorating and there are glitches happening all over, and more about his nature and the nature of other rogue programs from the programs themselves. The programs are basically three factions those that work for the system, those that are free from the system but have given up hope that there is such a thing as free will so have thrown in their lot with the merovingian and enjoy the pleasures of the matrix, and those that are working to free themselves and everyone else from the system.


Morph trin and seraph fight their way to the Merovingian and Persephone, ghost and niobe fight their way to neo. They find neo and explain what is happening. Meanwhile Morph and trin make it to Persephone. Seraph gets killed along the way saving them both but they get persephone to turn and help kill the merovingian before he blows up the whole place..


Ghost and niobe get an exit and neo flys to see the Oracle at her apartment. She explains that at this point smith has taken over much of the matrix and the darkness will spread consuming them all. If the matrix ends, the machines end and so do the humans. She explains his earlier vision of three lines and says to follow them to get to 01he must help to save the matrix and to do so he must go to the machine capital. She explains it must end tonight, or all will be lost.


Smith takes over the the trainman and the prodidgy of the rogue programs. Discovers the whereabouts of the Oracle.


Morph and trin jack out as bane/smith attack the crew with the plasma gun. Link gets overcome and bane attacks Neo while he is still jacked in. Morph kills bane as Neo jacks out and realizes he is blind due to the attack. Morph, link, niobe and ghost board the hammer and head back to zion after getting an emergency call. Trin and Neo head towards 01 in the logos.


Neo explains to Trin that he finally understands what needs to be done and tells her about the three lines hes dreamed about. Trinity discovers the power transmission lines and they follow them. Neo battles the sentinels along the way with his mind.


Smith enters the oracles apartment and takes her over at which point he apparently becomes aware of the Oracles plan for bringing about a truce.


The hammer returns to Zion just in time to meet the threat of the sentinels approaching the gate. The kid is fighting them off in what appears to be the last of the APU's(mecha). The hammer fires its EMP and the newest sentinel threat seems to be abated.


The council meets and everyone explains what is happening with neo and 01. Hammans and the commander agree that the only hope now is to believe Morph was right about the prophesy. the Mjolnir returns and they all board it in a last ditch effort to hold off the sentinels till Neo reaches 01.


Meanwhile Neo and trin are constantly being attacked by sentinels as they appraoch the machine city. finally they are overcome by some huge machines and the logos crashes. The sentinels scan the wreckage and find Trin dead and Neo severly injured. The sentinels drag neos body to a kind of huge mainfram and jack him into it.


At the same time the mjolnir is fighting off the sentinels still attacking zion, but they are now all over the ship and hamman and the commander are killed by the sentinels defending the kid. Morph comforts Niobe and they kiss.


Neo has a long dialogue with the machine intelligence in a place which is obviously not real. The machines explain that he was unexpected but not unaccounted for. He says he can destroy smith if they will let the human minds still jacked in continue to exist and call off the destruction of zion. The machine tries to argue at which point other machine voices pop in and explain the stagnency of living this way. They agree to Neo's offer and they jack him into the matrix.


Morph is about to fire the EMP onboard the mjolnir when link sees that Neo is IN the matrix Morph holds off and the sentinel cease their attack. Morph looks at the screen and says "oh trinity......Neo...he fights for us...all of us".


Neo faces down smith in the raining streets. they fight and talk and Smith explains his feeling of freedom and about death. Neo wins at first but is eventually overcome by Smith. Smith does to Neo what Neo did to smith in the first movie taking him over. At which point the machines unplug Neo destroying smith and all of his clones as well.


The kid collapses in the mjolnir, and the matrix code changes suddenly. Morph checks the kids vitals and he is dead. In the architects room you see the architect being taken over like an agent taking over a human who is plugged in. Suddenly the kid sits there looking bewildered then determined.


A teeming city is seen humans running all over doing their business. Morpheus and niobe walk the streets together. Morpheus says "she prophesied that i would find the one" Niobe says "you did indirectly" Morpheus smiles and says "Neo found...helped him find himself...It's not over yet" she responds "let them dream Morpheus" to which he replies "sometimes all we have is dreams...Faith" she kisses him "faith or truth its all the same". He says "I dreamed I was a man...is it evolution or revolution?"


Zoom towards the machine intelligence and then inside then down some wires then to a smiling kid and finally down a street in the matrix to Morpheus and Niobe and behind them an agent. " I see them now. I will maintain contact....."

