moyrgos Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Γειά σας έχω ένα σάιτ και χρησιμοποιό κάποια iframe πατάω το λίνκ για να μου ανοίξει το Fancybox και το ανοίγει μέσα στο iframe θέλω να το ανοίγει στην κεντρική σελίδα . Το fancybox που χρεισιμοποιο είναι το 1,3,4 και το jquery ειναι 1,8,2 . ΚΩΔΙΚΑΣ αρχείο css του fancybox jquery.fancybox.css /*! fancyBox v2.1.3 | */.fancybox-wrap,.fancybox-skin,.fancybox-outer,.fancybox-inner,.fancybox-image,.fancybox-wrap iframe,.fancybox-wrap object,.fancybox-nav,.fancybox-nav span,.fancybox-tmp{padding: 0;margin: 0;border: 0;outline: none;vertical-align: top;}.fancybox-wrap {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 8020;}.fancybox-skin {position: relative;background: #f9f9f9;color: #444;text-shadow: none;-webkit-border-radius: 4px;-moz-border-radius: 4px;border-radius: 4px;}.fancybox-opened {z-index: 8030;}.fancybox-opened .fancybox-skin {-webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);-moz-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);}.fancybox-outer, .fancybox-inner {position: relative;}.fancybox-inner {overflow: hidden;}.fancybox-type-iframe .fancybox-inner {-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;}.fancybox-error {color: #444;font: 14px/20px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;margin: 0;padding: 15px;white-space: nowrap;}.fancybox-image, .fancybox-iframe {display: block;width: 100%;height: 100%;}.fancybox-image {max-width: 100%;max-height: 100%;}#fancybox-loading, .fancybox-close, .fancybox-prev span, .fancybox-next span {background-image: url('fancybox_sprite.png');}#fancybox-loading {position: fixed;top: 50%;left: 50%;margin-top: -22px;margin-left: -22px;background-position: 0 -108px;opacity: 0.8;cursor: pointer;z-index: 8060;}#fancybox-loading div {width: 44px;height: 44px;background: url('fancybox_loading.gif') center center no-repeat;}.fancybox-close {position: absolute;top: -18px;right: -18px;width: 36px;height: 36px;cursor: pointer;z-index: 8040;}.fancybox-nav {position: absolute;top: 0;width: 40%;height: 100%;cursor: pointer;text-decoration: none;background: transparent url('blank.gif'); /* helps IE */-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);z-index: 8040;}.fancybox-prev {left: 0;}.fancybox-next {right: 0;}.fancybox-nav span {position: absolute;top: 50%;width: 36px;height: 34px;margin-top: -18px;cursor: pointer;z-index: 8040;visibility: hidden;}.fancybox-prev span {left: 10px;background-position: 0 -36px;}.fancybox-next span {right: 10px;background-position: 0 -72px;}.fancybox-nav:hover span {visibility: visible;}.fancybox-tmp {position: absolute;top: -99999px;left: -99999px;visibility: hidden;max-width: 99999px;max-height: 99999px;overflow: visible !important;}/* Overlay helper */.fancybox-lock {overflow: hidden;}.fancybox-overlay {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;overflow: hidden;display: none;z-index: 8010;background: url('fancybox_overlay.png');}.fancybox-overlay-fixed {position: fixed;bottom: 0;right: 0;}.fancybox-lock .fancybox-overlay {overflow: auto;overflow-y: scroll;}/* Title helper */.fancybox-title {visibility: hidden;font: normal 13px/20px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;position: relative;text-shadow: none;z-index: 8050;}.fancybox-opened .fancybox-title {visibility: visible;}.fancybox-title-float-wrap {position: absolute;bottom: 0;right: 50%;margin-bottom: -35px;z-index: 8050;text-align: center;}.fancybox-title-float-wrap .child {display: inline-block;margin-right: -100%;padding: 2px 20px;background: transparent; /* Fallback for web browsers that doesn't support RGBa */background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);-webkit-border-radius: 15px;-moz-border-radius: 15px;border-radius: 15px;text-shadow: 0 1px 2px #222;color: #FFF;font-weight: bold;line-height: 24px;white-space: nowrap;}.fancybox-title-outside-wrap {position: relative;margin-top: 10px;color: #fff;}.fancybox-title-inside-wrap {padding-top: 10px;}.fancybox-title-over-wrap {position: absolute;bottom: 0;left: 0;color: #fff;padding: 10px;background: #000;background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);} αρχείο javascript του fancybox jquery.fancybox.js /*!* fancyBox - jQuery Plugin* version: 2.1.3 (Tue, 23 Oct 2012)* @requires jQuery v1.6 or later** Examples at* License:** Copyright 2012 Janis Skarnelis - [email protected]**/(function (window, document, $, undefined) {"use strict";var W = $(window),D = $(document),F = $.fancybox = function () { this, arguments );},didUpdate = null,isTouch = document.createTouch !== undefined,isQuery = function(obj) {return obj && obj.hasOwnProperty && obj instanceof $;},isString = function(str) {return str && $.type(str) === "string";},isPercentage = function(str) {return isString(str) && str.indexOf('%') > 0;},isScrollable = function(el) {return (el && !( && === 'hidden') && ((el.clientWidth && el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth) || (el.clientHeight && el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight)));},getScalar = function(orig, dim) {var value = parseInt(orig, 10) || 0;if (dim && isPercentage(orig)) {value = F.getViewport()[ dim ] / 100 * value;}return Math.ceil(value);},getValue = function(value, dim) {return getScalar(value, dim) + 'px';};$.extend(F, {// The current version of fancyBoxversion: '2.1.3',defaults: {padding : 15,margin : 20,width : 800,height : 600,minWidth : 100,minHeight : 100,maxWidth : 9999,maxHeight : 9999,autoSize : true,autoHeight : false,autoWidth : false,autoResize : true,autoCenter : !isTouch,fitToView : true,aspectRatio : false,topRatio : 0.5,leftRatio : 0.5,scrolling : 'auto', // 'auto', 'yes' or 'no'wrapCSS : '',arrows : true,closeBtn : true,closeClick : false,nextClick : false,mouseWheel : true,autoPlay : false,playSpeed : 3000,preload : 3,modal : false,loop : true,ajax : {dataType : 'html',headers : { 'X-fancyBox': true }},iframe : {scrolling : 'auto',preload : true},swf : {wmode: 'transparent',allowfullscreen : 'true',allowscriptaccess : 'always'},keys : {next : {13 : 'left', // enter34 : 'up', // page down39 : 'left', // right arrow40 : 'up' // down arrow},prev : {8 : 'right', // backspace33 : 'down', // page up37 : 'right', // left arrow38 : 'down' // up arrow},close : [27], // escape keyplay : [32], // space - start/stop slideshowtoggle : [70] // letter "f" - toggle fullscreen},direction : {next : 'left',prev : 'right'},scrollOutside : true,// Override some propertiesindex : 0,type : null,href : null,content : null,title : null,// HTML templatestpl: {wrap : ' ',image : '',iframe : '',error : ' The requested content cannot be loaded.Please try again later. ',closeBtn : '',next : '',prev : ''},// Properties for each animation type// Opening fancyBoxopenEffect : 'fade', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'openSpeed : 250,openEasing : 'swing',openOpacity : true,openMethod : 'zoomIn',// Closing fancyBoxcloseEffect : 'fade', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'closeSpeed : 250,closeEasing : 'swing',closeOpacity : true,closeMethod : 'zoomOut',// Changing next gallery itemnextEffect : 'elastic', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'nextSpeed : 250,nextEasing : 'swing',nextMethod : 'changeIn',// Changing previous gallery itemprevEffect : 'elastic', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'prevSpeed : 250,prevEasing : 'swing',prevMethod : 'changeOut',// Enable default helpershelpers : {overlay : true,title : true},// CallbacksonCancel : $.noop, // If cancelingbeforeLoad : $.noop, // Before loadingafterLoad : $.noop, // After loadingbeforeShow : $.noop, // Before changing in current itemafterShow : $.noop, // After openingbeforeChange : $.noop, // Before changing gallery itembeforeClose : $.noop, // Before closingafterClose : $.noop // After closing},//Current stategroup : {}, // Selected groupopts : {}, // Group optionsprevious : null, // Previous elementcoming : null, // Element being loadedcurrent : null, // Currently loaded elementisActive : false, // Is activatedisOpen : false, // Is currently openisOpened : false, // Have been fully opened at least oncewrap : null,skin : null,outer : null,inner : null,player : {timer : null,isActive : false},// LoadersajaxLoad : null,imgPreload : null,// Some collectionstransitions : {},helpers : {},/** Static methods*/open: function (group, opts) {if (!group) {return;}if (!$.isPlainObject(opts)) {opts = {};}// Close if already activeif (false === F.close(true)) {return;}// Normalize groupif (!$.isArray(group)) {group = isQuery(group) ? $(group).get() : [group];}// Recheck if the type of each element is `object` and set content type (image, ajax, etc)$.each(group, function(i, element) {var obj = {},href,title,content,type,rez,hrefParts,selector;if ($.type(element) === "object") {// Check if is DOM elementif (element.nodeType) {element = $(element);}if (isQuery(element)) {obj = {href :'fancybox-href') || element.attr('href'),title :'fancybox-title') || element.attr('title'),isDom : true,element : element};if ($.metadata) {$.extend(true, obj, element.metadata());}} else {obj = element;}}href = opts.href || obj.href || (isString(element) ? element : null);title = opts.title !== undefined ? opts.title : obj.title || '';content = opts.content || obj.content;type = content ? 'html' : (opts.type || obj.type);if (!type && obj.isDom) {type ='fancybox-type');if (!type) {rez = element.prop('class').match(/fancybox\.(\w+)/);type = rez ? rez[1] : null;}}if (isString(href)) {// Try to guess the content typeif (!type) {if (F.isImage(href)) {type = 'image';} else if (F.isSWF(href)) {type = 'swf';} else if (href.charAt(0) === '#') {type = 'inline';} else if (isString(element)) {type = 'html';content = element;}}// Split url into two pieces with source url and content selector, e.g,// "/mypage.html #my_id" will load "/mypage.html" and display element having id "my_id"if (type === 'ajax') {hrefParts = href.split(/\s+/, 2);href = hrefParts.shift();selector = hrefParts.shift();}}if (!content) {if (type === 'inline') {if (href) {content = $( isString(href) ? href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') : href ); //strip for ie7} else if (obj.isDom) {content = element;}} else if (type === 'html') {content = href;} else if (!type && !href && obj.isDom) {type = 'inline';content = element;}}$.extend(obj, {href : href,type : type,content : content,title : title,selector : selector});group[ i ] = obj;});// Extend the defaultsF.opts = $.extend(true, {}, F.defaults, opts);// All options are merged recursive except keysif (opts.keys !== undefined) {F.opts.keys = opts.keys ? $.extend({}, F.defaults.keys, opts.keys) : false;} = group;return F._start(F.opts.index);},// Cancel image loading or abort ajax requestcancel: function () {var coming = F.coming;if (!coming || false === F.trigger('onCancel')) {return;}F.hideLoading();if (F.ajaxLoad) {F.ajaxLoad.abort();}F.ajaxLoad = null;if (F.imgPreload) {F.imgPreload.onload = F.imgPreload.onerror = null;}if (coming.wrap) {coming.wrap.stop(true, true).trigger('onReset').remove();}F.coming = null;// If the first item has been canceled, then clear everythingif (!F.current) {F._afterZoomOut( coming );}},// Start closing animation if is open; remove immediately if opening/closingclose: function (event) {F.cancel();if (false === F.trigger('beforeClose')) {return;}F.unbindEvents();if (!F.isActive) {return;}if (!F.isOpen || event === true) {$('.fancybox-wrap').stop(true).trigger('onReset').remove();F._afterZoomOut();} else {F.isOpen = F.isOpened = false;F.isClosing = true;$('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav').remove();F.wrap.stop(true, true).removeClass('fancybox-opened');F.transitions[ F.current.closeMethod ]();}},// Manage slideshow:// $; - toggle slideshow// $ true ); - start// $ false ); - stopplay: function ( action ) {var clear = function () {clearTimeout(F.player.timer);},set = function () {clear();if (F.current && F.player.isActive) {F.player.timer = setTimeout(, F.current.playSpeed);}},stop = function () {clear();$('body').unbind('.player');F.player.isActive = false;F.trigger('onPlayEnd');},start = function () {if (F.current && (F.current.loop || F.current.index < - 1)) {F.player.isActive = true;$('body').bind({'afterShow.player onUpdate.player' : set,'onCancel.player beforeClose.player' : stop,'beforeLoad.player' : clear});set();F.trigger('onPlayStart');}};if (action === true || (!F.player.isActive && action !