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Auto to programma meta apo ligh ora leitourgias tou ypologhsth xrishmopoiei sxedon ollh thn ypologhstikh isxy tou.

Exo win2000 .

Kseroume ti mporei na ftaiei?



Process File: cisvc or cisvc.exe

Process Name: Microsoft Index Service Helper

Description: The Microsoft Index Service Helper monitors the memory usage of Microsoft Indexing Service (cidaemon.exe) and automatically restarts cidaemon.exe if it uses more than 40Mb of memory


isos se boithisei

  • 11 μήνες μετά...

paides prin apo ligo mou ekline to laptop opote ithele se sintomo xroniko diastima ap'otan ton anoiga. pao sto task manager kai blepo to cidaemon.exe na exei megalo noumero stin stili tou cpu. ton kleino kai ksanatrexei mono tou. telika ebgala apo ton ntfs disko tin epilogi gia indexing kai apo tote ola ok. ti sto kalo ginete? giati emena etroge toso poli cpu? ksafnika entelos...


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