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Ti doro na paro?


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


paides efaga 3 ores sto pc kai to file (to kolaz) einai etoimo. 80x60cm... analysh 50pixel/cm.

Kalo mou fainetai...

Se ti format na to pao?


Se ti format? Kai pou exei afisopolh konta mou... kserei kaneis (n.ionia)

  • Απαντ. 32
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

phra to afisorama... kai eipe: tha ta steiloume thn pempth sthn patra kai tha mas ta steiloun thn allh pempth athina...

Paei poly arga. Mhpos exete kammia kalyterh lysh gia to to pou tha mporousa na ektyposo thn afisa?


ggeorgee epeidh tyxainei na eimai kai egw apo n.ionia, phges sto "fotwtypiko kentro" sth nea ionia? Einai ena advanced fototypadiko me ploter ktl... Brisketai dipla sthn eklhsia twn a. anargyrwn. Sto steno toy astynomikou tmhmatos ths n.ionias aristera... Ama pas ekei gyrw mporeis na rwthseis poy einai kai tha soy poyne...


a)apo pote h n.ionia einai kato kosmos??? Ego nomiza oti einai mia aksioprepestath synoikia (an eksairesei kaneis tis athlies polykaties pou ksepetagontai san... edo sthn perioxh mou - kalogreza)


b)tha pao ayrio prota sto magazi pou les xaronta kai an den kano douleia... bour sthn athina


c)oxi pou tha pao na steilo to cd sthn patra kai apo kei sthn gouantaloumpour kai apo kei sth senegalh... gia na katalhksei sthn athina. Eimaste sobaroi? Entakei apo thn patra ksekinhse to afisorama. Ti theloun na mas poun tora, oti h patra einai h kyria phgh esodon ths etairias kai kratane ta kentrika ekei?


re paidia... emena sto "fototypiko kentro" mou zhthsane 45EUR mono gia thn ektyposh! Mhpos einai polla?

Den toa afhsa giati eixa mia mayrh lezanta kato pou egrafe kati kai tha engaine poly frikh leei!

Re seis... sa polla lefta den einai?

P.S : sthn athina pou molis rothsa, theloun 13 EUR!!!

Ma ti diafores na exoun? to xarti? kai exei diafora 30 EUR?


to grammiko einai sthn athina: tzortz 15 & strournarh (dipla sto microland).


molis phre thn afisa o big brother. fysika kai tou arese!

internet_gr se eyxaristo gia thn idea. an kai exasa polles ores pano sto pc telika aksize ton kopo....


(se ena mhna exei genethlia h kopelia mou.... thn brhka th lysh omos: www.insomnia.gr!!)


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