== false)) {start();} else {stop();}},// Navigate to next gallery itemnext: function ( direction ) {var current = F.current;if (current) {if (!isString(direction)) {direction =;}F.jumpto(current.index + 1, direction, 'next');}},// Navigate to previous gallery itemprev: function ( direction ) {var current = F.current;if (current) {if (!isString(direction)) {direction = current.direction.prev;}F.jumpto(current.index - 1, direction, 'prev');}},// Navigate to gallery item by indexjumpto: function ( index, direction, router ) {var current = F.current;if (!current) {return;}index = getScalar(index);F.direction = direction || current.direction[ (index >= current.index ? 'next' : 'prev') ];F.router = router || 'jumpto';if (current.loop) {if (index < 0) {index = + (index %;}index = index %;}if ([ index ] !== undefined) {F.cancel();F._start(index);}},// Center inside viewport and toggle position type to fixed or absolute if neededreposition: function (e, onlyAbsolute) {var current = F.current,wrap = current ? current.wrap : null,pos;if (wrap) {pos = F._getPosition(onlyAbsolute);if (e && e.type === 'scroll') {delete pos.position;wrap.stop(true, true).animate(pos, 200);} else {wrap.css(pos);current.pos = $.extend({}, current.dim, pos);}}},update: function (e) {var type = (e && e.type),anyway = !type || type === 'orientationchange';if (anyway) {clearTimeout(didUpdate);didUpdate = null;}if (!F.isOpen || didUpdate) {return;}didUpdate = setTimeout(function() {var current = F.current;if (!current || F.isClosing) {return;}F.wrap.removeClass('fancybox-tmp');if (anyway || type === 'load' || (type === 'resize' && current.autoResize)) {F._setDimension();}if (!(type === 'scroll' && current.canShrink)) {F.reposition(e);}F.trigger('onUpdate');didUpdate = null;}, (anyway && !isTouch ? 0 : 300));},// Shrink content to fit inside viewport or restore if resizedtoggle: function ( action ) {if (F.isOpen) {F.current.fitToView = $.type(action) === "boolean" ? action : !F.current.fitToView;// Help browser to restore document dimensionsif (isTouch) {F.wrap.removeAttr('style').addClass('fancybox-tmp');F.trigger('onUpdate');}F.update();}},hideLoading: function () {D.unbind('.loading');$('#fancybox-loading').remove();},showLoading: function () {var el, viewport;F.hideLoading();el = $(' ').click(F.cancel).appendTo('body');// If user will press the escape-button, the request will be canceledD.bind('keydown.loading', function(e) {if ((e.which || e.keyCode) === 27) {e.preventDefault();F.cancel();}});if (!F.defaults.fixed) {viewport = F.getViewport();el.css({position : 'absolute',top : (viewport.h * 0.5) + viewport.y,left : (viewport.w * 0.5) + viewport.x});}},getViewport: function () {var locked = (F.current && F.current.locked) || false,rez = {x: W.scrollLeft(),y: W.scrollTop()};if (locked) {rez.w = locked[0].clientWidth;rez.h = locked[0].clientHeight;} else {// See = isTouch && window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : W.width();rez.h = isTouch && window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : W.height();}return rez;},// Unbind the keyboard / clicking actionsunbindEvents: function () {if (F.wrap && isQuery(F.wrap)) {F.wrap.unbind('.fb');}D.unbind('.fb');W.unbind('.fb');},bindEvents: function () {var current = F.current,keys;if (!current) {return;}// Changing document height on iOS devices triggers a 'resize' event,// that can change document height... repeating infinitelyW.bind('orientationchange.fb' + (isTouch ? '' : ' resize.fb') + (current.autoCenter && !current.locked ? ' scroll.fb' : ''), F.update);keys = current.keys;if (keys) {D.bind('keydown.fb', function (e) {var code = e.which || e.keyCode,target = || e.srcElement;// Skip esc key if loading, because showLoading will cancel preloadingif (code === 27 && F.coming) {return false;}// Ignore key combinations and key events within form elementsif (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && !(target && (target.type || $(target).is('[contenteditable]')))) {$.each(keys, function(i, val) {if ( > 1 && val[ code ] !== undefined) {F[ i ]( val[ code ] );e.preventDefault();return false;}if ($.inArray(code, val) > -1) {F[ i ] ();e.preventDefault();return false;}});}});}if ($.fn.mousewheel && current.mouseWheel) {F.wrap.bind('mousewheel.fb', function (e, delta, deltaX, deltaY) {var target = || null,parent = $(target),canScroll = false;while (parent.length) {if (canScroll ||'.fancybox-skin') ||'.fancybox-wrap')) {break;}canScroll = isScrollable( parent[0] );parent = $(parent).parent();}if (delta !== 0 && !canScroll) {if ( > 1 && !current.canShrink) {if (deltaY > 0 || deltaX > 0) {F.prev( deltaY > 0 ? 'down' : 'left' );} else if (deltaY < 0 || deltaX < 0) { deltaY < 0 ? 'up' : 'right' );}e.preventDefault();}}});}},trigger: function (event, o) {var ret, obj = o || F.coming || F.current;if (!obj) {return;}if ($.isFunction( obj[event] )) {ret = obj[event].apply(obj,, 1));}if (ret === false) {return false;}if (obj.helpers) {$.each(obj.helpers, function (helper, opts) {if (opts && F.helpers[helper] && $.isFunction(F.helpers[helper][event])) {opts = $.extend(true, {}, F.helpers[helper].defaults, opts);F.helpers[helper][event](opts, obj);}});}$.event.trigger(event + '.fb');},isImage: function (str) {return isString(str) && str.