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New IC7-G bios 713 :D


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Gia osous endiaferontai <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

8a to flasharw argotera...





BIOS ID: 1.3

Released Date: 5/19/2003

Fixed DOS 6.22 booting failure from FAT16 partition.

Revised display mode of HTT CPU LOGO.

Fixed BIOS hang-up problem which is caused by specific CPU cooling fan reporting error RPM to BIOS when CPU FanEQ 60% enabled.

Revised the following default settings in BIOS setup page.

Bootable Add-in Device: PCI Slot Device

CPU FanEQ Active Temperature: 70 C

CPU Warning Temperature: 85 C

Enabled "IDE Block Mode" and hided the option.

Revised ICH5R RAID BIOS display issue.

Fixed COM2 device existing in Windows Device Manager problem.

Revised power-on delay time from 4~5 seconds to 1~2 seconds after AC power lost and resumed.

BIOS Compile Date: 5/19/2003.



polu kalo. isws se liges meres na to xrisimopiisw. epitelous ABIT IC7-G sto HAC mono 230 euro. ti les Brwmogaze na th xtupisw i na perimenw kai tin MSI 875p-NEO?


Clocking wise vlepontas to sig sou 8a elega IC7-G <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />...


Merikoi miloun pws maxxaroun ta boards tous sta 275fsb...pisteyw pws h cpu tous maxxarei synh8ws kai oi C 800fsb cpus einai poly "kserokefaloi" cpus... o ka8enas me tin dikh tous symperifora...tespa exw dei 300+ 285+ fsb apo to icy...emena h cpu maxxare sta 266 ara den mporw na sou pw eggyhmena...pantws to ic7-g sto mono pou xanei to to Vdimm...pou8ena allou 8a elega.Einai rock stable apo thn prwth mera opws kai to IT7MAX2 mou...


me epomena updates tyxon provlhmata pou yparxoun 8a eksaleiftoun eimai sigouros.


Me to _13 afto mou eftiakse ena bios prob na bootarw apo ton scsi sklhro...


To MSI den pisteyw na exei epityxia....exei ena feature na clockarei elafria tin cpu xwris na peirakseis tipota mesa sto bios analoga to load tou cpu kai pshla vcore kai vdim apoti vlepw alla den 8a to akoumpaga apo thn stigmh pou egine gnwstp oti peirazontas to fsb tou apo bios den ginetai TIPOTA...


h P4C800 h IC7-G


Pantws kai ta springdale pane ton kwlo tous...Des to P4P800...se benchies rixnei sto P4C800... 202 fsb kai ta dyo malista...




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