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Xbox One Topic v1

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Λαθος διατυπωση, μολις αποφασισα -βαση αυτων (φημες)- οτι δεν θα παρω καμια απο τις 2. Γενικα οποια κονσολα κανει πραγματικοτητα το always online, no second hand games τρωει ενα Χ απο εμενα και τελειωνουμε. Το ακουμε ομως ολο και συχνοτερα τελευταια και δεν ειναι και οτι καλυτερο.


Ηδη με χαλαει απιστευτα που δεν θα εχουν backwards compatibility. Το να μου βαζουν και αλλα εμποδια δεν λειτουργει υπερ τους.



Καλά τις βλέπω να τρώνε χακάρισμα τρελά πιο εύκολα από τις τωρινές, και θα φάνε τα μούτρα τους.


το steam πάντως το έχουν κάνει άλογο τα τσακάλια στο pc. 


Why Microsoft Got Into The Console Business

Microsoft only entered the console market because Sony refused to work with them, according to a former Microsoft exec.

Joachim Kempin, who was VP of Windows Sales at Microsoft for 20 years starting in 1983, made the claim in an interview with IGN that will be published in full on Friday.

When asked why Microsoft decided to enter the console space, he asserted that, "The main reason was to stop Sony. You see, Sony and Microsoft…they never had a very friendly relationship, okay? And this wasn’t because Microsoft didn’t want that.

"Sony was always very arm’s length with Microsoft. Yeah, they bought Windows for their PCs but when you really take a hard look at that, they were never Microsoft’s friend. And Microsoft in a way wanted them to be a friend because they knew they had a lot of things we could have co-operated on because they are, in a way, an entertainment company, you know? I mean, at least a portion of Sony is and they had some really good things going there, but as soon as they came out with a video console, Microsoft just looked at that and said 'well, we have to beat them, so let’s do our own.'”

Lol, αστειακια, αστειακια? Ειρωνια ε? Η Sony εκανε ακριβως το ιδιο πραγμα στην Nintendo αλλα αναποδα με το PSone (οταν ακομα ηταν σε μορφη add-on για το Snes).

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lak ρωτάς αν μια κάρτα των 250-300ε είναι πιο δυνατή απο μια ολόκληρη κονσόλα των "λογικά" 400ε. λογικό είναι να είναι. απο εκεί και πέρα η κάρτα αυτή που έχεις τα παιχνίδια που θα τρέχει το νεο xbox στο τέλος της γενιάς δεν θα τα τρέχεις στο Pc πάνω απο 15-20 fps για κανένα λόγο.


GameStop: Consumers unlikely to buy next-gen console that blocks used games
Specialty retailer says purchase intent would be "significantly diminished" if new platforms prohibited secondhand games.

Gamers would be unlikely to purchase a next-generation platform that blocks used games or limits other activities, a GameStop representative told Bloomberg.

"We know the desire to purchase a next-generation console would be significantly diminished if new consoles were to prohibit playing pre-owned games, limit portability, or not play new physical games," GameStop vice president of public and investor relations Matt Hodges said.
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GameStop: Consumers unlikely to buy next-gen console that blocks used games

Specialty retailer says purchase intent would be "significantly diminished" if new platforms prohibited secondhand games.


μακάρι να το εννοούν στα αλήθεια και να είναι ένας μοχλός πίεσης για να μην το υιοθετήσουν στο τέλος.


Microsoft Studios Employee Lists Work On Four Unannounced IPs On Resume

An employee at Microsoft Studios says that he is hard at work on four unannounced intellectual properties for the company, which makes us wonder what Microsoft has in store for the next generation.

The employee in question is Jonathan Browne, a senior product manager/planner at Microsoft Studios. His LinkedIn profile says, "I have been the primary product manager on four unannounced new IP and have been a key contributor to bringing these IP from the very early concept phase through green light to production." Browne has worked with the SSX and Army of Two franchises, among others.

It makes the rumor mill churn with curiosity about what Microsoft has in mind for the future, and its next gen plans. Whatever Browne is working on could be for the Xbox 360, but new IPs aren't usually introduced this late in the game. It seems Microsoft has big plans for the future, and it may mean that it isn't planning to lean on franchises like Gears of War and Halo.
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