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp)((\?|#).*)?$)/i);},isSWF: function (str) {return isString(str) && str.match(/\.(swf)((\?|#).*)?$/i);},_start: function (index) {var coming = {},obj,href,type,margin,padding;index = getScalar( index );obj =[ index ] || null;if (!obj) {return false;}coming = $.extend(true, {}, F.opts, obj);// Convert margin and padding properties to array - top, right, bottom, leftmargin = coming.margin;padding = coming.padding;if ($.type(margin) === 'number') {coming.margin = [margin, margin, margin, margin];}if ($.type(padding) === 'number') {coming.padding = [padding, padding, padding, padding];}// 'modal' propery is just a shortcutif (coming.modal) {$.extend(true, coming, {closeBtn : false,closeClick : false,nextClick : false,arrows : false,mouseWheel : false,keys : null,helpers: {overlay : {closeClick : false}}});}// 'autoSize' property is a shortcut, tooif (coming.autoSize) {coming.autoWidth = coming.autoHeight = true;}if (coming.width === 'auto') {coming.autoWidth = true;}if (coming.height === 'auto') {coming.autoHeight = true;}/** Add reference to the group, so it`s possible to access from callbacks, example:* afterLoad : function() {* this.title = 'Image ' + (this.index + 1) + ' of ' + + (this.title ? ' - ' + this.title : '');* }*/ =;coming.index = index;// Give a chance for callback or helpers to update coming item (type, title, etc)F.coming = coming;if (false === F.trigger('beforeLoad')) {F.coming = null;return;}type = coming.type;href = coming.href;if (!type) {F.coming = null;//If we can not determine content type then drop silently or display next/prev item if looping through galleryif (F.current && F.router && F.router !== 'jumpto') {F.current.index = index;return F[ F.router ]( F.direction );}return false;}F.isActive = true;if (type === 'image' || type === 'swf') {coming.autoHeight = coming.autoWidth = false;coming.scrolling = 'visible';}if (type === 'image') {coming.aspectRatio = true;}if (type === 'iframe' && isTouch) {coming.scrolling = 'scroll';}// Build the neccessary markupcoming.wrap = $(coming.tpl.wrap).addClass('fancybox-' + (isTouch ? 'mobile' : 'desktop') + ' fancybox-type-' + type + ' fancybox-tmp ' + coming.wrapCSS).appendTo( coming.parent || 'body' );$.extend(coming, {skin : $('.fancybox-skin', coming.wrap),outer : $('.fancybox-outer', coming.wrap),inner : $('.fancybox-inner', coming.wrap)});$.each(["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], function(i, v) {'padding' + v, getValue(coming.padding[ i ]));});F.trigger('onReady');// Check before try to load; 'inline' and 'html' types need content, others - hrefif (type === 'inline' || type === 'html') {if (!coming.content || !coming.content.length) {return F._error( 'content' );}} else if (!href) {return F._error( 'href' );}if (type === 'image') {F._loadImage();} else if (type === 'ajax') {F._loadAjax();} else if (type === 'iframe') {F._loadIframe();} else {F._afterLoad();}},_error: function ( type ) {$.extend(F.coming, {type : 'html',autoWidth : true,autoHeight : true,minWidth : 0,minHeight : 0,scrolling : 'no',hasError : type,content : F.coming.tpl.error});F._afterLoad();},_loadImage: function () {// Reset preload image so it is later possible to check "complete" propertyvar img = F.imgPreload = new Image();img.onload = function () {this.onload = this.onerror = null;F.coming.width = this.width;F.coming.height = this.height;F._afterLoad();};img.onerror = function () {this.onload = this.onerror = null;F._error( 'image' );};img.src = F.coming.href;if (img.complete !== true) {F.showLoading();}},_loadAjax: function () {var coming = F.coming;F.showLoading();F.ajaxLoad = $.ajax($.extend({}, coming.ajax, {url: coming.href,error: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {if (F.coming && textStatus !== 'abort') {F._error( 'ajax', jqXHR );} else {F.hideLoading();}},success: function (data, textStatus) {if (textStatus === 'success') {coming.content = data;F._afterLoad();}}}));},_loadIframe: function() {var coming = F.coming,iframe = $(coming.tpl.iframe.replace(/\{rnd\}/g, new Date().getTime())).attr('scrolling', isTouch ? 'auto' : coming.iframe.scrolling).attr('src', coming.href);// This helps IE$(coming.wrap).bind('onReset', function () {try {$(this).find('iframe').hide().attr('src', '//about:blank').end().empty();} catch (e) {}});if (coming.iframe.preload) {F.showLoading();'load', function() {$(this).data('ready', 1);// iOS will lose scrolling if we resizeif (!isTouch) {$(this).bind('load.fb', F.update);}// Without this trick:// - iframe won't scroll on iOS devices// - IE7 sometimes displays empty iframe$(this).parents('.fancybox-wrap').width('100%').removeClass('fancybox-tmp').show();F._afterLoad();});}coming.content = iframe.appendTo( coming.inner );if (!coming.iframe.preload) {F._afterLoad();}},_preloadImages: function() {var group =,current = F.current,len = group.length,cnt = current.preload ? Math.min(current.preload, len - 1) : 0,item,i;for (i = 1; i <= cnt; i += 1) {item = group[ (current.index + i ) % len ];if (item.type === 'image' && item.href) {new Image().src = item.href;}}},_afterLoad: function () {var coming = F.coming,previous = F.current,placeholder = 'fancybox-placeholder',current,content,type,scrolling,href,embed;F.hideLoading();if (!coming || F.isActive === false) {return;}if (false === F.trigger('afterLoad', coming, previous)) {coming.wrap.stop(true).trigger('onReset').remove();F.coming = null;return;}if (previous) {F.trigger('beforeChange', previous);previous.wrap.stop(true).removeClass('fancybox-opened').find('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav').remove();}F.unbindEvents();current = coming;content = coming.content;type = coming.type;scrolling = coming.scrolling;$.extend(F, {wrap : current.wrap,skin :,outer : current.outer,inner : current.inner,current : current,previous : previous});href = current.href;switch (type) {case 'inline':case 'ajax':case 'html':if (current.selector) {content = $(' ').html(content).find(current.selector);} else if (isQuery(content)) {if (! {, $(' ').insertAfter( content ).hide() );}content =;current.wrap.bind('onReset', function () {if ($(this).find(content).length) {content.hide().replaceAll( ).data(placeholder, false);}});}break;case 'image':content = current.tpl.image.replace('{href}', href);break;case 'swf':content = '';embed = '';$.each(current.swf, function(name, val) {content += '';embed += ' ' + name + '="' + val + '"';});content += 'break;}if (!