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PlayStation 4 Topic v1 [PS4]

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αν ενα account εχει gold , ολοι οι λογαριασμοι στο ιδιο xbox θα μπορουν να παιξουν multi.

To ανακοινωσαν , δεν μπορω να βρω το link  τετοια ωρα.


Oλο Kaz ειναι τα gifακια/εικονες ,αλλα kaz δεν βλεπουμε!

Εξαφανισμενος απο τις παρουσιασεις.


Πλεον ειναι υπευθυνος για ολη την sony οχι μονο για το playstation εαν δεν κανω λαθος.


Βεβαιως βεβαιως ειναι CEO της Sony Corp.   B)


Ready At Dawn Studios “The Order: 1886″ More Facts And Trailer Released

The Order: 1886 re-writes history by introducing a unique vision of Victorian-Era London where myths and technology co-exist. As a member of an elite order of knights, join a centuries-old war that will determine the course of history forever. Created by acclaimed developer Ready at Dawn, The Order: 1886 will launch exclusively for the PlayStation 4 some time in 2014.


Key Features

*Alternate History – The Order: 1886 allows players to discover a unique version of Victorian-Era London where technology and the supernatural collide. Players will wield advanced weapons and gadgets that didn’t exist during that era and the realism of the game experience will make you feel like these elements could have been very plausible during the time.

*Historical Mythology – The game introduces a unique mythology that will fuse actual history (real world places, figures, and events) with twists on familiar myths and legends to create an alternate history from the one we know today.

*Filmic Immersion – The game’s unique filmic presentation is designed to replicate the texture of film and use real-world motion picture and cinematography techniques to emphasize dramatic character performance and realism.

*Ready At Dawn Legacy – Created and developed by Ready At Dawn Studios, award-winning developers of Daxter, God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP Game of the Year) and God of War: Ghost of Sparta. The studio is known for pushing their target hardware to its limits, as has been seen from their past titles, and they are now setting their sights and expertise on the PS4 system.


Oλο Kaz ειναι τα gifακια/εικονες ,αλλα kaz δεν βλεπουμε!

Εξαφανισμενος απο τις παρουσιασεις.

είναι ceo πλέον . έχει γίνει κυριλέ . B) 




Για τον privateer που μου εβγαζε το Κara tech demo καλυτερο απο το beyond :P

Και ημουν και παρανοικος που εβλεπα το αναποδο και παραπληροφορουσα με τις εικονες που εβαζα.

Eιναι εντυπωσιακο παντως που στην ιδια κονσολα διπλασιασαν το polygon count.



Μια αποψη απο εναν dev στο gaf για το νεο tech demo της QD(Dark Sorcerer).



So I ended Day2 watching the extended Demo of this in Sonys booth. The buzz was non existant, the line was small, and I was curious. Before getting things going the Quantic Dream dev went on and on how there are no tricks, this is running in engine in 3D realtime with no video overlays. I was still quite skeptical. They showed everything from the press conference and then the demo went on for another five minutes. Another actor shows up in a devil costume, many more goblins appear. I kept thinking to myself this just can be. The character in the devil outfit looks absolutely real. I admit I was #TeamCG so I have been burned before. And this is supposedly real time no less. When it was over. He started to describe how many polys there were per character. And how many shaders. Blah blah. But then he started to change the lighting with the controller. To move the camera around in full 3D. Zoom in and out to see amazing details like the characters eyes. He started turning shaders on and off. Then he went into wireframe mode to show off the models. He had them do different animations like pushups to show off the cloth simulations for the clothes and hair. Because we were the last show of the day he had plenty of time to go through it in detail.


I could not compute. It was real. This is the single most impressive realtime 3D graphics demo I have ever seen in my life. I have been to many E3's and even SIGGRAPH. Never has my jaw hit the floor so hard. I put my face right up to the huge hidef tv screen to look more closely at the end. Still looked real. There can be no debate here people. #TEAMCG is happening and in real time on PS4. And it is not Kojima that is delivering. It is Quantic dream. This really deserves alot more attention than it is getting.


Kαι ενα Link απο gaf με παρομοια συγκριση που εκανα εδω εγω.(αλλα τα εχει φτιαξει καλυτερα αυτος) και δειχνει ουσιαστικα αυτο που λεμε,οτι δλδ η QD τα ξεπερναει τα tech demo στο κανονικο παιχνιδι.



''the whole thing was running on PS3 tools and they had no time to have PS4 tools ready.''




Αν υπαρχει ακομα αμφιβολια για το πως θα δειχνει το πραγματικο game της QD στο ps4,τι να πω. :P

Kαι ετσι να μεινει ως εχει(ποιοτητας The Dark Sorcerer δλδ) ειναι οτι καλυτερο εχω δει ποτε.


Τα παιχνίδια της QD αποτελούν κινηματογραφικές εμπειρίες, σε κλειστά, απόλυτα ελεγχόμενα περιβάλλοντα. Γι'αυτό και βλέπεις το οπτικό αυτό αποτέλεσμα.


Το οποίο συγκεκριμένο οπτικό αποτέλεσμα θα βλέπεις μόνο σε ακριβώς αυτού του τύπου παιχνίδια.


Το Witcher 3, το οποίο αναγνωρίζεται από όλο και περισσότερους ώς το παιχνίδι που έκλεψε τις παραστάσεις στην Ε3, ήταν πολύ πιό εντυπωσιακό από αυτό το tech demo που σε θάμβωσε.

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