privateer Δημοσ. 28 Ιουνίου 2003 Δημοσ. 28 Ιουνίου 2003 Ena allo mod gia to dhmofiles Battlefield 1942.Ayth thn fora etoimasthte gia omhrikes naumaxies
privateer Δημοσ. 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2003 Nea ekdosh 0.21 To install: This is a full install. However, there is no need to delete or uninstall your current version of Pirates, if you have one, because the installer will just replace all necessary files. It also will not delete any custom maps you may have installed, though they probably will not work with the new version. Again, there is no music or movies with this download. If you have them from a previous version they will still be there after the install. To install to EA's default battlefield installation, simply run the installer. If you installed battlefield somewhere else, you must type in the correct path in the installer or click on "change" and select the folder ABOVE "Mods". Note: the folder you want at the end of the install path is "Mods". If your path ends in "\Mods\Mods" then you've gone one level too far. just delete the second "\Mods" from the path and things should work fine. Correct Path: C:\Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods Incorrect Path: C:\Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\Mods I hope that wasn't too confusing. Battlefield: Pirates Alpha 0.21 notes This update fixes the balance issues with direct and splash damage that were introduced in 0.2. There are too many to detail here, but extensive testing was done to insure that things are now much more "playable". Major changes: muskets and pistols have been changed again. You now have limited ammo per clip and you have to reload, but for now you have a lot of clips. This will change again once we get resupply crates and med lockers in. The reload animations are still somewhat broken. If in doubt about reload time, refer to the ammo clip icon and listen for the reload sounds. This too should be fixed with the next version. you now have 1 grenade and 2 expacks. This is just another balance issue and will probably change again in the future. Maps Scurvy_Cove: This map has been extensively reworked to provide better balance and much more interesting gameplay. Major changes you should note: Spawn points are back to the way they originally were. When spawning at the main bases, you always spawn inside and must use the gates or piratechute over the towers to get out. Battlecraft didn't like the new system. Hopefully this will be fixed in the future. The center forts are no longer capturable. This is part of the gameplay restructuring. more foliage has been added. there are now some out-of-bounds areas. You'll know them when you run into them. This was also to help the new gameplay. New stategy explained: Your goal is to capture the enemy main base. There is now a fort of sorts behind the gates with some defenses. If you capture the enemy base, their tickets go down. Center forts are no longer capturable, as explained above. Things have been balanced so that if both the fort and galleon are fully crewed, it is very hard, but not impossible for the galleon to get through the channel. They were always meant to be defensive installations and hopefully will now function as such. Protect your main base by using the center forts. To aid in getting through the channel, send people into the enemy fort. Shoot your way in and plant expacks on the guns. 1 pack will take out one gun. They (and also the coastal mortars) won't respawn for 3 minutes, giving your team a chance to get the galleon through. Once you get by the fort, don't think it's easy sailing. The defending team still has a single Fortress cannon on the small island in the center of their cove and they also have coastal mortars and 24-pound-cannons on the hill. You can either try to use your galleon to take them out, or protect it while sending in a demo team to take out the gates (with expacks or swivel cannon) and then storm the walls, trying to capture/destroy the mortars and guns. It takes more than 1 expac to take out the gates, so teamwork is necessary. Even after you get this far, you still have to get by the final defenses and get to the flag. Once you capture it, their only spawn points are their galleon and their center fort. I hope this makes things a little more interesting. The tickets have also been reduced to bring the map in line with all the others. Low_Tide: Not much has been done to this map yet. Since it is rather plain, the tickets have been reduced somewhat. BFP_Tides_OF_Blood: This is a new map. Like BFP_Komodo_Island, it is far from finished. However it is included because after testing, it was felt it was far enough along that it would give you a little more variety. This is an ocean map and is HUGE! It is best played with at least 12 people per side. Strategy: Each team gets one galleon and no other spawn points. There are two ways to win. The first is to destroy the enemy galleon and then kill all survivors, thereby causing their points to fall to zero. Currently this is not that easily accomplished, but is possible. the second way is to capture 4 of the outside ring of islands, causing the enemy's tickets to bleed as normal. You MUST leave a pirate at each island in order to hold the control points! The galleons have a respawn rate of 3 minutes. You must kill everyone remaining within that time to win, otherwise it starts over. The center control point has no "value" as far as ticket loss. You must capture 4 of the outside ring, not the center. When capturing the center, it spawns a runabout, just to make things interesting. All control points are similar to BFP_Blackbeards_Booty, in that someone has to stay at the flag or you lose control. However, the control area is 400 meters. Use the turtles next to the islands to protect your flag. Yes it may get boring, but like I said, the map is not finished yet. You can also use the flags as an indicator of where the enemy is. Watch your minimap for clues as to their position. This is to keep you from going in circles endlessly looking for the enemy. All other maps remain unchanged. Capture the flag still works on Scurvy cove, blackbeards booty, and low tide. It doesn't make much sense on Komodo Island or Tides of Blood.
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