(isQuery(content) && content.parent().is(current.inner))) {current.inner.append( content );}// Give a chance for helpers or callbacks to update elementsF.trigger('beforeShow');// Set scrolling before calculating dimensionscurrent.inner.css('overflow', scrolling === 'yes' ? 'scroll' : (scrolling === 'no' ? 'hidden' : scrolling));// Set initial dimensions and start positionF._setDimension();F.reposition();F.isOpen = false;F.coming = null;F.bindEvents();if (!F.isOpened) {$('.fancybox-wrap').not( current.wrap ).stop(true).trigger('onReset').remove();} else if (previous.prevMethod) {F.transitions[ previous.prevMethod ]();}F.transitions[ F.isOpened ? current.nextMethod : current.openMethod ]();F._preloadImages();},_setDimension: function () {var viewport = F.getViewport(),steps = 0,canShrink = false,canExpand = false,wrap = F.wrap,skin =,inner = F.inner,current = F.current,width = current.width,height = current.height,minWidth = current.minWidth,minHeight = current.minHeight,maxWidth = current.maxWidth,maxHeight = current.maxHeight,scrolling = current.scrolling,scrollOut = current.scrollOutside ? current.scrollbarWidth : 0,margin = current.margin,wMargin = getScalar(margin[1] + margin[3]),hMargin = getScalar(margin[0] + margin[2]),wPadding,hPadding,wSpace,hSpace,origWidth,origHeight,origMaxWidth,origMaxHeight,ratio,width_,height_,maxWidth_,maxHeight_,iframe,body;// Reset dimensions so we could re-check actual sizewrap.add(skin).add(inner).width('auto').height('auto').removeClass('fancybox-tmp');wPadding = getScalar(skin.outerWidth(true) - skin.width());hPadding = getScalar(skin.outerHeight(true) - skin.height());// Any space between content and viewport (margin, padding, border, title)wSpace = wMargin + wPadding;hSpace = hMargin + hPadding;origWidth = isPercentage(width) ? (viewport.w - wSpace) * getScalar(width) / 100 : width;origHeight = isPercentage(height) ? (viewport.h - hSpace) * getScalar(height) / 100 : height;if (current.type === 'iframe') {iframe = current.content;if (current.autoHeight &&'ready') === 1) {try {if (iframe[0].contentWindow.document.location) {inner.width( origWidth ).height(9999);body = iframe.contents().find('body');if (scrollOut) {body.css('overflow-x', 'hidden');}origHeight = body.height();}} catch (e) {}}} else if (current.autoWidth || current.autoHeight) {inner.addClass( 'fancybox-tmp' );// Set width or height in case we need to calculate only one dimensionif (!current.autoWidth) {inner.width( origWidth );}if (!current.autoHeight) {inner.height( origHeight );}if (current.autoWidth) {origWidth = inner.width();}if (current.autoHeight) {origHeight = inner.height();}inner.removeClass( 'fancybox-tmp' );}width = getScalar( origWidth );height = getScalar( origHeight );ratio = origWidth / origHeight;// Calculations for the contentminWidth = getScalar(isPercentage(minWidth) ? getScalar(minWidth, 'w') - wSpace : minWidth);maxWidth = getScalar(isPercentage(maxWidth) ? getScalar(maxWidth, 'w') - wSpace : maxWidth);minHeight = getScalar(isPercentage(minHeight) ? getScalar(minHeight, 'h') - hSpace : minHeight);maxHeight = getScalar(isPercentage(maxHeight) ? getScalar(maxHeight, 'h') - hSpace : maxHeight);// These will be used to determine if wrap can fit in the viewportorigMaxWidth = maxWidth;origMaxHeight = maxHeight;if (current.fitToView) {maxWidth = Math.min(viewport.w - wSpace, maxWidth);maxHeight = Math.min(viewport.h - hSpace, maxHeight);}maxWidth_ = viewport.w - wMargin;maxHeight_ = viewport.h - hMargin;if (current.aspectRatio) {if (width > maxWidth) {width = maxWidth;height = getScalar(width / ratio);}if (height > maxHeight) {height = maxHeight;width = getScalar(height * ratio);}if (width < minWidth) {width = minWidth;height = getScalar(width / ratio);}if (height < minHeight) {height = minHeight;width = getScalar(height * ratio);}} else {width = Math.max(minWidth, Math.min(width, maxWidth));if (current.autoHeight && current.type !== 'iframe') {inner.width( width );height = inner.height();}height = Math.max(minHeight, Math.min(height, maxHeight));}// Try to fit inside viewport (including the title)if (current.fitToView) {inner.width( width ).height( height );wrap.width( width + wPadding );// Real wrap dimensionswidth_ = wrap.width();height_ = wrap.height();if (current.aspectRatio) {while ((width_ > maxWidth_ || height_ > maxHeight_) && width > minWidth && height > minHeight) {if (steps++ > 19) {break;}height = Math.max(minHeight, Math.min(maxHeight, height - 10));width = getScalar(height * ratio);if (width < minWidth) {width = minWidth;height = getScalar(width / ratio);}if (width > maxWidth) {width = maxWidth;height = getScalar(width / ratio);}inner.width( width ).height( height );wrap.width( width + wPadding );width_ = wrap.width();height_ = wrap.height();}} else {width = Math.max(minWidth, Math.min(width, width - (width_ - maxWidth_)));height = Math.max(minHeight, Math.min(height, height - (height_ - maxHeight_)));}}if (scrollOut && scrolling === 'auto' && height < origHeight && (width + wPadding + scrollOut) < maxWidth_) {width += scrollOut;}inner.width( width ).height( height );wrap.width( width + wPadding );width_ = wrap.width();height_ = wrap.height();canShrink = (width_ > maxWidth_ || height_ > maxHeight_) && width > minWidth && height > minHeight;canExpand = current.aspectRatio ? (width < origMaxWidth && height < origMaxHeight && width < origWidth && height < origHeight) : ((width < origMaxWidth || height < origMaxHeight) && (width < origWidth || height < origHeight));$.extend(current, {dim : {width : getValue( width_ ),height : getValue( height_ )},origWidth : origWidth,origHeight : origHeight,canShrink : canShrink,canExpand : canExpand,wPadding : wPadding,hPadding : hPadding,wrapSpace : height_ - skin.outerHeight(true),skinSpace : skin.height() - height});if (!iframe && current.autoHeight && height > minHeight && height < maxHeight && !canExpand) {inner.height('auto');}},_getPosition: function (onlyAbsolute) {var current = F.current,viewport = F.getViewport(),margin = current.margin,width = F.wrap.width() + margin[1] + margin[3],height = F.wrap.height() + margin[0] + margin[2],rez = {position: 'absolute',top : margin[0],left : margin[3]};if (current.autoCenter && current.fixed && !onlyAbsolute && height <= viewport.h && width <= viewport.w) {rez.position = 'fixed';} else if (!current.locked) { += viewport.y;rez.left += viewport.x;} = getValue(Math.max(, + ((viewport.h - height) * current.topRatio)));rez.left = getValue(Math.max(rez.left, rez.left + ((viewport.w - width) * current.leftRatio)));return rez;},_afterZoomIn: function () {var current = F.current;if (!current) {return;}F.isOpen = F.isOpened = true;F.wrap.css('overflow', 'visible').addClass('fancybox-opened');F.update();// Assign a click eventif ( current.closeClick || (current.nextClick && > 1) ) {F.inner.css('cursor', 'pointer').bind('click.fb', function(e) {if (!$('a') && !$('a')) {e.preventDefault();F[ current.closeClick ? 'close' : 'next' ]();}});}// Create a close buttonif (current.closeBtn) {$(current.tpl.closeBtn).appendTo( isTouch ? 'touchstart.fb' : 'click.fb', function(e) {e.preventDefault();F.close();});}// Create navigation arrowsif (current.arrows && > 1) {if (current.loop || current.index > 0) {$(current.tpl.prev).appendTo(F.outer).bind('click.fb', F.prev);}if (current.loop || current.index < - 1) {$('click.fb',;}}F.trigger('afterShow');// Stop the slideshow if this is the last itemif (!current.loop && current.index === - 1) { false );} else if (F.opts.autoPlay && !F.player.isActive) {F.opts.autoPlay = false;;}},_afterZoomOut: function ( obj ) {obj = obj || F.current;$('.fancybox-wrap').trigger('onReset').remove();$.extend(F, {group : {},opts : {},router : false,current : null,isActive : false,isOpened : false,isOpen : false,isClosing : false,wrap : null,skin : null,outer : null,inner : null});F.trigger('afterClose', obj);}});/** Default transitions*/F.transitions = {getOrigPosition: function () {var current = F.current,element = current.element,orig = current.orig,pos = {},width = 50,height = 50,hPadding = current.hPadding,wPadding = current.wPadding,viewport = F.getViewport();if (!orig && current.isDom &&':visible')) {orig = element.find('img:first');if (!orig.length) {orig = element;}}if (isQuery(orig)) {pos = orig.offset();if ('img')) {width = orig.outerWidth();height = orig.outerHeight();}} else { = viewport.y + (viewport.h - height) * current.topRatio;pos.left = viewport.x + (viewport.w - width) * current.leftRatio;}if (F.wrap.css('position') === 'fixed' || current.locked) { -= viewport.y;pos.left -= viewport.x;}pos = {top : getValue( - hPadding * current.topRatio),left : getValue(pos.left - wPadding * current.leftRatio),width : getValue(width + wPadding),height : getValue(height + hPadding)};return pos;},step: function (now, fx) {var ratio,padding,value,prop = fx.prop,current = F.current,wrapSpace = current.wrapSpace,skinSpace = current.skinSpace;if (prop === 'width' || prop === 'height') {ratio = fx.end === fx.start ? 1 : (now - fx.start) / (fx.end - fx.start);if (F.isClosing) {ratio = 1 - ratio;}padding = prop === 'width' ? current.wPadding : current.hPadding;value = now - padding;[ prop ]( getScalar( prop === 'width' ? value : value - (wrapSpace * ratio) ) );F.inner[ prop ]( getScalar( prop === 'width' ? value : value - (wrapSpace * ratio) - (skinSpace * ratio) ) );}},zoomIn: function () {var current = F.current,startPos = current.pos,effect = current.openEffect,elastic = effect === 'elastic',endPos = $.extend({opacity : 1}, startPos);// Remove "position" property that breaks older IEdelete endPos.position;if (elastic) {startPos = this.getOrigPosition();if (current.openOpacity) {startPos.opacity = 0.1;}} else if (effect === 'fade') {startPos.opacity = 0.1;}F.wrap.css(startPos).animate(endPos, {duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.openSpeed,easing : current.openEasing,step : elastic ? this.step : null,complete : F._afterZoomIn});},zoomOut: function () {var current = F.current,effect = current.closeEffect,elastic = effect === 'elastic',endPos = {opacity : 0.1};if (elastic) {endPos = this.getOrigPosition();if (current.closeOpacity) {endPos.opacity = 0.1;}}F.wrap.animate(endPos, {duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.closeSpeed,easing : current.closeEasing,step : elastic ? this.step : null,complete : F._afterZoomOut});},changeIn: function () {var current = F.current,effect = current.nextEffect,startPos = current.pos,endPos = { opacity : 1 },direction = F.direction,distance = 200,field;startPos.opacity = 0.1;if (effect === 'elastic') {field = direction === 'down' || direction === 'up' ? 'top' : 'left';if (direction === 'down' || direction === 'right') {startPos[ field ] = getValue(getScalar(startPos[ field ]) - distance);endPos[ field ] = '+=' + distance + 'px';} else {startPos[ field ] = getValue(getScalar(startPos[ field ]) + distance);endPos[ field ] = '-=' + distance + 'px';}}// Workaround for (effect === 'none') {F._afterZoomIn();} else {F.wrap.css(startPos).animate(endPos, {duration : current.nextSpeed,easing : current.nextEasing,complete : function() {// This helps FireFox to properly render the boxsetTimeout(F._afterZoomIn, 20);}});}},changeOut: function () {var previous = F.previous,effect = previous.prevEffect,endPos = { opacity : 0.1 },direction = F.direction,distance = 200;if (effect === 'elastic') {endPos[ direction === 'down' || direction === 'up' ? 