Προς το περιεχόμενο

Για τους ξενιτεμένους φοιτητάς


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Έχετε την εντύπωση ότι οι ντόπιοι στον τόπο που φοιτάτε σας βλέπουν σαν σακιά με λεφτά ;

Εμένα αυτή η εντύπωση μου έχει δωθεί ώς ένα βαθμό. Δεν έχει λεφτά η διαχείρηση; σε ποιούς θα ζητήσει αμέσως τα κοινόχρηστα, στους φοιτητές.Έχει πέσει η κίνηση σε ένα club; Θα κάνεις φοιτητικό χωρό για κάποιο έτος.Ο ιδιωκτήτης παντρεύει την κόρη;Θα κάνει κάθε ψρόνο μιά αύξηση για την προίκα.

Τι λέτε;

  • Απαντ. 66
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Κυρίως του εγχώριους εννοώ.Στο εξωτερικό δεν νομίζω να περιμένουν από τον έλληνα φοιτητή να κερδίσουν πολλά(εκτός και αν είναι χώρα φτωχότερη από την Ελλάδα).



stin italia agapite mou otan blepoun ellina to enoikio pigainei ena 10-15% parapanw.... de simbainei de to idio gia ton nigiriano i opoiondipote allo...







Ναι αυτό ίσως συμβαίνει και στην Ιταλία γιατί ώς λαοί έχουμε κάποια κοινά χούγια.Αλλά ίσως να νομίζουν ότι στην Ελλάδα είμαστεχλιδάτοι και το χρήμα ρέει άφθονο.



Κυρίως του εγχώριους εννοώ.Στο εξωτερικό δεν νομίζω να περιμένουν από τον έλληνα φοιτητή να κερδίσουν πολλά(εκτός και αν είναι χώρα φτωχότερη από την Ελλάδα).


lol.. file mou se pliroforw oti oi elines foitites (ektos apo merikes eksereseis ) einai oi pio kapitales stin agglia. ste legomena "greek" nights ginetai megaluterh katanalosi whisky kai vodka apo oti ginetai se ena oloklhro mhna kanonikis leitourgias enws club. Kala.. na min milisw gia kinita, pc, rouxa ..ola prepei na einai i teleutaia leksi tis modas.. to faghto einai akoma ena megalo kefalaio...



ste legomena "greek" nights ginetai megaluterh katanalosi whisky kai vodka apo oti ginetai se ena oloklhro mhna kanonikis leitourgias enws club.


oxi file mou, toulaxisto oxi edw oi aggloi katebazoune aberta..aberta...aberta.....................


Δηλαδή οι περισσότεροι έλληνες φοιτητές είναι υπόδειγμα συμπεριφοράς και παραδείγματα κλασσικού έλληνα(μπύρα, κρεπάλη);

Νιώθω υπερήφανος που με εκπροσωπούν τέτοια άξια παλικάρια <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />


Αυτοί σε εκπροσωπούν:




1. owns a mobile phone and uses it at inappropriate times and places like restaurants, dates and preferably lectures.


2. owns a mobile phone and make sure its stood up in full view on the table when you are having your "cafe".


3. Refers to anyone who is not Greek as "xeni" and pity them for not being as cultured and sophisticated as the Greeks.


4. Has predominantly Greek friends, with a few "xeni" thrown in for diversity. Talks Greek when the "xeni" are around.


5. Dresses as though you are going for a club when you are actually going to your lectures.


6. If you are a Greek woman, stare menacingly at other women around you, especially if they are english or more attractive than you.


7. Smokes as if it were your last day on earth...and smokes only Marlboros.


8. Travels only in groups of 10 or more and is as loud as possible at all times.


9. If he owns a car, thinks you are the coolest guy in town and cruise around all day even if you own a B reg. Yugo.


10. When you go to greek parties, greet everybody ecstatically with hugs and kisses even if you have seen them that morning.


11. Wears only "designer" labels, even if he buys them off a cart on a sidewalk in Soho.


12. Makes sure "designer" labels are extremely visible, preferably embroidered on the front of the apparel.


13. Guys: if they have hair, cut it every week and use at least 3 different styling products; if they are bald, develop a big ego to mask your insecurity (applicable to short men, too).


