Προς το περιεχόμενο

Mia erotisi gia ta Windows 2000.


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


O monos logos pou den xrisimopoiw Win2k apo ta WinXP einai epeidi ta XP exoun mia leitourgia i opoia epitrepei na elenxeis ta Security (Permissions) twn Registry entries. Apla patas dexi click se ena katalogo sto Mitroo kai orizeis poioi user boroun na exoun access se auto klp.


H erotisi mou einai, ama borei na ginei me kapoion tropo kati antistoixo sta Windows2000 sto opoio apousiazei antelos i permission epilogi apo to Menu Dexi Click sto Registry (Sta arxeia fisika iparxei) giati gia emena auti i leitourgia einai anagea.


Dieukrinizw pos milaw gia security options you Registry (Mitroou) kai oxi twn arxeiwn tou diskou.


Thx perimenw apantiseis.


Μάλλον θες αυτό:


Q. How can I audit changes to the registry?


A. Using the regedt32.exe utility it is possible to set auditing on certain parts of the registry. I should note that any type of auditing is very sensitive lately and you may want to add some sort of warning letting people know that their changes are being audited.


Start the registry editor (regedt32.exe)

Select the key you wish to audit (e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software)

From the Security menu select Auditing

Check the "Audit Permission on Existing Subkeys" if you want subkeys to also be audited

Click the Add button and select the users you want to be audited, click Add and then click OK

Once there are names in the "Names" box you can select which events to be audited, whether success or failure.

When you have filled in all the information click OK

You will need to make sure that Auditing for File and Object access is enabled (use User Manager - Polices - Audit).


To view the information use Event Viewer and look at the Security information.


ax autoi oi windows users. Den kserw ama boreis na to kaneis auto pou 8es i oxi alla auto pou kserw oti boreis na kaneis einai na allakseis ta permissions tou regedit.exe kai na kaneis set poioi 8a boroun na to ksekinisoun kai poioi oxi. Des to an oxi san alternative solution estw san tem solution mexri na vreis akrivos auto pou zitas epeidi sigoura kati 8a iparxei.


Auto distixos den voithaei pouthena... Den exei noima na kanw Restrict to idio to .exe tou Registry. Egw thelw na elexgw kathe key mesa sto mitroo apo poion tha borei na diavastei H na allaxtei klp. Kai otan lew na diavastei den enow pos o tade xristis prepei na anigei to Registry kai na to diavasei. Ta diafora programmata an mporoun na ta diavasoun.


Αν θυμάμαι καλά, στα win2000 τα permissions δεν μπορούσες να τα αλλάξεις από το regedit.exe αλλά από το regedt32.exe. Στα winXP και τα 2 αρχεία ξεκινούν τον ίδιο editor. Στα 2000 όμως είναι άλλο το ένα και άλλο το άλλο.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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