Anonymous Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 UT2003 Software Renderer for 2225 _____________________________________ zip file containing the integration of RAD's Pixomatic software renderer into UT2003 can be found here. Unzipping it into the UT2003/System directory and adding the following section to your UT2003.ini file [PixoDrv.PixoRenderDevice] FogEnabled=True Zoom2X=True LimitTextureSize=True LowQualityTerrain=True TerrainLOD=10 SkyboxHack=True FilterQuality3D=1 FilterQualityHUD=1 HighDetailActors=False SuperHighDetailActors=False ReduceMouseLag=False DesiredRefreshRate=0 DetailTexMipBias=0.000000 Use16bitTextures=False Use16bit=True UseStencil=False UseCompressedLightmaps=False DetailTextures=False UsePrecaching=True should then allow you to select it by modifying your UT2003.ini file as follows. RenderDevice=PixoDrv.PixoRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=Engine.NullRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice Keep in mind to lower your resolution to maybe 320x240 or 512x384 in case you have a slow CPU. You can do this from the console by typing "setres 320x240" or "setres 512x384" respectively.
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.