Προς το περιεχόμενο

patendes gia kaluterh psiksh kai meiwsi thoribou?


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Osoi kseroune kamia patenta gia ta parapanw as tin postaroune.

Proswpika gia meiswi thoribou ebala anamesa sto cpu fun kai tin psiktra komatakia apo solinaki silikwnis (san rodeles) sta simeia pou bidwnei to fan me tin psiktra.etsi den akoumpa amesa to fan me tin psiktra kai den kanei "soma" gia na metadidontai oi kradasmoi kai na auksanetai o thoribos. I idia logiki epikrathse kai sta fans tou tower. H meiwsi einai elaxisti alla apo to tipota kati kanei.

Kamia allh paromoia patenta?

  • Απαντ. 30
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση



I decided this weekend to try and quiten my PC by following some other members lead and going down the water cooling road. The fans on my PC were really starting to drive me mad


The first thing that I did was to remove all the fans. The one on the processor and graphics card were no problem but the one in the power unit was a bugger to get out.


The most difficult part was sealing all the ventilitation openings in the PC case with silicon. I also put silicon all around the joints on the PC case. The smell of silicon was dreadful but when my wife complained I told her to be patent as it will be worth it when we have a completely silent PC.


Because I had completely sealed the PC case the only opening near top was the DVD drive. So I opened that and put the small hose I had purchased specially for the job into the DVD drive as far as it would go. With what I can only describe as great excitement and anticipation, I turned on the water. It really is amazing just how long it took before the case was complete full, and boy was it heavy. That didn't really bother me as I didn't intend to be moving the PC anyway.


The big moment had arrived so I called in my wife and mother in law (who was visiting) and I announced "prepare to hear nothing!" and flicked the switch on the socket on the wall.


Before I could even press the power button on front of the PC, with a loud bang, the whole place was plunged into darkness


I knew that it was only the tripswitch so I told my onlookers not to panic and I ran out to the hall to turn the trip switch back on. But can u believe it, it wouldn't stay on. After five attempts I decided to try unplugging the PC and would you believe...yes the trip switch stayed on. My conclusion: the PC must have in some way been causing the problem.


After about an hour of tries I finally decided to abandon the whole idea of water cooling and emptied the water out of the PC, put back in the fans (except the fan in the power unit, I had broken that one getting it out) and tried the pc AGAIN. IT STILL CAUSED THE TRIP SWTICH TO BLOW!


My PC is completely shagged thanks to stupid suggestions that I got on this forum. What the hell am I going to do now. I spent two hours last night with a hair drier inside the PC case and it still trips the switch.


Any suggestions greatly appreciated






an katalaba kala autos o stokos gemise me nero to PC???????????????????? ELEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!reuma kai nero you know!!!prokalei braxikiklwma!!!!!





8EOS!! <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

Mh mou peis, mh mou peis, Amerikanos! <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


Anyway, h lysh einai mallon ta 7volta, h kala kai hsyxa anemisthrakia

kai to ricofon, h kapoio pio ekseidikevmeno yliko ependyshs

(ena ths AKASA px),

ta opoia omws mporei na sou anebasoun ligo tis 8ermokrasies


εγώ θα έφτιαχνα και ΄παραθυράκι από Plexi-glass και θα έβαζα και ψαράκια μέσα. Έχω ακούσει ότι τα αυγά τους (όταν γεννήσουν) βελτιώνουν κατακόρυφα τις επιδόσεις! <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />





Να βάλεις τους ανεμηστήρες του κουτιού στα 7v.


kai pws ginetai auto?


Τα καλωδια των ανεμιστηρων , ειναι ενα κοκκινο και ενα μαυρο.

Εσυ θα πρεπει να συνδεσεις το κοκκινο με ενα κιτρινο απο το τροφοδοτικο , και το μαυρο με ενα κοκκινο απο το τροφοδοτικο.


Οποτε , επειδη το κιτρινο του τροφοδοτικο ειναι +12

και το κοκκινο ειναι +5 , η διαφορα τασης που δημιουργειται ειναι (+12)V - (+5)V = +7V

Αρα εισαι ΟΚ !



episis mporeis na katafigeis stin lisi pou gia emena exei apoliti epitixia....




Exo ftiaksei 5 tetoies diatakseis sto pc mou kai elegxo ola ta koulerakia, to mono pou kanei thorivo sto drosero kouti mou einai oi skliroi diskoi...!!!


an pianoun ta xeria sou kai mporeis na xrisimopoiiseis kolitiri asxoleisou.


gia opoion endiaferetai stin diataksi tis foto exo prosthesei kai ledaki to opoio auksanetai mionetai i fotinotita tou simfona me tis strofes tou fan...

opoios thelei leptomeries na ftiaksw to sxedio kai na to postaro...







Να βάλεις τους ανεμηστήρες του κουτιού στα 7v.


kai pws ginetai auto?


Τα καλωδια των ανεμιστηρων , ειναι ενα κοκκινο και ενα μαυρο.

Εσυ θα πρεπει να συνδεσεις το κοκκινο με ενα κιτρινο απο το τροφοδοτικο , και το μαυρο με ενα κοκκινο απο το τροφοδοτικο.


Οποτε , επειδη το κιτρινο του τροφοδοτικο ειναι +12

και το κοκκινο ειναι +5 , η διαφορα τασης που δημιουργειται ειναι (+12)V - (+5)V = +7V

Αρα εισαι ΟΚ !


Το μονο που έχω να προσθέσω είναι το site www.7volts.com <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


cheers lads... proswpika ta 2 anemistirakia tou tower ta exw sindedemena se mia upodoxh pou exei i mb gia tower fan pera tou cpu... to kouti apotelei ena mini aerothermo kai eksasfalizei zestoula ta drosera kalokairina bradia. (oxi oti kalutero ) apo thermokrasies plisiazei tous 49-50 bathmous.(etsi toulaxiston leei to mbm) To kouti bebaia einai anoixto,,ama to klisw den kserw ti mporei na ginei..

Kamia allh patenta ? uparxei tipota na balw brosta apo ta fans gia na "pagwnei" kata kapio tropo ton aera?

uparxei tipota na balw brosta apo ta fans gia na "pagwnei" kata kapio tropo ton aera?

ksiro pago....


mia lepti feta ksiro pago kai oooooola tha pane kala <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />



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