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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Χάρην αντιλόγου ας διασκεδάσουμε λίγο και τις θέσεις του Βατικανού μετά τις νίκες σε ΗΠΑ και Ευρώπη προχθές



Vatican digs in after gay marriage advances in US, Europe; asks sarcastically why not polygamy










By Associated Press, Published: November 10 | Updated: Sunday, November 11, 1:11 AM



VATICAN CITY — The Vatican is digging in after gay marriage initiatives scored big wins this week in the U.S. and Europe, vowing to never stop insisting that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

In a front-page article in Saturday’s Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, the Holy See sought to frame itself as the lone voice of courage in opposing initiatives to give same-sex couples legal recognition. In a separate Vatican Radio editorial, the pope’s spokesman asked sarcastically why gay marriage proponents don’t now push for legal recognition for polygamous couples as well.


Catholic teaching holds that homosexuals should be respected and treated with dignity but that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered.” The Vatican also opposes same-sex marriage, insisting on the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman as the foundation for society.


The Vatican’s anti-gay marriage media blitz came after three U.S. states approved same-sex marriage by popular vote in the election that returned Barack Obama to the U.S. presidency, Spain upheld its gay marriage law, and France pushed ahead with legislation that could see gay marriage legalized early next year.


“One might say the church, at least on this front, has been defeated,” L’Osservatore Romano wrote. “But that’s not the case.”


The article insisted that Catholics were putting up a valiant fight to uphold church teaching in the face of “politically correct ideologies invading every culture of the world” that are backed by institutions like the United Nations, which last year passed a non-binding resolution condemning anti-gay discrimination.

“The church is called to present itself as the lone critic of modernity, the only check ... to the breakup of the anthropological structures on which human society was founded,” it said.


Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi, for his part, said gays can have their rights protected by means other than through legal marital recognition. He stressed that children should have a right to say they have a father and a mother.


“If not, then why not contemplate freely chosen polygamy, and naturally so as to not discriminate, polyandry?” he asked sarcastically. Polyandry is when a woman has two or more husbands.


“As a result, don’t expect the church to stop insisting that society recognizes a specific place for marriage between a man and woman,” he said.


The U.S. election had been closely watched at the Vatican because of the strong divisions that erupted during the campaign between the Obama administration and U.S. bishops over gay marriage, which Obama endorsed in May. The administration and bishops clashed more vehemently over Obama’s health care mandate requiring nearly all U.S. health insurance plans to cover contraception, which the church opposes.


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said the contraception mandate — which exempts houses of worship but applies to faith-affiliated employers — is a violation of religious freedom.

The Vatican’s reaction to Obama’s re-election was tinged with such lingering criticism, with Pope Benedict XVI congratulating Obama and praying that the ideals of freedom and justice continue to be upheld.


Lombardi went further urging the administration to respect essential values in “promoting a culture of life and religious freedom” — Vatican buzzwords referring to abortion, contraception and the insurance mandate.


It was a far cry from the Vatican’s enthusiastic response to Obama’s election in 2008. Then, the pope termed Obama’s election an “historic occasion” in a personal note of congratulations sent right after he won, a break with traditional Vatican protocol that usually sees official telegrams of congratulations sent on inauguration day




Ναι χιλιοειπωμένο αυτό.Γενικά θα ακούσεις τα πιο αεροβατικά επιχειρήματα εναντίον της ισονομίας και γενικότερα της ισότητας των LGBT ειδικά από άτομα του θρησκευτικού και συντηρητικού κύκλου.


Τις προάλλες άκουσα σε κανάλι εθνικής εμβέλειας στις ΗΠΑ από εκπρόσωπο την εκκλησίας ότι ο γκέι γάμος φταίει για τον τυφώνα Σάντυ.Δε κάνω πλάκα.Κάτι ότι ήταν η οργή του θεού και προειδοποιούσε τους πιστούς να ψηθίσουν κατά.Μάλιστα χθές άκουσα ότι μετά τη νίκη στα δημοψηφίσματα αναμένεται χειρότερος τυφώνας στις ΗΠΑ για να δείξει ο θεός την οργή του.


Δλδ τραγικότητες γραφικές κουραστικές με απήχηση μάλλουν στους gullible god-fearing Christians (χαμηλότερου δείκτη ευφυίας προφανώς).


Σημερινό πολύ ωραίο αρθράκι από τον Economist.



