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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Έλληνας πιλότος: "Σας ψεκάζουμε σαν κατσαρίδες"




Εμένα με έπιασε το κεφάλι μου έτσι όπως μιλάει για να τον καταλάβω !!!!!!!




Staind’s Aaron Lewis stopped mid-song to berate concertgoers for an alleged assault on a crowdsurfer.

Staind, a band that had a few hits back when nu-metal was a thing, were performing at a festival in Kansas when their frontman spotted a young girl crowdsurfing.
Disturbingly, Lewis allegedly saw members of the crowd molest her while she was held aloft. He immediately stopped the song and issued a stern warning: ‘That f**king girl right there is, like, 15 f**king years old and you f**king pieces of s**t are molesting her while she’s on the f**king crowd…If I f**king see that s**t again, I swear to God, I will point you out in the crowd and have everyone around you beat your f**king ass.’
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