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Xbox One Topic v1

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Στα επεισόδια εννοείς ή στο American Nightmare;


ΥΓ: Κι εγώ το λάτρεψα το ΑΑ, 3 φορές το έχω τελειώσει κι άνετα θα το ξανάπαιζα. Αλλά σταθμό δεν το θεωρώ σε καμία περίπτωση :P 


Τα επεισόδια εκτος απο το τελευταιο τα βρηκα αρκετα βαρετα μπορω να πω, το American nightmare μου αρεσε αλλα οκ δεν ηταν συνεχεια ηταν κατι ξεχωριστο.




Boyd Multerer ο δημιουργος του Xbox One.

Λεει αρκετα ενδιαφεροντα.Μιλαει για 2 gpus ,για αρχιτεκτονικη super-computer,για περιορισμενο χρονο απο τους developers στο launch για να τελειοποιησουν τους τιτλους τους,για τους dx και το port απο pc σε Χ1 και τελος για τις αλλαγες στο hw που εκαναν την τελευταια στιγμη.....

"The GPUs are really complicated beasts this time around. In the Xbox 360 era, getting the most performance out of the GPU was all about ordering the instructions coming into your shader. It was all about hand-tweaking the order to get the maximum performance. In this era, that's important - but it's not nearly as important as getting all your data structures right so that you're getting maximum bandwidth usage across all the different buffers. So it's relatively easy to get portions of the GPU to stall. You have to have it constantly being fed."


It isn't surprising that most publishers, running flat out to release games on every available format before Christmas, didn't have the time to sort this out. "Xbox One was a crazy launch. All console launches are crazy. Me and the team, we've all worked seven days a week from June until November, and we're all really tired and all the game companies; they were there too. So in a lot of cases it was "Okay, we've got to get the game running" and then there's not a whole lot of time to do the tuning."


The console itself is - terrifying mathematics aside - a lot more welcoming to developers than Xbox 360, too. "The basic box is definitely easier to develop for, and that goes a long way. We spent a lot of time making sure that if you know how to write a game in DirectX in Windows, you already know how to write a game in Xbox One, and the games that are being written for Windows 8 that are using DX are porting really quickly to Xbox One. Like often in a day, maybe two. Yes, you have to tweak for the specific performance characteristics of this box but you basically already know how to do it, if you've developed for Windows. It's more complicated than that, but yeah."


"We've passed through a very difficult moment in time where these boxes have been built and they were changing a lot, and some of the requirements changed late in the game, which of course caused churn all through the system. But we rolled with it, and we got it done and now we will continue to improve and not just for the consumers but also for the game developers, and I think very quickly they'll start to see some of the benefits of those improvements. So I'm just completely not worried about that."


 "This is a effectively a super-computer design," he says. "This is a design out of the super-computer realm. So I expect that we're going to continue to see fairly large improvements in GPU output as people really tune these data sets."


super-computer design? εδω ακομη δεν εχει καταφερει να φτασει τα 1080p που ειναι στανταρακι πια...μεχρι στιγμης μονο λογια και απο πραξεις μηδεν.


Που λεει ρε παιδια για 2 GPU's.


Βαζει πληθυντικο γιατι αναφερεται στην GPU του 360 και στην GPU του One.

κανεις λάθος λεει gpus this time around και μιλάει για multi buffer

Γενικός είναι ο πληθυντικός, ρε συ. "Οι κάρτες γραφικών τώρα...μπλα μπλα", δε λέει ότι το Χ1 έχει 2 κάρτες γραφικών. 

Οπως το δει κανεις.Πιθανον να εχεις δικιο.


Γενικός είναι ο πληθυντικός, ρε συ. "Οι κάρτες γραφικών τώρα...μπλα μπλα", δε λέει ότι το Χ1 έχει 2 κάρτες γραφικών. 

Το εχει πει ο misterX

Ειναι καπου κρυμμενη γιατι δεν τον πιστευεις; Γιατι νομιζεις οτι δε βαλανε το τροφοδοτικο μεσα στο κουτι;

Στη πορεια θα δειξει και την δευτερη GPU. Μεχρι τωρα την κρατανε καλα κρυμμένη καπου αναμεσα στα τσιπακια και τον ανεμιστηρα που δημιουργει το cloud. Απο τα σύννεφα θα κατεβει :)

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