Εντωμεταξύ στο σημείο που αναφέρει για τους sodomy laws ας μας διαφωτίσει κάποιος νομικός.Αν δε κάνω λάθος στην Ελλάδα υπάρχει ακόμα και σήμερα ενεργός sodomy law ο οποίος απλά είναι απόλυτα ανενεργός (τουλάχιστον σε ότι αφορά το gay sex),σωστά?


Επι της ουσίας η ομοφυλοφιλία αποποινικοποιήθηκε στην Ελλάδα το 1952...νομίζω.Έχει καταγραφεί ποτέ ποινική διώξη κάποιου LGBT με επίκληση του νόμου για το σοδομισμό που ακόμα ισχύει στην Ελλάδα?



Gay marriage



To have and to hold


The trend toward giving homosexuals full marriage rights is gaining momentum


FOR the first time in America, three states voted on November 6th to allow gay couples to wed—ending a succession of electoral defeats for the measure in 32 states. A fourth state rejected a proposed ban. In Catholic France the new Socialist government has just approved a bill to permit same-sex marriage. New Zealand is preparing to pass similar legislation next year. Governments in England and Scotland have also pledged to do so soon. And in Spain a gay-marriage law passed seven years ago has finally been given a seal of approval by the Constitutional Court.


Just a dozen years after the Netherlands became the world’s first country to legalise gay nuptials, the global trend toward giving homosexuals full marriage rights seems to have gained unstoppable momentum. Same-sex marriage is now legal nationwide in 11 countries (see map), including Argentina and South Africa, as well as in parts of a further two. In Mexico it is allowed in the capital. In America nine states along with the capital have legalised it, mostly as a result of court challenges.



That said, in 78 countries—mostly in the Muslim world, Africa and other developing states—gay sex is still a crime, punishable by long prison terms and even death. Opposition against gay marriage remains fierce, particularly from churches, conservatives and some politicians. Rick Santorum, a former Republican presidential candidate, has described the legalisation of gay marriage as “a turning-point in American history”, saying it would do more to destroy the church and the family than any other movement. Others have gone further, talking of a “slippery slope” leading to a generalised acceptance of incest, bestiality, paedophilia and other horrors.


But attitudes are changing—and fast. Fifty years ago homosexuality itself was still a crime throughout most of the world. Britain decriminalised it only in 1967 and it was not until 2003 that America’s Supreme Court struck down the remaining sodomy laws in 14 states. Now, across most of the West, polls show a majority of public opinion in favour of equality for gays, including allowing them to marry and adopt children. Ten years ago two-thirds of Americans were opposed to gay marriage; now more than half, including most Catholics, are in favour. Similar trends can be seen in other Western countries.


As attitudes have shifted, laws have changed. When Denmark became the first country to allow “registered partnerships” for gays, in 1989, it was seen as revolutionary. Now most Western countries allow some kind of “civil union” giving homosexuals most of, if not all, the same rights as married straight couples or else full-blown marriage, with the former usually preceding the latter.


Why this rapid shift, which has taken even many activists by surprise? It is partly generational. Younger people, brought up in a more tolerant age, simply cannot understand what all the fuss is about. But it is also a result of changing behaviour among gays themselves. As homophobic laws have fallen, so more homosexuals have come out. And as their straight neighbours see them leading normal happy family lives—including bringing up children—without the world falling apart, they become more widely accepted.


Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists have also changed their tactics, getting better organised, raising funds, and going out to educate people. In this month’s elections in America the gay-rights movement spent $33m promoting gay marriage in the four states where it was on the ballot—three times the amount their opponents were able to drum up, and a complete reversal of the situation in the 2008 elections.


At the same time, the churches, most of which regard gay sex as a sin, are losing some of their influence. A recent survey of Americans’ religious beliefs by the Pew Research Centre showed one in five adults saying they had no religious affiliation—double the proportion 20 years ago. Three-quarters of these so-called “Nones” support gay marriage. In another study, 42% of Britons described themselves as atheists or agnostics—three times as many as in the early 1960s. In France only 7% of Catholics continue to attend mass at least once a week; 58%, including three-quarters of those aged under 35, never go.


In America, where Barack Obama recently became the first president to endorse gay marriage, Gene Robinson, the Anglican Church’s first openly gay bishop, talks of a “sea change” taking place. The 1996 federal Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA), restricting marriage to the union between a man and woman, has increasingly been coming under legal challenge, with two federal appeals courts holding it to be unconstitutional. On November 30th the Supreme Court may take up one of several gay-marriage cases before it. If, as activists hope, it decides in their favour, the ruling could prove as much of a watershed for gay-rights as the court’s landmark sodomy decision in 2003.


