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Wasteland 2


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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

  • Super Moderators

Να χαρώ εγώ vimeo.


Στο θέμα μας, πάρα πολύ καλό δείχνει, καλά γραφικά και ενδιαφέρον σύστημα μαχών (με ενέδρες, κάλυψη κτλ.). Προφανώς, πάρα πολλά θα κριθούν από την ιστορία που θα εκτυλίσσεται καθώς προχωράει το παιχνίδι.

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¨Ενα ακόμα update για το παιχνίδι.


Απαντώντας στο feedback του κόσμου για το gameplay video που δημοσίευσαν στις αρχές του Φλεβάρη και το οποίο το βλέπουμε ποιό πάνω στο πόστ του Millennium, παρουσιάζουν λεπτομέρειες για την κάμερα, το HUD και το σύστημα διαλόγου.


Ειδικά το θέμα με τον δυναμικό διάλογο προσωπικά με κατενθουσίασε: ¨Ενα perception check αλλάζει όλη τη ροή των πιθανών επιλογών.


Δείτε στο παρακάτω wall of text το working example:




Game Camera

One aspect that seemed to get a lot of comments was the camera system. When you are watching a video it is hard to get a feel for how it works, because there is no way to know what the player is doing with the camera controls and what the game is handling automatically. We know that without a doubt, a bad camera system
can ruin a game.


There are three main camera elements that we should explain.


The first is the camera zoom level. There has been a lot of talk since the start of the project about top down versus isometric. By using the mouse wheel, the player can smoothly zoom from a tight isometric camera back to
a wider isometric shot. By further zooming out, the camera moves from the wide isometric to an old school top-down shot. If you are the type of player that doesn’t want the camera angle to change, just leave it alone. If you like to see things from different heights, or from the top down, you have the option of rolling the
mouse wheel at any point, in or out of combat, and see the world from the perspective you want.


The second camera function that was unclear in the video is the camera tracking system. The camera defaults to ‘follow mode’, which like many systems in Wasteland 2 can be turned off or on by the player at any time through the settings menu. In follow mode, the camera moves around the world with the party – there is no need to pan the camera to keep your character on screen. If your party is not all together, clicking the portrait of any character not on screen will either pan or jump to them, depending on how far away they are, then lock onto their movements as you walk or run them around the map. You can also override the “auto-follow” by using the arrow or WASD keys to pan the camera around the map. If you don’t like using keys to move the camera, then don’t worry about it – you will have an option to pan across the map by moving the mouse cursor to the edge of the
screen. In all of these modes, even the pan speed is adjustable. If you don’t like any of these camera options, simply turn them off.


The last camera feature we want to explain is the ability to rotate the camera to view the scene from any direction. First, you can simply disable camera rotation – the levels have been designed so that you can play the entire game without having to change the camera’s orientation. For those that want to look around more, but don’t want to be burdened by a freely rotating camera, we have a mode that rotates the camera in 90 degree increments. This allows you to very quickly move between the West, North, East, and South views of the scene. If you want more freedom than that, you can unlock the rotation of the camera, which is what we used when creating the game-play video.


Heads Up Display


The second system that seemed to get a lot of comments was the HUD. Our HUD is made up of five elements: Character Portraits, Mini-Map, Action Bar, Hot Key Selector, and Description Text window. You can customize the HUD to create the setup most to your liking. Because we already need to make the HUD work for many different aspect ratios and display resolutions and because even we internally at inXile have different opinions as to how big or small certain elements should be, we are building each element in different sizes and shapes. You can select any of these for your default setup. It doesn’t matter if you want the minimalist version, the long skinny version, the short and wide version, or anything in between. We have it for you. On top of that, the Character Portraits, Mini-Map, and Hot Key Selector also have an Auto-Hide
function that slides them on and off the screen as needed.


Keyword Dialog System


The last thing we want to talk about is the keyword dialog system. Many of our systems are designed to be a modern take on systems from the original Wasteland. We started with the Wasteland keyword system and updated it, adding layers of complexity that enable us to increase conversational reactivity.


The foundation of the keyword system is the player building up a keyword library through interaction with NPCs and the world. The keyword list starts out empty, and as you speak with NPCs they will reveal new keywords to you. If the revealed keyword is only of interest to that NPC, it will go into a local list. You can click on words in the keyword list to navigate through the conversation. If the revealed keyword has importance beyond that particular conversation, it is put into the regional keyword list. These keywords are of interest to most of the NPCs you encounter that region. A third option, which is never required, is to type something in – a nod to Wasteland 1’s


Keywords are also added to the keyword list through perception skill use and environmental description text. For example, if you use perception to examine an object in the world, your observations might reveal a new keyword. Or, if you explored the level and triggered the descriptor text of some object or feature, it too might unlock a keyword. The NPC’s reaction to any given keyword can be affected by a number of factors including: the party composition, previous gameplay choices, previously used keywords, previous player responses to NPC questions, character skills, character attributes, item inventory, equipped weapons and armor, prior party actions, and CNPCs in the party. In other words, there isn't a one-to-one correlation between keywords and the NPC’s response.