14. If it is a greek woman, she dyes her hair an obviously fake shade of blonde that is non existent in nature ans sweats that it's her natural colour.


15. Makes the coffee shop his second house.


16. Goes to none of your lectures but still manages to pass his year.


17. Doesn't do a project unless he can copy from a friend of yours in the year above, even if it's a 50 word essay.


18. Whenever he breaks the law, pretends he doesn't speak english and hopes they let him of


19. For example: never buy a TV license


20. bring around 500 duty free cigarettes with you every time you come back from Greece


21. Smoke them all in a week


22. If you live in London, call yourself "Londrezos". If you live in Manchester call yourself "Manchesterianos" If you live in Cardiff "a sheep shagging Welsh bastards" If you live in Aberdeen "stou diaolou th mana"


23. Study greek style by failing the first year twice and your second year three times so that you can be a student for ten years.


24. Spend £440 a month on calls to Greece and still have money to go to the bouzoukia




16. Goes to none of your lectures but still manages to pass his year.


that's the spirit! <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> an kai ta alla de me polyantiprosopeyoun....


an ftiaxoume kai emeis mia tetoia lista gia tous agglous, tin ebapsan... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


poly gelio auto! Kai den peftei ka8olou eksw, toulaxiston gia ena megalo pososto twn ellhnwn foithtwn edw, UK.

Bebaia oson afora to 8ema xrhmatwn kai ekmetalleyshs, den peftei ekmetaleysh stous foithtes, apla edw einai ola pio akriba eks'orismou.






ste legomena "greek" nights ginetai megaluterh katanalosi whisky kai vodka apo oti ginetai se ena oloklhro mhna kanonikis leitourgias enws club.


oxi file mou, toulaxisto oxi edw oi aggloi katebazoune aberta..aberta...aberta.....................


ti les re pyro tha mas trelaneis? to mono pou pinoune oi aggloi me ta litra einai i beer. apo ekei kai pera ta "pota" tous oute kan gia sfinakia den kanoune gia ton elina.. einai dinaton na pareis poto kai na sou bazoune 25ml me tin mezoura?


Oso gia auto pou einai o Thiede distixws i eutuxws einai alitheia..


nakostyphoon pes tous aderfares.. pes tous amorfotous... pes tous kolimenous.. pes tous oti theleis.. mia fora omws einai polly kaluteroi oso afora simperifora, eugeneia, anthropia kai den einai zwa san tous elines...


Kala file twra eipes megalh kotsana!!!!Einai zwa oi ellhnes kai den einai oi brettanoi?Mhn trella8oume twra!

5 sygkatoikous brettanous eixa, 3 kopeles kai 2 agoria, apo pou 8es na ksekinhsw? Pou perpatousan ksypolhtoi pantou kai mazeyan O,TI brwmia kai meta panw sto trapezi pou trwgan bazan ta podia? Pou o,ti na'nai bazoun sto stoma tous, trwne ta PANTA, blakeies katepsygmena, 'h sto pws plenoun ta piata? Pou gemizoun to neroxyti me nero kai sapounada boutane to piato kai to bgazoun (me tis sapounades) kai auto to lene plysimo, me tis ligdes apanw! Pou mou efygan gia Pasxa kai afhsan mia kouzina xoirostasio, ta baked beans prwth mouri sto kabouri na perimenoun gia meta apo ena mhna pou 8a gyrnousan kai pros 8eou oxi sto psygeio, sto trapezi! Skoulikia kontepse na bgalei h kouzina! Ase pou mou lene kai thn eksypnada otan mou esteile h mana mou kapoia fagwsima apo ellada: "I prefer proper food!" ti proper food re probato pou trws oti se taizoun, pou ama hkseres ti 8a pei proper food kai proper zwh genikotera 8a eixes melagxolhsei edw..

Ti allo 8eleis na sou pw? Pou ksekinoun na pinoun apo tis 5 to apogeyma otan einai na bgoun eksw? Den apokleietai bebaia na pinoun gia na ksexasoun ton kairo pou exoun kai na kseperasoun thn kata8lipsh pou tous dhmiourgei?

Sou ftanoun auta? Giati an 8es mporw na sou pw ki alla....



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