Super Moderators paredwse Δημοσ. 18 Μαΐου 2003 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 18 Μαΐου 2003 Προσοχή: Αυτό το topic είναι ΜΟΝΟ για όσους έχουν δει την ταινία The Matrix Reloaded και θέλουν να συζητήσουν για την πλοκή της. Εάν δεν θέλετε να μάθετε για την υπόθεση της παραπάνω ταινίας, MHN ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕΤΕ ΤΗ ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ. The Matrix has you... <img src="" alt="" /> (Η αρχική ιδέα για αυτό το topic είναι του Toufas). Παρακαλείστε να γράφετε μόνο αν έχετε δει την ταινία. Posts που δεν αφορούν άμεσα την ταινία και την πλοκή της θα διαγράφονται!
pyro Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 einai 12 h wra...oi ergazwmenoi sto sta0mo asfaleias molis eipane thn kalhnuxta, otan to ourliaxto mias mhxanhs akougete apo to pou0ena. h mhxanei anatinazete, ka0ws peutei panw sto mikro grafeio, enw h trinity, ntumenh sta dermatina, kanei thn khnhsh pou oloi eidame sto trailer.... "i'm in" pidaei apo to para0uro, pyrobolontas ton agent alla ekeinos thn petuxeinei sthn kardia...neo, blepeis afialth <img src="" alt="" /> den exw se leei...tetoia teneia...prepei na thn dw prota sto cinema! the matrix has you all! <img src="" alt="" />
Lupus Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 molis tin eida. i taineia einai ANTE GEIA! POLY ma POLY ksilo kai tromera effe. To senario einai ligo dysnohto stous koinous thnitous dioti sto simio me tin profiti milaei gia backdoors,bugs kai loipa "kompiouteristika" pou den katalavaineis polla. Ekei pou kollisa ligo itan sto telos me ton dimiourgo tou Matrix o opoios me ta tosa pou elege exanes ligo tin mpala. Ayto pou den mou arese itan oti eixe poly love i ypothesi kai episis oti o Neo petage san ton superman. Ola ta lefta itan o aytokinitodromos, i Monica kai i konsola pou etrexe ssh <img src="" alt="" /> Kai fisika ta eida ola stin teleytaia skini me ton Neo kai ton typo pou pige na ton "faei".Pistevw oti ayto to simio se vazei se ypopsies gia to ti esti to revolutions. Tespa se genikes grammes mou arese arketa alla oxi toso oso perimena. Kai mia aporia pou eixa kai apo to prwto Matrix: I tainia exei Trinity, Zyon,Arxitektones, pantodynami triada (neo morfeas kai trinity) pola thriskeytika yponooumena den vriskete?
hawkj83 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 paidia oi didimoi pws legontai k ti rolo paizoun stin tainia??? to 3erw eimai anipomonos... <img src="" alt="" />
pyro Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 oi didimoi einai prostates enos typou, pou exei to klidi gia to "core" to matrxi, desto <img src="" alt="" /> btw, ti telos htan re?! diladi mou hr0e na ta spasw ola akou kei leei mono enas ezhse kai ta leme sto epomeno epeisodeio!!!!! AGRRRR!!! <img src="" alt="" />
TheBus Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 proti fora eida keygen, me morfi anthropoy!! korifaio!!
IKARIWTHS Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 re paidia mhpws na mou peite kai mena ti eghne sto telos giati thn eida sta aglika kai exasa katalaba ti elege o dhmiourgos tou matrix sto neo kai ti htan aytos pou htan se koma mazi me to neo
Chupacabra Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Paidia, exw meinei afwnos...Otan bgika apo tin ai8ousa skeftomoun : "E, kalo itan, alla na min eixe kapoia fesia...To Matrix 1 mou fainetai pio sobaro". Meta, to suzitisa kai me ta filarakia mou kai to psa3ame ligo parapanw. Auta pou elege o Arxitektonas itan OLO to zoumi tou ergou: PENTE fores o Eklektos eftase sto dwmatio tou Arxitektona, PENTE fores diale3e na swsei tin Zion (ousiastika na tin arxisei apo tin arxi, dialegontas ligous antres kai gunaikes). Tin ekti fora omws, o NEO diale3e tin alli porta: Na swsei tin Trinity, riskarontas tin tuxi olokliris tis an8rwpotitas! Etsi, espase ton faulo kuklo (i Zion 3anafortwnetai (reloaded) sunexeia, kai panta i katastasi ftanei sto idio simeio), kai twra sigoura ta pragmata 8a e3elix8oun diaforetika! To kalo einai pws den prokeitai 3ana na ftasei o Eklektos sto idio (adie3odo) simeio (to eipe kai o idios o Arxitektonas: We won't meet again). To kako einai pws, an o Neo apotuxei, auti ti fora 8a katastrafei olokliri i an8rwpotita, den uparxei pia enallaktiki epilogi. Kai to k-o-r-u-f-a-i-o simeio tis tainias: O Neo exei dunameis kai ston "upoti8emeno" pragmatiko kosmo tis Zion!!! Ara...kai autos o kosmos einai ena allo Matrix, mia asfalistiki dikleida gia to prwto Matrix!!!! Ousiastika diladi, KANENAS an8rwpos den exei "3upnisei", apla kapoioi einai se "anebasmeno" epipedo tou Matrix!! O Neo mono molis e3use ligo tin epifaneia, apoktwntas dunameis kai se auto to epipedo. Xasimo,e? Egw pantws upoklinomai sto aristourgimatiko senario <img src="" alt="" /> Kai ontws, uparxoun apeires 8riskeutikes anafores (skepsou tin eikona tou kinezou swmatofulaka tis Oracle mesa apo ta matia tou Neo, den emoiaze me ton Bouda?), ka8ws kai filosofikes anafores. Oi Watchofsky einai psuxopa8eis, pleon de xwraei amfibolia...