'top' : 'left' ] = ( direction === 'up' || direction === 'left' ? '-' : '+' ) + '=' + distance + 'px';}previous.wrap.animate(endPos, {duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : previous.prevSpeed,easing : previous.prevEasing,complete : function () {$(this).trigger('onReset').remove();}});}};/** Overlay helper*/F.helpers.overlay = {defaults : {closeClick : true, // if true, fancyBox will be closed when user clicks on the overlayspeedOut : 200, // duration of fadeOut animationshowEarly : true, // indicates if should be opened immediately or wait until the content is readycss : {}, // custom CSS propertieslocked : !isTouch, // if true, the content will be locked into overlayfixed : true // if false, the overlay CSS position property will not be set to "fixed"},overlay : null, // current handlefixed : false, // indicates if the overlay has position "fixed"// Public methodscreate : function(opts) {opts = $.extend({}, this.defaults, opts);if (this.overlay) {this.close();}this.overlay = $(' ').appendTo( 'body' );this.fixed = false;if (opts.fixed && F.defaults.fixed) {this.overlay.addClass('fancybox-overlay-fixed');this.fixed = true;}},open : function(opts) {var that = this;opts = $.extend({}, this.defaults, opts);if (this.overlay) {this.overlay.unbind('.overlay').width('auto').height('auto');} else {this.create(opts);}if (!this.fixed) {W.bind('resize.overlay', $.proxy( this.update, this) );this.update();}if (opts.closeClick) {this.overlay.bind('click.overlay', function(e) {if ($('fancybox-overlay')) {if (F.isActive) {F.close();} else {that.close();}}});}this.overlay.css( opts.css ).show();},close : function() {$('.fancybox-overlay').remove();W.unbind('resize.overlay');this.overlay = null;if (this.margin !== false) {$('body').css('margin-right', this.margin);this.margin = false;}if (this.el) {this.el.removeClass('fancybox-lock');}},// Private, callbacksupdate : function () {var width = '100%', offsetWidth;// Reset width/height so it will not messthis.overlay.width(width).height('100%');// jQuery does not return reliable result for IEif ($.browser.msie) {offsetWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.offsetWidth, document.body.offsetWidth);if (D.width() > offsetWidth) {width = D.width();}} else if (D.width() > W.width()) {width = D.width();}this.overlay.width(width).height(D.height());},// This is where we can manipulate DOM, because later it would cause iframes to reloadonReady : function (opts, obj) {$('.fancybox-overlay').stop(true, true);if (!this.overlay) {this.margin = D.height() > W.height() || $('body').css('overflow-y') === 'scroll' ? $('body').css('margin-right') : false;this.el = document.all && !document.querySelector ? $('html') : $('body');this.create(opts);}if (opts.locked && this.fixed) {obj.locked = this.overlay.append( obj.wrap );obj.fixed = false;}if (opts.showEarly === true) {this.beforeShow.apply(this, arguments);}},beforeShow : function(opts, obj) {if (obj.locked) {this.el.addClass('fancybox-lock');if (this.margin !== false) {$('body').css('margin-right', getScalar( this.margin ) + obj.scrollbarWidth);}};},onUpdate : function() {if (!this.fixed) {this.update();}},afterClose: function (opts) {// Remove overlay if exists and fancyBox is not opening// (e.g., it is not being open using afterClose callback)if (this.overlay && !F.isActive) {this.overlay.fadeOut(opts.speedOut, $.proxy( this.close, this ));}}};/** Title helper*/F.helpers.title = {defaults : {type : 'float', // 'float', 'inside', 'outside' or 'over',position : 'bottom' // 'top' or 'bottom'},beforeShow: function (opts) {var current = F.current,text = current.title,type = opts.type,title,target;if ($.isFunction(text)) {text =, current);}if (!isString(text) || $.trim(text) === '') {return;}title = $('' + text + '');switch (type) {case 'inside':target =;break;case 'outside':target = F.wrap;break;case 'over':target = F.inner;break;default: // 'float'target =;title.appendTo('body');if ($.browser.msie) {title.width( title.width() );}title.wrapInner('');//Increase bottom margin so this title will also fit into viewportF.current.margin[2] += Math.abs( getScalar(title.css('margin-bottom')) );break;}title[ (opts.position === 'top' ? 'prependTo' : 'appendTo') ](target);}};// jQuery plugin initialization$.fn.fancybox = function (options) {var index,that = $(this),selector = this.selector || '',run = function(e) {var what = $(this).blur(), idx = index, relType, relVal;if (!(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey) && !'.fancybox-wrap')) {relType = options.groupAttr || 'data-fancybox-group';relVal = what.attr(relType);if (!relVal) {relType = 'rel';relVal = what.get(0)[ relType ];}if (relVal && relVal !== '' && relVal !== 'nofollow') {what = selector.length ? $(selector) : that;what = what.filter('[' + relType + '=' + relVal + ']');idx = what.index(this);}options.index = idx;// Stop an event from bubbling if everything is fineif (, options) !== false) {e.preventDefault();}}};options = options || {};index = options.index || 0;if (!selector || === false) {that.unbind('click.fb-start').bind('click.fb-start', run);} else {D.undelegate(selector, 'click.fb-start').delegate(selector + ":not('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav')", 'click.fb-start', run);}this.filter('[data-fancybox-start=1]').trigger('click');return this;};// Tests that need a body at doc readyD.ready(function() {if ( $.scrollbarWidth === undefined ) {//$.scrollbarWidth = function() {var parent = $(' ').appendTo('body'),child = parent.children(),width = child.innerWidth() - child.height( 99 ).innerWidth();parent.remove();return width;};}if ( $.support.fixedPosition === undefined ) {$.support.fixedPosition = (function() {var elem = $(' ').appendTo('body'),fixed = ( elem[0].offsetTop === 20 || elem[0].offsetTop === 15 );elem.remove();return fixed;}());}$.extend(F.defaults, {scrollbarWidth : $.scrollbarWidth(),fixed : $.support.fixedPosition,parent : $('body')});});}(window, document, jQuery));