It is important that the player listens to (reads) what the NPCs are saying, because often you can judge by their tone the right way to approach the conversation. For instance, in some cases using a keyword at a particular point of the conversation changes the NPC’s answer to other keywords, or even ends the conversation all together.

One of the suggestions from the fans was that the Ranger party should deliver a line of dialog instead of just barking a keyword. We really love this idea. Having full sentences creates a natural conversation
flow. Additionally, this approach allows us to remove the ambiguity of keywords – holding your mouse over a keyword will show you a preview of the sentence your Rangers will say.


A working example:


NPC Bob, who is guarding some guns, has intro text that
reveals two keywords he has more to say about. Clicking on Bob starts the

>NPC Bob – “Hey strangers, we don’t normally see people out so far into the wasteland. Be careful, it is really dangerous out here unless you are heavily armed.”

This introduces two keywords to the player that they can use to converse with NPC Bob, dangerous and armed. Using the keyword dangerous will prompt NPC Bob give you more information about what is up ahead.

Party (keyword = dangerous)
–“What is so dangerous about these canyons?”

>NPC Bob – “These canyons are crawling with the outcasts of every crappy society in the wasteland. You had better watch your step.”

Using the armed keyword will have NPC Bob tell you about a possible mission.

Party (keyword = armed)
–“How do you think we should be armed?”

>NPC Bob – “It is best to have a lot of hollow point ammo out here for all the mutant creatures wandering around. I
just came from a cave at the end of that canyon where I found a half destroyed case of ammo. You are welcome to help yourself if you find them. You are going to need all the help you can get out here.”

It sounds promising enough, but if the party heads for that cave they will find themselves in an ambush from the Red Skorpion Militia. If you had used perception on Bob before talking to him, and you passed the perception skill check, the examine text would have revealed that Bob has the insignia of the Red Skorpion militia tattooed on his neck under his collar. This would put Red Skorpion into your local keywords for your conversation with NPC Bob. Holding your mouse over Red Skorpion, shows the sentence, “I see you are a member of the Red
Skorpions.” The Rangers already know that the Red Skorpions are out to get them so calling out Bob as being one can have several effects on the conversation.

For example, if you start the conversation by using Red Skorpion, Bob’s response would be to admit to being a member. Now when you mention armed, which had Bob give you the Trap/Mission before, he no longer tries to bait you, but he doesn’t warn you about it either:

Party (keyword = Red Skorpions)
–“I see you are a member of the Red Skorpions.”

>NPC Bob – “So what if I am? What are you going to do, shoot me just for having a tattoo?

Party (keyword = armed)
– “How do you think we should be armed?”

>NPC Bob – “Now that I think about it, I could really care less. Leave me alone and go bother someone else.”

Knowing that the Red Skorpions are your enemy, you might cleverly choose to hold off revealing to Bob that you know he is one. If you wait to use the Red Skorpion keyword until after you had used armed
(in which Bob tries to lure you into the trap), Bob would cave and tell you everything:

Party (keyword = armed)
– “How do you think we should be armed?”

>NPC Bob
– “It is best to have a lot of hollow point ammo out here for all the mutant creatures wandering around. I just came from a cave at the end of that canyon where I found a half destroyed case of ammo. You are welcome to help yourself if you find them. You are going to need all the help you can get out here.”

Party (keyword = Red Skorpions)
–“I see you are a member of the Red Skorpions.”

>NPC Bob – “Okay, okay, you caught me. Listen, don’t kill me, I am only following orders. There is a patrol of Skorpions on the rim of the canyon ahead and I was supposed to send you down there. Meow that
I warned you please let me live!”

If you had explored the entire canyon before you got to Bob and you had found some blood stains on the ground you could use "blood stains" as a keyword and get Bob to inadvertently tell you about the cave full of loot he was looking for at the end of the yellow canyon.

Party (keyword = blood stains)
– “What can you tell us about the blood stains on the

>NPC Bob – “Oh, that was me. I was looking for a weapons stash I had heard about in that canyon and I was jumped by a pissed-off Honey Badger.”

This essentially gives you a hint to find an inconspicuous cave that you wouldn’t get from just the Bob’s original keywords.

