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xbox2 (ati inside)???


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Είναι απλά μια φήμη... το άρθρο λέει πως λογικά εχόντων των πραγμάτων η Microsoft δεν θα συνεχίσει τη συνεργασία με τη nVidia. Και αφού δεν θα είναι η nVidia στο Xbox2, ποιός θα είναι;

Ταρατατζούμ-ταρατατζούμ λογικά θα είναι η ATi.


Παλιότερα είχα διαβάσει πάλι με πρόφαση την κόντρα nVidia-MS ότι η τελευταία θα έφτιαχνε μόνη της τα τσιπάκια για το Xbox2. Έλεος...


stamatis7: kai tha sou ksanamata apantiso


GIATI eimaste kerdismenoi emeis? epeidh etsi lene oi sintaktes tou games kai gamepro?


na sou po mia istoria? h nvidia ekleise kai agorase thn 3dfx apotelesma? na ektokseythoun oi times ton gpu. ere keredos trelo...opoiadhpote morfhs monopolio den einai kalo gia ton meso agorasth, oi eteries den kinounte me thn prooptikh na kseperasoyn ton antipalo, alla na paroun leyta apo sena kai tha to kanoun ayto me kathe tropo


neotera/epalitheyseis apo to register

nternet gaming site Spong.com has claimed its recent story ATI will provide the chipset and graphics technology for the Xbox 2 has been confirmed by an unnamed "senior source close to Nvidia".

According to Spong.com's source, "[Nvidia] didn't want to meet Microsoft's demands for the floating design of Xbox Next. It didn't make sense to partner on the project. At this moment in time, ATI is working with Microsoft."


Assuming the source knows what he or she is talking about, the comment suggests that Microsoft did offer the project to Nvidia. After the battle between the two companies over how much money Microsoft should pay Nvidia for the original Xbox graphics and chipset technology, it was widely supposed at the time of Spong.com's first ATI/Xbox 2 story that the software giant was simply pissed off with Nvidia.

But it's clear that sound business minds prevailed, and the longer-term benefits of working with an existing partner outweighed more momentary emotional considerations.

Nvidia, however, doesn't seem to have been willing to be flexible, and now its arch-rival has the deal - if the source's comments are accurate.

epanalamvano arage poia tha einai i antidrasi tis nitendo

poy eixe sproxei poly xarti ($$$) kai logika tha mporoyse na desmeysei ton kanadiko kolosso ,

,ektos kai an einai meros mias pithanalogoymenis symfonias

nitendo-microsft tis opoias tin pithanotita kai ton endexomeno periexomeno apotelese ton pirina provlimatismou

palaioteroy topic...


  • 1 μήνα μετά...

ati press release


(meso warp2search )



Markham, Ontario – ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX: ATY, NASDAQ: ATYT) today announced it has entered into a technology development agreement with Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT). Under the agreement, ATI is developing custom, leading-edge graphics technologies for use in future Xbox® products and services.


“We’re combining Microsoft’s vision, software experience and R&D resources with ATI's pioneering leadership in graphics technologies to create innovative future Xbox products and services that meet the lifestyle needs of consumers in the Digital Decade,” said Robbie Bach, senior vice president of the Home and Entertainment Division at Microsoft. “We selected ATI after reviewing the top graphics technologies in development and determining that ATI's technical vision fits perfectly with the future direction of Xbox.”


“Microsoft shares our passion for cutting-edge innovation,” said K. Y. Ho, chairman and chief executive officer, ATI Technologies Inc. “Our success working with Microsoft in the past gives us great confidence as we move forward, and our broad experience and wealth of engineering resources will ensure that we deliver. This agreement cements ATI’s position as the prime graphics supplier for the future of the games industry....




etsi einai prota ginete magkasi ati afoy pairnei ta $$$ gia to clipper chip

tis kai tora takimiazei me tin arximantama Ms


A CHINESE WEB SITE claims that the Xbox Next will use a special version of Intel's Pentium M, it said. That followed news yesterday that ATI and Microsoft, as earlier predicted, will cooperate together on the design of the Xbox. Sources yesterday told the


INQUIRER that the ATI deal with Microsoft includes a royalty deal that will mean the Canadian firm scoops up money "quarter after quarter", and isn't necessarily dependent on sales of the Xbox. That indicates a closer relationship with Microsoft than the one between Nvidia and the software firm, which was, to put it mildly, troubled. Yesterday the same sources indicated a quite different future for its existing deal with Nintendo, which makes the GameCube console. Officials for ATI publicly maintain that the deal with Nintendo is still go.



Εγω διαβασα οτι η ATI θα φτιαξει και γιατην Nintendo καρτα...

Παντος οπως φαινεται, θα βγουν και οι δυο πριν το ps3...το οποιο θα ειναι πολυ καλυτερο μαλλον, αφου δεν θα εχει πλεον παλαιοτερη τεχνολογια...