Toufas Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 mipos emiaze me ton cypher aftos sto telos? mipos einai o mr smith? chupacabra eftixes mou elises merikes apories epidi o arxitektonas itan poli xasimo sta agglika....
Chupacabra Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 O tupos sto telos einai o blakentios pou pige na dolofonisei ton Neo sti Zion...itan melos tou plirwmatos enos apo ta ploia, kai profanws tous prodwse, e3aitias tou katastrafikan ta 5 skafi, kai fusika epezise mono autos!
apoc Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 kati endiaferon Realistic hacking in The Matrix Reloaded The average American moviegoer taking in the Matrix Reloaded this weekend will likely be wowed by the elaborate action sequences and dazzling special effects. But hackers who've seen the blockbuster are crediting it with a more subtle cinematic milestone: it's the first major motion picture to accurately portray a hack. That's right: Trinity uses a 'sploit. A scene about two thirds of the way through the film finds Carrie-Anne Moss's leather-clad superhacker setting her sights on a power grid computer, for plot reasons better left unrevealed. But at exactly the point where audiences would normally be treated to a brightly-colored graphical cartoon of a computer intrusion, ala the 2001 Travolta vehicle Swordfish, or cheer as the protagonist skillfully summons a Web browser and fights valiantly through "404 Errors," like the malnourished cyberpunk in this year's "The Core," something completely different happens: Trinity runs "Nmap." Probably the most widely-used freeware hacking tool, the real-life Nmap is a sophisticated port scanner that sends packets to a machine -- or a network of machines -- in an attempt to determine what services are running. An Nmap port scan is a common prelude to an intrusion attempt -- a way of casing the joint, to find out if any vulnerable service are running. That's exactly how the fictional Trinity uses it. In a sequence that flashes on screen for a few scant seconds, the green phosphor text of Trinity's computer clearly shows Nmap being run against the IP address, and finding an open port number 22, correctly identified as the SSH service used to log into computers remotely. Επιτελους και κατι σχετικο...σε ενα απο τα ευαγγελια ταινιες για ολους του κομπιουτεραδες! χεχεχεχ
Lupus Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Kati mou leei otito revolutions tha ekselixthei opws to 13o patwma.... Matrix mesa se Matrix kai trexa gyreve. Ekei pou exw mperdeytei einai gia to ti pragmatika einai i Oracle. I idia leei programma to opoio pigaine fullaristo gia deletarisma, o Matrix master eipe oti itan mia apo tous ktistes tou matrix. Ayto to simio mou diefyge teliws :/ Oso gia to telos mperdeytika gia to ti akrivws ginotan me ta kalwdia ,ton Neo, kai ton allo ton typo. As arxisw ligo tis thewries: Afou 5 fores katastrafike i anthropotita kai 5 eklektoi tin anagenisan mipws perisevei enas eklektos ston kosmo tou Neo? Mipws aytos einai o mlk pou pige na ton faei? Kai thewrwntas oti oloi einai programmata mesa se ena allo programma mipws o typos einai ena bug pou perase apo ton elegxo twn mixanwn ston kosmo twn anthwpwn? Kala kala stamataw...
pseira Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Polla erwtimata 8a apanti8oun sto 3 kai tote isws na leme "Pwpw telika ayto itan! Dikio eixe o "tade"!!!". Apo tin alli to pio pi8ano einai na leme "A ton m@l@nga ti eixe pei tote....." Ayto me tous 5 eklektous den kserw pws na to eklabw. Afou o eklektos exei swsei 5 fores tin an8rwpotita, POU EINAI O PROHGOUMENOS ???(symfwnw diladi me ton Lupus) den nomizw oti einai aytos pou paei na ton faei. Oso gia Matrix within a matrix, oute auto to blepw toso efikto...... Egw den katalaba giati den ton tsakise sto ksylo ton arxitektona! Kala k autos pou ypoti8etai einai meros twn mixanwn, ekane la8os ston programmatismo?????? Mipws OLO to matrix einai mia skeuwria tis MICROSOFT?????? <img src="" alt="" />
Toufas Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 o tipos pou pige na skotosei ton neo mipos einai o agent smith pou perase apo to matrix ston kosmo tis zion?
Lupus Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 22 Μαΐου 2003 Matrix within matrix mporei na symvainei giati thewrw adynato o Neo na tin eide Superman kai na stamataei frourous apo apostasi (oxi oti apo konta mporouse alla leme twra)
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