Extending the above example, if your party had Red Skorpion armor equipped when you started that same conversation, it would change Bob’s intro text, and instead of him offering you keywords about dangerous
and armed, he would just give you a line about how you are late to the ambush and the rest
of the Skorpions are up ahead in the canyon.

If you also had Rick Baychowski, who is on good terms with the Red Skorpions, in your party as a CNPC, Bob would greet Rick in his intro line. He would also reveal the ambush up ahead, and tell the party they
can find some ammo in a shed down the path to the right.
Events outside of the conversation can also unlock local
keywords. For example, another NPC, Jim, might ask you to let Bob know his sister Sarah had just died. When then talking with Bob, he still delivers his intro line offering up the dangerous and armed keywords, but you
also see the keyword Sarah. Holding the mouse over Sarah, you see the sentence “Jim just told me your sister is dead.” Clicking Sarah puts Bob into a panic and he runs away leaving you access to the gun cache. This
might have been the only way to get those guns without killing Bob, and you couldn’t have done it if you didn’t talk to Jim first.

Keep in mind that in this example, you still had the option of shooting Bob in the head before any of this dialog happened. This would have had its own level of reactivity. It would have given you access to the guns he was guarding but brought the ambush fight to this location. Meanwhile, using stealth to quietly kill Bob before talking to him gets you the guns without the fight – though you might stumble into the ambush later unless you
learn about it another way.


We hope you
have enjoyed reading more about some of our systems in Wasteland 2. We want to continue this dialog with you and are always reading what you post. In the coming weeks and months we will be uploading more videos and posting more updates to show you what we’re up to here at inXile.

As always,
thanks for your support.



βασικά σου λέει για την κάμερα ότι λειτουργεί όπως το θέλουμε και το περιμένουμε, δηλαδή η κάμερα ακολουθεί τους χαρακτήρες, αλλά ταυτόχρονα έχεις πλήρη έλεγχο ζούμ, περιστροφή κτλ.


Επίσης λέει ότι όλα τα κομμάτια του hud είναι παραμετροποιήσιμα, μπορείς να τα βάλεις όπου θέλεις στην οθόνη, να τα κρύψεις ή να τους αλλάξεις μέγεθος.


Για τον διάλογο σου δείχνει ένα παράδειγμα, όπου η παρέα σου βρίσκει έναν τύπο, ο οποίος τους λέει να πάνε σε μιά σπηλιά να σκοτώσουν κάτι μεταλλαγμένους. Τον ρωτάς και σου λέει διάφορα, αλλά αν πάς εκεί που σου λέει, σε περιμένει ενέδρα από τη συμμορία των κόκκινων σκορπιών (υποτίθεται ότι την ξέρεις αυτή τη συμμορία στο παιχνίδι).


Αν όμως πρίν του μιλήσεις κάνεις perception check επάνω του και είναι επιτυχημένο, η παρέα σου θα δεί μισοκρυμμένο στο λαιμό του τύπου τατουάζ των κόκκινων σκορπιών.


Μετά μπορείς να του το πείς από την αρχή για το τατού και να σε διώξει ή να παίξεις και καλά τον ανήξερο και να συνεχίσεις τη κουβέντα μέχρι το τέλος, όπου θα του αποκαλύψεις ότι ξέρεις τί φρούτο είναι, οπότε αυτός παραδίνεται και τα ξερνάει όλα.


Ή να τον σκοτώσεις και να πάρεις τα πράγματα από πανω του, αλλά η παρέα του που είναι έτοιμοι για ενέδρα θα ακούσουν τη φασαρία και θα έρθουν προς βοήθειά του.


Ή αν έχεις στη παρέα σου άτομο που είναι φίλος με τη συμμορία, ο τύπος θα σου εξηγήσει πως έχει η φάση.


Λέει και άλλα, αυτά είναι τα πολύ βασικά.

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Wasteland 2 will have 40-50 maps, and be 20 hours long


Wasteland2Guru harvested the map count, among other details, from a recent Game Star preview; there may be some inaccuracies in translation as a result. That said, the preview claims Wastelands 2 will have between 40 and 50 maps, and compares this figure to Fallout 2′s 23 maps, suggesting the word refers to visitable locations.

That’s quite a lot, and as you’d expect, the preview also said the RPG will take 20 hours to complete – without sidequests.





Εγώ πιστεύω ότι ο Brian Fargo το πήρε πολύ σοβαρά το όλο ζήτημα και νιώθει το βάρος της ευθύνης που έχει στις πλάτες του.


Αν δεν δώσει ένα αξιόλογο αποτέλεσμα, θα το χάσει οριστικά το παιχνίδι.

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