With the deal, ATI will now apparently design graphics chips for two next-generation consoles, manufactured by Micorosoft and Nintendo. In March, ATI said it was developing technologies for use in future products, also suspected to be a game console. the same month where ATI signed a deal with Intel to design core logic chips and other products for use with Intel's Pentium M mobile processor.


Don't expect the graphics capabilities of future Nintendo and Microsoft products to be exactly the same, however, the ATI spokesman said. "Yes, we have different design teams working on them, with different requirements and different timetables," the spokesman said.


"What I think is cool is that we've got the Gamecube, got this huge technology agreement with Nintendo, got this huge technology agreement with Xbox, we're in cell phones graphics, the DTV space, mobile, performance desktop graphics skews," the ATI spokesman said.




One interesting unresolved question is which company will handle the audio processing and networking capabilities for future Xbox products. Nvidia's chipset, also used to create its Nforce PC core logic, handled both basic audio and networking functions. A spokeswoman for Microsoft said so far the responsibilities for audio and networking have not been defined.



Yesterday the same sources indicated a quite different future for its existing deal with Nintendo' date=' which makes the GameCube console. Officials for ATI publicly maintain that the deal with Nintendo is still go...


But it’s more than that. Microsoft and Nintendo in the US are practically next-door neighbours in Redmond, Washington. They are socially active together and there is no bitterness between the two. As both firms have different goals, Nintendo to continue to release gaming consoles and Microsoft to steal Sony’s dream of a media delivery hub for the living room, there is no direct conflict of interest as the market, with a smaller Sony, is big enough to support this.

Aπο το link του memo...

Ξεκαθαρα η microsoft φοβαται πως ενα ps3 με σκληρο δισκο και λειτουργικο, μπορει να γινει μια καλυτερη λυση για computing απο τα πατατοXP...

Και το μελλον παει σε τετοιες λυσεις καθαρα.


Γιαυτο δεν εχει προβλημα να χανει με το XBOX...το εχουμε ξαναδει το εργο.


Aπο το link του memo....

xairomai poy kaipoio apo ta link poy proteina apotelese simeio anaforas,kai egkyris pliroroforisis esto kai apo ena apo toys thamones toy paicxnidia/insomnia


alla einai Nemo

kai oxi :shock: memo :shock:


BTW Diafoneis kapoy i sympironeis kati poy pareleipsa ???? :?: :?:


Sory για το λαθος...δεν διαφονω, απλα δεν το ειχα δει στην αρχη και το εβαλα γιατι μου φανηκε πολυ ενδιαφερον.


Καλα τα links, αλλα θα ηταν καλυτερο να βαζουμε και σε ενα quote καποια αποσπασματα για να δινουμε μια καλτερη ιδεα του τι εχει μεσα...ειναι πιο βολικο ετσι για κατι τεμπελιδες σαν εμενα.


Epote θα διαφωνίσω οτι οι κάρτες γραφικών είναι ακριβές... Η παραγωγή τους έχει πολύ μεγάλο ποσοστό ελλατωματικών (αντίθετα π.χ. με CPU) λόγω της συνεχού αλλαγαγής παραγωγικής διαδικασίας. Το κόστος εξέλιξης είναι τρελό και η έρευνα που γίνεται σε α υτά τα πεδία είναι απίστευτη. Οι High-End κάρτες είναι πανάκριβες πλέον αλλά αποτελούν πολύ μικρό market segment και η παραγωγή τους είναι τοσο περιορισμένη που είναι πολύ λογικό να είναι αυξημένες οι τιμές. Άλλωστε θέλω εδώ να αναφέρω οτι οι τιμές είναι απαράδεκτες κυρίως έξω απο τις ΗΠΑ όπου απο την πρώτη εβδομάδα παρουσίασης της της 9800 Pro μπορούσες να την βρείς με 350 Ευρώ (not bad me thinks...). Σκέψου την εξωφρενικά υψηλή τιμή της 5900 Ultra. Νομίζεις οτι η NVidia θα την έδινε τόσο ακριβά εάν είχε την δυνατότητα να την δώσει σε πιο ανταγωνιστικές τιμές? Όχι. Το profit margin είναι καθορισμένο απο την αγορά και δεν είναι αυτό που νομίζεις. Απλά τα προϊόντα που κανονικά θα έπρεπε να παρουσιάζονται κάθε χρόνο, αυτοί έχουν αναγκαστεί να τα βγάζουν κάθε 6 μήνες ανεβάζοντας αρκετά τις τιμές στα top of the line προϊόντα. Προσωπικά πιστεύω οτι αυτό είναι πολύ θετικό γιατι σημαίνει οτι αγοράζεις προϊόν προηγούμενης γενιάς (6μήνου δηλαδή) το οποίο έχει φάει γερή μείωση της τιμής λόγω εμφάνισης του νέου. Τα gfx cards δεν έχουν πια κάποιες εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες τρανζιστοράκια αλλά έχουν περάσει τα 100 εκατομμύρια...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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