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Microsoft Flight Simulator X

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Microsoft founder Bill Gates officially announced Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The latest game in the civilian flight sim series is being developed by Aces Studio and Gates used the game during the keynote to show off the gaming features of Windows Vista, their next generation PC operating system. FlightSim.com has an extensive look at the game, including a number of screenshots


Q: When will “Microsoft Flight Simulator X” be available?


A: We are working hard to deliver “Flight Simulator X” in the holiday 2006 timeframe.


Q: Whatʼs new in “Microsoft Flight Simulator X”?


A: Many of the new features in “Flight Simulator X” are based on requests from our loyal community who have provided creative input into our decision process. Therefore, we are excited to bring our fans the most revolutionary addition to the “Flight Simulator” franchise yet. We take full advantage of Windows Vista and the latest Windows gaming hardware to create a beautifully rich and immersive 3D world for aviation fans, young and old, to explore and experience. The new enhancements extend beyond the look and feel of the planet—the advances in graphics will benefit the aircraft as well, and fans will be amazed at the new level of detail in the models and the realistic effects like sun glint off the glass and chrome, reflective paint, and even shaded rivets on the fuselage. For the more gameplay minded, we are adding a new mission-based element to give fans a more objective driven experience with a sense of progression and skill development. We are also improving the multiplayer technology to allow the community to connect in new ways. This is just the beginning and, in the coming months, we look forward to sharing more information about “Flight Simulator X” as we lead up to launch at the end of the year.


Q: Will “Flight Simulator X” require Windows Vista?


A: No. While “Flight Simulator X” will not require Windows Vista, it will be optimized for the latest in Windows gaming hardware and fans will get the best experience by running on Windows Vista.


Q: What type of computer hardware will I need to run “Flight Simulator X”?


A: While we are still determining exact hardware requirements, we do know that it will run on a wide range of configurations because we want to make “Flight Simulator X” accessible to a wide range of fans.


Q: Will “Flight Simulator X” ship on DVD only?


A: Yes, for the first time “Flight Simulator” will ship on DVD only in order to provide the highest level of detail and realism for the product and we do not plan to offer a CD-based version.


Q: Will aircraft from FS2004 be compatible with “Flight Simulator X”?


A: Backward compatibly with existing 3rd party content is and has always been a priority for us, and we attempt to test as many add-ons as possible in order to provide the greatest level of compatibility.


Q: What are the types of aircraft featured in “Flight Simulator X”?


A: We will offer a range of aircraft to support a wide variety of flying experiences and many of the aircraft will be tied to specific mission-based experiences. Our basic fleet is merely the starting point because we are going to make it easier to download additional aircraft created by the many accomplished add-on developers in the community.


Q: How many airports are included in “Flight Simulator X?”


A: We have included more than 24,000 airports in “Flight Simulator X” and the coverage extends to every continent. We also focused a select number of high-detail airports and added a new level of “interactivity” that the add-on community will certainly expand upon.


Q: What new partners or endorsements will “Flight Simulator X” carry?


A: We are not quite ready to shine the spotlight on our new partners and endorsements, but they will be taking center stage in the months leading up to our launch.




Microsoft Flight Simulator X Steam Edition (2015)


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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Τα λόγια περιττα πραγματικά για ένα καταπληκτικό game που έρχεται να μας ξετρελλάνει!

Ο Billακος το χρησιμοποίησε για να δείξει τις δυνατότητες των νέων windows Vista.



Microsoft founder Bill Gates officially announced Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The latest game in the civilian flight sim series is being developed by Aces Studio and Gates used the game during the keynote to show off the gaming features of Windows Vista, their next generation PC operating system. FlightSim.com has an extensive look at the game, including a number of screenshots. The screenies show us scenery and ground objects that look fantastic.


While Microsoft has not officially released the system requirements for FSX, their comment above is typical of how the Flight Simulator platform is designed to run on a range of systems. But, you cannot have it all ways. Based on past advances in the Flight Simulator line, we can expect FSX to perform to our community's high standards of smooth graphics, awesome audio, breathtaking scenery, exquisite details and exciting adventures - on systems that are at today's moderately high end of the PC system spectrum. This means, don't expect FSX to give you a great flight on your trusty old Pentium III. Take a look under your hood. If your PC is at least a Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz, with at least 1GB of SDRAM and a fast EIDE or SATA hard drive, with a 128MB 8X AGP video card - you probably have enough horsepower to "run" FSX. Just as with FS2004, you'll need to dial down some of the performance settings to have a smooth flight with simplified graphics, weather and traffic settings. a 3 GHz system would be my recommendation for a basic place to start.


Δείτε μερικά ακόμα screenshots και απελπιστείτε, ας αρχίσουν οι οικονομίες για αναβάθμιση. Βέβαια αργεί ακόμα, για τέλη του 2006 πάει και αν.


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(οι 6 τελευταίες είναι πραγματικά εξωπραγματικές, θα δώσω ό,τι έχω και δεν έχω γι'αυτό το "παιχνίδι").


(πηγή: http://www.flightsim.com/cgi/kds?$=main/notams06/fsx0104.htm)

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