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-end spoilers=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

αληθεια τα χρωματα που χαθηκαν? εμενα μου φαινετε αρκετα λογικοφανες παντος, αν και πιστεβω οτι μπορει να κατασκεβαστει απο τα τρειλερς που ηδη υπαρχουν.....


περιμενω σκεψεις


Για να καταλάβω, όλοι πεθαίνουν στον "real world" και επιστρέφουν στο matrix, στο οποίο τη θέση του architect έχει πάρει το kid, ενώ οι μηχανές βάζουν antivirus και καθαρίζουν τον Smith.



Χλωμό έως κίτρινο...


lol sostos:P


kai pou na deis mia allh istoria sthn opoia ena programa apo lathos delete epiase olh th mnimh eno ena gnosto bug gia allh mia fora vriskete sta prothira tou na krasarei to sistima:P


op sorry ayto to ekanan sto reloaded hdh;)



Kykloforoun poly kalytera spoilers apo ayto

Gia deite edw ti exei grapsei to atomo:


Einai megalo alla axizei ton kopo na to diabasei kaneis

Me liga logia leei oti oloi einai mhxanes kai oti oi an8rwpoi exoun nikhsei ton polemo


Epishs yparxei kai ayto to post http://matrix.ugo.com/zionswitchboard/messageview.cfm?catid=40&threadid=11010

opou leei pws to telos tou M1 einai to telos kai tou M3.Etsi exhgeitai h allagh sta rouxa, to neo online paixnidi pou etoimazetai alla kai h symberifora tou Neo.Sto telos tou 1 otan milaei sto thlefwniko 8alamo o Neo akougetai poly apofasismenos kai atromhtos.Sto 2 ton blepoume pio sygkratimeno.Isws loipon ayta pou eidame sto reloaded eginan prin thn skhnh pou blepoume sto 1




ta koitaksa ayta poly prin, kai ta aperipsa gia poly sygekrimenous logous


a)einai EIKASIES, den ipirkse kapoiou eidous parafilologia apo piso tous opos se ayto pou edosa edo. na eiste vevaioi pos an den elega oti endexete na einai fan fiction tora tha trexame aristera kai deksia


b)den simfonoun idietera me ta trailers, kai genikos exoun poly perisoteres "trypes" apo to parapano. toso esoterikhs sinepias oso kai marketistikhs prosegishs


episis to na exoun kerdisei oi mixanes einai TELEIOS apithano ma TELEIOS giati antifaskei me to seccond reinssance


episis h ypothesh tou na einai to telos tou protou meta to relovusions einai apithano opos to vlepo ego giati einai profanes oti oi mixanes tha fovithoun ton smith kati prepei na ginei me ayton. an mi ti allo to sigekrimeno simfonei me to "meta to revolutions" online paixnidi


episis kanena apo ta alla fun fiction pou kikloforoun den exoun ton aera tou episimou


opsometha fisika, alla opos to vlepo ego to parapano einai h pio realistikh prosegish


episis den ksero an exeis diavasei to ti leei h oracle ston gost kai th niobi, alla kanena apo ta mexri tora alla fun fiction den exoun anaferthei KAN se ayto opos episis kai den dikaiologoun KATHOLOU thn tyflosh tou neo


epote: Poia i apopsi sou gia to Matriculated story tou Animatrix?

De briskeis pws einai polu logiko oi an8rwpoi na exoun balei enan io sto Matrix (Agent Smith) gia na ekbiasoun tis mixanes na pistepsoun pws o monos tropos swtirias einai na doulepsoun mazi me tous an8rwpous?




den to vrisko katholou paralogo, at this point, poly liga pragmata omos mporoume na theorisoume paraloga. an mi ti allo to matriculated mas leei mporoun oi anthropoi na alaksopistisoun enan apo tous dinastes tous. mallon katariptei thn theoria tou na kerdisan oi anthropoi to polemo


either way, o smith den nomizo na einai anthropino kataskevasma, malon bug einai o typos:P giati tote poios o logos na psaxnei perisoterh dynamh?


ego ayton pou den katalavaino akoma einai o merovingian! ti zori travaei kai ti douleia tha paiksei sto trito!


episis to na exoun kerdisei oi mixanes einai TELEIOS apithano ma TELEIOS giati antifaskei me to seccond reinssance

Sto second renaissance den deixnei oti kerdizoun oi mhxanes kai ypotasoun to an8rwpino gennos?


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