SlackulatoR Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 (επεξεργασμένο) Ο κώδικας που έδωσες δεν έχει νόημα μιας και δεν θα κάνεις αυτό που θες από εκεί. Το έχω καταφέρει αυτό αλλά χρειάζεσαι το Fancybox 2: Και το script: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('.iframe').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.$.fancybox({ href:this.href, type:'iframe', helpers: { overlay: { opacity: 0.3 } // overlay } // helpers }); // fancybox }); // click }); // ready </script> Σε αυτό το κομμάτι γίνεται όλη η δουλειά: e.preventDefault(); parent.$.fancybox({ Επεξ/σία 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 από SlackulatoR
moyrgos Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 το HTML αρχείο index.html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <!-- Add jQuery library --> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script> <!-- Add mousewheel plugin (this is optional) --> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.6.pack.js"></script> <!-- Add fancyBox main JS and CSS files --> <script type="text/javascript" src="source/jquery.fancybox.js?v=2.1.3"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="source/jquery.fancybox.css?v=2.1.2" media="screen" /> <!-- Add Button helper (this is optional) --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-buttons.css?v=1.0.5" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-buttons.js?v=1.0.5"></script> <!-- Add Thumbnail helper (this is optional) --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.css?v=1.0.7" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js?v=1.0.7"></script> <!-- Add Media helper (this is optional) --> <script type="text/javascript" src="source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-media.js?v=1.0.5"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { /* * Simple image gallery. Uses default settings */ $('.fancybox').fancybox(); /* * Different effects */ // Change title type, overlay closing speed $(".fancybox-effects-a").fancybox({ helpers: { title : { type : 'outside' }, overlay : { speedOut : 0 } } }); // Disable opening and closing animations, change title type $(".fancybox-effects-b").fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', helpers : { title : { type : 'over' } } }); // Set custom style, close if clicked, change title type and overlay color $(".fancybox-effects-c").fancybox({ wrapCSS : 'fancybox-custom', closeClick : true, openEffect : 'none', helpers : { title : { type : 'inside' }, overlay : { css : { 'background' : 'rgba(238,238,238,0.85)' } } } }); // Remove padding, set opening and closing animations, close if clicked and disable overlay $(".fancybox-effects-d").fancybox({ padding: 0, openEffect : 'elastic', openSpeed : 150, closeEffect : 'elastic', closeSpeed : 150, closeClick : true, helpers : { overlay : null } }); /* * Button helper. Disable animations, hide close button, change title type and content */ $('.fancybox-buttons').fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', prevEffect : 'none', nextEffect : 'none', closeBtn : false, helpers : { title : { type : 'inside' }, buttons : {} }, afterLoad : function() { this.title = 'Image ' + (this.index + 1) + ' of ' + + (this.title ? ' - ' + this.title : ''); } }); /* * Thumbnail helper. Disable animations, hide close button, arrows and slide to next gallery item if clicked */ $('.fancybox-thumbs').fancybox({ prevEffect : 'none', nextEffect : 'none', closeBtn : false, arrows : false, nextClick : true, helpers : { thumbs : { width : 50, height : 50 } } }); /* * Media helper. Group items, disable animations, hide arrows, enable media and button helpers. */ $('.fancybox-media') .attr('rel', 'media-gallery') .fancybox({ openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none', prevEffect : 'none', nextEffect : 'none', arrows : false, helpers : { media : {}, buttons : {} } }); /* * Open manually */ $("#fancybox-manual-a").click(function() { $'1_b.jpg'); }); $("#fancybox-manual-b").click(function() { ${ href : 'iframe.html', type : 'iframe', padding : 5 }); }); $("#fancybox-manual-c").click(function() { $[ { href : '1_b.jpg', title : 'My title' }, { href : '2_b.jpg', title : '2nd title' }, { href : '3_b.jpg' } ], { helpers : { thumbs : { width: 75, height: 50 } } }); }); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> .fancybox-custom .fancybox-skin { box-shadow: 0 0 50px #222; } </style> </head> <body> <iframe name="main" width="100%" height="100%" src="test.html"></iframe> </body> </html> Ευχαριστώ πολύ για την άμεση απάντηση το θέμα είναι ότι θέλω να ανοίξω iframe μέσα στο fancybox όχι εικόνα το fancybox το 2 εννοείς το 1.2.x ?
SlackulatoR Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Την έκδοση 2.0 από το link που σου έδωσα. Και iframe μπορείς λογικά, δίνοντας type:'iframe' στο script. To .img είναι απλά το όνομα της class.
moyrgos Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 το script που παράθεσες το βάζω στο frame η στην main page ?
SlackulatoR Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Τα jquery scripts/css θα τα έχεις και στις δύο σελίδες και το script για το fancybox στην σελίδα του iframe. Demo: Για να λειτουργήσει θα πρέπει να το δοκιμάσεις σε xampp ή να το ανεβάσεις στον server σου.
moyrgos Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Επιτέλους δούλεψε Ευχαριστώ πολύ για την βοήθεια και για τον χρόνο Σου εύχομαι καλή χρονιά 1
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