firegarden Δημοσ. 12 Ιουνίου 2003 Δημοσ. 12 Ιουνίου 2003 Με αφορμη το παρακατω δημοσιευμα,θα ηθελα να πω ενα μεγαλο μπραβο τοσο στον υπουργο κ.Βερελη,οσο και σε ολους τους υπευθυνους του Οτε,που χαρη στις συνεχεις,επιπονες και εξαντλητικες προσπαθειες τους,καταφερουν να υποβαθμιζουν τις τηλεπικοινωνιες στη χωρα μας και να την κανουν να μοιαζει τριτοκοσμικη...ΕΥΓΕ μαλακες!!!
whiteman7 Δημοσ. 12 Ιουνίου 2003 Δημοσ. 12 Ιουνίου 2003 popo file xeftila...milame exoume ginei xeftila...emeis kai to gibraltar gia opoion sixtir re
whiteman7 Δημοσ. 12 Ιουνίου 2003 Δημοσ. 12 Ιουνίου 2003 Broadband in Greece costs 850 times more than Sweden Update And Gibraltar too By INQUIRER staff: Δευτέρα 09 Ιούνιος 2003, 15:26 WHILE BROADBAND in Sweden is cheap and getting cheaper, that's not the case in some countries in the European Union. Far from it. A correspondent in Athens tells us that the Greek National Telecom Organisation "pre-announced" superfast ADSL services give weeks ago, but the overall pricing is something like six to 10 times the cost of an average connection in the rest of the EU. In Athens, SparkNET is the only ISP which has so far announced a pricelist but every interested subscrber has to shell out 132 to activate the line and for the cost of the equipment. But it gets worse. The total monthly cost of the ADSL connection will be 155, with the ISP getting two thirds and the OTE one third of that for a mere 384/128Kbps connection. If you want something a trifle faster than that, it will cost you 235 for 512/128 kbps and 460 for 1Mbps/256kbps That's not far off a basic monthly wage for the 1Mbps connection, he points out. Nikos Skordilis estimates these prices are around eight to 15 times the rest in the U. But, he adds, if you compare the cost per Mbps in Greece to Sweden, one Mbps costs 1.54 in Sweden, while in Greece it's 460, or 299 times more. But he adds that in real money Swedes get paid between 2.5 to three times more than Greeks, so the ratio is more like 680 to 850 times more. Said Nikos: "I hope somebody stops these people before it's late. The whole technical press in Greece is laughing at them. But not the financial papers - these are the people who are always backing their stock". ΅ * AND TO OUR surprise we learn that Gibraltar is also a low on the old DSL front. Jon Sellers says: "Greece is not alone in charging exorbitant prices for ADSL services. We in Gibraltar get screwed too. Take a look at what our local phone company/ISP charges- . You might be interested to know that Gibtelecom/Gibconnect is a joint venture (read monopoly) between Delaware based Nynex and the local government. The only competitor providing ADSL is but they run off the back of the same ATM DSLAM so the majority of the money goes to Gibtelecom (the £48 or £78 charge). Please give us an 'honourable mention' on your website if possible. Done, Jon.
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