Whatever happens, activists will push on. They have never been happy with being fobbed off with civil unions. Like most straight couples, they want the stability, security and dignity brought by marriage. As Jonathan Rauch, a gay American author wrote in his book on gay wedlock, the essence of marriage is not sex or children or even self-fulfilment, but rather a lifelong commitment, recognised and supported by society, by two people to “have and to hold…for better for worse…till death us do part.” Not all gay couples will want to marry, anymore than all straight couples do, but they do at least want the option



Το μήνυμα λέει...''στις περισσότερες χώρες της Ευρώπης δεν αναγνωρίζεται αυτή η οικογένεια''.


True και η δική μου οικογένεια δεν αναγνωρίζεται στη γενέτειρα μου.Στη γενέτειρα μου γμτ.Τεσπα πάλι τα νεύρα μου




Το μήνυμα λέει...''στις περισσότερες χώρες της Ευρώπης δεν αναγνωρίζεται αυτή η οικογένεια''.


True και η δική μου οικογένεια δεν αναγνωρίζεται στη γενέτειρα μου.Στη γενέτειρα μου γμτ.Τεσπα πάλι τα νεύρα μου




Αυτή η επιθετικότητα από του τους γκέι υπερ των γκέι μου θυμίζει την PETA.


Χρειάζεται να πείσεις την κοινωνία από την οποία εξαρτάσαι όχι να κάνεις επιθέσεις ήθους και πολιτισμού όλη μέρα.


Σιγά την επίθεση που έκανα στη προκειμένη.Ένα βίντεο έβαλα να ξυπνήσω αντανακλαστικά.Δε ξέρω τι κάνουν ''οι γκέι'' αλλά για μένα ο ακτιβισμός ειδικά σε μια χώρα όπως η Ελλάδα έχει τη σημασία του,βαρύνουσα μάλιστα.Μακάρι οι γκέι στην Ελλάδα να ήταν πιο vocal για τα δικαιώματα τους.Ίσως τώρα και η δική μου οικογένεια να αναγνωριζόταν από τη πολιτεία.Αντ αυτού να απορρίπτω τη πιθανότητα να επιστρέψω Ελλάδα ακόμα κ αν θέλω.


Αντιθέτως στην Ελλάδα βλέπεις όλες τι κρυφές θυματάρες τόσο της δικής τους εσωτερικευμένης ομοφοβίας όσο και τη γενικότερης κοινωνικής να το χουν βουλωμένο.Μερικές άκυρες να φτάνουν στο σημείο να παντρεύοντε γκομενάκια για να διασκεδάσουν την τραγικότητα του περίγυρου τους (όχι ότι δε συμπάσχω πραγματικά με εκείνους για τους οποίους τα stakes είναι πολύ ψηλά).Άλλοι να το βουλώνουν μπροστά στο συστηματικό negation και να γίνονται ένα με την ετεροκανονικότητα της νούλας καταδικάζοντας ακόμα περισσότερο στην αφάνεια τους LGBT στην Ελλάδα.


Πάρε παράδειγμα εδώ.2-3 είμαστε ανοιχτά gay δλδ ffs στο μεγαλύτερο φόρουμ της Ελλάδας.Αλλά το κλασικό που λατρεύω να το ακούω κ να το βλέπω από κάποιους gay στην Ελλάδα ξέρεις ποιο είναι?Αυτός ο αφόρητος ωχαδερφισμός,η μοίρλα,η απαισιοδοξία,το δόγμα ''τπτ δεν αλλάζει Ελλάδα'' κ μια τραγικότητα που όντως για μερικούς είναι αρκετή ώστε να τους κρατήσει στο καβούκι τους κ ξανά προς τη δόξα τραβά παίζοντας το str8 στη γειτόνισα κ τον κολλητό.


Για ποιά επιθετικότητα των γκέι υπέρ των γκέι μιλάς,ειδικά στην Ελλάδα ?Μόνος ποστάρω δε το βλέπετε?Για 1 χρόνο δε που έλειπα από το Ινσο ούτε μισό θέμα είχε ανοιχτεί.Τρομερή επιθετικότητα,αλλά ίσως στο μυαλό σου,σε ότι αφορά την Ελλάδα και τον μέσο Έλληνα LGBT

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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