irahara Δημοσ. 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 Δημοσ. 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 Στις 30 Οκτωβρίου αγόρασα από το amazon έναν HP Officejet 4500 Wireless All-in-One Printer τον οποίο και παρέλαβα στις 9 Νοεμβρίου. Από απροσεξία μου όμως δεν πρόσεξα ότι μου έστειλαν τον απλό δηλαδή χωρίς ασύρματη δικτύωση το οποίο (επειδή οι εκτυπωτές κατά τα άλλα είναι σχεδόν ίδιοι) αντιλήφθηκα μόλις χθες. Ακολούθησε η κάτωθι αλληλογραφια: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "--------------- 12/05/11 14:22:02 Your name:Irahara Order No: 026-2386267-6437906 Other info:Wrong product delivery Selected Order Items: HP Officejet 4500 Wireless All-in-One Printer (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax) Comments:I want to inform you about a problem that involve my order with id number 026-2386267-6437906. In particular i have ordered a HP Officejet 4500 Wireless All-in-One Printer but as i saw today (trying to connect it wirelessly with my desktop) it lacks the wireless property. I beleive that by mistake it has meen delivered to me the model without the wireless charasteristic (HP Officejet 4500) therefore not the one that i have ordered and paid for. Please inform me what information do you need in order to verify this error and how can we correct this. ________________________________ Απο: <[email protected]> Στάλθηκε: 5:20 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 Θεμα: Your Order # 026-2386267-6437906 Hello Irahara, Thank you for contacting I’ve checked and I can see that you’ve deactivated the address for this order from your address book. I’m sorry but I can’t create a replacement order to an inactive address. In this situation there are two options that you can choose from. Since the "HP Officejet 4500 All-in-One Printer" is still usable, I can give you a 15% discount for your item. Refunds go through in 2 to 3 business days so you should see this credited to your account on your next statement. Please note, this not include your bank's processing time. Or if this discount isn’t acceptable, you can either send the item back to us for a full refund. Please visit our online return support centre to read our returns policy and obtain a printable personalised return label: Please try to select the most appropriate reason for your return. If you’re not able to request a label through our online return support centre, you can contact us using the following link: If you’d still like to receive the item ordered, please visit our website to place a new order. You can enter the address of your choice during checkout. Or, to add an address to your account, click the Your Account link at the top of our web site. Under the section heading “Settings”, select "Manage Address Book.” After you have added the address, click the Edit button to enter your credit card number to confirm the address. Please note that an address that’s been deleted and re-entered will be considered as a new address by our system. I hope this helps and that we’ll see you again soon. Did I solve your problem? If yes, please click here: If no please click here To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our website:'> Warmest regards, ---- Original message: ---- I have read your quick response to my e-mail but i am dissapointed by your prososals. It's not my fault that the product that has been delivered to me is not the one that i had ordered even though i paid for it. If i accept your disount is as i have ordered from the begining the wrong printer which in our case it's not valid. The only reason i didn't realise sooner the wrong delivery is because the two printers are almost identical except the wireless capability which i didn't need it until yesterday. Further more i have set it in work condition and i don't want to be without a printer until i get a new one. So i have another proposal for you if you want to consider it. I am about to give a new order which include the things that right now are in my basket. If you would give me one 901 Officejet Ink Cartridge - Tri-colour and one 901 XL Ink Cartridge - black as a compensation it would be suffice. I know that with this way you may not have the profit that you would like from our past transactions but neither do i. In the end i believe that it would be a strong foundation for our future dealings. (forgive me for my bad english but as you may have comprehended, it's not my native language). Salvador T. Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company. Hello, Thank you for contacting Further to your email, I see that you have ordered the item "HP Officejet 4500 Wireless All-in-One Printer (Print, Scan, Copy, Fax)" on October 30, 2011. As previously my colleague said we could not create replacement the item to an inactive address. I understand that you are not satisfied with 15% refund on the item. Therefore, I request you to please return the item for full refund. Click the following link to view a personalised returns label: If the link doesn't work, try copying it into your browser's address window. Follow the instructions provided, including printing the return authorisation, the return mailing label and any additional required labels. If you don’t have a printer, make sure to include a copy of your packing slip or a note with your order number. Please wrap the package securely and return to the address provided on your label. You’ll receive a confirmation email once we’ve received your return and afterward when, if applicable, a refund has been processed. You’ll usually receive a refund 2 to 3 business days after we’ve received the return. Please note, this does not include processing time by your bank. Read our Help pages for additional information about returns and refunds. I hope this information is clear. We hope to see you again soon at Did I solve your problem? If yes, please click here: If no please click here To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our website: Warmest regards, Sumana Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company. --------------- Επιπλέον με το τελευταίο μου μήνυμα του επισήμανα ξανά το γεγονός ότι έχει ανοιχτεί το πακέτο από εμένα και πως το έθεσα σε λειτουργία και ζητώ επιβεβαίωση ότι αυτό δεν θα επηρεάσει την επιστροφή του προϊόντος και την πλήρη επιστροφή των χρημάτων. Όμως ψάχνοντας να δω το κόστος επιστροφής αυτό στα ΕΛΤΑ το υπολογίζω περίπου 45€ κάτι το οποίο με θορύβησε. Βρίσκομαι σε δίλημμα λοιπόν να ριψοκινδυνεύσω την επιστροφή ή όχι;
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