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interlaced and progressive


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Me liga logia poia einai ta pleontekthmata toy ka8ena? an exoyn kai ta dyo?

Sto windvr kai se alla progs poy kanoun capture dv, opws to Pinnacle studio 8, paizei rolo sthn poiothta toy paragomenou mpeg, an einai h oxi progressive h phgh? 8eloun kapoies epipleon ry8miseis?

Sto PowerDVD kai sto Media Player sta interlaced video fainontai oi grammes enw sto WinDVD de fainontai alla h poiothta einai pali xalia. Giati symbainei ayto?

Exw mia camera Sony DV grafei kai interlaced kai progressive se ti na grafw gia kalyterh poiothta se mpeg2 DVD? Poio programa 8a protinate gia realtime encoding (Athlon 1.8, 1Gb Ram)kai gia encode after capturing?

Stis koines tv blepeis kamia diafora metaksi inter. kai prog.? H poiothta poy 8a parw an kanw de-interlaced 8a einai idia me video se progressive eggrafh?



gia na katalavei kapoios ta pleonektimata kai mionektimata tou kathe enos, kathos kai gia na apantithoun i erotiseis pou episimaneis, prepei na mathei tin istoria tou intarlace, tous logous pou anakaliftike kai tis xrisis tou pou einai perisoteri apo 1 i 2 selides! Episeis kai to pos doulevoun i psifiakes cameres.


Endiktika na po oti stin europi i tv litourgoun se sistima PAL (25fps) stin ameriki se NTSC (30fps i 29.97fps) o kinimatografos se 24fps kai i metatropi mias apo to ena sistima sto allo xriazete kapoious methodous, mia apo afti to intarlace.


I diafora apo simvatiki tv kai apo tin othoni tou ipologisti exei na kanei me ta hz, an einai kathodikou solina i flat, kathos kai tin litourgia tou matiou.


Gia tin diafora meta3i programaton ofilete se filtra deintarlace.


An i pigi einai intarlace, an gini kodikopoiisi se interlace mode tha iparxoun kalitera apotelesmata kai to antitheto.


I katastasi einai periploki, kai opos ipa stin arxei xriazete na katanoisei kapoios to interlace. Iparxoun kapoies e3igiseis to help file tou virtualdub kathos kai stin selida tou divx. Akomi ena search gia interlace tha apokalipte poles piges


Eyxaristw gia thn apanthsh...

Twra mia bdomada olo diabazw gia interlace ktl

Telika katelhksa sto Vegas gia de-interlace.

Apla 8a h8ela na rwthsw an yparxei kapoio programa pou kanei capture se dv format kanontas sygxronos de-interlace (polla zhtaw...)... h toylaziston otan kanei capture se mpeg2 na exei epilogh gia interlace.

Kai ena teleytaio poy den katalaba kala ... to interlace video poy paragetai meta apo de-interlace exei thn idia poiothta an to trabousa progressive katey8ian me thn camera?


Oxi giati to de-interlace "tholoni" tis grames meta3i tous gia na e3afanistoun ta simptomata tou interlace kai kata sinepia xanete leptomeria.


Merikes (i oles?) psifiakes kameres gia na katagrapsoun tin kinisi litourgoun os e3eis. Esto oti pernei 25 eikones to defterolepto (25fps, PAL). Kata to 1/50 tou defteroleptou tha katagrapsei tis ziges grames apo pano pros ta kato, kai kata to epomeno 1/50 tou defteroleptou tha katagrapsi tis mones grames apo kato pros ta pano, etsi oste na sximatisi mia ikona. An i kinisi einai megali, tote tha paratiriseis to fenomeno tou interlace


Re:sony miniDV gia .... polaki


Loipon koita na deis... to video pou trabas kai grafetai sthn kasseta to metafereis me to fireware sto pc real time seiriaka pou shmainei oti 8a prepei na baleis na paizei h kamera kai na to kaneis capture me kapoio prog (px WinDVR, Vegas, MovieMaker, Pinnacle Studio) se oti format 8eleis. To kako einai oti an den trabas me thn kamera ry8mismenh se progressive eggrafh kai to kaneis capture se dv format (kalhterh poiothta poly megala arxeia) tote to videaki poy 8a deis se full screen sto pc 8a exei ta xalia toy otan exei kinhsh. Ayto symbainei giati grafei interlace kai 8a emfanizei kati orizonties grammes, opote gia na to deis swsta 8a prepei na kaneis de-interlace se kapoio prog px Vegas, Premiere kai to paragomeno video 8a exei arketa kalh poiothta. An h camera sou exei progressive eggrafh tote kalytera an thn xrhsimopoieis se ayto to mod gia na mh xaneis xrono kai poiothta meta sto de-interace. To meionekthma einai oti se ayto to mode, toylaxiston gia to montelo pou exw egw TRV60 den 8a exeis steady shot, digital zoom ,night shot, 16:9 kadro kai kati alla mikro pragmata.

Mporeis epeita na to baleis sto Sonic Foundry Vegas kai na to kaneis de-interlace (Properties: deinterlace method:Blends, fieldOrer:Upper, dksi klil panw sto video remove fliccer kai meta sto save dv-format an 8es)exei kalo Help, 8a to breis to demo <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> sto http://www.sonicfoundry.com/download/ kai epeita to ftiaxneis ligo esy ... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Mporeis bebaia na to kaneis capture se mpeg1(VCD) h kalytera mpeg2 (dvd, svcd) kai na paikseis me tis ry8miseis toy WinDVR ( psaxnw kalh ekdosh k egw <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> )8a bgaleis poly kala apotelesmata (idiaitera ekei sto profile-advace-motion bale: GOP:ligo mikrotero,Motion Vector:panw apo 16->32).

Sto memory stick mporeis na grapseis moy fainetai mpeg4 katey8ian kai na to metafereis aytousio kai amesws me usb.

An kolhseis poy8ena ..... edw eimaste....


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