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Xbox One Topic v1

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Σωστά, ξέχασα το MGS, αλλά κι αυτό θα βγει κι αλλού, οπότε δεν το κράτησα στο μυαλό μου. 


Το Dead Rising 3 δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί σας εντυπωσίασε όλους τόσο. Ούτε τα γραφικά ήταν κάτι το ιδιαίτερο ούτε το gameplay. Μια από τα ίδια με λίγο διαφορετική παλέτα για να φαίνεται πιο "σκοτεινό" απλώς. 

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Κατά τ' άλλα, X1 exclusive..


TitanFall Officially Confirmed For The PC

During Microsoft’s E3 conference, Respawn Entertainment revealed TitanFall as an exclusive title for its upcoming console. Naturally, we decided to ask Respawn whether there would be a PC version or not, and we are happy to report that TitanFall is officially coming our platform. According to Respawn, TitanFall will be released on Xbox One, PC and X360. Respawn has also confirmed that it will show more during EA’s conference, so stay tuned for more. You can find below the E3 gameplay footage of it, as well as an image that confirms the platforms in which TitanFall will be released.


Κονσόλα και game και Xbox Live, 600€.

Επίσης, τα καλύτερα game ήταν το MGS, το Witcher και το Battlefield. non exclusives.


Γιατί να αγοράσω xbox ;


Κονσόλα και game και Xbox Live, 600€.

Επίσης, τα καλύτερα game ήταν το MGS, το Witcher και το Battlefield. non exclusives.


Γιατί να αγοράσω xbox ;


Μην το αγοράσεις. Εγώ προσωπικά βρήκα και πόσα άλλα exclusives πολύ καλά. Και όταν πέσει η τιμή θα αγοραστεί σίγουρα ΜΟΝΟ για τα exclusives.


Μην το αγοράσεις. Εγώ προσωπικά βρήκα και πόσα άλλα exclusives πολύ καλά. Και όταν πέσει η τιμή θα αγοραστεί σίγουρα ΜΟΝΟ για τα exclusives.


Όταν λες exclusive βάζεις και το Titanfall ; Γιατί για exclusive είπανε και τελικά βγαίνει και στο PC.


Insomniac on working with Microsoft Studios for Xbox One exclusive, Sunset Overdrive

Insomniac Games' new open-world shooter, Sunset Overdrive, is exclusive to Xbox One and published by Microsoft Studios – and this partnership may require some explaining for "longtime fans," Insomniac CEO Ted Price writes.


"When we first began discussing this idea with Microsoft, we were initially hesitant to shift back into an exclusive arrangement," Price writes in an Insomniac blog post. "But as the Microsoft team began introducing us to the abilities and philosophies driving the development of Xbox One, we knew that Sunset Overdrive was a perfect fit. The Xbox One and Xbox Live will support our ambitions to create an ongoing two-way dialogue with our community. It will also allow us to have quicker production cycles, enabling timely content updates for new weapons, characters, storylines and even pop culture-relevant content like memes based on social commentary."


Independent studios aren't allowed to self-publish on the Xbox One, and Insomniac is definitely independent, Price says. This means the studio doesn't have to abandon its PlayStation roots or classic franchises such as Ratchet and Clank.


"Insomniac has been, is, and will continue to be 100 percent independent. We have treasured that independence for the last 19 years. It now allows us to own and control our IP, and find the most suitable partners to make those IP a reality. While we are excited about partnering with Microsoft on Sunset Overdrive, that doesn't mean we can't or wouldn't make games with our longtime friends at Sony."


πολυ βαρετη pc με αδιαφορα παιχνιδια.
μονο το νεο panzer dragoon μου αρεσε και το killer instinct.Ολα τα αλλα fps και guns,guns,guns.........................

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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